Inspector Tsukachi made his way to the police station. It was as if every crazy thing just happened in the span of a few days. Just a little while ago a new group of villains calling themselves "The League of Villains" had come with the plan to Kill the symbol of Peace, ever since then he kept his eyes focused on any unusual case, anything that could be related to that mysterious organization, and their beast the Noumu.

He was focused, the mysterious League of villains seemed to have a connection with one of the most dangerous villains ever recorded, and with such importance he kept his ear to the ground for anything unusual on that regard, and while he wasn't so sure about it, the urgency and secretiveness of the captain on this small Mustafu station, he decided to see this place in person, whatever they had seen was unusual enough to give him of all people, a direct call.

"Greetings Inspector, I'm officer Terakado, the Captain is waiting for you." said a young female officer while she fidgeted with something in her hands. Tsukachi simply noded and went to receive the information.

Going past the information lobby and the desks of the officers, Naomasa found himself office of Captain Kondo, he was a firm stern man, his whitening hair and wrinkles did give some clues to his age, and the organization of his Desk made pretty evident that he was an efficient no-nonsense leader, especially on how he looked at the rest of the people sitting in the remainig seats of his office.

On the left seat was the professional hero Mount Lady, sitting lazily as she tried to find a comfortable spot in the chair, while the young officer Terakado took her seat on the on the right. Tsukachi could see the young officer's hand shaking and hovering arount something in her pocket, probably whatever she was holding in her hand when he got to the station.

"Inspector Tsukachi"

"Captain Kondo" Tsukachi bowed respectfully. The captain returned the gesture in turn and the inspector took his seat.

"Great, we can start now" Mount Lady stretched ignoring the stern look she was getting from the captain.

"Ehem, Inspector, I called you to my station because I'd like the following case handled quietly, I do know that you work very closely with the number one hero" the monitor in the back lit up, playing scenes of last couple night news. "The beam attack, they called it as some saw a beam of white light streak throug the skies and impact itself in the middle of the park" the captain reinstated what the archived news broadcast had stated. "the culprits have been captured, however their identity identity had been kept secret"

"ahumm" Mount Lady stood up "I was there when it happened".

"Huh?" Tsukachi

"Mount Lady was the first hero to respond and was techncally one of the few witnesses of the landing event." the captain pointed to the Heroine in the office. "She, didn't need to BE here, but insisted."

"Hey, I don't normally find interesting cases, I wanna see what happens with this one" Mt. Lady winked playfully at the police officers, "And besides I wanted to give my account of the facts, in person."

"You may go on Mt. Lady" said the captain. The heroine sat comfortably on the chair and procedded to spin the tale of what happened a few days ago:

I was at the park in Mustafu, resting a bit after a long day of patrolling...

"Didn't it happen early afternoon"

Ehem, as I was taking a short break in the early afternoon, before resuming my patrol, today was a slow day, it was kind of like if after something as big as the USJ incident, crime took a small holiday or something...

"Mt. Lady please" the captain interrupted again

Oh well, I was just sitting in a bench by myself when *BOOOM* a deafening explosion filled the brief flash of ligth appeared far away, above the horizon, and from it a beam of white light streaked through the sky in a random pattern, yet going Right where I was!

"We have several witnesses of the explosion and light beam" added officer Terakado.

Thinking this was some sort of villain attack, I activated my quirk growing Gigantic, ready to swat whateves was comin from the ski when *FWOOOSH*, whatever it was it went right thought me!

"A translocation? Teleportation quirk" Inquired Tsukachi, getting only a shrug from the Hero.

I wouldn't know, I didn't feel anything and no wound or bruises formed. As far as I can tell, the light went right through me as if I wasn't there at all, but immediately after that light made contact with the ground...


A new crater decorated the center of the park, along with our little culprits.


"This is the part we kept from the press, in part to protect the identity of the responsibles of what it appears to be an accident" the Captain answered Tsukachi's question as Mt. Lady finishe her account.

In the middle of the crater, there were two young teenagers, 15 somethings I guess, the dark skinned girl was wearing what I believe was a martial arts uniform, and had a weird pink sword strapped to her back, while the boy, caucasian maybe?, wore a more normal attire, a pink jacket, jeans and black shirt with a yellow star in the chest, the kids seemed uncounscious for a moment when one of them stirred, getting as close as I could, the boy I heard the boy utter the words:

"A giant Woman!"