Episode 17: Revolt of the Stand Users

"You never gave us your name...or any information on who you are" Risotto Nero says

"I'm sorry. My name is Diavolo. I am the boss of the Passione Gang" Diavolo says. Risotto Nero, Ghiaccio, and Illuso's eyes all widened from that last sentence

"You're...you're the boss" Illuso says

"Yes. The true boss of this gang" Diavolo says

"We deeply apologize for our poor welcoming" Risotto Nero says

"No need to apologize Risotto Nero. You didn't know it was me. Now I want to hand out my orders to everyone in this house" Diavolo says

"And that would be?" Risotto Nero asks

"Kill off every traitor. Make sure they die a horrible death for betraying the Passione Gang. Also, if you have the chance to kill Ragyo Kiryuin or any of her goons...Do it" Diavolo says

"We will do what we can" Risotto Nero says

"Good" Diavolo says. He disappears

"Where...where did he go?" Ghiaccio asks

"Doesn't matter. We got a new job to do" Risotto Nero says

"Yeah. We'll get those traitors" Illuso says

Nudist Beach Base

Mikisugi and Kinagase ran down the hall

"We got COVERs in the nearby area. Let's go get them" Mikisugi says. He and Kinagase rushed out as the Nudist Beach army goes into battle against the COVERs. Giorno, Bruno, Narancia, Mista, Mako, Satsuki, Jakuzure, Sanageyama, Inumuta, Iori, and Gamagori stayed behind

"Why can't we go out and fight?" Narancia asks

"Because we may be needed for bigger threats. They can handle everything else" Bruno says

"Oh…" Narancia says. A phone rang and Mako was quick to pick it up

"Hello" Mako says

"WE NEED BUCCIARATI IN HERE!" Ghiacchio says from the other line

"Bucciarati?" Mako asks

"YES! GET HIM NOW!" Ghiacchio shouts

"Who's at the phone?" Giorno asks

"Some yelling goblin" Mako says

"WHAT!?" Ghiacchio shouts

"He wants you" Mako says. Bruno snatched the phone away from her

"This is Bucciarati" Bruno says


"On our way" Bruno says. He hangs up

"What's wrong?" Satsuki asks

"The boss attacked our home which Risotto Nero was in charge of" Bruno says

"Wait" Satsuki says. Bruno stopped in his tracks and turned around

"What is it?" Bruno asks

"Giorno, Mista, Sanageyama, and Jakuzure will go. Everyone else stays" Satsuki says

"Why? It's my responsibility" Bruno says

"It's a trap" Satsuki says

"A trap. Why would it be a trap?" Bruno asks

"Gamagori came back and said that Passione's boss is only after the traitors. No one back at the Passione Home has technically betrayed the Passione Gang. Therefore, they aren't traitors. Why would he be after them" Satsuki says. Bruno turned around and thinked it over

"Bucciarati?" Giorno asks

"Do as she says" Bruno says. Giorno, Mista, Sanageyama, and Jakuzure left the room

"What do we do?" Mako asks

"If they need backup. They'll call" Satsuki says. Everyone nodded their heads

"I have to say. You're a natural born leader" Bruno says

"I want to speak with you. In private" Satsuki says

"Sure" Bruno says. The two walked off into somewhere private

The roof

Satsuki and Bruno looked up into the sky. It was cloudy. The sunlight barely got through

"What did you want to talk about" Bruno says

"Us" Satsuki says

"Us? What does that mean?" Bruno asks

"What are we going to do after this is all over?" Satsuki asks

"I never thought of that. I feel that we could rest and maybe…" Bruno says

"Settle down?" Satsuki asks

"Yeah...wait what" Bruno says

"You can't hide anything from me. I know you want to settle down...with me" Satsuki says

"Did Giorno tell you?" Bruno asks

"It was actually Jakuzure, but she was informed by Mista" Satsuki says

"I never told him" Bruno says

"Maybe Giorno told him" Satsuki says

"I guess you can't keep secrets with the Passione Gang" Bruno says

"Don't worry. It doesn't bother me one bit" Satsuki says

"Oh...I figured" Bruno says. Satsuki put her hand on his

"We don't have to hide it anymore. Let's go defeat my mother and your boss. Then we can discuss settling down further" Satsuki says

"Right" Bruno says. The two went back down to the ground level

Passione Home

Giorno, Mista, Jakuzure, and Sanageyama arrived at the home

"It's smaller than I remember" Sanageyama says

"You're belongings are still here. If it's true that this is a trap. Then it wasn't a good idea to leave this place with your stuff. Especially your money" Jakuzure says

"Yeah...that's our bad" Giorno says. The group entered and looked around. Underground, Secco swam waiting for the correct moment

"Mista...who exactly is still alive that Satsuki didn't kill during the raids" Jakuzure says

"She killed everyone" Mista says

"Okay. I believe you" Jakuzure says sarcastically. Giorno's head popped up

"WAIT!" Giorno shouts. The ground began to liquify

"THE HELL!" Sanageyama shouts

"Secco. His stand has the ability to liquify solid ground" Giorno says

"And I believe another one made Mista tell a giant ass lie to us all" Sanageyama says

"Tiziano's stand did that one" Mista says

"So we can confirm that there are two stand users in here. Out of…" Jakuzure says

"Seven. I remember there being seven" Giorno says. Golden Experience came out and transformed a brick into a rat

"Why make the rat?" Mista asks

"Trust me" Giorno says. A staff began to pull the stand user into the ground

"A third stand user" Jakuzure says. The rat began to run across the ground

"The rat was meant to trace Giorno wherever he went" Sanageyama says.

"No...it wasn't" Mista says. Secco came out of the ground

"Your friend is lost. NO MATTER WHAT!" Secco shouts. He smashes thw rat but the damage reflected back causing Secco to come out of the ground. Sanageyama grabbed the stand user and stabbed him

"Why did you kill him?" Mista asks

"The same reason I killed Fugo. We can't just let dangerous Stand Users walk around" Sanageyama says. The rat continued to run around the room

"Wherever this guy is. He ain't got much room to hide" Mista says

"True. This house isn't the biggest" Jakuzure says

"We could transform using our new uniforms if this place wasn't crowded" Sanageyama says

"No. I got this one" Mista says. He got out his gun and pointed right above where the rat was

"Go for it boss. Impress Nonon" No 3 says. Mista fired the gun and hit Zucchero's arm. Giorno was released and he inflated back to his original state

"Thanks guys" Giorno says. Sanageyama rushed forward and killed the guy

"That's two" Sanageyama says

"There's one more confirmed one in here" Jakuzure says

"Risotto Nero, Ghiaccio, Illuso, Squalo, and Tiziano. Those are the remaining stand users that could be in this building" Giorno says

"Risotto Nero controls iron. Ghiaccio freezes things. Illuso controls mirrors. Sale freezes things in mid air. Squalo has a shark. Tiziano makes others lie." Mista says

"None of them are here. I can tell" Sanageyama says. Jakuzure looked and saw a door cracked open. She walked over and opened it seeing Tiziano

"Nice try. I'm not an idiot" Jakuzure says. Sanageyama turned

"That's three" Sanageyama says. He rushed and killed him too

"There's five left. Correct?" Jakuzure asks

"I assume so. Me and Sanageyama will go north. Jakuzure and Mista will go south" Giorno says

"Gotcha. Let's go Nonon" Mista says. The two ran and went south. Sanageyama and Giorno went out and went north

Somewhere on top of a building

Risotto Nero watched as Giorno and his group went their seperate ways to stop the rogue Stand Users from stopping them. Diavolo appeared randomly

"Even when you have numbers. You fail" Diavolo says

"They may have fell for a faulty trick. None of these guys know much about Giorno Giovanna" Risotto Nero says

"But why aren't all of Bucciarati's group here. And they brought some of Satsuki's Elite Four" Diavolo says

"That just proves their traitor status. Unfortunate, they were good people" Risotto Nero says

"They were. They knew the evil of Ragyo Kiryuin. My old friend" Diavolo says

"What happened between you two. I always heard that you and her discovered the Primordial Life Fiber. Yet, something seemed to have happened to Ragyo" Risotto Nero says


A younger Diavolo, which looked more like Doppio, and a younger Ragyo sat down on a cliff and looked at the nearby city

"To think that we just saw the greatest thing to ever exist" Diavolo says

"Right. Wait till Soichiro sees it" Ragyo says

"Wait till Donatella finds out. She's going to be happy" Diavolo says

"We did a good thing. Hope our children will happy to know their parents are people who have discovered

"You and Donatella aren't married yet...correct?" Ragyo asks

"No. But I plan to propose to her someday" Diavolo says

"That's good. Meanwhile, I'm expecting in nine months" Ragyo says

"What are you going to name it?" Diavolo asks

"Satsuki if it's a girl. Satoshi if it's a boy" Ragyo says

"Cool" Diavolo says

Present Day

Diavolo remembered that exact moment

"I don't know what the hell happened to her. But she is the one I want to truly take down. Ragyo Kiryuin died years ago. A demoness is what I am trying to kill" Diavolo says. He disappeared

"We'll leave you to that, boss" Risotto Nero says. He jumped off the building and down to the ground


Mista and Jakuzure were now on the docks looking for the Stand Users

"I don't see any mirrors nor anything in mid air. I think we got the easy part of these guys" Mista says

"That means we got the Iron Manipulator, Ice Manipulator, and the Shark Man. So we don't have it much easier" Jakuzure says

"Right Nonon. We still don't have it that much easier" Mista says. The two looked around. Then water mysteriously splashed onto the faces of both. A shark appears on Mista. "WE GOT SHARK MAN!"

"I got this" Jakuzure says. She transforms and uses her sound attacks to get the water off of Mista.

"Thanks" Mista says. His cheek was bleeding. He sees someone coming up behind her. "NONON! LOOK OUT!"

"What" Jakuzure says. She looks behind her and sees Ghiaccio about to touch her. She dodges comfortably

"Damn you" Ghiaccio says

"It's dangerous to go out on your own" Jakuzure says

"Nonon, don't let him touch you" Mista says. He fires his gun but the bullets bounced off Ghiaccio. He looked behind him

"FOOL!" Ghiaccio shouts. He touches the ground and it began to freeze immediately

"This isn't Frozen" Jakuzure says

"His stand is a suit, but you can't see it due to not being a stand user" Mista says. Water was splashed over Jakuzure. Her Goku Uniform began to unravel

"GOTCHA!" Ghiaccio shouts. He grabs onto her arm and begins to freeze it.

"NONON!" Mista shouts. Clash (Squalo's stand) chopped off her arm causing it to bleed. She began to scream in pain

"Look like she's been...disarmed" Ghiaccio says

"I get it" Squalo says.

"Shut it Squalo" Ghiaccio says. Mista immediately shot Squalo in the head as he showed his face

"Bastard" Mista says

"So what?" Ghiaccio asks

"BASTARD!" Mista shouts. He continued to shoot at Ghiaccio but all the bullets bounced off

"What are you going to do? Nothing" Ghiaccio says. He turned around ready to freeze Jakuzure more as she was on the ground in pain.

"He may not be able too. But I am" Jakuzure says. She projects strong sonic waves that blow Ghiaccio into a wall. She gets up with her remaining strength

"FREEZE!" Ghiaccio shouts. He freezes all of the air around him

"Nonon. Your arm" Mista says

"Don't worry about me. Let's finish this asshat" Jakuzure says. Mista smiled

"Gotcha" Mista says. Ghiaccio was getting angry. He created ice out of the ground and it began to grow towards the two. They dodged easily

"I can't generate anything strong enough to defeat him, but maybe if we drown him, he'll die. Can't freeze the ocean and survive" Jakuzure says

"Perfect" Mista says. He runs away from the scene

"Like running will do you any good" Ghiaccio says. Jakuzure projected a strong sonic wave that caused Ghiaccio to push his way towards her

"Come on" Jakuzure says

"I'LL FREEZE YOU TO DEATH!" Ghiaccio shouts. Mista shot the ground causing the enemy stand user to fall into the ocean

"GOT HIM!" Mista shouts. He and Jakuzure high fived. The ocean began to froze but there seemed to be no way out it

"We won't be seeing him anytime soon" Jakuzure says. She fell to one knee. Mista attended to her

"I'll get you back to base" Mista says

Somewhere not too far from Honnoji Academy

Giorno and Sanageyama walked up a couple of hills. They see a bunch of shattered mirrors coming up ahead

"Stop" Giorno says. Sanageyama stopped

"What's wrong?" Sanageyama asks

"Illuso. He's here" Giorno says

"All I see is shattered mirrors. Sure they weren't here before but…" Sanageyama says

"Trust me. Do not go in closer. We have to move forward with this with extra caution" Giorno says

"You didn't even think about the second stand user here" A voice says. Giorno sees Sale right where Sanageyama was standing

"Dammit" Giorno says. He sees a bunch of shattered mirrors hanging in the sky

"Looks like Illuso will be taking care of Uzu Sanageyama" Sale says

Mirror World

Sanageyama was pulled into the mirror world, a realm made by Illuso's stand, Man in the Mirror

"Where...where the hell am I?" Sanageyama asks

"Well well well. Sanageyama of Satsuki Kiryuin's Elite Four. Taking a walk with Giorno" Illuso says

"Damn you. Where the hell am I?" Sanageyama asks

"My Mirror World. In here, you're all alone. Some of your Honnoji Academy allies were dragged in here and they were never able to get out safely" Illuso says

"Fight me. I bet your stand can't outspeed me" Sanageyama says. He charges forward and tries to go directly for Illuso's head but Man in the Mirror blocked his attack

"Like a non stand user has a chance against me. You're trapped in here, and your friends cannot help you" Illuso says. Sanageyama smiled

"You understand very little" Sanageyama says. He backs away then jumps up


Sanageyama and Satsuki were sparing with each other on the roof

"Not relying on sight has benefited you. Hasn't it?" Satsuki asks

"Yes. I feel as if I can feel everything around me. Now I know what to do against a stand user if I ever across any actual enemies" Sanageyama says

"That's good, but you need to be better, it isn't enough to be just good, strive for more" Satsuki says

Flashback Ends

Sanageyama blocked the attack coming from Man in the Mirror

"WHAT!?" Illuso shouts. Sanageyama stabbed him in the back as he came down from above

"Now...where do I begin to talk about my training" Sanageyama says

"Bastard" Illuso says

"This sword has the blood of more Stand Users on it then you can even count. All startinf with Pannacotta Fugo, a real traitor. Then everyone who tried to stand in our way back at the house" Sanageyama says

"Why...why did Bucciarati betray Passione?" Illuso asks

"He didn't. Satsuki and us betrayed Ragyo. But...I don't suppose you'd believe me" Sanageyama says.

"Really?" Illuso asks

"Yes" Sanageyama says

"Well...maybe I should of considered that. But I guess it's too late. Maybe, in heaven, I'll understand" Illuso says. He dies after that statement

Real World

Giorno stared down at Sale

"Sanageyama can take care of himself" Giorno says

"He isn't a stand user. He won't be able to see Man in the Mirror, and he definitely won't be able to see Kraft Work" Sale says. Sanageyama began to come back into the real world

"Sanageyama" Giorno says

"Illuso is dead, and I'm back in this world" Sanageyama says

"NO!" Sale shouts. Golden Experience shot him and his thoughts began to accelerate. Sanageyama made quick work of the enemy stand user.

"There. Now if Mista and Jakuzure got the job done. We only have one more stand user left, Risotto Nero" Sanageyama says

"Right, but we should meet up back at the base if anything" Giorno says. The two run off back to the base


Giorno and Sanageyama returned. Mista and Jakuzure were waiting for them

"Ghiaccio and Squalo?" Giorno asks

"One is dead. The other is about to" Jakuzure says

"Good. Now we need to discuss the last of the stand users...Risotto Nero" Giorno says

"Right" Mista says. Bucciarati, Satsuki, Narancia, Inumuta, and Gamagori came into the room

"So it was a trap" Satsuki says

"Apparently. Now we got the leader of this group roaming around the city. That being Risotto Nero" Giorno says

"He has the ability to control iron. We need to come up with a flawless plan" Gamagori says

"Right...I think I got one" Bruno says


Nudist Beach and Ragyo's army were at war with each other. Ragyo watched from above

"They're putting up more of a fight than I would of thought" Ragyo says

"Yeah. They know when to fight against tyranny any day" Diavolo says. Ragyo looked forward and saw him standing across from her

"My old friend. What bring you to come to visit this fine place?" Ragyo asks

"I want to stop you. So I'll try with the best of my ability" Diavolo says

"Well. Looks like you were just as foolish back then as you are today" Ragyo says. She sends a shockwave from her body but Diavolo was unfazed

"My stand's ability grants me something that you wish you have achieved. Not even Life Fibers can help" Diavolo says

"I don't care about some stand ability. I'll win even if it's the ability to warp reality itself" Ragyo says

To be continued...

Countdown: 3