League of Villains Lair

"Sir, here are some possible new recruits." a black misty figure gave a file to a man in a simple suit who looked over its contents.

"Yes, these ones show promise. Have them brought here as soon as you can, Kurogiri."

"Yes sir. Also, one of our contacts in the school system thought that you might be interested in this individual." Kurogiri held out a smaller file, which the man took and looked inside.

"... For what purpose did he think I'd be interested in this young man?" The file slapped shut and was handed back to Kurogiri.

"He said something about "possible potential", I believe."

"That boy will not be useful to me in any way. Not only does he idolise All Might, but he's far too... unless. Let me see that again." The file was handed back to him, and he flipped through it, studying intently. "... It might just work... yes, this would be- Bring Tomura here. It's time he made a new friend."

Izuku, Age 7

"Stupid Deku." Bakugo laughed as he walked off, leaving a bruised Izuku on the playground dirt. Izuku picked himself up and wiped away the tears from his eyes. It always hurt the worst when Bakugo fought him.

"That guy's a jerk." Izuku turned around to see a boy with pale skin and a black t shirt behind him. "He'd be a great villain someday."

"D- Don't say that! Kacchan's gonna be a hero, a really strong one! He'll-"

"Do you want to be a villain?" At this, Izuku stood still, wondering if he just actually heard those words. "I know you don't have a quirk, you would've used it to stop him if you did. My master could give you one if you want. You just need to become a villain."

"... I- I can't-"

"You wouldn't have to hurt anybody if you don't want to. He says you'd be useful for other stuff. You want to be stronger, right?"

Izuku thought about this, and then shoved the boy away.

"I'm not gonna be a villain! Ever! I'm gonna be a hero, just like All Might!" And he ran off, leaving the boy behind him. He ran until he got to the old creek that Bakugo and him just to play at back when they were good friends. He sat on the dirt and just thought about everything that had happened. He had been siting for about five minutes when he heard a bunch of twigs snap. Looking up, he saw Bakugo's group of friends minus Bakugo.

"W-what do you guys want?"

"We're here to teach you a lesson, Deku." At this, the group surrounded Izuku and started to beat him up. Izuku curled up in a ball to protect himself, but all it did was give them an easier target. Once they had stopped, he began to cry.

"Stupid deku. You'll never get a quirk, you'll be weak forever." As they walked off, Izuku uncurled himself and sat on his knees. After a minute or so of crying, he heard someone else approaching. He looked up and saw Tomura.

"You want to be stronger? Follow me." He pulled out a tiny remote and pressed a button on it. At this, a swirl of purple and black energy formed in front of them, and he looked back. "I talked to him, and he says you wouldn't need to be a villain if you don't want to."

Izuku stared on and a thousands thoughts flooded his mind. How he was told he'd never have a quirk, how he wanted to be like All Might, how he couldn't be without a quirk, all the things Bakugo had called him. Weak, quirkless, worthless, stupid Deku. He wiped the tears from his eyes, got up, and the pair walked through. The other side had a single large room with a figure in front of the two.

"Hello Izuku." The man in front of him wore a black suit and was laid back in a chair large enough to call a throne. The only other in the room was a shadowy figure wearing a bartender uniform. Tomura simply went stood next to the man who looked down at Izuku.

"H-Hi." Izuku was terrified, but he was already this far and he was unsure how to leave without something going wrong.

"Do you know who I am?" The man's voice was powerful, authoritative, giving Izuku chills up his spine.

"You're a villain who gives people quirks... right?" Izuku was beyond nervous at this point, and the man laughed slightly.

"Indeed, child. I am All for One. This is Kurogiri, my business partner and you've already met Tomura, my apprentice. Now you, you I have great plans for, my boy. I learned about you from an associate. I understand you're very smart and can memorize all kinds of things."

"Yeah, I can." Izuku gripped the edge of his shirt, regretting this but not having many options..

"I need someone to act as an insider, to collect information. That's all you'd need to do. Go to certain places and learn certain things about certain people. You do that, and the quirk I give you will make you strong. That's what you want, right? To be stronger, just like All Might?" The man held his hand out, and Izuku walked forward slowly.

"I don't want to be a villain, though. I just want to get stronger. I want to be a hero." At this, All for One sat back a bit and smiled.

"Understandable. There are others I can use for this role if you don't want to join me. You may leave if you wish, but your quirk will still be granted to you if you want. As a gesture of good faith." All for One stretched his hand out again, and Izuku slowly reached out and gripped it.

"You're quite a dedicated young man, Izuku." At this, several red lines of energy flowed from All for One and Izuku felt a large pain through his body. "However, I'm afraid I have other plans for you." Izuku spasmed on the ground, while small bursts of fire emerged from his hands, cracking the ground where they hit.

"Sir, what did you give him, exactly?" Kurogiri looked on with concern and panic.

"Hellforce, a fire type quirk that can inflict force damage on anything. And a byproduct quirk I made myself: Dark Mind. It brings his worst emotions and thoughts together to form a dual persona. He'll need some time to learn to master his fire, but now he'll be the perfect villain." After a while, Izuku stopped screaming and lay still.

"Is he dead?" Tomura asked as All for One looked on at Izuku's unmoving form.

"Possibly... Izuku?" All for One leaned down and Izuku slowly got to his knees. Opening his eyes, the once green irises were now red. He smiled widely and chuckled.

"... Call me Deku."

Later that night, Midoriya Residence

Inko was crying hard, completely lost in grief. The two detectives sat across from her, asking question after question to which Inko had no answers. After they had left, she went over to her photo of Izuku and her at the park a year ago. His face smiled up at her as she wiped away the tears.

Hey guys, Author here! Hope you enjoyed chapter 1. This will be a 11 or 12 chapter fic depending on how long some chapters will be and if other ideas come to me, and I will update it when I can. Hopefully I can get a new chapter out every 3 days, but with work and other stuff I might not be able to make that deadline. I will definitely finish it, though. Thanks for reading!

Author here again! You may be wondering why chapter 1 was updated. I got my first review that said Deku's joining felt forced, which is kinda true. I was iffy on the "spy" whole thing to begin with, and the characters felt kinda out of character. Hopefully this works better for you guys, I know it does for me. Oh, btw, chapter 3 will be out soon so be patient on that. Thanks for reading!