Hey guys! I'm back! Thanks for all the feedback!

A Special shout out to my baby sister who helped me decide my pairing!

Some other shout outs To my fabulous readers who reviewed :

aliciacevbra - Thanks for your vote and for enjoying the story!

Rose - thank you for enjoying the story and your vote! The chapters are going to start getting longer I promise! After I'm out of the editing and changing of the original story.

Guest reader- Thanks for your vote!

Okay everyone! As always thanks for reading! Enjoy and review!

Lucy looked to boy infront of her up and down. He didn't look like a bad person, but looks can be deceiving. What if he was bad? What if they all were? She was so worried she didn't hear everyone's introductions. She caught Titania's and Icyman's then all eyes turned to her. Or maybe it was Above her?

Lucy looked above her and saw a man with blonde hair and sky blue eyes staring back. "The name's Laxus Dreyer." He spoke with a voice like thunder.

He was huge. His face was rugged and worn, like he'd seen things better left unsaid, but handsome nonetheless. "Lucy." Was all she could get out. Her eyes never leaving his.

"Just Lucy?" He said with a knowing tone.

His words caused her eyes to shift away from him and to the ground. "What do you all want?" her voice was cold. That's why they were around her anyway… Everyone always wanted something from her. Every friend she'd ever made… Why would they be any different?

"We want to be friends." Titania… Erza said.

"No thanks, I don't need or want friends." She said and turned to walk away.

"Don't make us do this Lucy." Erza said sternly.

"I'm not making you do anything! Jus leave me alone!" With those words out of her mouth she took off running.

"Boys!" All the men around the scarlet haired woman froze and stood at attention. "Get her"

The group walked back to their new headquarters with Lucy tied and carried by Laxus.

Erza spoke to the Blonde. "I saw your name in the magazine, but there was no photo."

"What magazine?" Lucy questioned.

"I saw that! The one with the article about her engagement to some duke. Right?" Gajeel said looking at Erza.

"You read?" Natsu and Gray asked Gajeel.

"Yes..." Gajeel raised an eyebrow looking at the three

Lucy laughed. "You guys are really funny. Wanna Let me go now?" She said hopefully.

"No." Gray said with a bored tone.

"Ugh!" She groaned. "Come on sparky! Let me out of here and I'll cut you a sweet deal once we are all out of this game." her offer whispered in his ear.

A barking laugh sounded from the man. "What kind of deal Blondie? How are you gonna make it worth my while? How do you even know if we will all make it out? And who knows how long it's going to be before we get out anyway." He said aloud. Everyone heard.

"You suck!" She shouted.

"Maybe I could for the right woman" He whispered into her ear.

Lucy's entire face lit up scarlet. "Y-you pervert!" she shouted in his ear. "Someone else carry me!"

His laughter surrounded her. It boomed through her like a thunderstorm. "Chill Blondie. I ain't gonna hurt ya."

She began her protest but was promptly stopped. "Enough talking." Was all the man said.

The bar they considered the guild hall was small and packed with worried people.

Lucy was untied and sat in a chair. "Can I please just go now?" She whined at the group.

"Nope! you're stayin with us Luce! We are friends after all." Natsu said boisterously.

"I never agreed to be friends with you all." She said harshly.

"Oi! Bunny girl! Quit yer whinin' ! We were already friends before we knew who you were so just deal with it." Said The red eyed man.

"Why?" She whispered.

"You're a good person Lucy. We enjoyed being around you during the Beta, so why wouldn't we still be your friend? We don't care what your last name is." Erza said In a strong yet soft tone.

"Yeah! Besides Laxus here is a Dreyer and a douchebag but we're still friends with him!" Natsu shouted.

Laxus glared a the boy and sent him a kick under the table. "OW! YOU WANNA FIGHT LAXUS?!" He yelled as he stood.

Laxus only stared at the boy more.

"Natsu! sit down now!" Erza's tone scared Natsu. He sat quietly in his chair with a large scowl on his face.

"So wait. You are the Laxus Dreyer?" Lucy looked to him with a shocked expression.

"Maybe. But so what?" his gruff response made it clear to her hat he didn't wanna talk about it.

Lucy didn't care if he wanted to talk about it or not as she continued asking question. "Aren't you like a model or something like that?"

"I do more than model ya know." He was starting to get angry.

Good, She was already pissed so why care if he was. He'd embarrassed her earlier now it was her turn. "I know. You were in that scandalous porno weren't you?" Her smirk grew ten sizes and that angry expression on his face.

"I didn't get a choice in that." He spoke lowly

"What are you saying she raped you on film?" She said with a hint of teasing.

He growled as he grabbed her by her shirt. "I'm only going to say this once so you better listen good. I was drugged and may have consented to sex but I sure as hell never consented to being recorded. Now whatever little tantrum you're throwing is going to end here. Right now you have friends but if you keep going you won't. Quit acting like a spoild brat and get over yourself princess." He tossed her to the ground and stormed out of the bar.