Hello, darlings! I'm back with another fic, and this time, it's a collaboration with TyyTyy! This is our second collaboration, but the first time we're doing it for BoruSara. We hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: We don't own Naruto/Boruto.

Another day, another traffic jam. Sarada took a deep breath as she sat in the back of her cab. It was almost 9:30 AM. Almost, but not quite. No one cares what time she comes in or goes home. She's a manager. She can handle her own time and tasks. But that wasn't the main reason why.

The spot for Marketing Director had been empty for a few weeks now, and Sarada had been hoping that position would be for her.

Three years. She had been Marketing Manager for two now, the other year she was promoted. It was high time. But really? Marketing Director at 25? Unheard of.

But I work so hard, Sarada huffed to herself. Everyone knows I do. She looked at her screen. 9:15.

She has time.

As soon as her cab pulled up to her building, she paid the driver and greeted him to have a good day, and he smiled and said the same for her. Tilting her head back, she looked at the shiny building. This has been her stop for four years, wanting to give up a lot of times, but her mama raised no quitter.

Besides, that Ramen isn't going to market itself, right?

Once she got in the elevator, Sarada took in her reflection. Jetblack hair spilled past her shoulders, and her red glasses were slightly askew. One-touch and it was back in place. Right when she reached her floor, she took another deep breath and stepped out.


The big shiny letters hung over the receptionist's table. She couldn't help but smile a bit. Despite all the stress and long work nights, working here was something she loved to do and gave her fulfillment. Her team was awesome, and she had been boss-less for a good month.

She could be the next boss. Her grin grew. The day was looking to be great.

Sarada walked to her desk and placed her things down. Chocho spun around on her chair and grinned. "Good morning, Boss!"

"Don't call me that!" Sarada laughed. But damn, that did have a good ring to it.

Chocho laughed and picked up the paper on her desk to browse as she continued talking to her. "Oh come on, Sarada. Who else will they hire? You sure HR hasn't emailed you for a meeting yet or something?" She leaned in with a devilish grin, "Or are you pulling a dirty on me and keeping it a secret?"

She shook her head. Chocho was too much sometimes. "No, I promise," Sarada smirked and picked up her tumbler. "If Konohamaru talks to me about it, I'll tell you, for sure."

Chocho nodded. "Okay, sure. Go get your coffee before I talk to you," she waved the paper around, "About this. I don't know if you'll like it or what."

Sarada shuddered. "Okay, coffee first. You want anything?"

Chocho nudged to the side, a white cup and a paper bag there. "Already got mine. The line was crazy."

When did a line ever deter Sarada from getting her morning coffee? Never.

Making her way to Ninbucks, Sarada held on to her tumbler a little tighter. The aroma of coffee and freshly baked goods filled her senses, instantly lightening her mood. There was no line, too! Thank god for being late, sometimes. That meant the morning coffee run was over!

"Good morning, Sarada!" The barista grinned at her. "Your usual?"

She nodded and handed her tumbler over. "Yes, please."

The barista proceeded to write her order on a sticky note and handed it over to the bar. Sarada's eyes wandered around as she waited for her payment to be processed.

There were a few familiar faces, all the baristas behind the counter were rushing around, and a group was huddled over at the receiving counter. Looked like there was a bulk order, but Sarada smirked when she saw her favorite barista recognized her cup, and placed it ahead of the others.

Perks of being a coffee addict and coming to this branch every day.

Once she paid, her gaze went back up to the receiving counter. Her drink was ready, and the barista was calling for her.

Hastily, she tucked her money in her pocket and reached out for cup. Thanking the barista, she picked it up and turned around, only for someone to bump into her, crushing the cup between, spilling the coffee on the floor.

"Oh my god!" she screamed, looking at the spilled coffee on the floor horrified. It looked like a scene out of the scariest movie. Never mind that part of her leg got caught (but thank god for wearing a skirt today!) her coffee was wasted! She wanted to cry. Felt the tears coming. Real tears.

"I'm so sorry!" The culprit apologized, concern evident in his smooth voice. "Are you alright?"

Shocked. There was no other word to describe how she felt right now. Even if the whole world had already moved on from her spilled drink, she wasn't.

Shuffling of tissues and other gasps and murmurs were all she heard until she looked up to face the coffee murderer.

The world went back to being silent because her eyes laid on the bluest eyes she had ever seen. He was talking to her, holding some tissues but she couldn't hear what he was saying.

Damn. This coffee murderer was gorgeous. He had gold hair and blue, blue eyes. Even when he was worried, they sparkled. Sarada swallowed and straightened up, her mood lifting when she heard he would buy her another. He was crouched down, despite being in an impeccably stylish suit, wiping the coffee off her lower leg. Her cheeks burned. Never had she let a stranger get this close to her, but for this gorgeous dude? Sure.

"Doesn't look like you got burned too bad." He said, blue eyes glancing up to her face before he stood. "Nice legs by the way."

Her cheeks burned all the more. Sarada cleared her throat as the baristas ushered them away from the mess to mop it up. Thankful for the distraction, she watched as they picked up her tumbler.

"Sarada, would you like to get another? I'm so sorry about your drink," the barista asked. He looked nearly just as sad as Sarada did.

"Y-yes, please." Sarada pulled out her wallet and made a move to the cashier.

"I've got it." The coffee murderer said, brushing her hands aside while pulling out his own wallet.

The barista pretended not to hear, only brought the tumbler over to the cashier and proceeded cleaning up again.

Sarada followed the coffee murderer to the counter, still at a loss of how she should feel. Angry? Sad? Plot this blond's murder? She guesses she can forgive him since he's getting her another.

The man had ordered himself a coffee as well and he paid for both, leaving a tip before turning to Sarada with a smile. "Sarada, right?"

The way her name rolled off his tongue sounded too good. She looked away and pushed her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. "Yes. Sarada Uchiha. Thanks for the coffee… What's your name?"

His smile widened until he was grinning at her, flashing perfect white teeth. "Boruto." He answered simply, but happily, a hand extending for hers.

Sarada looked at his hand suspiciously before giving him a firm handshake. Surprised to find that his grip was firm, but not painful. And his hand was so… warm. "Nice to meet you."

The barista by the pick-up counter called for their names, and the two of them let their hands go to fetch their drinks.

Sarada happily took her tumbler and took a nice, long sip. Finally. This morning was far too eventful before her coffee.

"I'm sorry, again. I would stay and chat but I'm kind of running late and it's my first day on the job, so… yeah."

She smiled, now feeling so much better after a sip. "Oh, don't worry about it. I need to go, too." Turning on her heel, Sarada made a move for the door. For a while, he walked behind her but picked up his pace to open the door for her.

Okay. Maybe he wasn't that bad. Despite murdering her coffee and that fuschia colored tie, he was pretty okay.

A few more steps and she noticed he was still walking behind her. Once she turned the corner, he was still there. Weird. Was he following her now? Sarada didn't mind it and thought she would lose him the moment she stepped into the lobby.

But he was still there. She turned around and asked, "Excuse me, do you need anything, or are you following me?"

"Whoa, excuse me." He huffed. "I am following you, but only because we're going the same way."

Her brow lifted, but she turned around and entered the elevator. She pushed the button for her floor and asked him for his.

"Looks like we're headed to the same one." He said with a smirk and leaned against the wall, crossing his legs and his arms as he looked her over mischievously.

First day on the job… On her floor… What position could this guy possibly have? He looked only to be her age. Sarada wracked her brain for any open positions she knew he could have gotten.

The ding! indicating they reached their floor shook her out of her thoughts, and they stepped out. Was it rude if she asked him? Sarada couldn't even recall if HR released any new emails about having a new employee.

They both hopped off the lift and walked towards the receptionist. Coming from the corner, a man with brown hair wearing a blue scarf saw them and grinned.

"Boruto!" Konohamaru waved. "There you are. I was beginning to think you backed out."

The coffee murderer returned the smile and shook his hand. "No way, big bro. Who could pass up that offer?"

They were chummy. A little too chummy. What was up with that, calling the HR Director Big Bro?

The two of them kept talking and even went on tapping each other's shoulders.

"Oh, Sarada!" Konohamaru finally noticed her presence. "Have you met Boruto?" He patted his shoulder and gestured towards the blond with the other. "He's the new Marketing Director."

The blood from Sarada's body dropped to her feet at the news. She stood there, without a word, not making a move.

"He's your new boss!" Konohamaru laughed.

And with that second announcement, Sarada dropped her coffee to the floor.

This time, no one was getting her another.




Chocho sipped her frappe as she typed away on her laptop. As soon as she heard footsteps approaching, she looked up and lifted a brow.

Sarada was back. No tumbler in hand and she looked like someone had died.

"What's wrong?" She asked. "Where's your coffee? You took longer than usual, too…"

Sarada didn't say a word. Didn't even look. Or acknowledge any of the questions asked. She pulled her chair and sat down on it. Still trying to process the whole thing.

"You're like… scaring me. What happened? Where's your coffee?" Seriously now. They shouldn't even be having a conversation unless Sarada was holding on to it, or for Chocho to know that she had at least sipped from it a few times already. Chocho was a smart girl and valued her life.

"I… dropped it."

Chocho's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and her jaw went slack. "Excuse me? You what?"

She groaned and planted her face on her palms. "I'm so stupid! So naïve! Oh my gooood!"

After collecting her jaw from the floor, Chocho took her own coffee and placed it in front of Sarada. "This looks really bad and I know you don't do cold coffee in the morning but like," she pushed the frappe a little closer. "You can have this while I get you one."

As if on cue, their blond-haired colleague strolled along, whistling cheerfully. Perfect timing.

"Actually," Chocho gave him a pointed stare, "Inojin will get you your coffee and I'll stay here to make sure no one bothers you, okay?"

Inojin was about to retort but saw the slumped figure on the desk and gaped. He mouthed, "where's her coffee? What happened?"

Chocho shrugged and only pointed the way he came, insisting he get the drink. Inojin picked up his phone and waved it around, gesturing that Chocho better explain over text as he got it. He turned around and left.

Sarada hid her face in her arms, slumped over her desk. Why her? This was supposed to be her opportunity! That guy… he looked like he was only her age! But the way he was so chummy with Konohamaru really threw her off, something was up. Sure, Boruto seemed charismatic—a vital characteristic for any marketeer. But at 25? Without even being in the company?

This wasn't fair!

Keep it together, Sarada told herself. And for fuck's sake, don't cry!

After a few minutes, all Sarada heard was some rustling around and Chocho telling people to go away from the marketing department. Sarada was thankful that Chocho was such a good colleague and friend. It didn't take long before some paper bags rustling was set near her, and a familiar aroma hit her.

Slowly, she raised her head and saw the familiar Ninbucks logo along with another brown paper bag. Her throat was dry, and she couldn't say anything else. Inojin and Chocho sat a few feet away, watching her with wary looks but a small smile on their lips. They've been working together for around two years now but it felt like they knew each other for ages.

They just got her, and she was so thankful for that. She took the cup and sipped. Seeing She was okay, the two of them went back to their tables, and didn't say anything on the matter. For now.

She noticed that the two had their chat apps open, furiously typing and chatting away. From the looks of how long their messages were, they probably already knew what was going on.

Sarada rolled her eyes. Of course they did. These two were the biggest gossips on their floor. Inojin probably strolled by Shikadai's desk, and got some information.

Taking advantage of their distracted states, she went back to her laptop and started it up. There as a calendar invite for an event happening in the next ten minutes. Sent by Konohamaru.

She literally jumped when she saw who else was in attendance.

Naruto Uzumaki. The company president.

When she saw Boruto's email address already on the invitation list, she wanted to scream.

Boruto and Naruto has the same last name.

After a quick trip to the ladies' room, Sarada stood in front of the HR's office. She straightened up her skirt and blazer, and after one big breath, she knocked.

"Come in!" Konohamaru called out.

Sarada came in the room, and found the two blond gentlemen sitting in front of Konohamaru's desk. There was no chair laid out for her.

What? Was she supposed to stand?

"Good morning, sir," She addressed Konohamaru and then turned to Naruto. "Mr. President, it's been a while. How are you?"

Naruto grinned and stood, extending his hand towards her. "Sarada, so nice to see you again!"

His handshake was firm, and his hand was also warm… much like the other person's in this room. She didn't dare look at him.

That coffee murderer was also an opportunity stealer! No way was she looking, even if he was grinning at her.

As soon as Naruto let go of her hand, he offered his seat. "Please, sit down."

"Oh, no, sir." She grinned. "I'm fine. I can stand."

Of course she had to say that. In a room full of men, with higher authority, what was she supposed to say?

"Take mine," Boruto said, taking a stand. He moved aside and gestured to the seat. "Seriously."

Sarada swallowed. Even if her pride was hard to let go, she had to. This guy was going to be her new boss. "Thank you." She replied as she took a seat.

Naruto grinned and settled back into his seat and Konohamaru was looking absolutely ecstatic.

"Sarada, I'm so excited for you." The HR director started. "I know it was just recent that the previous marketing director resigned, but we found a quick and capable person to fill the position!" He clapped his hands together, "and because you have been such a good performer, Naruto decided to rearrange the marketing team's organization chart and promote you!"

Promote me? How? He stole it from me! She huffed internally. But of course, she was all smiles on the outside.

Naruto cut in this time. "We thought it was time that you handled people. You've been with us since you were an intern. And have made great steps and projects to make the company successful."

Sarada couldn't help but smile a little bit more. Naruto always sounded so genuine whenever he was giving praise. And to hear it come from him was such a great feeling. "Thank you, sir."

"Chocho and Inojin are great employees," Konohamaru said. "You get along so well, and to ease the load for the new marketing director, we decided to have them report directly to you now."

What? Now, this was a surprise. "Really?" Was all she could say.

"Yes!" Konohamaru grinned. "And you will be reporting to the new director, Boruto. You will be the only one on the team to do so. Now, should you need an extra headcount, they will also report to you."

This guy… was making her a shield. Shielding the two from Boruto or Boruto from the two. Either way, she was caught in between.

"I know it's a lot to take in," the HR director said slowly. "But Naruto, with Boruto's help, did give a very generous raise for the new responsibility."

Raise? Oh my god.

Naruto slid a sheet of paper towards her and placed his own pen on it. It was silver, with a cursive engraving, "best dad ever" on it. He's had this pen for years, and Sarada saw him use it whenever he had to sign important documents. She looked at the pen and paper and then at Naruto.

He smiled warmly at her. "If you don't want the responsibility, we understand as well."

Sarada bit her lower lip. They were putting her on the spot. She looked up at Boruto, who gave her a sunny smile. Okay. That was a mistake, her eyes darted back to the pen and paper.

Shakily, she took the pen and signed her name on the contract. The amount on the paper made her want to scream. It was so much more than she could have expected. As she finished up signing and thanking the men in the room, she asked herself just what the hell did she sign herself up for.

That day went by too fast for her liking. It was like she was caught in a dream. Her salary had been doubled. She was promoted. Had her colleagues be moved under her. But only one thing turned it into a nightmare.

The promotion she wanted wasn't given to her, instead, it was given to the president's son, Boruto Uzumaki.

"He isn't even all that great, Mama!" Sarada fumed. Her phone was next to her as she chopped up vegetables for her dinner. "He hasn't even worked anywhere else before this! And he gets to be the director!"

"How is that even possible?" Her mother asked. Even if Sakura's voice was naturally soothing, the disbelief and irritation were far too clear.

"Inojin and Chocho found his profiles. It didn't even take them an hour to know his whole life story. Can you believe he had it all on Ninstagram? Who even does that?!" Sarada was so angry her chopping was getting harder.

"Can you really know all of that through his account?" Sakura asked.

"He's been traveling around, taking gap years." She emphasized the S a little too much. "He graduated a year later than I did but we found that he's older than me by a year. Apparently he and Shikadai are friends, too. Same university."

In the background, Sarada could hear her papa talking, but it wasn't clear enough for her to hear. "Hold on, papa I can't hear you."

"I said he's a thief."

"You bet he is!" Sarada agreed way too fast. "He hasn't worked a day in his liiiife!" She whined. "Papa it isn't faaaair!"

"Oh my baby," Sakura replied, sounding so sorry for her daughter. "Darling, if he isn't fit for the position, I'm sure they'll see that and do something about it."

"But he's the president's son! He's like, immuned, for sure. You know how much Naruto spoils his kids!" Sarada stopped chopping and placed the knife down. She picked up her phone and plopped down on the sofa. "It isn't fair," she repeated softly, voice sounding so defeated.

"I should kick his ass." Sasuke scoffed. "He's obviously an entitled brat. Only you deserve the position."

Sarada heard a slap! "Sasuke-kun!"

That made her giggle. Even as the years go by, her parents never changed. Now that she lived alone, Sarada often found herself missing them. "Mama, take it easy on Papa. He's on my side."

"Yeah, and you know I'm right. He stole the position from Sarada just because his father owns the company."

Sakura groaned. "You would do the exact same thing!" Sarada could practically hear her Mama roll her eyes. This made her laugh.

"That's completely different!" Sasuke huffed. "Sarada is… my cute little peanut."

"Oh my god, Papa. Stop calling me that!" Sarada laughed. "But yeah, I know you would do the same thing for me. I get why Naruto did it."

"Still, darling," Sakura grabbed the phone and her voice came in a little louder. "I know you'll do great and the extra money is a really nice offer."

She sighed. "I know. It's one good thing that came out of this."

"If you need me to go up there, all you need to do is say the word and papa will take care of that brat. Okay?" Sasuke spoke smoothly, tone soft and concerned.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura chided him, and the phone made a bunch of sounds, Sarada could only guess one of them dropped it.

Sarada laughed again. Her Papa always was so protective and supportive of her. The two of them always made sure her wellbeing and happiness came first and she was more than thankful for it. After a few seconds of still not hearing anything coherent, Sarada ended the call and sent them a text.

"Thank you for the call. I feel so much better now. Thank you for always having my back. Mama, don't get too mad at Papa. I know you'll come to kill him if I asked, too. Haha! I love you!"

With that, she went back to the kitchen to finish preparing her dinner. Making a little more so she could bring some for her lunch at work tomorrow, and enough to share with Inojin and Chocho.

Sarada turned on Ninflix to watch as she ate. It helped to fill the silence in the apartment, and distract her from her troubles. Cleaning up the dishes and preparing her lunch for the following day, Sarada padded over to her bedroom. Picking up a book to read before she slept. Feeling too distracted, she decided to stop after three pages and just turned in.

Slipping under the covers and tucking herself in, she ignored the empty space on the right side of her bed and closed her eyes.

The worst was over. Tomorrow would be a better day. At least, she hoped it would be.

A/N: I write Sarada, and Tyy writes Boruto. We switch perspectives every chapter. This first one was for Sarada.

Let us know what you think, and how this story will go. All we can say for now is: enemies to lovers

Cheers 'til the next chapter!


Kairi & Tyy