A/N: No one was writing it, so I thought hey I'll be first. I hope you all enjoy.

Chapter 1 the start.

Johnny Bravo is a man of amazing Interest. While Johnny might look like your normal Womanizer he's actually a nice guy and is usually not easy to anger. Johnny respects all woman sure he tries to get in their Pants, but if they say no He knows not to cross the line, He has helped Female Villains but in the end not even the villains return the love he's trying so hard to get.

Like right now he's helping a lady called Annie Misery. She was super hot and sent him some mixed signals. She told Johnny to enter a Pyramid to steal an artifact so she can conquer the world. Johnny of course by pure luck made it through the Pyramids traps Without taking any damage. Anyways once he got the artifact Johnny let out a sigh.

"why do I even Bother, I bet the second I give this thing of a bobber to her she's going try and get rid of me or disappear."Johnny said as he looked at the Weird sphere Artifact. "meh whatever she's still a hot momma!"Johnny said as he went for the exit. The thing is Johnny while very strong and beefy he's not really smart but he's has super self confidence. Johnny walked out the Pyramid and saw Annie in her special robot thing that had some butlers inside. "Oh Annie I have come back for your kiss with the artifact."Johnny said as he slid across the floor over to Annie who was tanning.

Annie grabbed the Artifact and checked it before squealing happily. "Johnny I could Kiss you right now!"Annie said as she held the Sphere artifact. Johnny spun Annie around as he held her and stopped her when she was to his face. "we can kiss right now."Johnny said as he went for a kiss only for a trap door to open underneath him. ~great now comes the part she launches out of her ship and leaves me here in the dessert.~Johnny said

But he never got Launched but instead he was strapped to a table and the table was taken to where a big gun looking machine was at. ~oh great this one is gonna kill me. Hey god can you make this not as painful please.~Johnny thought.

"Hey momma before you do your evil rant on how the machine works…can you get this over with I need to go home and work out."Johnny said as his thick black sunglasses hid his eyes not showing if he was scared or bored. Annie angry at Johnny powered up the machine and fired but nothing happened. At first but when she pressed fire again a beam of black hit Johnny dead center of his chest and everything around Johnny started to explode.

Johnny was then floating around in darkness He wasn't moving but at the same time he was until a bright light stood before him. "Hello Bravo."The light said "Hello white light, are you here to help me get to heaven?"Johnny asked

"no bravo your time is not up but at the same time it is, you were supposed to live for another 60 years thanks to how much care you put into your body."the light said. "nah it's ok if I go now on earth there's no that loves me expect my friends and mama…I realized I'll never get a girl friend I have tried to get girl friend since I got this amazing hot bod but nothing."Johnny said

"well I can't send you back to earth since technically bringing back the dead is not allowed, but I can reborn you in another universe."The Light said "really a new universe I don't know I don't think I should go I'm usually good at making bad choices."Johnny said

"don't worry Johnny just live and try your best how many times were you rejected but always able to rebound and try again?"The light asked "I don't know?"Johnny said "you got rejected…well that doesn't matter anyways a baby is being born and you are that baby good luck…Johnny."The white light said as Johnny disappeared. "Holy cow those number can't be real."The light said -time Johnny has got rejected: Since the day Johnny got into shape and became the amazing man he was, he got rejected and used over the course of 20 years.- The light only looks at the numbers and thought what could of cocked blocked him for so many years.

-Johnny POV-

Right after the white light left I felt cold air and I felt super light. I tried opening my eyes but they felt a bit heavy but I kept trying until I was able to see even more bright lights. I wished I had my shades right about now. Once my eyes adjusted to the light I saw a nurse and she was cleaning me. I looked around and saw my refection on a shiny surface and looking back at me was not a strong beefy man but a wet noodle of a baby. I moved my hands to see if that really was me and when it was I screamed to heavens until I fell asleep.

-3 years later.-

My name is Johnny Saotome and I Live in a world where mama and papa have super powers I learned to speak Japanese as I grew as the amazing handsome baby I am. But I really wanted to start working out to gain my old body back, but a 3 year old baby working out is not normal at all so I'm waiting to turn at least 6 or 7 years old.

Anyways today was my 1st day of kindergarten and I had fought my mama (Koharu Kokoro) to allow me to use shades, So I could leave. Once she dropped me off in the class I looked around and saw the other snotty kids I of course am a man in a baby body so I do not count.

"hello little guy my name is Mio and you are?"Mio asked she was one hot Kindergarten teacher. "My name is Johnny Saotome and I am 3 years old."I said "say hi to the class Johnny."Mio said I turned around and waved at my fellow age group.

My class had people with some cool hair color, red, blue, purple, orange and some had normal hair color like brown and/or black. I was the only blond not that it matter. I spent most of my time running in my past life there was something I forgot to do and that was work out with my legs.

"Johnny do you like running, or is their a hero with a speed quirk you like?"Mio asked "I just love running."I said as I kept running around the play ground

-time skip Johnny 8 years old.-

Johnny was getting up from his bed and grabbed a pair of shades as he got out of bed and put them on. He then danced his way to the bathroom and started to take a burning shower. At the age of 4 I discovered my quirks fire. I can only activate said fire if I want only through punches and kicks and some Special technique my dad showed me. But that's not all I have, I got lucky and also got a quirk from my mom and she calls it danger sense only helped her not get burned while cooking, cleaning and helping my dad fix cars you know I never seen her get hurt now that I think about it.

But I never use my dad's quirk one it's illegal to use your quirks without a hero license or workers license that says you can use your license for work. Plus I been to busy trying to get back into shape.

I was starting my 1st year of school and I had finally been able to get my mom and dad buy me the rubber bands I needed for my work out and weights and Power shake powder. When I got the bands they were hard to stretch just as the 1st time I tried.

I sighed happily this was going to be just like when I started. I spent most of my afternoons working out and doing homework from school and during the day, well I went to school. I made one friend and his name is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu the metal boy. "Johnny your lucky you can dodge my attacks!"Tetsutetsu said as we were sparring and your I'm still weak."I said as I dodge his attacks. After dodging another right hook I used my quirk and fire punched him. "NOW THAT'S A MANLY ATTACK!"Tetsutetsu said

After our spar we left the woods and a bit bruised and tired and headed for a vending machine. "your so lucky to have two quirks Johnny."Tetsutetsu said as he was drinking some strawberry milk. "not really if I'm in to much danger, my danger sense quirk overloads and can actually give me a headache as for my fire quirk I need to punch something to use most of it power or you know usually throw hard wide open punches so I can atleast fire punch with out touching anything, sure with training I can become the best but if I don't train what do you think would happen I'll be a wet noodle with no skills looking for the best shot and that is bad for hero in training."Johnny said as he walked with Tetsutetsu heading to a deli.

"damn it your so Manly I wish I could be like you."He would say as we enter the store. I bought myself some banana to stick with my diet and he got himself a orange green smoothie it helps with the iron he needs to use his quirk. "anyways wanna come over and play games?"Tetsutetsu asked "sure I can put off working out for one afternoon."I said as we walked out the Deli. We were walking to Tetsutetsu house and decide to take a short cut. Cutting through some back alleys when all of a sudden we were corned by some thugs.

"empty your pockets you brats and don't try anything funny."Their leader. So we emptied our and gave them all our cash which in total was around 3,489 yen. "hey boss that brat has RM! Designer glasses they easily cost a few 20,000 yen."the thug said to his boss. "Give those glasses here you little shit."The boss said as he walked to Jonny. "No."I said as I backed away. "Listen her-"The boss thug was saying But Tetsutetsu decked him across the face hard. "Tetsutetsu run ahead of me just listen when I say dodge."I said as we ran down the alley.

As we ran the thugs whipped out some guns. "dodge left!"I shouted and Tetsutetsu quickly ran to the left side and became metal as he charged through some trash. "we need to go right and aim for the pole to quickly turn the corner to keep our running speed."I said "Got it!"Tetsutetsu said as we ran once we ran out of the alley the police were there to catch the thugs. We were checked and made sure nothing bad happened to us.

"remember kids stay out of Alley it's dangerous."The officers told us. "yes sir."me and Tetsutetsu said we were given a cop ride to Tetsutetsu house which wasn't that far only a few blocks and Tetsutetsu mom called my mom to tell them what happened.

"hey Johnny, why didn't you want to give up the glasses so easily?" Tetsutetsu asked as we were playing a fighting game based off most of the popular heroes in Japan. "because you brought them for me, I never look down a bro gift."I said "damn it your speech is so manly1"Tetsutetsu said as we fought with out heroes. Around 5 pm my dad picked me up and gave me a hug since he was happy I was ok.

Once at home my dad said he would show me how to use the fire passed down by his father and his father's father.

-age 9.-

I was starting to get beefy and strong again nothing like my old body but I was getting their I also made sure to never skip out on Leg day. "Hey Johnny I see working out is doing you some good." Tetsutetsu said as we entered the school this was our second year together "so you been working on your hero costume yet?"Tetsutetsu asked.

"Yeah it's of My great grandpa Jin Saotome based on an exaggerated version of a WWII Japanese soldier, they both wear spiked, sci-fi armor versions of fighter pilot uniforms with giant, trailing scarves that he had made expect his was white, I plan to make it mostly Black with a golden head band and some golden buttons and stuff."Johnny said

"damn it I swear I'll beat your Manly design."Tetsutetsu said, but then we laughed since he was joking around. "Anyways I heard everyyear that passes it's gets harder to get into U.A"I said as we were in homeroom. "Then that must mean only real manly men can pass!"Tetsutetsu said "as your friend just don't forget to study, being a hero means we have to be smart."I said remembering all the dumb stuff I used to I hated old me for being so dumb.

"Awe man."Tetsutetsu said as he sat in his seat. I spent my years working out and training some days with my dad, all in all I was glad for my second life.
