A/N: Whoah... so I was honestly kind of surprised by the reaction and the number of readers who wanted me to keep going with this fic. That said, let this new chapter calm any fears to let everyone know that I've heard you and that I will commit to seeing this fic through to the end. In addition, I'll plan to make some changes and revisions to the main storyline in hopes it will improve upon the disjointed plot that we got in the game. Just understand that this story may have an irregular update schedule as I've got some other projects I'd like to finish first. Thanks again for all the support and understanding. Enjoy.

The next morning, Victor was awakened as he felt some sort of stick being tapped on his forehead. He groggily opened his eyes and found Hop's grookey Scamp standing on his chest trying to wake him up while continuing to hit him with its stick. He heard Hop chuckle from nearby as his pokémon gave a mischievous laugh and hopped clear allowing Victor to wake up. "Okay Scamp. That's enough. I think he's up."

Victor rubbed his eyes and took a moment to remember he was now in a room of the local hotel, "Hop? What's going on?"

"Making sure you're up on time for the Opening Ceremony," his neighbor from across the street answered, "I know we should be tired after our traveling, but I honestly couldn't sleep a wink last night."

Victor checked his phone in mild annoyance, "Hop, it's seven in the morning! We have three hours to go and the stadium is just down the block. Why did you wake me up this early?"

Hop snapped his fingers and went over to the room's desk where a wrapped parcel was waiting. "I picked these up from the front desk earlier. They just came in overnight. Check it out. These are our new League uniforms."

He tossed Victor the parcel and watched as Victor opened it curiously. Upon seeing his new garments, Victor's tiredness and annoyance melted away when he saw the sporty jersey and shorts emblazoned with their numbers and league insignias. In many ways, it resembled the uniforms soccer players would wear, but the fact that they were personalized and sanctioned by the league itself made these all the more special and attractive. "Wow, Hop! These are..."

"Awesome? I know," Hop grinned as he picked his grookey up and carried him toward a mirror, "I can't wait to try it on and walk into the stadium with it. I'll bet our mums would flip if they saw us on the telly, don't you think?"

"I can't argue with that," Victor admitted, suddenly realizing that the chance for getting any more sleep today was going to be next to impossible.

About an hour and a half later, the two boys dressed and headed downstairs to get a quick breakfast before going to the stadium. They saw that most of the other guests of the hotel had already dressed in their own challenger jerseys and the cafeteria area was now seemingly flooded with trainers. As they looked around the crowd, they were surprised to hear a familiar female voice from behind. "Oi. Top of the mornin' boys. Don't you both look like dapper chaps?"

They turned around to greet Gloria and Sonia who had come downstairs for some breakfast as well. Like the boys, Gloria was dressed in her own uniform and she greeted them with a bright cheerful smile as she gestured to herself, "So... what do you think?"

"Of what?" Hop asked with a clueless tone.

Having known his childhood friend a little better, Victor elbowed Hop gently and looked over to Gloria to answer her, "You look brilliant. It suits you."

She smiled again and examined herself, "You think so, huh? I'm not really much for the sporty style... but it does look nice."

"Trust me, you wear it better than I did when I was doing the Gym Challenge years ago," Sonia chuckled kindly before looking over to the breakfast line, "Though I kind of doubt we're going to get any food either right now."

"That's okay. I'm actually not feeling that hungry anyway," Victor said surprising himself, "Now that it's setting in, I guess I'm kinda getting that feeling of butterfrees in my stomach."

Hop clapped him on the shoulder, "Right then. Maybe we should head over to the stadium and get there early before the others? Hopefully we don't run into any more of those Team Yell goons along the way."

Sonia gave a wave as she headed out to the lobby, "All right then kids. I'll see you later. I'm going to get some coffee and bagels from a nearby cafe. I'll be back in the stands to cheer for you later, okay?"

As they said goodbye to her, the three friends headed out the door as well to go to the stadium. Victor scratched his chin, "Hey... you don't think we'll be able to see Leon beforehand do you?"

Hop shrugged, "I doubt it. Lee is usually pretty busy with all that League stuff, and probably even more responsibilities since he's still the reigning champion. But I guess there's only one way to find out, right?"

A little while later, the three friends returned to the Motostoke Stadium lobby to get comfortable as they waited for the main event to take place later. As they sat together on a couch, Victor pulled out his smartphone and began look ahead as well as pull up a map of the region around Motostoke. Gloria peeked over curiously and asked, "You looking for more good places to catch pokémon around here?"

Victor shook his head, "Nope. I'm actually trying to figure out the best way to get to our next stop after the events here. The first gym we'd need to head to will be in Turffield, but it looks like we might need to travel across some rough ground to get there."

Before Gloria could ask any more questions, their attention was drawn away as Hop jumped up to his feet and called out in surprise, "Lee? You're here?"

To their surprise, Leon came striding forward across the lobby to greet the three accompanied by none other than Chairman Rose himself. Leon beamed proudly as he looked upon the young uniformed trainers, "You finally made it, Hop! Victor. Gloria. You too!"

The three young trainers froze in place with looks of fear and amazement plastered on their faces as they were approached by the chairman of the league itself. Leon grinned and gave an introduction to the man in the expensive gray, "Everyone? I'd like you to meet Chairman Rose. Chairman? This is my younger brother Hop, along with our friends Victor Bennett and Gloria MacLeod from Postwick."

Rose smoothed his hair and offered a kind smile as he extended a polite hand to each of them, "So, you are the three trainers that our champion had endorsed himself. It's a pleasure to meet you all. Welcome."

"The pleasure's all ours Chairman," Victor said nervously as he shook Rose's hand. As he did, Rose stopped and kept his grip in Victor's hand. He turned his wrist slightly and took note of the wristband on Victor's arm, as well as the others.

"Oh? What's this? I see you have a Dynamax Band... all three of you. How very interesting. It would seem you three have been led here with the guiding light of the wishing stars. Very fortunate indeed."

The three young trainers exchanged a curious look with each other before Rose laughed, "Oh, what am I saying? You must think I'm some superstitious old man. I just couldn't help but notice because my business ventures have done some funding into research on the stones. If you're from Postwick, perhaps you know Professor Magnolia?"

"Yes sir," Victor said, "She's the one who created these for us."

"She also said she was grateful for the generous grant you gave her to fund the research as well," Gloria added.

Rose smiled, "Yes, well... I hope you three will be able to make it far into the tournament this year. With the power already at your disposal, I daresay the Gym Challenge will be a great joy for me to watch. More importantly, it's my hope the people of Galar will be given a good show because they just love to see Dynamax battles."

He stopped as his phone vibrated from his suit pocket and he touched his side, "Ah... I'm terribly sorry, but it seems I may have some important business to attend to. It was a pleasure meeting you and I wish you all luck!"

As Rose departed down a side hallway and answered his phone, Hop stretched his arms, "Well... he seemed really nice."

Victor remained quiet and touched his Dynamax Band, not as convinced judging by the Chairman's strange observation just now. While Rose seemed nice enough, there was still something a little... off-putting about the man and it was hard to put a finger on it.

"Yes. The Chairman certainly seems to be in high spirits," Leon agreed as he turned to the three, "Now listen up everyone, I just wanted to give you some last minute advice before the tournament starts. I probably won't have a lot of time after that for a while so pay attention. You've all just started on your path to becoming skilled trainers. If you want to win, you'll need to do more than just train your pokémon. You'll need to train yourselves so that you can be the best you can be in mind, body, and heart. Remember that."

"We will, Lee. And thanks again," Hop said giving his brother a hug.

Leon patted Hop's head and let go so that he could depart, "All right everyone. This is it. The ceremonies will start in a little while so I've got to get going. I'll see you on the pitch and I'll be wishing you luck!"

By now, other trainers were beginning to arrive and be ushered toward the stadium entrance from the interior. Gloria pulled the arms of her two friends and dragged them along, "All right... that's our cue. Looks like it's our turn for our fifteen minutes of fame."

Amid the bright lights and roar of the cheering crowd that had gathered in the stadium, Chairman Rose made his way out onto the main pitch flanked by his loyal aide Oleana and the Champion of Galar, Leon. The cheers grew louder and Rose gave a warm smile while he waved back to everyone he could see. Once they made their way to the center of the pitch, Chairman Rose cleared his throat and spoke with bright enthusiasm, "Ladies and gentlemen! I am Rose, Chairman of the Galar Pokémon League and joining me is my trusted aide Oleana and your reigning Champion, Leon Powers!"

The stadium cheered loudly again and Rose waited for the noise to die down a little, "I know that everyone gathered here and those watching at home have been waiting for this big moment. It is my pleasure that the Galar region's Gym Challenge and Tournament will now begin! The challengers who are participating this year must defeat eight of the Gym Leaders and gather badges to prove their skill as a trainer. Only the most worthy will be able to compete in the Grand Tournament held in Wyndon and get their chance to battle the Champion himself. Now, I would like to invite the Gym Leaders to step forward and show themselves."

From another entry ramp, a group of mostly young men and women entered to the loud ovations of the fans present as well as some pyrotechnics. Each of them had their own specialty and style, as they commanded the attention of the crowd and the respect of younger trainers all over the region.

"Yes, these are the Gym Leaders that we in the Galar Region are proud to call our own," Chairman Rose smiled as he raised his arms, "And now for the many others from Galar who you are prouder to call your own!"

At that, the large group of prospective challengers emerged from the entryway tunnel and filtered out into the main pitch to be recognized. As they walked proudly, Victor, Gloria, and Hop all strode forward feeling as if time had slowed down around them. The roar of the stadium crowd filled their ears and the lights of flashing cameras blinded them. Even the size and scope of the stadium surprised them and seemed to stretch on forever as their senses were overwhelmed by the sights and sounds. Despite the feelings of fear, anxiety, and anticipation from hundreds of thousands watching them, the feeling was electric and they had never felt more alive. Now it was more than clear why every Gym Leader and League Champion in history loved the spotlight. Victor gave a quiet look to Gloria and Hop and nodded, leading them forward as they lined up with the other challengers, "This is it guys. We made it."

Chairman Rose smiled for the cameras as he addressed the trainers, "Challengers, you are the true strength of Galar and its hope for the future. I expect great things from all of you, just as the Gym Leaders do. Most of all, I want you all to expect great things of yourselves as it will be you who will be the shining beacons of light that we may look to in order to tackle the challenges and uncertainties that surely lie ahead. Remain strong, remain safe, and most of all, good luck Trainers. Galar is looking to you."

At the close of the ceremonies, the trainers departed from the pitch and headed back to the locker rooms to change back into their normal street clothes. After returning to the main lobby, several challengers began to filter out hoping to get a head start on the competition while others were greeted by friends, family, and other spectators who wanted photos or autographs. Upon pushing their way through the crowds and regrouping near the doors of the lobby, Victor, Gloria, and Hop prepared to set off. They had all let their starter pokémon out of their pokéballs so that they could get some air and take in the tournament energy. Victor's scorbunny Hotspur bounced impatiently on his heels beside his owner while Gilly peeked out from under Gloria's cap. Upon Hop's shoulder, Scamp clung on and rested on his backpack looking about curiously.

As Victor checked the map once more with Gloria nearby, Hop idly looked about and caught sight of the girl Marnie that they had met the other day. She looked to be alone at the moment and looked about, as if trying to avoid being spotted by any of her crazed fans from Team Yell. As she headed for the door, she spotted Hop and put a finger to her lips urging him to be quiet and let her slip by. Hop was about call out and try to chase her down when his group was interrupted by another familiar visitor.

"Hiya! Hello there!" came a saccharine girl's voice.

Victor looked up from his map with a surprised look while Gloria suppressed a grimace of displeasure and felt her stomach sink. The group was greeted by one of their fellow neighbors from back home, Lauren Alcott. She gave a sweet smile and flipped some of her hair as she addressed them, "Victor. Gloria. Hop. There you are. I'm glad I got chance to see you again and catch you before you departed."

"Hi Lauren. You made it to Motostoke for the ceremony, huh?" Gloria asked.

"Of course," Lauren replied, "I was on the next train out and there was a huge delay, but I'm glad my family and I made it just in time. I saw you three out there on the pitch you all looked great in your uniforms. What did I say about changing it up, right Gloria?"

Hop ignored Lauren for a moment as she fussed over Gloria's cap and tried to pet the skittish sobble hiding underneath. Instead, Hop glanced over in dismay and saw that Marnie was already long gone. With a sigh, he turned back to the present situation as Lauren continued, "We'll be touring around the region on a holiday so it's possible we might run into you some more along the way. If it's up to me, I hope we do because I'd be happy to cheer you on."

She turned toward Victor and straightened the collar of his white jacket, "What do you say, Victor? You remember that you said you'd do your best for me, didn't you?"

"Yeah... I did say that, didn't I?" Victor answered sheepishly.

"Great! Then before you head out on your way, here's for luck," Lauren said as she reached up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. As Victor was left red-faced and stammering, Gloria scowled nearby and reached her a pokéball to issue another challenge but the moment was broken up as Hotspur jumped up into Victor's arms. Lauren raised an eyebrow in surprise from the excitable scorbunny and gingerly patted its head, "Yes... well, good luck to you too little Scorbunny."

As Lauren departed, Gloria crossed her arms and muttered sourly, "You want me to have Gilly to hose you down with a Water Gun, Victor? You're still looking a little red there."

"Ah... no. I think I'm good," he replied quickly as he regained his composure and reined in Hotspur from squirming any more, "Let's go, yeah?"

Soon enough, the three found themselves outside the stadium and orienting themselves toward their next destination. Hop cracked his knuckles, "All right... so Turffield is our next stop, right?"

Victor nodded, "Right. It's at least a few days journey from here but we've got a long way to go and even more training to do along the way."

"You make that sound like a problem," Hop answered breezily as he began walking down the road, "Remember, you're traveling with the next future Champion of Galar here."

"He's right Victor," Gloria smiled as she tugged his arm forward to join Hop, "The weather is bonnie today and the company's not too bad either."

Victor couldn't help but smile as he followed Hop and Gloria while Hotspur perched on his shoulder pointing the way forward, "All right then. The future is calling, so what are we waiting for?"