This is the sequel to T&C: The journey of two people who didn't know each other well. What are the consequences after getting married to someone who sometimes feels like a stranger to you? Will they survive after realizing they are still somewhat strangers with twin children? Follow me in the journey as Liv and Fitz come to the realization After the Consequence of falling in love with a total stranger, the realization that it going to take a lot of work by them both to agree to disagree. Olitz Tale


It has been one year since the marriage of Fitz and Liv. Things between the couple are blissful. Isabella and Isaiah are now a year old and hand full to keep up with. The twins look more like sibling than twins, having both of their parent's features Isa (Isabella's nick name) looks more like Olivia and Za (Isaiah's nick name)looks more like his dad.

Liv is learning how to adjust with having unlimited resources. Fitz on the other hand already accustomed refuses to allow Liv to spend her new wealth. In his mind it's his responsibility to financially care for his family. This poses a serious concern for Liv. It reminds her of the feeling of not having money at all. Anything she may mention she wants to purchase on her own becomes a conflict with Fitz. He instead of understanding her need to do this for herself purchases the items for her or insists she used the black card he gave her or the joint account to make the purchase.

Fitz being a man who has always had money and resources can't see Olivia's conflict. This misunderstanding created their first argument since the day at the hospital when Olivia found out Fitz killed Jake. This day things get a bit heated.

"Fitz I don't fucking need your money. I have my own. If I want to spend my money on my family I should be able to without your input."

"And you can baby, I'm just saying I provide a good life for all of us. You can take that same money and put it towards our children's future. I have more than enough for us both. If something was to ever happen to me, God forbid, you still have more than you will ever need for generations to come. Why can't you just understand that?"

"Babe I just need to do this….my way with my own money."

"Why do you even have your own money? I told you we should just put all our assets together. That way everything is ours, not yours not mine, but OURS!" Fitz voice begins to elevate.

Olivia never having this much money in her life is not sure about the whole ours thing. People leave her life all the time. Fitz could leave her anytime he wanted too, couldn't he? Then what will she be left with? Rich people always have people coming after their money when they die. That's why Fitz do what he does career wise to help the helpless against the rich and powerful which includes our greedy government. If something happened to him, people would come after his money and everything he owned. Olivia would be damned if they took hers too. She was so conflicted. She still fears Fitz could leave her at any moment because he dealt with powerful people and the prize possession and that was money.

"You do not get to raise your voice at me. I have a right to my own feelings and opinions." Olivia pushes from the dining table where they are sitting. "Fitz sometimes I want to enjoy my own accomplishments in life with my own accomplishments, that means spend my own money my way. That is not to take anything away from you taking care of us as your family. That's just me making a decision that is from my heart. You were ok with us keeping some of our assets separate in the beginning now you bring up this bullshit about why? Really Fitz? We already established what we would put away for our children's future and present. As you say….You TOLD me…. You don't get to tell me anything! We decide….and I did not decide to agree with you about your decision for us to put all our assets in one account. But you chose to ignore my decision and act like I never disagreed. So now I will ignore you and this ridiculous argument. I will spend my money the way I want to and when I want to, get used to it because you don't dictate what I do and how and when I spend MY money."

Fitz is totally at a loss for words. He is unsure of who this woman is. Liv has always been strong willed, but never rebellious and right out defiant. "Who are you right now? I'm just looking out for my family and you are just being really bitchy right now. I'm at a loss for words. I don't know you in this moment. I'm questioning if we really know each other, because you are a stranger to me right now."

"You don't listen you only hear what you want to hear. So I need you to hear me when I say this. I love you with all my heart. But you do not control me or dictate how I spend my money." In that same moment Isa could be heard in the baby monitor. Liv gets up without a word and heads upstairs to the nursery. Fitz takes the towel in his hand and throws it in the sink with frustration.

After about 10 minutes Fitz goes upstairs to the nursery as well because Liv never came back down. He walks into the nursery which is a combo for both twins, painted in a soft green color with two white cribs and two rockers. He walks into the room. Liv is breast feeding Isa. She looks up at Fitz as he enters the room and smiles. "She's about done nursing, "Do you want to put her back to sleep while I feed Isaiah?"

Fitz looks over into Isaiah's crib and see's he awake and walks to Liv and retrieves Isabella, trading places with her as he sit in the rocker and embraces his daughter. As he cradles his daughter he watches Liv as she sits and begins to nurse their son in the opposite rocker. "Liv?" Fitz calls out

She looks up and raises her eye brow. "Yes."

"I just want to make sure my family is well taken care of, you do understand that right?" She nods her head and continues to nurse Isaiah. After 20 or so minutes both children are once again sleeping seeing that it was already late. Liv and Fitz head to their shared master bedroom.

Once they both are showered they join each other in the bed. Fitz is still feeling some kind of way about their discussion earlier. "Babe?" Olivia turns to him knowing he's not settle with their argument tries to distract him with a kiss. "Let's not talk anymore tonight. " She continues to slide her tongue into Fitz's mouth, Fitz never having control when it comes to Liv's sex appeal and desire gives in to her kiss.

He pulls Liv to him and is arouse with his own desire. He roams his hands up and down her entire body, touching her everywhere. Olivia takes his erect penis in her hand and begins to fist him in the same up and down motion as his hands are doing to her body. He moans into the passionate kiss. "Ride me baby." Fitz says with a deep sexual voice.

Olivia slides on top of Fitz never releasing the kiss as she removes her panties all in one motion. Fitz lifts up and removes his briefs just before Liv lowers her full body wait on him. Fitz caresses Liv's breast…right then left, he squeezes them together and rotates his tongue from one to the other as Liv slides down his stiffness. They both gasp at the feeling of them connecting as one. Fitz begins to slowly penetrate Liv's wet canal she lets out a soft moan. Liv places her hands on Fitz's chest and rotate her hips in a circular motion slowly and deeply as she takes in all of his girth and length. Though painful but also pleasure filled she bites her bottom lip nearly drawing blood.

"Dam baby, you taking all of this dick." Fitz says as he stops moving and allow Liv to take the lead. Olivia lets out a small squeal but continues to take all of him. Fitz is lost in the sensation of Liv's love making skills. He loves when she takes the lead. It enhances his arousal. As Liv deeply roles on his erection Fitz toes begin to curl, he knows he has to take control or he is going to explode before Liv and that is something he just can't allow to happen. With one swift motion Fitz lifts Liv up and flips her over. Without a single word he places her legs on his shoulder and enters her wetness. He's met with the tightness of her vaginal walls, gripping him with a possessive type grip. "Fuck!" They both say as he penetrates her opening. Olivia arches her back like a cat when she fills Fitz bottom out inside of her. This gives Fitz a clear few of her exposed neckline. He begins to kiss and suck on Liv neck. As he does this Olivia totally submits to him allowing him to take all control. Oliva cries out in pleasure as Fitz pound in and out of her, placing his signature marks on her neck and shoulder. Liv eyes close as her orgasm build and near the surface. "Baby I….I'm…Oh Fitz….Mmhmm….Mmhmm…right there baby right there…"

Fitz knows she's about to orgasm so he speeds up his efforts and requests her to open her eyes. "Look at me Livvie, open your eyes." Liv opens her eyes and immediately her mouth forms a silent 'O'. Her back arches higher, as she grips Fitz arms with a vice like grip. Only to then grab him behind his neck pulling him to her as she tries to control her vibrating body.

Fitz quickly pulls out of Liv and lowers himself, placing his tongue and lips on Olivia's throbbing clit. Olivia's clitoris already swollen from desire nearly jumps from the bed and yelps loudly, her hands uncontrollably goes to Fitz shoulders trying to push him away as she clutches his head between her legs. "Ohh baby…."

Fitz grabs her legs and spread them wide and goes in like a savage. Licking, sucking, and even lightly biting her clit to heighten her orgasm he knows in near. Olivia stiffens as she locks her legs against both sides of Fitz's head as she hold his head in place and lets out a growl. Fitz holds on to Liv's clit with his tongue and waits.

Olivia's body continues to vibrate as she let out her throaty growl. Before she could completely recover Fitz places two fingers inside of Liv and begins to pump them in and out. Olivia tosses her head from side to side as she calls out Fitz's name. Fitz not saying a single word just continues to take Liv over the edge. He finally comes up and deeply kisses Liv. "You taste that baby, that what you taste like to me. Your taste drives me insane."

"Yes, baby…you're sex game is driving me insane." Fitz has yet to enter her again, "Open your leg wider baby." Olivia widens her legs and Fitz hooks them under his arms bringing his body up on his knees before entering Olivia again. "I love this position I can feel all of you." He states

"I feel you too, all of you" Olivia moans out. Fitz fills Olivia with every inch of him. He loves that she can take all of his length with pleasure. She is meant for him and him only.

"I love you Livvie, you and our babies are my world." Olivia is lost in the pleasure Fitz is giving her.

"I love you too Fitz, I love you so much baby." Olivia moans out as best as she can. She's having a hard time speaking. "Cum for me baby…let me feel you cum. You're right there Livvie, cum for me baby."

Olivia unable to hold her orgasm explodes with a force that causes Fitz to explode as well. Both lovers cling to each other as the feeling of euphoria overtakes them. Heavy panting and declarations of love is all that can be heard from the two before sleep creeps up on them.

The following morning Liv and Fitz gets the children together so that Liv can drop them off at Abby's newly owned daycare by way of Fitz and Olivia. Fitz tries unsuccessfully to get Isaiah ready to leave when he jets off in laugher and hides behind Liv's legs. "No daddy, I no want you too, I want mommy to do it."

Olivia shifts her body as she's getting Isa together, "Za, not today son please let daddy help you get dressed." Olivia pleads with her son.

"No mommy, you do it." He pouts out

"That's fine Livvie, I will dress Isa. Come here princess let daddy get you dressed." Isabella walks over to her dad with a big smile and allows him to finish dressing her. Olivia then finishes getting Isaiah dressed. Twenty minutes later they head out the door.

Once arriving at the daycare Liv is met by Abby. "There are my beautiful god children." Liv smiles because Abby could not claim one child as her god child and not the other. Quinn on the other hand was not very understanding of Liv's decision and decided to pull away from the family and not hang out as much.

"Yes here they are." Liv says as the children are exchanged. "Fitz will be picking them up today."

"Ok, but before you go I need your advice on something." Liv says as she watches the worker Candice lead her children to the toddlers playroom.

"Sure what's up?"

"Stephen wants to enroll his daughter here, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea. What do you think?"

"I think we are family Abbs, Stephen is family, you really need to get over him cheating on you. You and David are together now, or do you still have feelings for him?"

"I don't have feeling for him, I know he's family but it's just awkward as hell is what I'm saying."

"It's only awkward because you refused to meet Stephen's daughter Marrisa. I really think you're being childish about this whole thing. It's been almost two years. So my answer to your original question is allow Stephen to enroll Marrisa here and of story. Love you Abbs but I have to go." Liv walks off and heads to work.


Fitz is just entering his office. Lauren immediately updates him on a new family estate that has no one to claim it. "Mr. Grant we have another case from Caldwell Funds and Family Estates, for Doyle Estates in Georgia. It seems that someone Hollis Doyle done went and got himself and his family killed."

"Really now?" Fitz says with a raised eye brow. He takes the file and head into his office. He looks over the file and is surprised to see that Hollis and his wife didn't have one single descendent left to claim their Estate. This can't be real. Fitz thinks to himself. There has to be more family somewhere. Fitz begins his search. After 2 hours of coming up empty he calls Liv.

"Hi." She answers her cell on the first ring.

"Hi." He says with a smile. "I need your help."

"Umm ok, with what?"

Fitz shakes his head as he shakes off his sexual thoughts. "No, not that babe at least not right now, But I have a client named Hollis Doyle whose entire family was killed. Can you check you data base for possible families that may be connected to this guy or his wife?"

"Sure babe email me their information and I'll have Huck look into it, but are you sure that's all you need?"

"If you keep that up I might need to take a walk up the block to pick up Ms. Alex and check into the hotel across the street to satisfy this boner I'm getting listening to my sexy wife tease me."

"Umm do I know this Alex chick?" Liv says in a seductive voice.

"You might, she about 5'3, 120 pounds, sexy and has a habit of biting her lower lip whenever she's turned on." Liv squirms in her seat as she bites her lower lip.

"Does she now?"

"Yes, just like you're doing right now." Fitz says as he grips his erection.

"Dam baby, I just got to work and I so wish you were here." "Maybe lunch Livvie. We both need to get some work done." Fitz says ending their little banter. "You're no fun, babe. Love you." "Love you too." They both ended the call. Fitz sits back in his high leather chair and chuckles to himself as he thinks. My wife is so good at distracting me and avoiding things. Not this time we will finish our money conversation from last night once and for all.

As the work day ends Fitz leaves and goes to pick up the twins. He gets out of his car when he notices Stephen leaving with his daughter. "Hey Stephen."

"Fitz, how it going?"

"Pretty good." He looks at Marrisa, "Hi Risy." Marissa waves

"So I take it you've enrolled her here?"

"Yes Abby finally accepted my application."

"What do you mean finally?"

"I've been trying since she opened, but you know Abby, She was still pretty upset with me."

"Well I'm glad she finally got in. Well let me go get my munchkins. Catch you later maybe we can get a drink this weekend." "That would be cool give me a call." Stephen says as he heads to his car.

Fitz arrives home about 10 minutes later after picking up the twins. Liv's office hours tend to run later than his on Tuesdays so today he prepares dinner. The twins are confined to their highchairs with a few cheerios to keep them occupied. Just as his is about to rinse the pasta for the Chicken Alfredo Liv walks in.

"Hi babe." She greets him with a kiss, kisses the twins as she greets them.

"Hey my love, dinner is almost ready. How was your day?"

"I was good, how about yours?"

"Not much, I saw Stephen at the daycare."

"I take it Abby took my advice and got over her issues with him."

Once dinner was complete the twins where feed, bathe and put to bed Fitz bring up the conversation from last night. They sat on the sofa cuddle together watching the new. "Livvie, can we talk about last night?"

"Sure as long as we talk without raising our voices."

"Ok, deal. So can you help me understand why you have a problem putting all out asset together?"

"It scares me." She timidly says. "Everyone I love eventually leaves me, the types of people you deal with are very rich and powerful, everything I have somebody gave me or left to me. I haven't earned most of what I have, I feel it can be taken from me at a moment's notice, so when I earn my way I want to do things with it because no one can take it from me. All the money that was given or left to me I put away for our children or emergency. I don't touch it unless it's to help someone. I need to have something of my own in the event something ever happens to you."

"Livvie, look at me, and hear me when I say this. First I'm not going anywhere….ever. Second everything I own is yours. I'm not leaving you anything. I'm sharing everything I have with the love of my life. I need to know you are ok with that. It's not about yours vs mines and no one can take that from you. I made sure of that. I love you and you gave me the greatest gift in the world, that's our beautiful children and your love. I'm not going anywhere. You do whatever you want with the money you've earned, but just know I will always take care of you and our children even in death. I need you to be ok with this. I get it now you need to feel a since of independence and want to feel like something is yours alone, but remember baby you are no longer alone, you have me. You have the twins and we have to be in this together or we won't make it."

Olivia looks up at Fitz with her big doe eyes and smiles. "I'll try harder babe. First I will start by adding you to my personal accounts except one. I have to have at least one that is just mines. Maybe down the road we can change that." Fitz smiles and kisses Liv. "That's a start Livvie. You can trust that I will always be here for you at all costs. I love you Olivia."

With a snicker she says, "I love you to Fitzgerald." They both laugh. Moments later they retired to their large beautiful bedroom and begin the process of intense love making.

The following morning Isaiah refused once again to allow Fitz to dress him. Olivia shakes her head and tells Fitz she would do it. "No he's a child and can't continue this tantrum he has every time I attempt to dress him. He must learn that I'm the authority figure here and the parent." Fitz continues to try and put on Za's shirt but he screams and kicks while calling for his mommy. Fitz palms him by both of his upper arm area and stands him upright. "Isaiah you stop this instant and let daddy put you clothes on." Defiantly Isaiah screams "NO, I WANT MOMMY!" Frustrated Fitz shakes the boy and yells, "ISAIAH STOP THIS WHINNING NOW AND LET DADDY DRESS YOU!"

Olivia is in disbelief. "Fitz! Do not yell at him, he is a child. You do not get to be ruff with him. Release him this instant. I will dress him." She reaches for Isaiah. "No Liv, he is a boy and all this whining has to stop. I am his father he will do as I say." Fitz says as he continues to hold Isaiah by his upper arms.

"What does him being a boy has to do with anything; he is a child Fitzgerald…a one year old child. He's sensitive and you being ruff with him and yelling at his is not helping. Now, I will dress him. Princess go and let daddy dress you. Come Za, mommy will get you dressed." Fitz was a bit upset but hearing Liv call him by his full name meant she was not backing down. Fitz releases a still screaming Isaiah. "This behavior has to stop Liv and you always babying him is what is not helping." She picks up Isaiah's clothing and without looking at Fitz she responds. "And you being ruff with him and yelling at him is? This whole macho man thing you trying to put on our child is not sitting well with me. Like I said he is a child. I don't give a dam if he is a boy. You don't get to force that on him. And if this continues you and I are going to have a serious problem."

Fitz continues to dress Isabella without a response. Now was not the time to speak his mind, so he didn't. Olivia drops the twins off at daycare and headed to work.

Once she arrived at work she notices a well-dressed male sitting in the waiting area. As she approaches her secretary she's informed by her who the gentleman waiting was. "Mrs. Grant this is Jaxon Miles he doesn't have and appointment but he insisted on waiting to speak with you." Olivia turns to Jaxon. "I'm sorry Mr. Miles but I don't see anyone without an appointment."

"Mrs. Grant my apologies but I really need to speak with you. I was told you can help me find someone, my daughter. Her mother didn't tell me about her until on her death bed I really need to find her. Please Mrs. Grant? I could really use your help." Jaxon states with desperation in his voice.

"I tell you what Mr. Miles you come back at 1 o'clock this afternoon and I will see you then." He smiles and thanks Olivia and gives her secretary his information. Liv continues on with her day. An hour later Huck walks into her office. "I have that information you asked for on the Doyle family." Liv looks up and smiles at Huck. "Thank you Huck, what did you find?' "Hollis has an illegitimate child. A son he's two years old and is currently being raised by his mother. Hollis accounts show he was paying her what appears to be hush money ten thousand a month. It's all in the file."

"Thanks Huck. I'll take it from here." Olivia then scans over the information in the file before sharing it with Fitz she must do her due diligence. After an hour of going over the file she decides to contact the woman to get her side of things on if she wants to go after the Doyle Estate for her child. She learned and believed that some people chose to stay hidden and might not want to be found such as herself and her mother at one point in her life.

Olivia dials the contact number and waits. "This is Maggie." The voice answers

"Hello is this Margaret Fisher?" Olivia inquires.

"Yes, who may I ask is calling?"

"My name is Olivia Grant, I own an organization called "Wish Granted, where I help families find lost relatives. I understand you have a child named Holland Fisher?"

"What's this about?" She says with skepticism.

"Can we meet?"

"What is this about?"

"A possible inheritance for you son, Hollis Doyle is your son's father correct?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know anyone named Hollis Doyle, good day Mrs. Grant."

She hangs up on Olivia. Liv looks at the phone and hunches her shoulders then hangs it up and calls Fitz.

"What is it Liv, I'm really busy right now." Olivia is taken back, no Hi, no hello, just rude she thought.

"Wow, are you still upset about our disagreement with Isaiah?"

Fitz sighs with irritation, "No, but I am busy." She decides to email the file to him instead of telling him about her findings. "Check your email sorry to have bothered you." She says before hanging up without another word. Fitz still holding the phone on his ear hears the click and becomes upset and calls her back as he checks his email. She doesn't answer. He opens the email and immediately felt wrong when he realizes she was calling about the favor he asked of her. He leaves a message.

"Livvie baby I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. Please call me back so I can properly apologize. I love you, and thanks for the file." After several hours Liv still had not called Fitz back so he called her.

"This is Olivia."


"Hi." She says as she rubs her temple with her thumb and fore finger due to the headache coming on. She was not in the mood to argue with Fitz. She knew she should have called him back after she got his message, but she chose not to.

"I'm sorry….for earlier the way I spoke to you. I'm sorry."

"Ok and thank you. I appreciate that. I just wanted to share with you my findings. Did you read the file?"

"Yes and thank you. Your team is really good with these types of things; anyway I will contact this Margaret Fisher and share the good news. There may be some legal issues but I'm sure we can figure those things out after the DNA test." Fitz states with excitement.

"I don't think it will be that simple babe, she doesn't want to be found." Losing his excitement he asks, "Wait…what…why would you think that Liv?'

"I spoke with her."

"You what…why? I only asked you to locate her."

"It's part of what I do when I look for people and find them. I always find out if they want to be found, and Maggie doesn't want to be found nor her son. When I asked her if Hollis was her son's father she claimed to not know him or what I was talking about."

"That's not what I asked you to do. I have my own way of getting people to come forward and claim what's rightfully theirs. You just made that harder." He states with a huff but Liv does not respond. She just holds the phone and continued to nurse her fully blown headache. "Liv…are you still there?"

"Yes Fitz and I'm sorry. Look I have a really bad headache and I need to take something for it. Did you need anything else?" She says in a very somber voice.

Fitz feels like an ass again he has put his foot in his mouth by speaking without thinking. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No love, I have some headache medicine in my purse. I'll just see you at home. I will also pick up the kids today. I think I will leave work early."

"Liv are you sure you're ok. Why are you leaving early?"

"It's a light day Fitz. I have a 1 o'clock. After that the rest of my afternoon is open."

"Ok, call me if you need anything. I love you."

"I love you too." Both of them hang up.

Olivia is starting to question herself concerning Fitz. She just can't seem to get it right with him. They are clashing at every turn. Either he is doing something she doesn't like or she is doing something he doesn't like. When did they get like this? How did they get here? Sometime he feels like a stranger to her and that scares her more than anything.

At 12:50 that afternoon Jaxon returned to meet with Liv. "Mrs. Grant thank you for squeezing me into you busy schedule."

"No problem Mr. Miles"….."Jaxon, please call me Jaxon."

Olivia raises a brow at this but goes along with it. "Jaxon it is then. Now you say you want to find you daughter? Well first I will need all her mother's information. First and last names, date of birth and any other family members you may know of."

He hands Liv a file. "I have all of that and some right her in this folder. There is even a picture of my daughter in there. She's five and her name is Karen Whitefield."

Olivia accepts the file and scans it over. "You seem to have done your homework; you have a lot of information here."

"Yeah her mom gave me this before she died and asked me to find her. She became a drug addict and our daughter was sold to some drug dealer. That's why I need your help."

"This sounds like something for authorities to handle. I don't get involved with drug dealers."

"I have contacted the police, but they have no leads. If you can just come up with something close I can take that to them and maybe they can find her and return her to me. Please Mrs. Grant. I really need your help."

"Mr. Miles….I mean Jaxon I don't see how I can help you. I only look for people who want to be found, not children who have been sold. How did you say you heard about me?" Liv ask as she is now becoming curious about this guy.

"Well you know I asked around. I also saw your bill board plastered everywhere downtown."

This made Olivia feel a bit uneasy. He indirectly answered her question not really answering it at all. She taps the notification button located in one of the many locations in her building, this one underneath her desk. "I'm sorry Jaxon but I don't think I am the right person to help you with this."

Seconds later Huck walks into Liv's office without knocking and stands in the door while looking directly at Jaxon. Jaxon feeling a bit intimidated stands. "Ok, I understand thank you Mrs. Grant for your time."

He leaves, but not before looking back at Liv and Huck with a smirk on his face.

Olivia looks at Huck and gets a chill and the hairs on her neck stand up. "Change my security protocol. All visitors must wait downstairs in the main lobby. No one can enter this floor unless approves by you or me. And find out everything about that guy." Huck nods and leaves to take care of Olivia's request.

What do you think about our new couple a year later? How about Liv and Fitz feeling about Isaiah always whining? What do you think about Abby still holding a grudge maybe. What about Maggie? And finally this guy Jaxon? Leave your comments. You guys are very good at figuring things out.