Hello there. :)
Thanks for looking into my new story. I hope to update regularly, but studying might keep me from weekly updates after the first few chapters. In this fanfiction my OC comes to live with Naruto so some events will be re-telling of episodes, but I'll try and make them not too long and enjoyable. :)
Summary: The Kyuubi's chakra gives a young woman a physical form... as a fox summon. She lives not only as Naruto's roommate and companion on missions, but also has to deal with some villagers who are not keen on having her in Konoha. Being on the same team with an emo kid and his fangirl doesn't make things simpler. Maybe the Chunin exam will make everything better? Rated M for language.
6 months ago
God is a hater. A trickster. I know it, because one minute I was taking care of my day job and the next minute my body just died on me. Literally.
I still had no idea, why I died or how it happened, but the next moment I woke up, I found myself in a strange, bright space. I was surrounded by fluffy, white clouds and the sky greeted me in a beautiful baby blue. 'This must be heaven' I thought and looked around. 'At least that describes my location'. Underneath the cloud I was sitting on there was no way down to earth or any kind of ground visible, just more and more clouds. The same to my right, left and above me. I tried to find any other person in sight or anything that could lead me somewhere, but I was all alone on my cloud.
'Well, now what?' I thought again as I lend back onto my cloud after finding nothing but a blue sky. Then the wheels in my brain started to rotate and I looked down on my cloud. It was soft but solid and I still hadn't fallen through it so why shouldn't I try and jump from cloud to cloud? I stood up and analysed the distances of the nearest ones. The nearest was maybe two or three meters away so I should be able to reach it.
After hours of cloud jumping I was fucking exhausted and already made a few breaks. I was too lazy for my own good. The last cloud in front of me was grey and located maybe four meters to my right, a bit above my head. Too far away to reach it. Suddenly I felt the urge to jump and without an answer to the why and how I moved without notice. My legs pushed me up and towards the clear space in front of me. I stretched my arms to reach the grey cloud, but when my fingers tried to grab onto it, they just went through it like they would through a real cloud.
Then gravity did its part and I started falling, even through the white ones and all I could hear on my way down was myself laughing and screaming. Laughing at the poor attempt to get on the grey cloud, screaming in fear and somewhere inside of me I knew I should have jumped down a long time ago.
"- yeah and the best thing about it is that none of you try to interrupt or question what I say. I mean it's reeeaaally nice of you, really, but once in a while I'd appreciate someone's opinion", I said with sarcasm laying in every word while I walked next to the group of men. They all had serious looks on their faces and after the next turn onto the main street I gave up talking to them.
'Maybe I should stop attempting to find someone to talk to?' I asked myself and walked up to the huge gates.
This was just the same with everybody I saw and talked to in the last 6 months since I fell from the sky. Slowly but surely me patience for this state was wearing thin.
Epic flashback
My way down was quite the journey, because I fell for what had to be a couple of days. When I finally saw ground coming near me or better, me falling to the ground, I actually hoped this would be the end. I was bored to death and after the first hour of screaming it began hurting my throat so I quickly stopped that. However, when I came near smashing into the ground my fall slowed down and I safely landed on my feet.
I started looking around my landing point and saw trees, big trees, small trees, pines, oaks, birches. Just trees everywhere and the sun bright in the sky. While I tried to find a way out of the forest, I suddenly felt something approaching from my right. It was still too far away to see it, but it was warm and comfortable and something inside of me wanted it.
I REALLY wanted it, so I started moving and when it came near, I just saw a dark flash flying by in high speed. My head turned to whatever flew by a second ago and I briefly could see a man. He wore dark clothes and a green vest over them. His hair was silver-white and stood from his head as if he'd just been electrocuted. In his hands he carried some sort of scroll and a strange looking knife or dagger and his clothes were looking a bit torn and… was that blood on the vest?
Most importantly, he seemed to carry the warm thing every fibre of my body wanted so I completely turned around and started running after him. Two minutes later I was exhausted and my lungs were burning like crazy. Not to mention the anger and desperation swelling inside my body because of his inhumanly fast speed. I wanted that warm thing he had and I knew I really needed it, but no matter how fast I ran I barely managed to keep him in sight without closing in.
A few minutes later, I felt like throwing up and as if I was suffocating due to the lack of oxygen and the uneven breaths I took. My head felt dizzy and I had to slow down.
Grasping for air my shaking knees gave in and I felt a severe stitch. I was done for now and had to stop, deciding that I wouldn't have been able to catch up even if I ran my lungs out. I sat back against a rough tree trunk and closed my eyes, listening to my heart beat hammering in my ears.
After a longer pause my whole body started to shake because of the urge for this thing the man had. I could still feel it in front of me so I pushed myself forward step by step. With every minute I felt my body recover and the physical pain disappearing.
In the evening I saw something big between the trees and the comfortable thing I wanted was more intense than before. I started jogging towards it and when the forest finally ended, I stood in front of a big gate with open doors. High walls surrounded a big area, which seemed to be a city and the strange warm thing I wanted was not just a huge one but divided onto many people walking around the streets. Happily I cried out in joy and when I began walking towards it, I felt my legs burn and shake again. "Damn all the running, my muscles are sore".
Curiously, I entered through the gates and looked around the many people gathering in front of bars, shops and just everywhere on the streets. They were laughing and talking, which was strange to me, because every now and then some men with the same clothes as the silver haired man I followed hours ago walked around the streets, armed to their teeth and some even carried swords. 'Maybe this is normal around here?' I tried to make sense of it and continued to look around. Suddenly someone came out of a booth eating food and I wasn't quick enough to avoid him. I shut my eyes and waited for the impact of a collision, but there was none. Confused I opened my eyes again and saw him walking away from me as if nothing happened. Then I noticed a young woman walking past me and her arm just went through my body.
Terrified I stared after her and raised my arms looking for anything to make sense of what just happened. My whole body was shaking, but I found nothing wrong with me, my arms felt like usually.
Right next to me I spotted a small boy eating some candy and with trembling hands I reached out to him, but just as before my hands didn't touch him and I felt like I just touched air.
My body tensed up and my thoughts started spinning. "What's going on here? Wh-Why can't I touch you", I asked out loud and grabbed into my hair like it was my sanity daring to fly away. Then I noticed something else. No one was looking at me and my words didn't reach other people either. I was standing in the middle of a lively street and I seemed to be invisible.
Obviously, I survived the shock, I had a short crisis though.
I started to learn some things about all the things around me. First of all, the 'city' was called Konoha and it was labelled as a village. The warm and comfortable thing I wanted from the man in the woods, it was something not everybody had. At least not enough to clearly sense it or they hadn't any, which included a big number of people, and those who had more all had different intensities. The white haired man was one of a smaller group who had a very high intensity of 'it' and after following him a couple of hours I learned his name, Hatake Kakashi and he was a ninja. Being a ninja was a common thing around here and at the end of the first day I also learned that all ninjas or shinobi had more of 'it' than the civilians. Kakashi's vest indicated a rank and also him, concluding other peoples' comments, him being a good ninja.
In my first few days in Konoha I followed Kakashi like I was glued onto his back. And let me tell you, following a high ranked ninja was a pain in the arse! Kakashi used the warm thing to walk on water and up trees like he was Jesus. Or a ninja I guess. Keeping up was tiring, strenuous and I hated climbing houses in any way possible, because I just fell off the next roof anyway. After three days of following and loosing Kakashi repeatedly I gave up on this idea.
The warm thing ninjas used for their cool moves and techniques was called chakra and it was some sort of energy they used to perform Jutsus. Cool shit, I tell you. That I learned in my first month when I randomly stalked a kid into his school. There is spiritual and physical chakra or something like that. Shinobi were taught to keep the balance between both to perform Jutsus, walk on water or heal wounds like the medics did in the hospital. They were able to strengthen both chakras by training the body and or mind.
Back to today
Until now I had learned a ton of new things about this world, but why I craved chakra I still didn't really know. Maybe I was some sort of chakra-consuming entity. If I was, I could be certain that I did a terrible job as one, since I haven't absorbed any of it by now, I just couldn't. I was sure I would have died of starvation or something similar multiple times by now I was such a creature.
Now I was taking a walk through the woods, enjoying the warmth of the sun and planning my next week. Since I wasn't able to communicate with other people, interact with object or get my hands onto chakra I had to find ways to entertain myself without going insane. Playing ghost became boring within the first two weeks, running through people wasn't thrilling any more either, following shinobi took too much effort and following random people made me feel like a stalker, getting caught or not.
Animals somehow sensed my presence, but I couldn't pet them so this was shitty as well. Cats didn't seem to like me, they always hissed at me and ran away. Going to school and visiting different classes was something I wasn't bored of yet, but without being able to ask questions I sometimes couldn't keep up with the stuff they taught about Jutsus. That made me feel stupid and sometimes I got frustrated enough to just leave.
"I guess I can go to the hospital and visit the new babies again", I said my thought out loud and shrieked when a dark voice next to me commented: "I don't know if parents appreciate some civilian looking at their new born child." I turned around in shock, realizing that whoever that was understood what I just said.
Down at my feet I saw a brown pug. He wore a Konoha Hitai-ate and wore a little blue vest. His eyes were looking at, at me and I just looked back dumbfounded. "Did you... just talk to me?" I asked sceptically and started questioning my sanity. 'Was I really that lonely and desperate for any conversation that I imagined a little dog talking to me?' Get some friends… oh, wait, I couldn't.
"If your ears are still working then yes, you heard me talk", the pug confirmed. He looked into my eyes and he still had to blink. I crotched down and asked: "You can see me?"
He huffed annoyed at the question. "Yes, I see you."
"Pakkun, who are you talking to?" came a familiar voice from above. The pug, Pakkun, and I looked up into the tree and I found Kakashi sitting on a branch, a smile appeared on my face. I liked this man. Pakkun pointed his little paw at me and said "Her" as if he just stated the most obvious thing in the world. Well, technically he did.
Kakashi raised his visible eyebrow in question. "There is nobody, Pakkun", he said in a doubting voice. The small dog huffed again and looked back at me. "Guess that's why you asked me your stupid questions." I just nodded for an answer being somewhat relieved that at least the talking dog could actually see me.
"Are you some sort of spirit then?" At this question I opened my mouth to say no, but then I closed it again. 'Am I a spirit? I already played ghost' I thought to myself. Pakkun noticed my hesitation. "I am one of Kakashi's ninken. Maybe that's why I can see you…"
He suddenly howled and a moment later a couple of dogs appeared out of the bushed and trees around us. They came near, sniffing at me and poking me with their noses and paws. One big dog sniffed at my neck and when it started to tickle, I laughed and patted his head in delight. 'Fuck cats!' "Some sort of summon I guess, but why are you invisible to humans?" Pakkun mumbled with the other dogs. I shrugged my shoulders and started patting the different dogs around me. Some hesitated at first, but then they let me touch them. I didn't care why, even if it was out of pity.
This felt really good, having physical contact and feeling the soft fur under my fingers.
Kakashi cleared his throat and caught our attention. "What exactly do you guys see? Or who?" Pakkun looked back at me and the dogs started to briefly describe me for the ninja.
"It's a girl."
"Around 14 years old I guess."
"Nah, more like 17 or18."
"Hmm, yeah, I bet 18, too."
"Short hair."
"It's red."
"Brown eyes."
"Average height."
"Cute puppy teeth."
"She looks like a dachshund."
"She doesn't smell like a dog."
I listened to their description with interest, since I wasn't able to see any reflection in a mirror. I didn't know why, but somehow I had no idea what I looked like. At the last part of their description I just looked at them like a car. "I don't smell like a -" Before I could ask anything, their conversation continued.
"A human", Kakashi asked and his voice waved a bit in surprise. Pakkun sniffed at my hand again. "She definitely resembles one. Smells harmless like a puppy, but she is no dog. Maybe a summon gone wrong, since she has no chakra. Girl, how did that happen?"
"I should have chakra?" I just asked back. 'Is that why I feel the need for it?' Pakkun and the other dogs hesitantly exchanged glances. "I guess, you should, kid. We've never seen one like you… Yo, Kakashi! Do you have any idea?" Kakashi jumped down from the branch and silently landed next to Pakkun, nearly standing on my leg. His foot went through it, so it didn't matter too much. Pakkun suddenly pushed against Kakashi's legs and the shinobi fell on his backside. "Now what was that for?" he asked in confusion. "You were stepping on her leg. That's rude."
Kakashi blinked a few times, then looked at the place his ninken sat around and somehow his gaze managed to meet my eye-level. "Sorry about that." He apologized shortly. I just waves aside. "I am already used to it." Pakkun quickly looked between me and Kakashi.
"So, you have any idea why she doesn't have any chakra or a human form?" Pakkun repeated his question and Kakashi shook his head. "No, I never heard of this before and I can't sense her either. Maybe Hokage-sama knows anything about that." The ninja suggested.
"Oh, I did see him some time ago. The old man with the large hat and the red and white clothes, right?" I beamed at this idea. In one of the earlier lessons in school the teacher explained the position of the Hokage and that he was the best and strongest ninja in Konoha. When I went to see the man in his office, I had to accept the fact that even he couldn't see me.
His chakra intensity was very strong and warm so I just spend the day sitting next to him and enjoying the nice feeling it gave me. His schedule was packed that day and I somewhat felt sorry for him, being this busy at his age.
Pakkun nodded and said: "That's him. Let's go, Kakashi. I'll stay with you so you know where she is and what she says, alright?" Kakashi nodded and I gave the pug a big smile. Just before the other ninken left I was allowed to pat them once more and even hug Buru, the big and silent one. The other dogs said their goodbyes and with a puff of smoke they were gone.
Kakashi started going back to the gates with Pakkun and me following. I beamed while walking being very happy to have someone to talk to and maybe even finding a solution to my problem. After six months I was getting my hopes up.
"So, do you have a name?" Kakashi broke the silence and continued to look ahead of us. I guess, since he didn't know where I was, looking at me was difficult and some way pointless.
In the last six months I had often asked myself the very same question. When I came to myself on the clouds I knew something about myself, but since I had fallen out of the sky I remembered nothing.
"I guess I have one, but I don't remember. And just deciding on a new one felt kind of strange", I mumbled while watching the clouds. Pakkun did his job as a messenger and Kakashi asked me a few more things about how long I was around, how I got here and some other stuff.
When we arrived at the Hokage's office the doors just opened and some men stepped outside. They all wore the green vests and I could recognize one of them as Umino Iruka, a teacher. I liked his lessons and respected his patience with the children, which I most definitely had not. At least not with the arrogant know-it-all brats, I really disliked them.
The men nodded to each other and then Kakashi entered the office. "Hokage-sama, would you maybe have a spare minute for me?" he asked politely, but sounding quite uninterested compared to the conversation on our way here. Not that he was the blooming variety of emotions, but he was clearly curious at that time.
On a normal basis Kakashi never really showed his emotions, I had learned, as long as he didn't run into Maito Gai. Then he always seemed annoyed, but I thought it was an act, since he still took part in their eternal rivalry thing and enjoyed rubbing his victories into Gai's face.
The Hokage indicated Kakashi to come in and take a seat, which the Jonin did. "What can I do for you, Kakashi?" the old man asked and I just stood next to Pakkun who sat on the other chair. Kakashi scratched the back of his head, gave his typical eye-smile and said: "Maa, this might sound a bit strange, but-", he cleared his throat: "Well, today Pakkun found a young woman who might be some sort of failed summon in a human form and without any chakra and she is… invisible. She is in the room with us now."
Sarutobi raised an eyebrow when Kakashi paused and took a moment to process his statement. "An invisible summon in human form without chakra is in my office?" he repeated to be sure he understood correctly. Out of the mouth of the powerful man it sounded even more ridiculous. Kakashi nodded and pointed to Pakkun. "We don't think it is a Gen-Jutsu, since she doesn't have chakra to keep it up. My ninken can all see her and Pakkun agreed to be her messenger." Pakkun stood up in his chair and quickly looked at me. "Hokage-sama, we never heard of such a case before and my comrades are questioning other summons right not whether or not they have an idea what to do. Until now without success, I have to admit."
The pug sat back down and looked at me. "Sorry, kid." "It's alright", I mumbled in a grumpy voice at the ground and looked up to see the Hokage's face. My hope was dying after Kakashi mentioned my situation and the question mark had appeared on the old man's face. The man in question shortly hummed and scratched his beard.
"I am curious. Who is this 'girl'? Does she- you have a name", he asked and looked at my direction where Pakkun's gaze laid. "She doesn't remember and she doesn't seem to recognize herself either. When we described her to Kakashi, she was as curious as he was to learn about her appearance. All she remembers is walking over the clouds in the sky and falling down to earth. Never heard of anyone doing that, for sure. She arrived here six months ago and her body seems to react to chakra. Since she doesn't have any herself, I suspect her body to desire it as a result, but she can't absorb it", the ninken summarized what information we gathered in the forest.
The wrinkles on Sarutobi's forehead became visible once again. I had to admit, we somewhat overwhelmed him with all the information, but he still was the Hokage so he should be able to deal with unexpected things, right?
"If she truly lacks chakra and is a summon without her original form, maybe we have to find someone who's compatible with her. Whenever we conclude a contract we choose a summon which can work with our chakra level, skills and fighting style. Also, the chakra has to be accurate to conjure the summon for the first time, maybe that's where it all went wrong with her. What surprises me is that you said she looks human, right? Can you describe her to me, Pakkun? This might indicate her original form." The Hokage's train of thoughts pleased me. To ask him could really be the solution to my problem.
"Of course", Pakkun quickly described me again. Then he took a second look at my mouth and added: "Oh, they might actually be short canine teeth." Sarutobi looked up with surprise in his eyes and said: "A fox, maybe?"
"Huh? A fox? Is he talking about me?" I curiously stared at Pakkun. "Yes, he is, kid. I would have guessed a red panda or a squirrel, because of your smell. You don't seem like the cunning, sly and smart type to me and usually foxes stink, but you smell good." "...Thanks" I replied to the indirect insults. "You're welcome."
"Pakkun, would a fox be possible?", Kakashi asked trying to sound less surprised as he was. The pug huffed: "Maybe, but she doesn't really resemble one in this form. Also we didn't smell any indicator for a fox … you think about a relation to the Kyuubi?"
When I saw their reactions, I got curious. "What's that?" Pakkun took a moment and looked at both men before he answered: "Kyuubi is a deadly and very dangerous fox demon. He attacked the village twelve years ago, we had many losses. He hates humans so maybe you being a fox isn't the favourite prospect for our village." "Oh." Now I realized why the Hokage was surprised.
"People talk about the Sora Clan of Amegakure being able to gain favour of fox summons. According to rumours their clan members have been able to obtain contracts for generations however this is only a rumour. So maybe she is harmless… after all it's more possible than someone trying to summon the sealed Kyuubi and only conjuring her, since the demon's chakra is sealed away... Spoken out loud it sounds even more stupid than in my thoughts." Pakkun drowned in his thoughts again. "Her being just another fox summon has the highest possibility. I trust Pakkun's judgement about her not smelling dangerous, but we still don't know about her origins. What should we do, Hokage-sama?" Kakashi was still sitting relaxed in his seat and waited patiently, but he couldn't completely hide the interest in his voice this time. The old man seemed to weight some possibilities against each other while drawing his pipe.
"You said she has been in Konoha for the last six months. In this time she never hurt someone or created any danger that we know of. And your group of ninken didn't sense any danger, is that right?" Pakkun nodded affirmatively. Sarutobi mumbled something into his beard and then he laid his pipe back onto the table.
"I guess we can try to find someone with the right chakra to help her out of this state. It might take some time and considering the Kyuubi I want you to be cautious not to cause a mass panic in our village. Summon gone wrong or not, we also have to be ready to seal her away if we find a matching chakra source and anything bad happens. I don't mean to insult you or imply bad intentions, but I hope you understand our scepticism." His glance directed to my location, he had an apologetic but serious expression on his face.
"Yeah… I guess it's understandable" I just said and Pakkun passed on my reply. Then Kakashi spoke up: "Sir, do you want to let Naruto try it?"