Disclaimer: None of the characters, places, objects etc. that you recognise belong to me. They are mot likely the property of one JK Rowling.

Summery: This story is and will probably always be centred on Minerva McGonagall and the other professors at Hogwarts. It is set in Harry's fifth year and the dream-team will likely appear however. The rating may be subject to change but all reviews are welcome.

A/N: Well here's the first chapter of another one of the stories that have been buzzing around my head for a little too long. This is just an idea but at the moment I'm only certain about the first few chapters and where they're heading, so I figured I could make this into a kind of interactive fic as I go along. You would get a set of options for where the story could go and I would follow the most popular route. Like I said just and idea at the moment but review and let me know what you think.


"Oh come on MG." Said Poppy rolling her eyes as her friend pulled another

letter towards her. "We're going to be late!"

"No we are not." Her companion replied firmly. "Jut let me finish one more

reply then I'll be with you or, you could always just go..." She trailed off as

Poppy acquiesced and moved to the other side of the room and sat down by the

crackling fire. She knew that Minerva would never actually miss a quiditch game

(especially a Slytherin/Gryffindor match) if she could avoid it but she was

cutting it a bit fine this time. She was more than aware however, that even the

work-a-holic deputy headmistress was struggling to keep up with her increased

workload this term. Hell since the beginning of the summer it had been

distinctly manic for those willing to see what was really happening around them.

The headmaster had spent most of the holidays travelling around the country, and

abroad gathering support for a cause that really should not have been theirs

alone and even since the school had come back into session he had had to leave

for a number of extended periods. Unsurprisingly enough Minerva had risen to

the challenge like the true Gryffindor she was. Her job was not being made any

easier by Serverus-bloody-Snape though. She was a trusting woman by nature but

Snape certainly wasn't doing anything to reassure them about his allegiances.

Well, that wasn't necessarily true - he did his job as well as he had always

done it but he certainly wasn't offering to help MG with all the extra work she

had accumulated. Her friend broke her train of thought as she stood up giving

one last glance to the piles of parchment yet to be touched.

"Right then - Let's get going shall we?" Minerva said heading for the door.

"Cloak." The mediwitch reminded gently. The transfigurations professor may have

been incredibly intelligent but sometimes she just didn't know how to look out

for herself. Poppy was sure it would snow before nightfall - maybe they would

get a white Christmas after all this year.

"Yes ma'am." She got a quick salute and a rare sparkling smile for her trouble.

"Well just don't come running to me if you catch this blasted muggle cold that's

going round." She told her holding out the thick dark cloak she had unhooked

from the back of the door.

"Poppy, in all honesty, have you ever known me to run to you for anything?" She

had to smile at this; Minerva had always been stubborn and generally refused to

admit that she was ever ill never mind in need of visiting the hospital wing.

There were only a few straggling students still in the halls as they made their

way past the Gryffindor common room, which the head of house's office and

quarters were above, and down the main staircase. When they reached the

entrance hall they came upon a group of Ravenclaw sixth years and as the two

adults approached one of the girls, Sophie she thought, came over to intercept


"Excuse me Professor, but I was going over yesterday's class notes and I'm still

not sure about Gedant's law. Do you think that maybe...?"

"Of course Miss Baxter, if you would care to come to my office after lunch, I'm

sure my team will have succeeded in putting their opposition in their place by

then, I'll go over it again with you. I have some other material that we could

go through as well that might help."

"Thank you." The young woman said smiling softly. "And I certainly hope that

the Slytherin team are taught the lesson they deserve. Enjoy the game." With

that she turned and returned to her friends as both groups headed for the door

again. Poppy looked up as she heard Minerva sigh quietly beside her. Realising

she had been caught the other woman decided to offer an explanation straight up.

"Albus is due back from London first thing tomorrow and I was hoping to have

everything sorted before he got back." Poppy understood. Minerva was a teacher

through and through and would always put her students first but a tutorial

session this afternoon would detain her further from the correspondence and

other paperwork that were mounting around her. They reached the stadium before

either of them said another word and took their seats only moments before the

match began. This fact did not go unnoticed by their friend Xiomara who winked

up at them before blowing the whistle to start the game. As ever, Poppy spent a

large proportion of the game with her eyes hidden behind her hands. Quiditch

was a violent game at the best of times but Slytherin vs. Gryffindor matches

were always the worst and the caring, healing part of her nature objected to the

senseless injuries. An hour in though, and both teams were on even points, the

snitch was still loose and miracle of miracle no one had needed her expertise.

It seemed Fred and George Weasley were on top form and the Gryffindor chasers

were making another run for the goal hoop when Poppy first noticed the lumbering

figure running as fast as he could towards the stadium.

"Minerva." She whispered, quickly distracting her friend's attention from the

game and subtly gestured for her to look towards the open corner where Hagrid

was now entering.

"Professor!" He called looking directly up at them but loudly enough to draw

everyone's attention. The mediwitch who had taken the end seat in the front row

of their box, stood to let the deputy headmistress past and down the stairs.

She needn't have however as in the blink of an eye her friend transformed into

her feline self and after a quick hop onto the edge of the barrier leapt the ten

feet to the ground and careered across the pitch towards the obviously

distraught grounds man. Poppy shook her head. It was little wonder that

Minerva's joints showed higher degradation than she would have expected the last

time she had dragged her in for her medical. The hush that had overtaken the

students was quickly gone as they all started to whisper amongst themselves. The

professors to began quiet discussion before Serverus Snape stood. She watched

as the potions master looked across the field to where Minerva stood. They

caught each other's eye but what was communicated between them was unknown to

her before he spoke.

"Come." Was all he said before he turned and with cloak billowing behind him

descended the stairs at the back of the stand. After moments the staff followed

Poppy included and as she climbed down the stairs it was all she could do to

hope that the dread growing in her heart was unjustified.
A/N: thanks for reading now please take a minute to review (not that I'm

desperate or anything *smile*) Linz