Hey everyone! This is my first story on FanFiction... I've been waiting a while because I wanted to read other amazing author's stories plus I started mine off on paper so I had to wait until I figured out how to make it go onto FanFiction. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. I would also really appreciate it if reviews don't contain major swears and mean comments. Thanks!

Disclaimer: I do not own Descendants or the characters. However, I do own the following story...


Audrey points the top of the scepter towards Mal's wing.

"Just give it up Mal! You're not cut out to be the 'protector of Auradon'! Let alone be queen!" Audrey yelled towards the purple dragon who was staring at her, clearly in pain.

"You know it's true! So why not just move on and go back to where you really belong, with the trash at your pathetic domain on the Isle!" Audrey smirked, knowing that she's right. Mal shook her head quickly and shot fire straight at the Eye of the Scepter. The Ember glowed bright blue in the dragon's left fist. The scepter and Mal's fire with the power of the ember crashed and clashed against each other. Mal roared while Audrey screamed with anger and determination. Mal bellowed as a large spark from the fire and the scepter's power, hit on her legs and arms/front legs. Sparks soon started to continually land on Mal. Her head, her wings, limbs, and belly. Mal gave an ear-shattering roar and hot a pillar of purple fire straight at the scepter. Audrey screamed and fell back onto the ground. She slammed her head on the stones and went out like a light. Mal, still in dragon form, looked over at Uma and nodded, signaling that Audrey was down.

"Mal!" Celia called out. Mal turned back to face her. "Thank you..." Celia sighed, grateful that Mal saved her life. Mal didn't move a muscle or make a sound.

"Mal?" Mal's green eyes rolled to the back of her head and started to fall, rapidly. A quarter of the way down, purple smoke started to circle her and she turns back into her human form, beginning to fall even faster than before.

"Mal!" Uma cried out. A second later, Ben, Jay, Evie, Dude, and Carlos come out from the woods. Jay turns to see Uma and Harry runoff. Or so it appeared. HE saw a form falling from the sky. His eyes dawned in realization.

"Mal," he whispered. He ran off with Carlos, Evie, Dude, and Ben not far behind.

"MAL!" Ben screamed, clearly terrified. She was 200 feet from the ground. Uma and Harry not even close to where she could land. 150 feet, en putting all of his beastly energy into running to save the love of his life. 100 feet, Ben passed Uma and Harry, who was panting heavily. 50 feet.

"MAL!" he cried. She slammed onto the ground with a force so strong, it knocked the others right of their feet. Purple smoke, in many different shades, started to circle around Mal and fall outwards, away from her.