Harry Potter - Mikaelson Coven
Summary: Harry Potter gets a chance at a normal magical life at the Salvatore School for the gifted, after he accidentally apparates himself into Dr. Saltzman's 2nd-period class. Only nothing is ever normal for Harry and his past gets its claws into the young warlock.
Thank you zero fullbuster
Thank you Spencer366
Thank you mizzrazz72
Thank you masud37
Thank you Eclipse Nyx Sinclair
Thank you candinaru25
Thank you, unnamed Guest
Thank you bloobloo2334
Thank you, unnamed Guest
The last two chapters went by real fast and were more summery than a story. I did this to get all the basics out of the way without a lot of details. I know that they are a little bit confusing so I will explain them real fast. First Harry is not a grown-up in a child's body, he is just able to absorb information well and is very smart, he still has the understanding and mindset of a child.
Second Wiccan magic and Wizard magic use the same power source which is of course magic. Each type though has its strengths and weakness although spells performed without a wand are stronger than their counterpart. Harry will be able to access magic through both natures and using a wand.
Third. James and Lilly's attitude switch concerning Harry is not their doing and it will be explained later in the fic but I am not going to give out spoilers but I would love to hear your ideas.
Chapter 3: Beginning a New Life
The newly named Harry Saltzman woke up in between his new sisters on the floor of their room. He still could not believe that in the last 24 hours he went from being a freak locked in a closet to being part of a family again. It was all so weird that when he first woke up he thought he had dreamt it but the pain coming from his asleep arm proved that he hadn't. The dark sky outside the window meant that it was still early but he knew that there would be no more sleep for him, a habit that was picked up from living with his oh so kind and loving relatives. As gently as he could, he released the arm that was under Lizzie's head, replacing it with his pillow, then sneaking out of the room.
His first stop was the bathroom and then it was off to the kitchen for a glass of water and a banana since it was way too early to eat breakfast. Not to mention that Caroline had forbidden him from cooking unless he was accompanied by an adult or was 12 years old. The clock on the microwave read 4:30, meaning he had time before everyone woke up. As quietly as possible he snuck to the back doors and slipped outside. Practicing Occlumency and doing the child version of mediation always seemed to come easier when he was closer to nature, even though the grass was still wet from morning dew and was slightly cold when he sat himself down.
First, he cleared his mind of everything and just felt the nature, something he had not been able to do since his magic was bound. The feeling of the ground beneath him, plants from the garden to the trees, the wind blowing softly through said trees, everything just felt so alive to Harry and for the first time in two years, the young child felt completely at peace. His memories were next to come and one by one he went over each memory from the previous day before storing it safely behind his mind shields.
Luckily for him Occlumency only required magic to rewrite a person's mind to be able to perform it, then it is up to the person. Meaning that Occlumency was one of the only things he was able to continue with while at the Dursleys.
After each memory played out in his mind he would stop and analyze everything from his actions to the people in the background. This way he could pinpoint anything he did wrong and can improve it in the future thus making him have 20/20 hindsight. When he got to the bank's memories he stopped and replayed Caroline's lecture to him four more times until he could start to mutter that he wasn't a freak anymore. The memory of him disowning the Potter Family made him stop and try to think of why he did that. He didn't have an answer. All he knew was that he didn't want to be apart of that family anymore and then he remembered a book he had read in the Potter library. A Potter Ancestor had done the same thing and just quoted his ancestor word for word.
Unknown to Harry, Alaric had been alerted when the backdoor was opened and like any good father, headmaster, whichever title you want to go with, he went down to check it out. When he found his son, wow that is going to get some getting used to. Anyway, when he found his son sitting in the grass with his eyes closed with a peaceful expression on his face Alaric smiled. Alaric knew a meditative trance when he saw one, especially in a school housing witches so he sat down and waited for Harry to return to the land of the awake and in desperate need of coffee.
About 20 minutes after settling himself down on the back steps he heard Harry muttering to himself about not being a freak and his heart broke for his child and after his sadness, came his rage. How could anyone treat a child the way his son had been treated, especially your blood. The thought just made his blood boil and he honestly could say he saw red.
Harry came out of his trance not long after Alaric's vision change, and fortunately, Alaric had got his emotions under control.
"Mr. Saltzman, what are you doing out here?"
"First off Harry you don't have to call me Mr. Saltzman, I am also not expecting you to call me dad either but I would appreciate it if you either call me Alaric or Ric. Okay."
Harry looked down at his feet self consciously when Mr. Sal… Ric brought up their new relationship and was thankful that the man was giving him time to get used to the new change.
Alaric continued "Second, I was alerted when the back door opened and came down here to check it out. I have been around witches long enough to know that pulling one out of a trance can lead to ugly consequences due to magical backlash so I left you alone and waited."
Harry's slightly confused look must have been showing a bit or Alaric realized that he was talking to a five-year-old child because he dummed his answer down a bit.
"If a witch is in a trance and is yanked out of it their magic will react in a bad way."
"Oh okay Ric I understand now but what is exactly magical backlash?" Harry had read some books that mentioned magical backlash bt they ever actually explained what it meant.
"It is when magic is interrupted and the magic doesn't know where to go so it just goes everywhere all at once."
"Oooohhhhh okay now I get it. Thank you, Ric."
"Anytime buddy. Now, how about you and I head back upstairs and get ready for the day."
"But what am I going to wear I don't have any more clothes and I don't know what Mrs. Carol…. Caroline did with yesterday 's clothes."
"Don't worry about it, we always have some extra clothes on had in all sized just in case we need them. Caroline had already picked you out an outfit yesterday and we are taking you shopping today."
"Does this mean I get to go back to Gringotts and get some money out of my vaults."
"Not today Harry."
"But then how am I going to buy myself some new clothes then?"
They had reached the stairs by now so Alaric lifted Harry onto the railing so he wouldn't have to bend down to have this conversation with his son.
"Harry I need you to listen to what I am going to say very carefully okay."
With a nod of Harry's head, Alaric continued.
"Yesterday Caroline and I didn't just sign some papers and have you live with us, we brought you into this family. You are now a part of this family and in this family, it is the parents that take care of the children. Meaning if you ever need anything you come to Caroline or me and we will take care of it. That money you have in the wizarding bank is yours but until you turn 17 you don't have control over it. You will, however, get an allowance and some spending money but I want that money to be spent on stuff you want. Understand."
Harry had tears in his eyes as he looked into his new guardians no his new father's face and saw that Ric meant every word he had just said and Harry shakily nodded his head. Ric brought him into a hug and kissed his forehead on top of the lightning bolt scar before carrying the child upstairs to his room where Caroline had laid out Harry's clothes.
Harry's outfit is black sneakers with white laces dark blue jeans, and an emerald green button down long sleeve shirt.
Harry was allowed to sit on Ric's bed and watch TV while he showered and got ready for the day. By the time that both males were dressed, it was time for the cooks to start on the breakfast and all the students to start waking up. Alaric got the girls up and dressed while Caroline got herself ready and Harry went down to the kitchen to watch the cook. Since Harry lived in the muggle world for two years he was used to how they prepared their meals but he always compared how it was to prepare a meal using magic.
For breakfast, he had a full English breakfast but at 8 Lizzie, Josie and the rest of the school had to go to class leaving Caroline, Emma, and Harry sitting at the table.
"Caroline I would like to run more scans on Harry and monitor his progress over the next week if it is not too much trouble."
Before Caroline could speak Harry spoke up. "Why? I thought you did all those things yesterday."
"Harry you do not interrupt people like that, please. But I would also like to know the answer as well Emma." Caroline said.
"Oh, I thought you knew and understood from yesterday," Emma said.
Caroline gave Harry a look before he could speak up and answered Emma herself. "Knew what and understand what?"
"About the blood adoption and Harry denouncing James Potter's blood adoption," Emma replied and when Caroline still looked confused she explained more. "When someone blood adopts a child that child goes through some changes over the following week as their body and magic accept the new blood. The magic in the blood adoption potion allows for any damage that is fixable by magic to mend over the following week, not to mention the physical changes. Basically, over the next week, Harry's appearance will change a little so he will resemble you and Alaric more than his biological parents. Now he won't change completely but his hair will probably lighten a bit and his eyes might change color but nothing major. Not to mention that when he denounced the Potter magic he was denouncing the blood adoption that James Potter did when he was a baby so any changes that happened due to James's blood will be undone. By the end of this week, Harry will have a completely new look."
Caroline was a little speechless but Harry was ecstatic and he started running around the room waving his arms saying no more messy hair over and over again. When Caroline finally came around, she and Emma almost died laughing at Harry's antics.
Emma's scans showed that while Harry had some old broken bones that were not healed properly beginning to mend themselves and the scars on his back were healing he would have no lasting damage from his time at the Dursleys. The only major thing that would happen would be the change in his appearance and he would have to get new glasses after the week was up. This gave Caroline the green light she needed to take Harry shopping without worrying about him growing out of his new clothes in the coming week.
The booster seat did not go over well with Harry. Caroline was taking her personal SUV and the only car seat she had was either pink or purple. Caroline promised that a car seat would be first on the list and they would even stop in Mystic Falls to pick it up before going to the mall that was an hour away. Harry was a very happy camper when he was buckled in his new black and red car seat. Throughout the car ride Caroline either kept up a small kid-friendly conversation or she sang along with the radio which made Harry laugh. An hour and 5 minutes after leaving Mystic Falls Caroline was pulling into the parking lot of a five-story mall.
The first stop was for his bedroom. Harry decided that he wanted a blue and green theme room so they got the paint, small carpet, sheets, curtains, and a blue H and green S to hang on his door. His sheets were blue with green pillowcases and his comforter was blue and green striped. His walls would be blue with green borders, his ceiling would have, glow in the dark stars, and a small green carpet would be in the corner with blue bean bags on it. Which would have his bookcases placed near what would be known as the book corner.
The next stop was, of course, a clothing store where Harry got a whole new wardrobe. 20 shirts, 15 pants, 6 pairs of shorts, 4 pairs of PJs, 1 suit, 3 small jackets, 2 thick jackets, 2 sneakers, 1 dress shoes, 1 pair of boots, 1 water shoes and 2 packs of underwear and socks. Among his new wardrobe, he had short sleeve shirts, long sleeve shirts, nice button-down shirts, jeans, khakis, cargo pants, a hoodie and of course an iron man shirt. He would get his school uniform and other school items when he starts school next year since the school year-end was just two weeks away. School in England got out sooner than America.
The next stop was the book store where Harry was allowed to get ten books. He chose a lot of science fiction but also some actual science books. Caroline was already planning on getting Emma to help her magically coy most of the girl's books that were not too girly. After this store, they went and put their bags in the car before heading off to Pizza Hut for lunch.
The last stop of the day was Harry's favorite and well it would be any kids favorite. The toy store. Here they got his bean bags for his room, 5 stuffed animals: a horse, a snake, a rabbit, a teddy bear and a wolf, two-star wars lego sets, some regular legos, 3 board games: monopoly, candy land, and chutes and ladders, and some more toys. Harry was a very happy child after they left that store. He was also a very tired little boy by the time they got back to the car and so he slept the whole way back to school.
The next time Harry woke he was in a strange room with bags everywhere. He quickly realized that the bags all belonged to him so this must be his new room. Right now it was just a plain bedroom but he knew that the coming weekend it would be transformed into a room that he would get to call his. For the first time since he was 18 months old, he would have a room he actually liked. A knock came soon after that before the door opened revealing Caroline announcing it was dinner time and of course his tummy had to growl right at that moment.
After dinner, Harry, Lizzie, and Josie all went to his new room to explore and see all the cool stuff he got that day. It didn't take long for all of his new toys to be out of the box and strew across his room as his new sisters showed him how to play with everything. The legos were his favorite because he loved to build things but the Beyblades were firmly in second place. They also named all of his stuffed animals as they placed them on the bed. The horse was named starlight, it was pitch black except for the white dot on its head that looked like a star. The snake was named slither, it was just a green snake. The rabbit was named thumper because Josie said that it looked like the rabbit off the show Bambi. The teddy bear promptly named Bear, it was just a normal chocolate brown teddy bear. The wolf was named Nik, it was pitch black with no other colors and when asked about the name later Harry would only say that it looked like a Nik.
Just like the night before all three kids had a bath then a story and then the dreaded bedtime. Almost an hour after they were put to bed though, Josie and Lizzie snuck into Harry's room and curled up next to him, one on each side.
The next week went by fast for the small family and finally, Emma announced that the blood adoption process was finished. By that time Harry had changed quite a bit more than anyone anticipated. His once messy dark brown almost black hair was now easily styled so it was spiked and it had changed to a chocolate brown with dirty blonde highlights in it. His eyes were now a dark ocean blue with emerald specks in them. His face was more angular and you could tell that he was a Mikaelson but had a pleasant mixture of Alaric and Caroline in there too.
The birthmarks on his arms had intrigued everyone since they all knew the significance of each one. The M was of course for his Mikaelson heritage, or at least that was their theory, however, the Gemini symbol was a mystery to them. To get some answers Emma did a lineage test on Harry to see if he had any ties with the Gemini coven which was negative. It was then theorized that it was just a physical representation of Harry being a twin.
The weekend was hectic for them as Alaric had conned the werewolves into helping paint Harry's room which took all of Saturday since somebody thought that having a paint fight sounded fun. Cough, Harry, cough. While the paint was drying Harry stayed over in the girl's room again and unknown to their parents the three little trouble makers stayed up all night.
It was about two hours after Alaric and Caroline said goodnight when the girl's bedroom door opened and three heads popped out to see if it was clear. They knew that they couldn't open any doors or windows going outside due to the alarm system alerting their parents but they still had the entire inside of the school to themselves. The first stop that was made was the kitchen to get some cookies and then they were off on their mission. They had to find the best secret hideout that no one would ever find them at since their last secret hideout was discovered.
Harry suggested they search the attic since no one liked attics and the girls agreed. The attic door was locked with a spell but the girls just siphoned it and kept on going. The attic was large, dark, full of boxes and spawned the entire house. In other words, it was perfect. They spent hours trying to find the best out of the way spot, which was towards the back against the back wall. There was a circle window that overlooked the backyard and swimming pool and the alcove was easily hidden by using boxes. It was when they were moving a box when they found their most prized possession. The Grimoire of an ancient witch named Valerie Tulle.
When they picked up a box to move it the bottom broke and all the stuff spilled out onto the floor. One of the items had landed near the wall and when Josie went to pick it up, she noticed a small hole in the wall with something inside. She called her siblings over and they got the item out of the wall which turned out to be a book about fairy tales. Only when they opened the book the first page read: Personal Grimoire of Valerie Tulle. The book was very old and all the spells were written in Latin of course but luckily the descriptions were in English. It turned out that Valarie had also used the book as a personal diary at times so the kids decided to read the entire diary part before they attempted any of the spells. Now I know what you are thinking, children finding a strange magic book in the attic, they should give it to their parents right. Well, the girls were still young enough that they didn't truly understand the ramifications of keeping the book and Harry had read tons of books like this when he was still living at the Potters so it didn't cross his mind that they shouldn't keep it. Also, they all were just kids and loved the saying finders keepers.
The book also gave them the idea that they should start their own Grimoires of spells they would like to know and learn but that would have to wait till their next outing to the mall so they could get good journals. For the rest of the night, the three kids took turns reading some of Valerie's diary. Well, Lizzie and Josie tried to read the book but Harry had to take over. It turned out that Valerie was a Siphoner like Lizzie and Josie, meaning she didn't have her own magic but that didn't stop her from practicing magic at any chance she could. The diary entries weren't a lot but went through her entire life up until the point she was turned into a heretic.
The kids didn't fully understand everything they had read but that was okay to them, they just really wanted to know what cool secrets the book held. Lizzie had thought that it might lead to some secret treasure and Josie just liked to read. Harry was the one to understand what they had found.
Finally, at around 4 they finished the diary entries and silently made their way back down to their room before they got caught. It was decided that Harry would keep possession of the book because he knew more magic and could hide the book easier than they could.
The next day was Sunday so Alaric and Caroline let the kids sleep in but put their foot down and made them wake up at 10. All three of the kids were cranky throughout the entire day and kept to themselves discussing all that they had read the night before and taking a few short naps.
Caroline took the initiative and placed all of Harry's new belongings into the correct places while the kids were off by themselves. She thought that it was cute that they stayed up all night and tried to hide it. It was a good thing that any dangerous rooms like the attic and the storage rooms were locked and spelled shut. Of course, the girls could always Siphon the magic but she knew that her girls knew to stay out of those rooms so she wasn't worried. Her kids were good children. That night was the first night Harry got to sleep in his newly redone room but due to how tired he was he fell asleep waiting for his bedtime story. The girls weren't much better either.
Soon school had ended and most of the school kids went home for summer break but there were a few that didn't have a home to go to so they stayed at school. That was cool because the school was meant to be a safe place for supernatural kids, in other words, the school was more of a home more than a school. The day after school ended the Saltzman family took a trip into Mystic Falls to visit some family friends, The Gilbert's, and introduce them to Harry and vice versa.
It was Damon who opened the door with a smile on his face and gave Alaric a man hug before he was tackled by his honorary nieces. Lifting one girl under each arm he guided everyone to the backyard where Jeremy, Elena, Matt, and Bonnie were all sitting. Harry hung back by the door as the old friends greeted each other but soon got called over by his parents. He tried to hide behind Alaric's legs but was kept in front of Alaric with both of Ric's hands on his shoulders.
"Everyone I would like you all to meet the newest addition to our weird family. Harold Mikaelson Henrik Saltzman also known as Harry Saltzman." Alaric said while everyone not already in the know dropped their jaws.
Elena was the first to regain her composure and knelt in front of the scared child. "Hi my name is Elena but you can call me aunt Elena, behind me are Bonnie or aunt Bonnie, my husband Damon or uncle Damon, my brother Jeremy or uncle Jermey, and Sheriff Donavan or uncle Matt. Welcome to the family."
The kids were soon sent off to play in the yard while the adults sat and talked well more like integrated Alaric and Caroline or at least until Caroline told them to shut up and listen. She then went on to explain everything that had happened in the last three weeks and everything they had learned, by the end of the story everyone in the backyard was in total agreement that the Dursleys should die.
"You know as much as I would love to go over there and kill those worthless horrendous people myself I think we should wait," Damon said surprising everyone. "Hear me out. No matter what we do to them I guarantee that Elijah and the rest of the Mikaelsons can do it a thousand times better and completely maximize their pain and suffering. It is their family's legacy after all. So all in favor of leaving the Dursleys to Mikaelson justice raise your hand." All hands were raised.
After that Harry was easily accepted into the fold of what was left of the Mystic Falls Scooby-Doo Gang. A shopping trip was also planned for them to explore the wonders of the Wizarding World but they made sure that their plans did not include Great Britain. It was also announced that Elena was expecting her first child which was going to be named after Stefan whether it was a boy or girl.
Bonnie was still on her world tour but made sure to be in town for this get-together. Jeremey was helping out at the school but he would eventually move on to something else outside of Mystic Falls. Matt was of course sheriff and had plans for running for mayor but not for a while. After dinner the women went inside to catch up on girl talk, Matt had to get to work, leaving Damon, Alaric, and Jeremy out back to keep an eye on the kids.
Damon gave everyone a glass of Bourbon before starting the conversation. "So Ric, have you and Caroline decided what you are going to do about Elijah."
"No, we haven't. We know we will eventually tell him but some obstacles are currently in the way."
"For instance….." Damon continued leaving the sentence open.
"For instance that for the past four years there has not been a single siting of any of the Mikaelsons including Klaus miracle baby. Not to mention that if word spreads about Harry before he is ready that would be putting him in tons of danger."
Jeremy decided to add his two cents to the conversation. "Ya, it's not like that family is short on enemies or anything." Thus making Damon and Alaric turn and give him a look.
"Yes, Jeremy thank you for putting one of my fears into words for me." Alaric sarcastically said.
"Well how about this, as you said the Mikaelsons have basically dropped off the face of the earth so you have time to figure it out and in the meantime just be there for that little guy," Damon replied.
As the adults were discussing everything that day, Harry and the twins spent the day being kids and having fun. Harry may be a genius and all that but after almost 4 years of constant abuse in one form or another, he was not going to pass up any opportunity to just be a kid again. Not to mention that his new family was great but deep down he still yearned for his biological parent's love and to a small degree he at least wanted Jamie and James to not hate him. Harry was also worried about what would happen when his biological father found out about him. He might want his love but he wouldn't give up his new family for anything. Instead of mulling over and worrying about things he couldn't control Harry spent the day playing outside, he had a second chance and he wasn't going to waste it.
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