Disclaimer: All rights belong to Nickelodeon, Bryan Konietzko, Michael Dante DiMartino, and all the men and women that created the A:TLA show, books, and comics. I take no credit, and I do not mean to break any copyright rules. This is simply a work of fiction made for enjoyment. No money is being made. The lyrics are from the song "Shake it Off" by Florence and the Machine
Rating: General Audiences. Warning: some scenes contain dark themes and minor violence
Author's Note: To clear up some confusion: Katara has not mastered Airbending. She has mastered the basics. The only element she's mastered is Waterbending, though her Earthbending is getting close and her Firebending isn't bad
Chapter 11: Ember Island Players
Regrets collect like old friends
Here to relive your darkest moments
I've been a fool, and I've been blind
I can never leave the past behind
Katara trains in the courtyard with Zuko, Toph, and Aang. She creates a sphere of wind to balance on while bending wheels of fire and pushing against the rock platforms Toph sends her way.
When she's finished with her training, she bows in respect to them. Although she knows she's rushing the last two elements, especially air, she feels as confident as she can. She may not be the best Air- or Firebender, but she can use all the elements relatively easily - and that's more than the Fire Lord can do.
Sokka runs into the courtyard, Suki behind him. They'd gone for a walk to the village on the island, and from the poster in his hand, it appears they found something.
"You guys are not going to believe this!" Sokka grins and raises his chin, puffing out his chest. "There's a play about us."
"We were just in town and we found this poster." Suki motions as Sokka unravels it. Katara and the others step closer to get a better look.
An older, more beautified version of Katara is in the middle, wearing her traditional Water Tribe furs (though not one percent accurate) and in a Waterbending position. Aang and Sokka are at her sides, Sokka also appearing much older and more masculine as he holds up his boomerang. Only Aang appears to be accurate to his age, and he has his hands in front of him in a defensive airbending position. Toph and Suki aren't on the poster, but Zuko is - or, rather, Zuko's eyes are in the poster, looming behind them all in the sky, his scar even uglier and larger than in real life.
"How is that possible?" Katara asks, glancing away from it.
"Listen to this," Sokka orders as he begins to read the characters painted at the bottom. "The Girl in the Iceberg is a new production from acclaimed playwriter Pu Wang Ten. He scattered the globe gathering information on the Avatar, from the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. The sources include singing nomads, pirates, raiders, prisoners of war, and a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage."
"Brought to you by the critically acclaimed Ember Island Players," Suki finishes.
Zuko groans. Katara looks over at him, trying to keep her focus on his face instead of his abs (really, it's a wonder she can concentrate on training at all when he doesn't wear a shirt).
"Ugh. My mother used to take us to see them. They butchered Love Amongst the Dragons every year."
Katara turns back to her brother. "Sokka, do you really think it's a good idea to see a play about ourselves?"
"C'mon! A day at the theater? This is the kind of wacky, time-wasting nonsense I've been missing!"
She can see from his desperate smile, and the look of pleading on Suki's face, that Sokka needs this. He's been obsessed with his plans for the battle since they regrouped, and she knows that this idle waiting around is killing him. Today and tomorrow are the last days before the Comet, but it's more stressful than restful as they have so much free time to let their minds wander on the inevitable. It would be good to get their minds focused on something else for a few hours.
"Alright," Katara reluctantly agrees. Aang and Sokka grin at each other in a way that makes Katara instantly regret her decision.
But that afternoon, they're sitting in a private box in the balcony of the theatre facing the red velvet curtains.
Toph sits down first, at the edge of the lower row in their box. Aang takes the seat next to her, and then Katara and Zuko. Aang is pleased that Katara's next to him, but she doesn't seem to notice, leaning over to whisper something in Zuko's ear. Suki and Sokka sit in the row behind them.
"Why are we sitting this high up?" Toph complains. "My feet can't see a thing from here!"
"Don't worry, we'll tell your feet what's happening," Katara reassures her as the lights go down.
The curtain rises and soft music plays from the orchestra. A boat is on the screen, cut-outs of waves shifting back and forth along the floor. The backdrop is painted with icebergs.
Actor-Zuko is standing on the front of the ship. Katara has to put a hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. The actor has a bald head save for a long black ponytail in the very middle of his scalp.
"Imagine if you actually had hair like that we met," she giggles. He groans and face-palms.
Actor-Iroh is standing just behind Actor-Zuko. "Your firebending has improved, Prince Zuko," he says. "But not enough to defeat the Avatar."
"Not good enough?" Actor-Zuko asks angrily. "I'll show you good enough!"
He waves his hands in a (very improper) firebending position, and a few orange and red ribbons fly out, hitting a prop iceberg. The iceberg shakes and splits open, revealing a girl laying down. Sokka leans down and grabs Katara's shoulder.
"That's you!" he whispers excitedly.
"Who's that?" Actor-Zuko yells. "Bring her to me!"
A pair of soldiers pick up the waking Katara and escort her onto the ship. She looks around, a confused expression on her face.
"Who are you?" Actor-Zuko demands. "And what are you doing here?"
Actor-Katara's face scrunches up. "I-I don't know," she cries, and then she begins to sob. "I don't remember anything!"
Actor-Zuko growls and turns to his men. "Keep watch on her until her memory comes back. I have a strange feeling about her."
The ship moves offstage, and the iceberg rotates to the other side, where another figure is slowly waking up. Katara glances back and gives Sokka a thumbs-up. He's watching intently with a toothy grin on his face.
Actor-Sokka sits up and rubs his eyes. Then his hand drops to his stomach. "My only sister Katara used to roam these waters in search of something fulfilling. But all I want is ful-filling in my stomach." He spreads his arms out and faces the audience. "I'm starving!"
The entire audience laughs. Katara turns to look at Sokka, who's being restrained by Suki.
"This is pathetic!" he exclaims. "My jokes are way better than this!"
Toph's laughter breaks through the tension around him. "I think he's got you pegged!"
Actor-Sokka's iceberg floats off stage and the boat with Actor-Zuko and Katara return. Actor-Katara stands at the front of the ship, staring out at the waters.
"Every day I await for something to guide me, something to remind me of my past, yet none appears! Still, I cannot give up hope." She presses her hand to her heart. "For hope is all I have." She throws herself against the side of the ship and sobs.
Now Zuko is the one holding back laughter. Katara frowns and crosses her arms. "Well, that's just silly. I don't sound like that." She hears the others laughing and shrinks down lower in her seat.
"Oh, man!" Toph exclaims, holding her sides. "This writer's a genius!"
Suddenly the boat shakes. Actors holding tentacles swarm around the ship, waving them at the sides. Actor-Zuko runs out on the deck.
"It's a kraken!" he yells. "It will destroy the ship! Firebend! Ha!"
He and Actor-Iroh shoot ribbons of fire, but to no avail; the tentacles keep coming.
"We're doomed!" Actor-Zuko exclaims, stepping back.
Actor-Katara straightens up. "We must never relinquish hope," she declares, "not until our dying breath."
She throws out her arms. "Waterbend!" The waves on the floor shift more rapidly and ribbons of blue burst out from all sides. The tentacles convulse before falling back from the ship and being run off-stage.
"A Waterbender!" Actor-Zuko says. "But my great grandfather Sozin the conqueror destroyed the Water Tribes! It is not possible!"
"I remember now!" Actor-Katara exclaims. "The sign I was waiting for! I am from the Southern Water Tribe!"
"How did you survive?" Actor-Zuko demands, stepping right up into her face. She ignores him.
"I ran away because the fighting scared me. I saw that there was no hope for my people. I must have been frozen in that iceberg and woke up when it was melted by your fire!"
Actor-Zuko narrows his eyes. "You are my prisoner now," he declares. "I'm looking for someone, a Waterbender. He would be about one hundred years old. If you help me find him, I'll set you free."
Actor-Katara bows. "I'll do anything you say, Your Highness!" Then she turns back to the audience. "As long as I breathe, there is hope!"
"Hope indeed," Actor-Zuko scoffs. "Hope for me to regain my honor and return to my rightful home!"
The ship is once again taken off-stage and Actor-Sokka's iceberg returns. The backdrop of the South Pole is replaced by one of a forest. Actor-Sokka is sleeping as three girls in green and gold approach.
"It's me!" Suki whispers, leaning forward.
"What is this?" Actor-Suki asks, leaning over Actor-Sokka. "It's a boy!"
"A boy!" the other two girls chorus.
Actor-Sokka's eyes open. "Well, hello, ladies," he says, sitting up and winking. All three girls put their hands to their hearts and swoon.
Actor-Suki offers her hand and helps Actor-Sokka to his feet. "It's not often that handsome boys wash up on our island," she says, fluttering her lashes. "What is your name?"
"I'm Sokka, but you can call me hungry." He looks over her shoulder out to the audience again and winks. "I'm starving!"
The audience laughs again. Actor-Suki loops her arm around his.
"We have lots of good food on our island. In fact, let me make some for you myself."
"I don't mind if you do!" Actor-Sokka replies as they walk off-stage.
"This playwriter's sexist," Suki murmurs.
"Yeah, why don't you ever make me food?" Sokka asks, earning a punch to his arm.
In the next scene, Actor-Katara is walking with Actor-Zuko. "What is this place?" she asks, looking around the buildings and extras walking around them.
"Whale Tail Island. And remember, if you want to ever be free again, you'll keep your mouth shut. We're just here to do some business."
"What if they ask about me?" Actor-Katara asks.
"Tell them you're my bodyguard."
Actor-Katara suddenly gasps and stops. Actor-Zuko whirls around. "What is it now?" he demands.
"That flag!" Actor-Katara buries her face in her hands and sobs. "It's the same one that I saw when my parents were killed!"
A man dressed in a uniform approaches them. "Zuko and Iroh," he says, an edge to his tone. "A surprise."
"I am the prince, and you will address me as such!" Actor-Zuko demands.
"You are a banished prince on an impossible quest," the man sneers. "And a former war general gone soft. You have no place here. You have no place anywhere."
"I am the future Fire Lord and you will bow to me!" Actor-Zuko begins to fall into a bending position, but Actor-Iroh holds him back.
"There is no need for violence," Actor-Iroh says calmly. "Only tea and Pai Sho."
"Ugh! You're so useless and stupid!" Actor-Zuko stomps a few feet away. Actor-Iroh walks off-stage, and Actor-Zuko returns to Actor-Katara. Another actor enters the stage, this one throwing up firebending ribbons in fancy ways.
"Look, Prince Zuko!" Actor-Katara exclaims. "Can you do that?"
"Fire isn't something you play with," Actor-Zuko skulks.
"Is that what happened to your face?" Actor-Katara asks.
"No. I disrespected my father and I paid the price. But now I have learned respect."
Actor-Katara collapses on her knees. "That is so sad!" she sobs. "Now I'm tearbending!"
In her seat, Katara gags. This is utterly ridiculous. Tearbending? And she does not cry that much. Jeez.
The next scene has them back on the ship. A low thundering noise comes from the drums in the orchestra, and the lights on the stage are dim.
"Prince Zuko, you must try this cake!" Actor-Iroh insists.
"I don't have time to stuff my face!" Actor-Zuko snaps. "I must capture the Avatar and regain my honor!"
"Well, while you do that, maybe I'll capture another slice!" Actor-Iroh shoves a piece into his mouth.
"You sicken me," Actor-Zuko replies, glaring at him.
"Let's forget about the Avatar and get massages," Actor-Iroh suggests.
"HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?" Actor-Zuko bellows. "DO YOU -"
"What's that noise?" Actor-Katara interrupts, running onto the deck. The thundering sound grows louder, and the lights flash once.
"It's a storm! We must get below decks!" Actor-Iroh disappears.
"It's not just any storm, it's a hurricane!" Actor-Zuko says. "Now I'm going to die honorless!"
Actor-Katara lays a hand on his shoulder. "We must never give up hope," she says. Then she raises her arms. "Suddenly, I can do things I never could before!" she narrates. "Waterbend, Lightningbend, Airbend! Whoosh! Whoosh!"
Ribbons fly all over and the thundering fades. Actor-Zuko is staring at her.
"How did you do that?" he demands.
Actor-Katara stares at her hands. "I don't know! I just...believed in myself!" Then she looks up to the sky. "No, wait - there's only one possible explanation."
"I'm the Avatar!" She grins. "There is hope for the world again!"
"There is hope for me again!" Actor-Zuko crows, and two soldiers rush on deck, grabbing her arms. Actor-Katara goes limp.
"Don't do this!" she cries. "Please Zuko! No!"
"Finally, I am regaining my honor! I can return home and forget about my useless uncle!"
"You can't betray me!"
"I just did."
Actor-Katara begins to cry. "I used to have hope," she sobs, "but now I have none."
Actor-Zuko stands proudly on the top of the ship while Actor-Katara is dragged away. The curtain closes on the first act of the show and the lights in the theatre return.
"Well, that was intense," Toph remarks. Then she stands. "Hey, Sokka, wanna go find some snacks with me?"
"Heck yeah!"
Katara turns to Zuko, who is staring at the curtains. She sets a hand on his arm, but he pulls away.
She sighs. "Zuko, stop it. You know I forgave you."
"I still did it."
"But that's not the end of our story."
"It could have been."
Now Katara's starting to get irritated. She knew that watching a show about them wouldn't be a good idea. "Well, I'm going to go stretch my legs before the next act. You can sit here sulking if you want to or you can come and join me."
She walks out of the box without waiting for him and walks along the halls outside the theatre. Zuko doesn't follow. When the intermission is coming to an end, she returns to find him still glowering at the stage. On her other side, Aang is also suspiciously quiet.
"Apparently this playwrite thinks I just make bad jokes about food all the time," Sokka complains, chomping down on his snacks.
"Yeah, you make bad jokes about a lot of different topics," Suki agrees.
"I know!"
"Relax, these aren't accurate portrayals," Katara assures him. "Suki isn't a weak, lovesick girl and I'm not a preachy crybaby who can't resist making emotional speeches about hope all the time." They all stare at her. "What?"
"Yeah, that's not you at all," Aang says slowly.
"Listen, guys, it's obvious that the playwrite did his research," Toph says. "I know it must hurt, but what you're seeing up on that stage is the truth."
The lights dim and the curtains open to continue the story. The next few scenes are short. Katara is stuck in prison and is taunted by Ozai while Zuko parties with Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee while Sokka and Suki travel to the Fire Nation after getting a mysterious letter saying that Katara is alive but in prison.
Then the prison break happens. Katara is facing off with Azula after telling Sokka and Suki to run (and after a very emotional and inspirational speech about never losing hope). Azula raises her arm to deal the final blow when Zuko jumps in and stops her.
"You were the only person who ever believed in hope," he says. "But without the Avatar, there is no hope. Now, go!"
"Aren't you coming with me?" Actor-Katara asks.
"I can't. It is not my destiny."
"Okay." Actor-Katara begins to run. Just as she's about to exit the stage, she half-turns and says, "You have given me hope again, Prince Zuko."
Then she runs. Actor-Azula fights Actor-Zuko and defeats him, earning applause from the audience. They exit the scene and Katara, Sokka, and Suki reappear.
"Oh no!" Actor-Suki exclaims. "They destroyed our only way of escape! Whatever will we do?"
"There is no more hope," Actor-Katara sobs. "We're doomed!"
"And no more food!" Actor-Sokka says. He looks back at the audience. "I'm starving!"
Then there's a bright light and a whoosh as a large Appa puppet appears. A figure in an orange outfit is seated on top of Appa.
Aang leans forward and rubs his hands excitedly. "This is it," he says. "It's me!"
A tall, fit guy turns to face the audience. Actor-Katara sees him and swoons. "There is hope again!" she exclaims.
"Who are you?" Actor-Suki asks.
"And more importantly, do you have food?" Actor-Sokka asks. "I'm starving!"
"My name is Aang, and this is Appa. We're here to rescue you." He reaches down and takes Actor-Katara's hand, raising it to his lips and kissing it. She swoons again. "Now, come. We must go before the Fire Lord knows you're missing!"
They all climb up on Appa and fly off-stage.
Katara glances around. Sokka is staring agape at the stage, Suki is smirking, Zuko has one eyebrow raised, and Aang is beaming.
"They got me just right," he says.
Toph shakes her head. "Nope. Sorry, twinkletoes, but that's nothing like you."
Aang mutters something under his breath as the next scene begins.
Their adventures continue to play out. Katara finds herself growing more and more dissatisfied and annoyed every time her character cries about hope or even simply cries. Sokka has retreated into the back corner of the booth, hunched down in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest. Zuko has a permanent scowl on his face. Suki only grimaces a few times, otherwise enjoying the show. Toph and Aang are the only ones who seem to love it, though for completely different reasons.
Toph laughs every time Actor-Katara cries, Actor-Zuko has an outburst, or Actor-Sokka makes a horrible joke. Aang beams every time his character saves the day with his muscles and superior bending abilities.
"I better have a look around and see if I can find an earthbending teacher," Actor-Katara says in front of an Earth Kingdom backdrop.
"This is it!" Toph exclaims, clapping her hands together. "This must be where I come in!"
"We looked all around!" Actor-Aang says. "No earthbending masters to be found."
"You're looking in the wrong places," a deep, masculine voice rumbles. From a trapdoor on stage, a short and buff man dressed in Earth Kingdom clothes ascends to the stage. "You have to look underground."
Katara's eyes bug out. Then they all start laughing. Toph is leaning forward, craning her ears.
"Who are you?" Actor-Katara asks.
The man spits to the side. "I'm Toph," he says, flexing his enormous biceps. "Because it sounds like tough. And that's just what I am."
Katara watches Toph's expression as she listens.
"Wait a minute," the younger girl says, picking at her ear. "I sound like...a guy. A really buff guy."
"Well, Toph, what you hear up there is the truth," Katara says, repeating her words from earlier. "It hurts, doesn't it?"
"Are you kidding me?" Toph grins. "I wouldn't have casted it any other way!"
"So?" Actor-Aang says on stage, waving his hand in front of Actor-Toph's face. "You're blind?"
Actor-Toph laughs. "I can see you doing that. I see everything that you see. Except I don't see like you do. I release a sonic wave from my mouth." He opens his mouth wide and screams. Everyone watches with wide eyes, some audience members covering their ears. "There. I got a pretty good look at you."
Toph is leaning against the railing of the box, a wide smile stretched across her face.
A few scenes later, Ba Sing Se is up. A cardboard drill attempts to cut into a cardboard wall, which Actor-Aang is perched on.
"If she doesn't stop drilling, this wall will come down for sure!" he says. Then he narrows his eyes. "I have to stop this drill and Azula and save Katara!"
He whips air at Actor-Azula, who deflects it easily where she's standing on the drill. "Haha, yes! Continue drilling! The city of Ba Sing Se can hide no longer!"
Actor-Aang jumps down onto the drill and fights Actor-Azula. Ribbons of her unnatural blue-colored fire are thrown his way while he retaliates with white streamers of air. Inside the drill, Actor-Katara is crying to be rescued.
"Aang! You are my only hope!" she bawls.
Actor-Aang locks eyes with her for a brief moment before attacking Actor-Azula again, this time decimating her. She falls back as the drill shudders to a stop. Then she disappears and Actor-Aang frees Katara from the cockpit of the drill.
"Oh, Aang," Actor-Katara swoons, falling into his arms. "You've saved me! How could I ever thank you?"
"I was just doing my duty as your loyal friend," Actor-Aang replies, setting her down gently.
Actor-Katara pouts. "Just a friend?" She reaches up and kisses him. "That's how I thank my closest friends."
Katara glances over at Aang, who's staring at the display with an unreadable expression. To be sure, she scooches slightly towards Zuko and away from Aang.
"I thought you were Zuko's girl," Actor-Aang says, surprised.
"Zuko?" Actor-Katara laughs. "He's too grumpy and moody and angry for me. Besides, he's the one who captured me and put me in prison. You're the one who has been taking care of me and rescuing me ever since we met."
"It has been nothing but an honor and a pleasure." Actor-Aang takes hold of her hand.
The battle for Ba Sing Se ensues in the next scene. When Actor-Azula takes the throne, the Fire Nation audience members clap and cheer.
The next set of adventures starts with Suki, Sokka, and Zuko teaming up to escape from Boiling Rock. Then Zuko goes off to make amends with Iroh, and Aang and Katara grow even closer. When Zuko comes back and teaches Katara new firebending secrets (apparently the playwrite isn't quite well-researched enough to have cracked the secret of the Sun Warriors), Aang is jealous of the new relationship between the two of them.
"You spend more time with him than you do with me," Actor-Aang says, on-stage alone with Actor-Katara. "You said you didn't love him, that he didn't give you hope."
"He doesn't," Actor-Katara assures him, taking his hands. "You're the only one who gives me hope." Then she reaches up and kisses him again. "Soon you'll be my airbending teacher, and then we'll spend all our time together."
The invasion happens. Katara notices that Sokka grips the top of her seat tightly. It's a sore subject for him. Right before Actor-Katara splits off from the group to find Ozai, she's pulled aside by Actor-Aang.
"Whatever happens today, know that I believe in you. I've always believed in you," he says.
She gazes up at him with loving eyes. "You give me hope, Aang. More hope than anyone else. There's no one else I'd rather have spent the last few months with." She kisses him again. "I love you."
"I love you, too. Now, go and defeat the Fire Lord! End this war. For us."
"I will," Actor-Katara promises.
The next scene shows the Fire Nation soldiers battling the ragtag army. And the next one shows Zuko's confrontation with his father. Instead of in real life, where Zuko deflected the lightning and left, this version shows Zuko dying. There's a muted clap from the audience, who is apparently still divided on how they feel about the crown prince's death. Ozai's guards drag his body off just as Katara appears.
She fights the Fire Lord. It's a drawn out struggle, ending when Ozai summons lightning and hits her in the heart. She falls to the ground, convulses, and then is still.
Ozai stands. His actor is a tall, muscular, and handsome man with a booming voice. "I have defeated the Avatar! Nothing stands in my way now! Nothing stands in the way of the Fire Nation!"
The audience leaps to their feet, clapping and cheering and whistling loudly. The kids slip out unnoticed.
"I have to use the restroom before we go," Sokka says. "Wait for me?"
"No, we're just going to leave you," Toph says sarcastically.
Katara glances around at the group. Sokka is going to the bathroom, Toph and Suki are chatting about the show, Zuko is still moping and Aang -
"Where's Aang?" she asks, glancing around.
"I think I saw him head out to the balcony," Toph offers.
"I'm going to go look for him. Stay together, alright?"
"Yes, mother."
Katara ignores the remark and heads down the hall and out the doors. Standing on the edge of the balcony, looking out at the dark sky and the lights of the village around them, is Aang.
"Are you okay?" she asks, walking over to him.
"No." He sighs, not turning to face her. "I'm confused."
"About the play? You know it's not accurate. Don't take it too seriously." She moves to stand next to him.
"But I do. I can't help but wonder if the playwrite noticed something we didn't." Aang finally meets her eyes. "Toph said that what was up on stage was the truth. And she was right."
"It was the truth - mostly," Katara agrees, "but it was exaggerated to the point where it almost wasn't true."
"But it was all based on some truth, right?"
She thinks about it. "I guess so. What's confusing you?"
Aang throws up his hands. "I just don't get it! After all the horrible things Zuko did to you - after the horrible way he treated you - you're still with him! Why?"
Katara feels a flash of anger flood through her veins. "The play exaggerated how bad Zuko was to make him a better villain. He did not treat me that poorly. And who I'm with doesn't really concern you, anyways. It's my decision."
"Unless I'm involved!" Aang's gray eyes bore into hers so intensely that she takes a step back. "Now that I know you love me back, I can't sit idly by while you're with the wrong guy?"
Katara's jaw drops. "Excuse me?"
Aang motions wildly with his hands while he speaks. "I've been the one fighting by your side since I picked you up from the Fire Nation beach. I've been nothing but loyal and helpful. I taught you airbending and so many other things. I've never betrayed you or lied to you or anything! But for some reason you chose Zuko over me! Why? I don't understand!"
Katara doesn't understand what he's trying to say. "Yes, you have been very loyal, and I appreciate everything you've done. So what don't you understand? What does Zuko have to do with any of it?"
"I love you, Katara. And I know you love me too."
She's too stunned to react at first when he leans up and kisses her. But then it clicks and she pushes him away firmly.
"I'm with Zuko, Aang. I don't love you that way. And it's completely unacceptable for you to do that." Katara knows her words are harsh, but they just pour out. "Just because some stupid play shows us together doesn't mean it's true."
Aang stares at her for a long moment, his gray eyes filling with tears. Then he leaps off the balcony, unfurling his glider. Katara crosses her arms and turns her back, trying to process the anger coursing through her.
"Man, everyone's taking this play so seriously," Toph says, leaning against the wall. Suki had gone off to find Sokka, leaving just her and Zuko, who is sitting on the floor with his hood pulled up over his face. "Even you're moodier than normal - and that's saying something."
"You don't get it. It's different for you." Zuko rests his chin on his knee. "You get a muscly version of yourself taking down ten bad guys at once and making sassy remarks."
"Yeah, that's pretty great." Toph beams.
"But for me, it takes all the mistakes I've made in my life and shoves them back in my face."
Zuko can barely keep his voice level. He'd wanted to cry during the part where he'd treated his uncle so badly and betrayed Katara. The only thing keeping away the tears was years of practice repressing his emotions.
"My uncle," he continues. "He's always been on my side, taking care of me. He's always been there for me. He taught me so much, and how do I repay him? With a knife in his back." Zuko stares at the floor. "And Katara. She was always kind and open to me. She gave me so many chances even though I didn't deserve them. And I just sold her out for a crown on my head. I don't deserve to have such good people in my life."
"You do." Toph slides down so that she's sitting next to him. "You made the bad decisions because you had bad people influencing you. That's why you deserve to have people like Iroh and Katara - people to set you straight and help you fight the bad ones."
"You really think that?"
"No. I know it."
"Because I've been travelling with Katara for a long time and she's never shut up about you. It was actually kinda annoying."
Zuko smiles a little. "Sorry."
"I mean, it was kind of sweet. In an icky way. I was glad when you joined us because it made Katara so much happier. She always saw the good in you, even when you weren't sure of it yourself. And I'm sure your uncle feels the same way."
Zuko's always worried that he's a burden to Katara, someone she has to watch and take care of and make sure he didn't go evil again. He's relieved to hear that he does actually bring her happiness.
"Thanks, Toph."
"You're welcome." She punches his arm, hard. "Now stop moping. It's annoying."
A Fire Nation kid dressed as Aang runs past them. When he sees Zuko, he stops.
"Hey, your Zuko costume is pretty good!" he says. "But your scar is on the wrong side."
The kid is already running again when Zuko shouts, "The scar is NOT on the wrong side!"
"So that was a horrible play," Suki says as they walk back to Ozai's house. Everyone except for Aang has regrouped.
"You said it," Katara agrees.
"Horrible," Zuko says.
"But the effects were decent," Sokka points out.
"What effects?" Toph asks.
"We'll tell you about it some other time."