"Wait, what?" I didn't need to feign surprise anymore. "YOU are one of the heroes of Paris?"
"Yes. Don't freak out, please…" The fuzzy, cookie crumbed, Kwami sat on his head. Looking a little closer at him he kinda looked like a wolf.
"Huh. He's cute."
"You think I'm cute?! I'm adorable! I love this guy already Cynthia! He's a keeper. Now… if he just brings me some cookies, it's a done set deal." Kerberos flew over to me and smiled. "Bonus he seems really trustworthy."
I chuckled a little bit. "He seems like he'd be fun to be around. I'll be sure to get you your bribe later." I joked.
"Sold! I like him!"
Cynthia hit her head into her pillow with a thud. "Take him. He's the reason I'm so tired at school…"
"And here I thought it was from all the super heroing."
"No. He's hyper most nights and howls at the full moons for hours…"
"How have your parents not found him yet?"
"He's usually awesome at hiding."
"Unless you happen to sneeze." I joked.
"Well, excuse me for being polite."
"Could have saved it for later."
"So… which one are you?"
She nervously played with her necklace and looked at Kerberos. She started pacing around her room a little bit.
"It's fine if you don't want to tell me." I leaned back on my hands.
"Thanks." She smiled and sat down again on the bed. "Who do you think I am?" She quickly asked.
"Hm…" I rubbed my chin and looked at her, Kerberos, and the necklace she was messing with. Those all seemed at least kind of important to this. "If I had to guess, Louvan. She's a wolf, and Kerberos is a wolf. Or at least a dog."
"Man, he's good." Kerberos commented.
"Kerberos…" Cynthia mumbled.
"Now might be a good time for you to stop talking, bud." I patted the wolf on the head.
"Oops…" His ears folded down as he looked at Cynthia. "Sorry…"
"So… if you need help with anything outside of superhero stuff, just let me know. Pretty sure I'd just slow you and the others down." I lied about the last part. Shizu made me way strong when I'm Leonidas.
"Thanks?" She almost didn't know how to respond. "You CANNOT tell ANYONE. Got it?"
"Listen, my lips are sealed. If you want any secret of mine, pry all you want."
"Noted." She chuckled.
"Well, I need some time to process things and do boring stuff like homework. Will I be seeing you tomorrow at school?"
"As long as someone doesn't keep me up."
"I'm sooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." Kerberos moaned.
I laughed a little bit at them as I packed up my stuff and left. Screaming in my head the entire time.
Shizu floated out of my pocket. "I must see Kerberos tonight to remind him that we do not show ourselves."
"Wait!" I tried to grab onto him, but he just phased through my hand.
"What?" He floated barely inside my window.
"If you go talk to him at some point tonight, she'll either think I told Leonidas or that I am Leonidas. I don't want either situation happening."
"Then when would you prefer I speak with the kwami of shadow?"
"Tomorrow? During school, maybe?"
"And if an akuma appears? You will be vulnerable."
"Then I try not to get the crap kicked out of me until you get to me."
"Fine. I will pull him away from the school to remind him why we have the rules we do tomorrow."
"Thank you." I let out a sigh of relief as I flopped on my bed. "...And while you're at it, could you ask him what she thinks of Leonidas?"
"Why is that necessary?"
"It isn't, I just want to know."
"Sera would never wonder what her equals saw her as…"
"Yeah, well, I'm not Sera." Whoever that was.
"We messed up royally, didn't we?" I asked the fluffy wolf. "What do we do now? Do we hide away for a bit, or stop entirely? We broke the biggest rule in my eyes."
"Well, we keep doing what we're doing until the new Guardian either finds out who we are, finds out that Devain found out, or finds out about a secret third option that I can't say."
"I guess." I was doubting myself again. "Kerberos, I know what Master Fu said, but can I say he was wrong?"
"Why not? I clearly can't take the pressure of this and I've had you for a few months and screwed up."
"Do you want to talk to somebody about it?"
"Yeah… Maybe Leo is up."
"Oh, I'd be willing to bet he is. Want me to go get him?"
"Kay, be right back." He zipped off through my window.
"Hey, you got a few hours?" Kerberos was almost on my face very quickly.
"Holy fucking shit christ." I pushed towards my bed's headboard as the sudden appearance of the fluffy boy had startled me.
"DEVAIN!" He scolded as he crossed his arms.
"Now I know why Cynthia doesn't sleep."
"Well, excuuuuusee me!" He acted offended and put his nose up in the air. "So, she needs Leo. Well not she. Louvan needs Leo."
"Wait… how did you-"
"You think I couldn't smell Shizu on you? Come on, where is the guy?" He flew around my room a little bit, looking for the lion kwami.
Shizu came up from my bedroom drawer and sighed dejectedly. "Of all the kwamis to give, why him?"
"Hey… you were one of my favorites too…"
"Well, whatever, Shizu, mane event."
I was sitting on the windowsill waiting for Kerberos. He flew into my chest and laughed. "He's on his way. Quick!"
"Full moon." I smiled as the fuzz was sucked into my necklace. I ran out in the direction Kerberos came from. I nearly tackled Leo in a hug when I saw him. "I fucked up…"
"Scale of one to ten, how bad?" He asked as he patted my head.
"Eleven… I broke the biggest rule."
He quickly held me at arms length. "You killed somebody?!"
"What?! No! Only in Destiny… No… I told my best friend my secret…"
"Like, this secret or a different one?" He pointed back and forth at our miraculouses.
"This." I pointed at my Miraculous. "I screwed up big time… I knew I shouldn't be a holder."
"No, you're great at this." He told me. "We all slip up from time to time. You remember what happened a few weeks ago, almost everyone's identities were revealed."
"Yeah, and I WILLINGLY told someone."
"Let's start from the beginning." He sat on the building's edge and patted next to him. "What happened?"
"So, I called out of school because this stuff has been bothering me, then my friend came to check on me, Kerberos was hiding then sneezed and my friend heard it. And that's where things went downhill."
"Did the friend go through your stuff to try and find out where the noise came from?"
"I can't remember. Everything just blurred together. I told him I was one of the heroes, then he asked who, then told me I didn't have to then I asked him to guess and Kerberos was impressed he got it and then now I'm here…" She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed. "I love Kerberos. I never want to lose him. I don't love him for the powers at all. I love that he's literally a pocket sized friend. As much as the long nights tire me out, I love being able to talk to him about anything, joke with him, and spoil him like he's my pet."
"Well, best way to keep him would be to keep this between us. I remember that Ladybug had whatever the music box turned into and Cat would blab it to Ladybug if she batted her eyelashes at him."
"Yeah… He's crazy for her."
"So, this friend, is he trustworthy? Is he connected to the Ladyblog in any big ways?"
"He's very trustworthy. I don't think he's connected at all. Doesn't seem like something he'd be interested in."
"Well, as long as it's somebody we know won't tell everyone."
"He won't. He keeps to himself most of the time."
"Do you mind if I know who the friend is? You know, so that we can try to keep him not akumatized together?"
"Devain Fuego."
"Oh, he hasn't been akumatized before. That's probably a good sign."
I chuckled and smiled a bit. "Thanks, Leo."
"Not a problem." He patted my head again. "By the way, nice job with bat boy the other day."
"Don't worry about it. You need anything else?"
"I don't think so."
"Alright, if you need me, you know how to get me." He told me with a thumbs up before leaping away.