Hey Party People! I'm glad you like the Idea of Jaune being a Marine and yes I Will be doing all of what y'all said but I'm Making a story about Jaune being a U.S. Marine! Yes it Will be the whole "Jaune disappeared thing" but i like the Concept of Jaune being a U.S. Marine! It feels like he would come back a very different person and I want to give into that! I hope you all enjoy this!

Beacon Academy is many things. A symbol of hope, a place to train future generations of Huntsman to defend the world, but one of them is not very happy. You see about two months back all of the school discovered the truth about Jaune's transcripts from Cardin. While they were waiting for him to return from a solo mission the Unexpected happen.

As all of the school was sitting in the amphitheater waiting for this announcement from the Headmaster Professor Ozpin. They watched as he came out in a very depressed state but he hid it well. You could smell the alcohol in his drink all the way to the back. Why would he put Alcohol in his coffee?

"Students we have lost someone today. While many of you wanted him gone I think none of you wanted this to happen." Ozpin said calmly

They watched as Professor Goodwitch, who had red eyes from what appeared to be crying, walk onto the stage with something no one expected. Crocea Mors, Jaune's sword, was in her hands covered in blood. No one said a word as it began to sink in.

"I-is that Jaune's" asked someone from the crowd to scared to finish the sentence

Ozpin simply looked away in sadness as it silently confirmed what they were thinking. Jaune Arc, one of the most strategic and most stubborn Huntsman in Training they knew, was dead.

"I know, I know, it was a simple mission but something happened during the mission that caused Mr. Arc's death...we still have yet to determine it but from what we have so far someone attacked him." Said Ozpin gripping his mug and causing a crack to form on it.

"We know you wanted him gone so we wi-" "Why him?" Said a voice causing everyone to looked shocked

Cardin Winchester, The man who ratted out Jaune, was crying silent tears. While he looked normal you could see the tears falling down his face. Jaune was many things but stupid was not one of them. He already told his father to overrule the suspension and keep Jaune in. In both his and his father's eyes he EARNED his place here just like the rest. Cardin already told the school his plan to help get him confindence and turn him into the best damn Huntsman this world had seen. But now it can never happen.

"He didn't deserve to die!" Cried out Velvet who was bawling in Coco's arms. Everyone let out tears as they all began to realize what had just happened. Jaune was gone. He was never coming back home to Beacon. Where he belonged.

The Teachers cancelled all classes so everyone could cope and when the news tried to demean Jaune well...lets just say that Jaune was hailed as a hero in the school. Teams RWBY and NPR took it the hardest. While yes the relationship with CRDL improved as they no longer bully anyone, hell Cardin has a faunus girlfriend, they all missed Jaune.

The funeral was attended by the entire school. With Crocea Mors, with Jaune's father's blessing, remained at Beacon to be forever a reminder of who they lost that day. But not will is as it would seem and they will soon find that out.

It has been now been three months since his death and Team RWBY is out on a mission to this strange complex found near Beacon. It's believed to be an abandoned compound from The White Fang but when the surveillance drone's footage returned they saw something unexpected. The outside of the compound had a strange flag flying upon a pole, freely in the wind. It had fifty stars inside a blue Square. It also had thirteen stripes switching from red to white.

Doctor Oobleck was ecstatic about this find. He wanted to find out what that flag meaned. So he was supposed to meet up with Team RWBY at the compound and explore it together.

"I can't believe we are exploring that creepy place" said Ruby with a shiver

"Well we can't just leave it unexplored. After all General Ironwood wants it but Professor Ozpin didn't want Ironwood to bring Altas Troops to explore it. Atlas Academy and Beacon now has a strained relationship thanks to a little stunt Ironwood pulled." Said Blake

"Still can't believe he did that" sighed Weiss

"Well we can't change the past" said Yang

"Let's keep moving forward!" Yelled Ruby excitedly

When They got there they were shocked by how big it was, bit the bigger thing was the fact Doctor Oobleck was already on the move.

"Um...Professor Oobleck?" Asked Ruby

"Doctor Oobleck, Miss Rose and we must hurry! Atlas is on their way and we must get to the Basement!" He said quickly

"Wait what why?!" Yelled out Yang

"I've already got everything we need from above the ground but if Ironwood gets the Basement he will have the most important information!" He Yelled

"And that is?" Asked Blake

"This!" He said as he pulled out a necklace

with to tags on it but what caught them by surprise is what they said.






"Jaune?!" They all screamed

"Yes I know its shocking but I've already gathered the information from here. All of it. We can't let Ironwood have this information!" Yelled Oobleck

"Wait Why is he coming?!" Yell Ruby

"He is coming for everything in the installation we can't let him have the paper work! This is no a game of "who gets it first" children! Don't worry Port and Goodwitch are on the way as well with the rest of the school! We Will clear out EVERYTHING! Now let's go!" He Yelled

"Yes Sir!" Team RWBY yelled as they ran with Oobleck to the basement

Within less than thirty minutes all of Beacon was on the complex cleaning out everything. From the skeletons to the bunk beds. Nothing was to be left behind. Not even a mouse! When the school got the news they were fine with it until Ozpin revealed that Jaune Arc might be Alive. The Complex held the clues and we must have them. With that information NO ONE dared let Atlas have any of it. Vale had grown accustomed to Jaune being hailed a hero and began to understand why they missed him. The Vale Council even let places be named after him.

But now was no time to hear about that they had "cleaning" to do and they were on the move.

"Where is Oobleck and Team RWBY!" Screamed Phyrra

"They are in the Basement they believe their might be a clue down there!" Yelled Goodwitch

"Lets hope so because we are heading down their next!" Yelled Port while helping Cardin get a box put into a bulkhead.

Goodwitch watched as the last box was set down and felt a vibration from her scroll. She froze thinking that they were too late until she saw the messages. One was from Ozpin and the other from Oobleck.

Ozpin was telling her that Ironwood would not arrive until tomorrow thanks to the council and from Oobleck her eyes widened.

"Hurry get to the basement and clear it out and get us a medic! We have found Mr. Arc!"

"Everyone get to the Basement now! Also someone find Professor Peach!" She yelled as she sprinted to the Basement with everyone following her.

Team RWBY and Doctor Oobleck were running throughout the Basement looking for anything they can find. From paperwork to bodies and marking them on the scrolls for all the school to see. As they were rounding the final corner they saw an iron door with a label they all recognized from the necklace.


They found it. Where the first clue, or maybe Jaune, was held.

"Yang Break it down!" Yelled Ruby

"On it" Yang yelled back as she broke down the door

What they saw was something unexpected. It was a tank of water with a heart monitor still beeping. Who they saw within nearly made them cry. It was Jaune Arc and he was Alive.

"He is okay" Ruby said with a tear rolling down her cheek

"Yeah but look at him he has so many scars!" Said Weiss in a panic

"I'm getting him out!" Yelled Yang as she broke the glass

She caught Jaune and felt something wet. She looked at where her hand had caught him and saw blood coming down her arm. She then saw a gash in his back from what appeared to be a sword cut.

"Jaune's hurt!" She yelled as Doctor Oobleck sent a message to Goodwitch.

"What do we do!" Yelled Ruby

"Watch out Yang I'm gonna tie it with my ribbon until help arrives!" Said Blake

"Alright Goodwitch is on her way!" Said Oobleck

"Hang on Jaune" said Ruby holding his hand

Before They could begin to wait they heard Jaune groan out something.

"What, What is it Jaune?" Asked Ruby

"Is that you Ruby?" He asked

"Yes it's me"

Jaune began to laugh. "I must be in Heaven then." He said as he pulled Ruby in for a kiss.

She froze but soon melted into the Kiss. She finally got her night in shining armor. Until he passed back out.

"Ruby, you can smooch him later! He is losing blood!" Yelled Blake "and Yang DO. NOT. HIT. HIM."

"But he kissed Ruby!" She Yelled

"And she kissed back! We can talk about that later!"

Yang sighed and complied. As soon as they finished their Argument Goodwitch came bursting into the room.

"It is him" she said standing shocked

"Coming through!" Yelled Professor Peach tending to his wound

"Alright let's get him and these out of here! Including the glass!" Yelled Port snapping Goodwitch out of it

"Yes Move it students!" She yelled

They spent a good hour clearing out the place and another four checking every nook and craney. Jaune had already be sent to Beacon for medical attention. Professor Ozpin stood in his office watching as the students returned in a more happy mood but worry in their system.

Ozpin turned to face a monitor that showed Jaune resting in the Infirmary.

Ozpin Smiled "Welcome Home Mr. Arc" He said as a tear rolled down his eye

Finally done and yes this is rushed but I was so excited to make this chapter! It will go a bit more of helping Jaune get through his PTSD and some Romance between Ruby! It will also go over his time in Bootcamp as well as a funny story I heard from a former Marine so that story I will point out and tell y'all is NOT MINE! I just wanted to share it with y'all! Anywho hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Also there will be sexual themes as well as, possible, "fun" scenes. But I'll leave that up to you guys to decide!