This is a bit new for me. So, please go easy on me!

Disclaimer: If I did own Miraculous Ladybug, I would have kicked Kagami out of the show (No offense to Kagami fans.)


Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the Princess of Coccinelle was kidnapped on the day of her engagement by the terrifying pirate of the seven seas. She cannot comprehend her ever-changing feelings on this matter. In her defense though, the enigmatic pirate seems to be more than what meets the eye.

Chapter: 1

Marinette Dupain-Cheng opened her eyes, only to make contact with the disturbing darkness. How in the world did she end up in this dark, damp place? Subsequently, her eyes widened as what happened came flooding back to her.

She was going to be engaged to Prince Luka of the Couffain kingdom, when all of a sudden, the panicked guards came storming through the doors of the grand Hall and presented the most horrendous news: The pirates were here.

She couldn't remember anything else.

What's more? She didn't know what to feel, either. Now, don't get her wrong she was horrified and distorted to know that she was not with her parents.

Furthermore, she did not even know where they were. If they were safe. Or if they were in danger. Then again, it was not a secret to her parents or the Prince for that matter, that she would have occupied herself with anything else except the engagement party.

That is not to say, that she found prince Luka distasteful. Not really. He was the perfect embodiment of a gentleman. But the spark just wasn't there.

So one cannot really blame her for being less than eager about her engagement. Nor can one blame her for the feeling that came out of escaping that dreaded party: Relief.

Which brought her to her current state: Tied up in a pirate ship, completely helpless. What did they want to do to her? Would they kill her? Her eyes began to fill with tears at that. Gradually, they shone with unshed tears.

"I cannot let my feelings get the best of me. I cannot grant those horrid pirates enjoyment by letting them see me break down. I have to stay strong."she whispered, holding back a sob.

" What's with the long face? Do you not enjoy being in the ship of yours truly, Princess? "a menacing voice in the darkness mocked her.

" Considering the ship resides in the hands of a bunch of pirates, I say I do not. "

She did not know where the sudden surge of confidence had come from, but in anyway, she was not a damsel in distress. If she was to die at the hands of pirates, then she would die fighting until the last of her breath.

" Ouch! That was mean! "the voice spoke up again in the dark.

Okay, she had had enough of talking to nobody but also somebody. A little more and she would go mad.

" Why are you hiding in the shadows? Show yourself! "she called out to the dark.

All of a sudden, the room lit up.

Apparently, windows that she did not even know were there, were opened. She could not believe the nerve of those pirates! It was daytime and they left her in a dingy excuse of a room with every windows covered?

As she was busy planning each of their death, her eyes made contact with another set of eyes. Emerald. It was the first thought that came to her mind. She was starting to doubt the possibility, that even real emeralds were as green and bright as those eyes.

They were staring at her, and she felt exposed. She felt like her very soul was showing.

Her eyes racked over the figure. Blonde hair that rivaled the blazing sun, accompanied by... Two cat ears?! Dressed up in full black.

As much as she hated to admit it, he was attractive. The kind that made men take a hit to their self esteem. That made women get down on their knees, flabbergasted. Completely in shock, as to how a creature so beautifully made can exist. And finally, that made people doubt their eyesights.

If she was to be honest with herself, even if she did not know what to expect, this was not in her mind.

"If you're done ogling me, can we get back to business?" he smirked at her.

"Who are you?" she inquired as she tried to ignore the patch of scarlet creeping its way to her cheeks. Nothing was more embarrassing than being caught in the act.

"You don't know me? Think again, little princess." he challenged.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she endulged herself in deep thinking. The way the pirate questioned her made her feel like she was missing something. Something that was obvious. She knew him. But did not.

She let out a sigh frustration. Did he really expect her to remember every man with cat ears that--wait! Cat ears! Could this beautiful creature in front of her possibly be...?

"Chat Noir?" she all but whispered as she snapped her head back to look at him.

How did she not notice? It seemed so obvious now. Who else would be dressed in full black and go about in cat ears? Not to mention, rob her out of her father's castle with little to no effort? Who else would it be, but the terrifying pirate of the seven seas?

Sheer terror flowed throughout her entire body. This really was the end for her. Her throat felt tight.

Luck has never been on her side. Why would it suddenly decide to show empathy and not leave her here with the one pirate from whose clutches, no one ever escaped alive?

"Took you long enough!" Chat Noir scoffed, oblivious to her inner turmoil.

"You were starting to step on my pride."he added.

She would have rolled her eyes if the situation was different. She told herself to stay strong. He would only be satisfied if she cowered in fear. She could not. Would not let that happen.

"Ok Chat Noir, would you mind explaining to me, the reason why I'm here? What is it that you want from me?"she questioned; Her voice sharper than intended.

" I must say, the rumours did not do you justice. I could cut those perfectly-shaped lips of yours in no time, you know. I have just the right weapon. "he said, all the while narrowing his eyes as he patted the half-hidden knife he had in his pocket.

But she was past caring.

" Scumbags like you do not scare me. But that's not the point. The point is that you did not answer my question. And if I remember correctly, you were the one saying that we should get back to business. "she found herself saying before she could think about it.

No sooner had the words escaped her mouth, his whole demeanor changed. He was no longer the playful man from 5 seconds ago. The man standing before her was completely serious.

" Listen little princess, I will tell you what I think you need to know. No more, no less. You are nothing but a helpless prisoner here. So a word of advice: Control that smart mouth of yours. Least you say something you might come to regret." he sneered at her as he advanced toward the door.

But then he stopped and turned around to look at her in the eyes.

" By the way, don't bother trying to escape. We are in the middle of the ocean, right now. "

Then he went out the door, locking it up. Leaving a shaken but hateful Princess in his wake.

What are your thoughts? Is this fanfic worth the trouble? Should I continue? Or should I not? Please guide me! I am just a child who does not know what she is doing.