Episode 1: The Matois and Giovannas

Honnoji Academy

The teacher was giving a history lesson to the students

"So...Jotaro Kujo defeated Dio Brando and saved his mother from the flu. We don't know how exactly it healed her, it just worked" The teacher says. The door began to bang on itself several times then it broke down. A large muscular man came in

"I'M HERE ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS!" The man shouts. The teacher fell backwards

"Yes sir" The teacher says. The man turned towards the students


Ira Gamagori

"Students of Class K. It has come to our attention that one of you intends to bring harm to Honnoji Academy. Step forward and accept your punishment" Gamagori says. Everyone remained quiet

"It was me" A man said. He wore a odd white clothing with some of his chest showing. He had blue hair in a bobcut. "You can call me Bruno Bucciarati"

Bruno Bucciarati

"Ira Gamagori. You are part of the Satsuki Kiryuin's Elite Four. Do you realize you serve the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler?" Bruno asks

"HOW DARE YOU!" Gamagori shouts

"Do you really think you can even defeat a member of the Passione Gang. I still wonder why Satsuki even lets us inside the area" Bruno says

"As the Disciplinary Chair. I must take you in" Gamagori says

"But I don't have what you're looking for" Bruno says.

"Lady Satsuki is very aware of your strange zipper abilities. We will not fall for it again" Gamagori says

"If you beat me with brute force, you will never see that Goku Uniform again" Bruno says. Gamagori charges at him but the Passione member began to run. A zipper on the wall opened and out came the Goku Uniform. He ran fast in the halls hoping to out run the chairman. He continues to run as Gamagori began to go through the walls. As Bruno exited the building he was met by the chairman

"It ends now. Now who is the leader of the Passione Gang?" Gamagori asks

"I have never seen the leader. Now...step aside" Bruno says. A shock went through Gamagori's body as there was a zipper on his chest. Bruno tossed the uniform into the void

"Now. You will let me go and there is a chance I will give back the uniform" Bruno says

"UNACCEPTABLE!" Gamagori shouts. A light shined bright from the ground, and Gamagori faced the area. As he looked back, Bruno was gone. He growled hard

"Let him go Gamagori" A female voice says from above

"Lady Satsuki...YOUR STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT! SATSUKI KIRYUIN!" Gamagori shouts. Everyone began to salute their president


Somewhere on the docks of the area

A girl with a case and red streak in her hair stared at the academy

"There it is. Honnoji Academy" The girl says

Somewhere else on the docks of the area

A boy wearing purple with blonde hair looked at the academy as well

"Looks like this is where my journey begins" The boy says

Golden La Wind

Somewhere in the area

Bruno Bucciarati went through the area

"Wow Bruno, you once again outsmarted an Elite Four member" A girl with a schoolgirl uniform and bobcut says

"Thanks Mako. But I did it for the Passione Gang. Not for anyone who opposes that dictator" Bruno says

"So you say but your actions say otherwise" Mako says

"Whatever. Have you seen Abbacchio anywhere?" Bruno asks

"Not since yesterday" Mako says

"Damn it. Maybe after school then" Bruno says. The boy from earlier came towards the area

"Hey" The boy says

"I never seen you around" Bruno says

"I'm Giorno Giovanna" Giorno says

Giorno Giovanna

"A new student. Cool. He dresses kinda like you too Bruno" Mako says

"You're right. Let's be sure, he's not some spy sent in by Satsuki Kiryuin" Bruno says

"So this Satsuki Kiryuin. How evil is she?" Giorno asks

"Very. My name is Bruno Bucciarati. I am part of a gang in Honnoji Academy called Passione, our mission is to dethrone Satsuki Kiryuin, aka the new and reborn Adolf Hitler" Bruno says

"I see" Giorno says

"But before we can let you in. We must strike you with the arrow" Bruno says

"Is this arrow gonna be painful?" Giorno asks

"It will at first, but that's to see if you are strong willed. Maybe the boss will come" Bruno says

"Hm. Interesting arrow. Are you sure it doesn't give you a manifestation of the soul known as a stand" Giorno says. Bruno looked up shocked as if no one else was supposed to know that information. He ran up and grabbed Giorno by the collar

"How do you know this information?" Bruno asks

"My dad knew about it. Along with the fact my stepmother has traces of her past here" Giorno says

"So...what is going on?" Mako asks

"It looks as if this man is being bullied" The girl from earlier says. Everyone turned to her and Bruno put Giorno down

"Who are you?" Bruno asks

"Ryuko Matoi" Ryuko says

Ryuko Matoi

"I'm not bullying him. This is Passione business, so this does not concern you" Bruno says

"I could careless about that dumbass gang. I came here to find my father's killer" Ryuko says

"Your father's killer. How interesting" Giorno says

"That's my business. You all better stay out of it" Ryuko says. She walked past the group

"Wait. Ryuko" Mako says. She began to follow her

"Come with me Giorno Giovanna. We know where you can stay" Bruno says

"Good" Giorno says

The next day at Honnoji Academy

Ryuko, Mako, Giorno, and Bruno walked towards the entrance of Honnoji Academy

"So Ryuko will be staying at my place for now on Bruno" Mako says

"Hey. Do you two know each other that well?" Giorno asks

"Me and Mako have know each other since Middle School. She befriended me when I was graduating while she was three years away from that happening to her. I didn't think I'd see her again" Bruno says

"Looks like someone is grumpy" Ryuko says

"I have a tyrannt to stop Mako" Bruno says. A light came down from above. Students began to line up and make sure the four don't run away

"Bruno Bucciarati" Satsuki Kiryuin says as she comes from above

"Stay back you three. I have business with her" Bruno says. He steps forward and walks towards Satsuki

"Well well. It seems you have a lot of balls to come back here after yesterday" Satsuki says

"It seems you have the balls to actually confront me and not hide you coward" Bruno says. The two began to come closer until they almost touched heads

"We cannot keep allowing Passione to harm this academy at any cost" Satsuki says

"We cannot keep allowing you to reign over this place. It will make the evil smile and the good frown" Bruno says

"Say whatever you want Bucciarati" Satsuki says. The two came closer to each other and touched heads. Sticky Fingers came from behind Bruno

"I've never seen Lady Satsuki this upset" Mako says

"Now hold on just a moment" Ryuko says as she speaks up. Bruno and Satsuki look back at her

"Well well. It seems we have a new student here" Satsuki says

"You bet. I came here looking for my father's killer" Ryuko says

"So you have. Why should that concern me?" Satsuki asks

"Because my father's killer was traced here. To Honnoji Academy" Ryuko says. She takes out a red sword that looks like one half of a scissor

"Cool sword" Mako says

"Whoever possesses the other half is responsible for killing my father...and I believe that other person is you" Ryuko says. Satsuki stared for a couple of seconds then walked towards the girl but Sticky Fingers was there to hold her back. Satsuki stared at Bruno

"Let me go" Satsuki says

"I will not let you harm her" Bruno says

"I do not care if it is you Bucciarati. This is treason against Honnonji Academy" Satsuki says

"Since when have I cared for such a thing" Bruno says. Satsuki looked angrily at him then he fell down a zipper. The same happened to Giorno, Mako, and Ryuko. The zippers disappeared

"They escaped" A student said

"I'll let one of the club presidents handle this" Satsuki says as she walks back to her room

Passione Headquarters

The four fell down and landed in a nice place

"This is the Passione Headquarters" Giorno says

"The other members are out right now because they have school duties to take care of. Me and Giorno are the only ones that are known to be part of the Passione Gang" Bruno says


"It was too risky Ryuko. We cannot take any risks with Satsuki Kiryuin" Bruno says

"GOD DAMN IT! FUCK YOU AND YOUR ZIPPER MAN!" Ryuko shouts. She storms out of the room. Mako follows her slowly

"She's a feisty one" Giorno says

"She'll understand soon enough. If the Passione Gang couldn't get to Satsuki, she alone cannot" Bruno says


Ryuko was angry to the point where her blood was boiling. She was unaware that she was being watched by someone

"Be careful what you wish for Ryuko Matoi" A man says behind the shadows. Ryuko continues to storm off but suddenly she fell down a hole


Ryuko was on the ground but with minor cuts. She looked around and didn't see anything but garbage

"Hello" Ryuko says. Then suddenly a giant piece of clothing with one eye appeared

"PUT ME ON! PUT ME ON!" The piece of clothing shouts. It jumps on Ryuko and tries to take off her clothes

"WHAT! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, YOU PERVERT!?" Ryuko shouts. She continued to fight off the piece of clothing

That evening

Bruno and Giorno headed towards the school

"So why do we have to come here?" Giorno asks

"Satsuki is doing something" Bruno says

"What is something?" Giorno asks

"I have no idea. That's why I labeled it as something" Bruno says. The two then saw Mako hanging upside down above a frier. There was a boxing ring and a whole bunch of students huddled up

"Woah" Giorno says. A man with boxing gloves jumped in front of the two gang members


"Everyone can see my panties. Help me" Mako says

"She's not wearing a bra?" Giorno asks

"How dare you. That's a lady you are hanging upside down. Shame on you and that evil witch up there hiding from me" Bruno says

"If you want her back then you have to fight for her" Fukuroda says

"We'll do it" Bruno says.

"Step aside" A voice said. Everyone recognized it as Ryuko's. She wore a hood over her head that covered her body

"Who is this?" Fukuroda asks

"Are you sure Ryuko. Stands should be good for combat against him" Giorno says

"I am sure Giorno" Ryuko says. She goes into the ring and makes a serious face

"Listen to me very carefully. If Ryuko gets hurt in anyway. I want you to go up there and protect her with Golden Experience. If it gets bad, I'll join you" Bruno orders

"Gotcha" Giorno says. Fukuroda jumps up and gets into the ring

"Well well. Looks like I finally have a worthy opponent. How great" Fukuroda says. He rushes in and punches Ryuko, but she blocked the attack via her Scissor Blade. The hood came off and it revealed a skimpy outfit being worn. It looked as if it had eyes, the right eye being patched shut

"Since where was this girl a exhibitionist?" Bruno asks

"WHAT THE HELL!" Fukuroda shouts


"We got a better shot at winning if I go in" Giorno says. He jumps up and Golden Experience comes out. He fires a blast from his stand and hits Fukuroda

"What the...what did you shoot me with?" Fukuroda asks Giorno as he looks back at him. Everything was moving in slow motion for him. He went up and punched Giorno but the attack phased through him. Ryuko struck Fukuroda in the chest and he fell back

"Thanks Giorno" Ryuko says

"What the hell. I was up in the air and then…" Fukuroda says. Giorno goes next to Ryuko

"If you want her. You'll have to get through me" Giorno says

"Fine by me. Taking down the new kids was never a pain to me" Fukuroda says.

"Alright. Do your thing...GOLDEN EXPERIENCE!" Giorno shouts. Golden Experience comes out and tries to punch Fukuroda but he blocked the attack

"My turn" Ryuko says. She rushes forth and slashes his body once more. She falls down to her knees after that

"Looks like I'll have to do this on my own. No matter" Giorno says. He uses his stand to guard against the incoming attacks. He then strikes the captain but it didn't even make a dent

"What's wrong? Your mystical ghost can't harm me. Shame. Huge shame" Fukuroda says. He then realizes there were a bunch of roaches on his feet

"Don't underestimate my power" Giorno says. The roaches transformed into rocks that began to weigh down Fukuroda

"HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!?" Fukuroda shouts. Ryuko got back up and rushed towards the captain. She punched him hard in the gut

"Finishing move Seni Soshitsu" Ryuko says as the Scissor Blade began to morph. She then cut up Fukuroda's uniform and a strand of red thread was absorbed into her uniform. Fukuroda was on the ground in front of Bruno

"Now now. Can we please be rational here. I was only following orders" Fukuroda says

"If I followed orders like you. I would have the same sins as you" Bruno says

"Please don't do anything to me. I just lost my two star uniform" Fukuroda says

"No. You must pay dearly" Bruno says. He grabs Fukuroda and launches him up. Sticky Fingers comes out


"Arrivederci" Bruno says as he disappeared from sight. Giorno helped Mako down and Ryuko with her injuries

"Bucciarati. She's suffered from blood loss" Giorno says.

"Let me take her. My mom can help with her help" Mako says

"Sure thing Mako. Take care of her" Bruno says. He looks and stares at where Satsuki is usually

Satsuki's Room

Satsuki looked down at Bruno. She was with her Elite Four. Ira Gamagori, Uzu Sanageyama, Houta Inumuta, and Nonon Jakuzure

"He did you a favor there. Taking out worthless trash" Jakuzure says

"He did without even realizing, and it seems Matoi and Giovanna are with Bucciarati now" Satsuki says

"Lady Satsuki. Why do you keep letting Bucciarati off the hook?" Gamagori asks

"We need him to expose the Passione Gang. There should be three other members in this academy. With Giovanna now joining. Bruno Bucciarati's Passione Gang now has his own version of us" Satsuki says

"It makes sense. I want a taste of this Giorno Giovanna" Sanageyama says

"You'll get the chance...trust me" Satsuki says

Mako's Home

Ryuko was covered in bandages. She wore a sailor uniform that showed some of her naval. The first person she saw was Mako's father.

"YOU PERV!" Ryuko shouts. She slaps Mako's dad hard. She sees Mako's mother, Mako's brother, Mako herself, and Guts the dog

"It's okay Ryuko. These two nice young men helped Mako bring you here. They left two minutes ago" Mako's mom says

"Oh" Ryuko says

"You should wash up dear. You're all dirty" Mako's mom says

Not too far away from Mako's home

Giorno and Bruno walked away coolly from home. Bruno had a bag behind his back

"I must say. Mako's mother is a nice lady" Bruno says

"She gave us those nice croquettes with mystery meat. It's cheap but it works" Giorno says

"The poor are some of the happiest people because they learned how to be grateful for things, along with working for everything they recieve. The rich always pout in a room full of gold and many valuable items" Bruno says

"I agree...and I am thankful she gave us those croquettes for free. They should be delicious to the rest of the Passione Gang" Giorno says

"I agree Giorno. Now, we must rest up for tommorrow. Ryuko found her home with Mako's family. Now you found your home with the Passione Gang" Bruno says

"I'm glad. Ryuko is a strange girl though. She seems hostile to a lot of people even if they are friends" Giorno says

"Mako can change that real quick. I believe in her" Bruno says

"Yeah. She does seem like the one to do that" Giorno says

Mako's Home two hours later

The family was now sleeping soundly except for Ryuko. She stared at her sailor uniform

"Can't sleep" Ryuko says

"Ryuko. You did great today. You'll learn to control me much better when you fight another captain. Giorno might not even have to help you" The piece of clothing said

"Thanks Senketsu...but I think right now. I need to focus on my main mission, finding out who killed my father" Ryuko says

Passione Headquarters

Giorno laided awake as well

"Well...wherever you are stepmother, I'll find you and we'll finally meet...because if my dad was someone to spare you, then you must be worth it in his and my eyes" Giorno says

End of Episode