Catra and Glimmer have been prisoners aboard Prime's ship for three weeks now, and after talking for most of those weeks, there where officially out of things to do and are...

Catra -" board-as-hell." She exasperated.

Glimmer-" I think that's one of the first things you and I have ever agreed upon." She jested, looking out the window. " Just look at them. Stars. I only ever heard about them in stories, we always thought they where a myth. Something a writer would create."

Catra-" we thought the same." Catra added as she sat next to glimmer. " Hordak said that where he came from things where different, guess by that he meant lights in the sky."

Glimmer-" if all those lights are suns, does that mean that they all have planets like ours, with different life on them?"

Catra-" no idea sparkles."

Glimmer-" I mean what if they are identical. Or different in some way. Like what if on one world you are a member of the rebellion."

Catra-" I don't know much but what I do know for fact, is that such a reality does not and never-will-exist!" She insisted.

Glimmer-" I am so board."

Catra-" is there anything we haven't talked about yet?"

Glimmer-" nothing left that I want to talk about with you."

Catra-" I just wish something would happen, anything."

The two sat in silence again. Glimmer had an idea about something they could do. But was hesitant to suggest it and with good reason. Never the less she decided to go through with it.

Glimmer-" there is one thing we could do to pass the time."

Catra-" I'm all ears, sparkles." She casually endorsed, lying back to try and sleep.

Glimmer-" I'm not sure you'll agree with it. In fact I know your almost going to reject it."

Catra-" I can't reject it if I don't know what it is. Just spit it out!" She demanded.

Glimmer froze for a moment but forced herself to propose the offer. " ...we would kiss."

Catra didn't exactly know what to say. She sat up and spent a moment process what her rival, her enemy, had just said. " I'm sorry- I just wanna check that you said what I think I just heard."

Glimmer-" forget it." She shrugged in embarrassment.

Catra-" you want to kiss me?" She asked, gesturing her hand on her person.

Glimmer-" leave it alone Catra, it was a dumb idea, and I never should have brought it up."

Catra-" I men's it's not like I'm not flattered or anything, but still." She grinned.

Glimmer-" shut up!"

Catra-" what made this idea come to your head?"

Glimmer-" I don't know ok! It was just a passing thought. If we did-ya,know. It's not like it would matter. We could just pretend it never happened. That's assuming we get out of here alive. Actions without consequences."

Catra-" suppose that's one way of looking at it. I'm not saying for a second that we would but-"

Glimmer-" -leave it at that second." She said, trying to shut down the conversation.

Catra-" look sparkles-"

Glimmer-" forget it. Just forget it." She Insisted, as she got up and walked to her bed. " it was a stupid idea and we should forget it. I'm going to sleep."

Glimmer turned away from Catra and didn't say anything for the rest of the night. As Catra laid in her prison bed, unable to sleep, she kept thinking about Scorpia. She thought about a life she could have with her. But realised that it was a bad idea. Catra knew that Scorpia would never trust her again after what she did. She knew deep in her heart that she could never have a relationship with her, even if she was to get out of this prison. She knew where this thought pattern was taking her and she was in no mood to feel sad. So instead she opted to do something to take her mind off the thoughts in her head.

Catra pounced onto Glimmers bed, waking her up. She rubbed her face and saw Catra's blue and yellow eyes staring at her. " Catra what the hell are you doing?" She ask half conscious.

Catra-" it wouldn't mean anything right?" She asked.

Glimmer-" what?"

Catra-" those where your exact words." She reminded her, as she interlocked her fingers with a glimmers. " It would be an action without consequence. Something that we could forget if we wanted to. Something that meant nothing."

Glimmer started into Catra's eyes. She briefly looked at her hand, and slightly tightened her grip on it. " it would mean nothing." She reassured Catra.

Glimmer closed her eyes, leaned in, and kissed Catra. Catra herself shut her eyes and wrapped her legs and arms around Glimmer, she did the same. The two occupied their time for what felt like an eternity, not that either of them where complaining. When it finally came to to end the interaction, Catra was the one to break it off. Saying. " listen. This was fun, but I'm tired. So I'm going back to bed." " oh. ok." Replied a surprised Glimmer. As Catra got up to leave, Glimmer grabbed her arm and said to her. " you don't have to sleep alone. If you don't want to I mean." Catra thought about what she said. And grinned. " gotta love actions without consequences." Glimmer smirked and laughed a little.

The two shared Glimmers bed, awkwardly at first but they soon became comfortable with one another, as Glimmer pressed her head against Catra's chest, both locking their arms tightly around one another. Catra wrapped her tail around Glimmer's leg, and feel asleep, Glimmer soon followed.