Chapter 1: Blossoming Love
Grandmaster of Ylisse: Robin
Gangrel was dead, Ylisse was at peace, and Robin had been promoted. But even with Chrom's assistance, the newly appointed Grandmaster worked regularly into the night overseeing Ylisse's position after the war. However, Robin cared very little for matters regarding the halidom, and was more focused on his plans for the night. Waiting in the foyer of the castle, wearing a dark-blue suit, Robin hoped his plan to confess to Cordelia went off without a hitch. He was brought back to his senses by Cordelia's greeting.
"Robin," greeted Cordelia, "how are you?"
The moment Robin looked up, he felt his jaw drop. Cordelia was breathtaking. Wearing a simple white dress, Cordelia's true beauty shone brightly.
Cordelia chuckled noticing her friend's eyes wavering. "Robin. Are you ready?"
Blushing furiously, and choking on his own words, Robin replied, "Cordy, beautiful as ever I see."
"My, my, whatever managed to make you discard that grubby coat of yours?" Cordelia quipped.
Robin groaned. "Hey, don't tease the cloak. You'll hurt it's feelings."
Cordelia laughed, and Robin felt his heart skip a beat.
"Robin, face it. You know that coat was in bad need of a replacement," Cordelia fired back, "I'm surprised you haven't purchased a replacement with your new status."
Robin sighed. "Cordy, I'll have you know that the tailors are working on a new coat."
"Are they working on a new one, or patching up the one you wear all the time?" scathed Cordelia.
Robin was silent at her words, annoyed that she had managed to outthink him.
Damn this woman. She knows me too well.
Cordelia silently congratulated herself at her friend's silence, knowing that she had managed to win their banter.
"Well, shall we go then?" Cordelia asked.
Robin nodded, and led Cordelia to the Melting Pot for their private dinner.
The moment the two friends entered their favoured place, the clatter of silverware met their ears. Moving their way to a table, they both ordered their meals.
"So, how's work been for you, Wing-Commander?" Robin asked.
Cordelia sighed. "Training up the new recruits is a nightmare. Most of them don't know how to wield a lance, and half of them have never used a weapon."
"So, how many of the recruits have been weeded out?" Robin asked.
"In the 200 that joined, 75 recruits have dropped out," replied Cordelia.
"I take it Sumia's proving to helpful?" inquired Robin.
Cordelia's face broke out with a smile, and once again Robin's felt his heart waver. "I'll never be able to express the amount of help Sumi gives to me. Sure, she's still clumsy as ever, but when she's training recruits, it's like she a whole new person."
Robin chuckled, happy his plan of making Sumia lieutenant of the Pegasus Knights was paying off.
"I shall never forget the day when she heard the news of her promotion," Cordelia chuckled.
They both broke out in silent laughter at this. When Robin has given Sumia her promotion, the woman had a nervous fit, saying that she wasn't worthy of the position. It took the reassurances of Gaius, Robin and Cordelia to calm her down. Once Sumia had managed to get ahold of her nerves, she'd moved to hug Robin, but had tripped on her feet, sending Robin tumbling hard onto the floor.
"Didn't she fall on top of you?" Cordelia laughed, voice still racked with laughter.
Robin groaned. "Cordy, please don't remind me of that. I still wake up in the night from the cramps she gave me that day."
Cordelia laughed even more. "Well, that's enough of me. How's work been for you, Grandmaster?"
Robin sighed. "Cordy, you know how work's been for me. It's paperwork, day in, day out. I also have the fleeting impression Chrom shafts me his paperwork."
"It wouldn't be surprising if he did. Give it time, and I'm sure he'll begin to do his own paperwork," Cordelia stated, "As Exalt, he'll be dealing with lots of paperwork, and may sympathise with you."
Robin blanched and shuddered. "Cordy, please stop. You know Chrom well enough. He hates being stifled."
Cordelia chuckled, and knowing she had teased her friend enough, asked, "So, I heard from Sumi that Gaius asked you to be his best man at their wedding."
Robin nodded. "Yes, he has. Why he's asked me of all people amazes me. I'm scared I'll botch the entire operation. What do I know of being a best man and of a wedding?"
Cordelia reached out to place her hand on top of Robin. "Robin, I'm sure you'll do just fine. You led Ylisse to victory against Gangrel. I'm sure a wedding is a walk in the park for you."
Robin's cheeks began to blush at Cordelia's contact. Taking a moment to calm his nerves, he replied, "Thank you, Cordelia. I can assume you are the bridesmaid for Sumia, then?"
Cordelia nodded, and moved her hand away from Robin's as the food had arrived. Robin sighed inwardly at the loss of contact. The two began to eat, talking about the other engagements of the other Shepherds, involving Tharja and Stahl, Kellam and Miriel, Lon'qu and Lissa, Panne and Donnel, and much to the shock of the two, Sully and Virion, and Vaike and Maribelle.
"I can't even begin to fathom how Vaike and Virion managed to win their hearts," Robin said, "I mean Vaike is what Maribelle detests, and Sully is more macho than Virion."
Cordelia chuckled. "The mysteries of their engagement shall always elude us."
With their food finished, Robin noticed that the band had begun to set up. Steeling his nerves, he got out of his chair and held out a hand. "Cordelia, may I trouble you for a dance?"
Cordelia smiled, linking her hands with Robin's. "My, my, Robin. If you keep on impressing me like this, I'll end up falling for you."
Robin stumbled, not ready for the words. "C-Cordy!"
Cordelia laughed. "Relax Robin. I'm just joking."
Robin breathed a sigh of relief, and leading Cordelia to the dance floor, put all of Virion and Olivia's lesson in dancing into practice. It was Cordelia's turn to be shocked, the redhead stumbling on her feet.
"Why the shock, Cordy?" Robin asked, laughing at his friend's reaction.
"I never taught you had it in you to dance," Cordelia replied, "why did you learn how to dance?"
"With all the upcoming weddings, I thought it would be best to know how to dance," Robin lied.
That was not remotely true at all. Robin had asked Olivia and Virion to teach him, so he would be able to impress Cordelia.
"Well, at least I can look forward to some dances with you," Cordelia sighed.
Robin began to blush at the confession, and calming his nerves, continued to lead Cordelia in a smooth, rhythmic dance. Robin was unaware of when it happened, but Cordelia eventually wrapped her hand around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. Ignoring the closeness of Cordelia, and the heat rising to his cheeks, Robin dipped Cordelia, bringing her up in a fluid motion. Cordelia chuckled, before resuming her previous position. Knowing he had danced with Cordelia for a long enough time, he took her back to their table. Glancing at the windows, Robin noticed that the stars were bright, sighing silently that his plan was still in motion.
"Say, Cordelia. The stars are shining today, so why don't we go to your favourite park?" asked Robin, "we can do some stargazing."
Cordelia nodded. "Robin, is something the matter? You're trying extra hard to impress me."
Robin chuckled in response. "Cordelia, we've both had a tiring week of work. As your friend, I thought it would be in our best interests to relax for a night."
Cordelia sighed. "Well, shall we get going?"
Robin nodded, and led Cordelia to the park.
When the friends arrived at the park, they found their cherished position giving them a perfect outlook of the stars. Cordelia immediately rested her head on Robin's shoulder, and the tactician impulsively began to stroke her hair.
"Aren't the stars beautiful tonight, Robin?" asked Cordelia.
Robin hummed in response. "They're the second most beautiful thing I've seen tonight, with your eyes being the first."
The moment the words left his mouth, Robin began to blush up a storm, realising what he had said.
Did I really just say that? Gods, Virion has been rubbing off on me!
Despite his predactimnent, Robin couldn't disagree with his words, knowing that Cordelia's eyes were breathtaking. He looked down at Cordelia, and wasn't surprised that Cordelia cheeks were a deep red. However, he was left speechless when she began to laugh.
"Robin, you flatter me," Cordelia said, "it seems Virion rubbed his personality on you during his lessons."
"Cordelia, trust me when I say this," retorted Robin, "you're an angel incarnate, and any man would be lucky to have you."
Cordelia began to blush up a storm, and could only look away.
Well, you're in luck, Robin, as you're the only man for me.
The two silently watched the stars, each wanting to take that step forward, but wanting the other person to take the initiative. Robin knowing that the silence wouldn't get him anywhere, attempted to calm him nerves.
Come on, Robin! You'd a hand in killing Gangrel. You led an entire army to victory and helped shorten a war. What's confessing your love to a woman compared to that?
Robin took a deep shuddering breath, and looked down at Cordelia. "...Cordelia, I have something to tell you."
Cordelia got up from her position, and looked Robin directly in the eye. "What is it, Robin?"
Robin took another deep breath. "...After that time you helped me get out of my rut following Emmeryn's death, I realised something important. I realised how important and close you were to me."
Cordelia gasped, not believing the words she was hearing.
Is he saying what I think he's saying? Is Robin actually in love with me?
Robin reached out and entwined his hands with Cordelia's. "...What I mean to say, is that I l-l-love you, Cordelia. I l-love you with all my heart."
Robin began to blush furiously, as he said those words and sighed in relief, glad that he had confessed. He looked at Cordelia, and was shocked to see the redhead silently sobbing, before embracing her.
"...R-Robin. T-those words m-mean so much to me," Cordelia cried, "I've b-been smitten with you for a long t-time and was waiting for this day."
She continued to cry silently into Robin's chest, while Robin silently embraced her, happy that Cordelia had accepted his confession. Once, Cordelia managed to calm her emotions, she rested her head on Robin's forehead, being mesmerised by his bright brown eyes. Then she moved in to kiss Robin tenderly. Robin would never forget their first kiss. The softness of Cordelia's lips sent shivers up his spine; the smell of her hair as he held her close, her lavender fragrance, and the warmth she emanated would never depart Robin's memories. Robin began to deepen the kiss, tightening his hold on Cordelia, wanting this experience to last for an eternity. The two eventually broke apart, gasping for breath, their cheeks a deep red. However, they only stayed apart for a minute, before diving in to recapture the blissful moment. Robin's hands began to stroke Cordelia's hair, and Cordelia kept her hand on Robin's cheeks, not wanting him to move from his position. The two kept at it for an unknown amount of time, and when they broke apart, Cordelia rested her head on Robin's lap.
"Cordy, when did you realise you were in love with me?" asked Robin, tenderly stroking her cheek.
Cordelia giggled. "I acknowledged that I was in love with you when I was stationed at the border pass. Your absence from my life, and not being able to share your warmth made me learn how I truly felt about you."
Robin laughed, the sound music to Cordelia's ears. It was one of the things about Robin that Cordelia admired so much. His laugh always had a knack for brightening up her day.
"You know, I was in love with Chrom for a long time," Cordelia stated, looking at Robin directly in the eye.
Robin was awestruck by the raw emotion in her dazzling red eyes.
"However, the day we met and became friends, was the day I stopped pining for Chrom," continued Cordelia, "eventually, we started to spend more time together, and it was then that I realised that my so-called love for Chrom was non-existent, and that my feelings for him were nothing more than idolisation."
Cordelia sighed, inched her head towards Robin's forehead. "It was at that time I realised I was falling in love with you. You see, Robin, you taught me the true meaning and depth of love. And with you, I can love you with all my heart."
It was Robin's turn to cry, the grandmaster letting a few stray tears slide down his face. Cordelia brushed away the tears, smiling merrily at him. Robin was speechless, not expecting such a heartfelt confession from Cordelia. Unable to think of a response, Robin moved in to kiss Cordelia deeply. Once Robin had his fill, he rested his head on Cordelia's hair.
"Cordelia," whispered Robin, "I promise you to make our days together worthwhile, and to spoil you rotten."
Cordelia chuckled, gently stroking Robin's hair. "Robin, I don't need you to impress me with wealth. You alone are enough for me."
Robin tightened his embrace, kissing Cordelia lightly on the forehead.
"So, Robin…. when did you learn you were in love with me?" asked Cordelia.
Robin sighed. "It would be the same time as you. When the Shepherds began to travel to the eastern palace was when I realised I was falling in love with you."
Robin began to stroke Cordelia's hair. "I was unsure of how to process my feelings, but when you got me out of my phase after… our failed battle in Plegia, was when I realised I'd fallen head over heels for you."
Robin chuckled. "It also helped that you almost slipped up in confessing to me then."
Cordelia gasped in shock. "Y-you realised that I almost admitted to admiring you?"
Robin nodded. "Yeah. And to be honest, those words drove me to perform the way I'd to in the last battle. I don't know how to say it Cordelia, but you're the one who gives me a purpose in life."
Cordelia kissed Robin on the cheek. "...Robin, those must be the sweetest words I've ever heard. But, I can say the same thing about you. You being there for me during my depression after my squad died, made me realise that I depend on you."
"I'll always be there for you, Cordy," proclaimed Robin.
'And I'll always be by your side," Cordelia stated.
The two then lost themselves, gazing at the stars and enjoying the comfort they got from one another. Robin was unaware of it happening, but he looked down to see Cordelia breathing gently.
Huh… .she's fallen asleep. I should take her back to the castle.
Being as discreet as possible, Robin scooped Cordelia up, and began to walk to the castle. Looking down at Cordelia, Robin was rendered speechless by Cordelia's visage, which was brightly illuminated by the moonlight.
She really is cute when she's asleep. I would love to get her expression painted.
Robin sighed, a bright smile plastered on his face, as he carried Cordelia to her room. Entering the castle, he was pleased that most of the staff were absent.
Can't have rumours flying around so early in our relationship.
Making his way to Cordelia's room, Robin put all of Gaius' mock lessons in thievery into action, and opened the door without disturbing Cordelia's slumber. After laying her down gently, Robin kissed her gently on the forehead.
"Good night, Cordelia."
The moment Robin departed the room, he was shocked to see Chrom waiting outside with a smug expression.
"So, how did it go?" Chrom asked.
Robin gestured to Chrom to walk with him. "It went off swimmingly."
The prince placed his hand on Robin's shoulder. "I'm proud of you, Robin. For someone with no past, it's good to see you find someone who can shower you with affection."
Robin chuckled. "So, have you made your move on a certain pink-haired dancer?"
As expected, Chrom began to blush furiously, and choked on his own words. "I-I'll have you know that Olivia and I are merely friends, nothing more."
"Sureeee, keep telling yourself that, loverboy," Robin quipped, "anyone with a right mind can see you always look at Olivia fondly. So, when are you going to make your move?"
Chrom grumbled. "I don't want to move our relationship too fast. I'll make the move sooner or later. After all, the halidom expects me to find a suitable wife, and I would rather have Olivia than any of those stuffy noble women."
Robin laughed loudly. "I can't ever see you marrying the daughter of some rich noble."
Chrom hummed in response. "Nobles and I don't mix together well, and it's a recipe for disaster. Besides Maribelle, I can't stand any of the other nobles."
Robin slapped Chrom on the back lightly. "Well, Chrom, I wish you luck in your relationship with Olivia. I must go to sleep, and be prepared for the mountain of paperwork tomorrow."
"Robin, wait a second," Chrom shouted, "have a day off tomorrow, and take Cordelia out."
Robin looked backed and smiled at Chrom. "Thank you, Chrom."
Chrom nodded, before going his own separate way.
Knight Paragon: Cordelia
Cordelia awoke from a peaceful slumber, taking a few moments to regain consciousness.
Hmm…. I'm in my bed, yet I don't remember coming here.
Pondering on her thought, Cordelia realised that she had fallen asleep on Robin.
Oh… Robin must have carried me here, after I had fallen asleep on our date.
Cordelia felt the heat rising to her cheeks, and despite being embarrassed that she has dozed off on Robin, she felt her heart waver at the romantic situation.
Hehe. I'm like one of those princesses in those tacky romance novels Sumi and I read, with Robin being the prince and carrying me.
Cordelia began to giggle at the notion, before getting ready and departing to care for Aurora. As she reached the pegasus stables, Cordelia heard muffled sounds, and believing it to be Sumia, opened the doors. Much to her surprise, Sumia wasn't there looking after Belfire. Instead, it was Robin feeding and grooming Aurora.
"Good morning, Cordelia." greeted Robin, walking towards her and giving her an embrace.
Cordelia giggled, returning the embrace eagerly. "Morning, Robin."
"So… did you sleep well?" asked Robin, with a grin.
"...Y-yes, I did," Cordelia stuttered, "I should thank you for carrying me back."
Robin waved a hand dismissively. "Oh… think nothing of it. If I must add, you're really cute when asleep."
Cordelia felt the heat rise to her cheek, and hid her face behind her hands. "Robin!"
Robin laughed. "What? It's the truth!"
Cordelia began to nervously twirl her hair, hiding the blush. "...So, why've you fed and groomed my pegasus?"
"Hrm? Oh, I just thought that I would make your job easier and care for Aurora," answered Robin.
"But why?" Cordelia asked.
Robin sighed. "Darling, do I really need a reason to make your life easier?"
Cordelia didn't answer his question, and instead sprinted at Robin, tackling him to the ground, before locking her lips with his. Shock overcame Robin, the grandmaster not expecting the sudden show of affection. Robin managed to get rid of the shock, tightening his hold on Cordelia, whilst returning the kiss passionately. Once Cordelia had her fill, she rested her head on Robin's chest.
"Robin… thank you," Cordelia whispered.
Robin wrapped his hands around Cordelia, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "Cordy… I did say I was gonna spoil you rotten, so I should make good on my promise."
Cordelia giggled. "Robin, you don't have to do anything for me. Just having you is enough to pleasure me."
She delivered the last words with a peck on Robin's cheek, causing Robin to blush slightly.
"Now, now, Cordelia. None of that! I want to shower you with affection and love for the rest of our time together," Robin stated.
Cordelia could only chuckle, melting further into Robin's embrace. Robin simply kissed her hair, before stroking it.
"Cordelia, Chrom's given me a day off, so how about we go and spend time in the village?" asked Robin.
Cordelia sighed, her expression turning from delight to remorse. "Robin, I would love to, but there's so much work to do."
Robin grinned. "I knew you were gonna say that, so why not have Sumia cover for you?"
Cordelia's face visibly brightened. "Heh. I see your mind is as sharp as ever. Having Sumi cover for me is a splendid idea."
Robin laughed. "Let's go and find her then, shall we?"
Cordelia nodded, getting up, before entwining her hands with Robin.
The couple found Sumia setting up the training grounds, with Gaius helping her.
"Sumi!" Cordelia called out, making her way towards her clumsy friend.
Sumia waved to her friend, setting down the equipment in her hands. "Hey, Cordelia. What's the matter?"
"Robin's taking me out to the village today, as he has time off, and we were wondering if you could cover me today?" replied Cordelia.
Sumia's brows contracted in a thoughtful expression. "It's unlike you to neglect your duties, Cord. So, what's the occ -"
She stopped talking when she noticed Cordelia and Robin's entwined hands, and putting two and two together, she squealed. "Oh, Cord! I'm so happy for you!"
She ran at Cordelia, throwing her hands around her friend and screaming in delight. How she didn't trip on her feet was a miracle. Cordelia chuckled, returning her friend's embrace.
"Sumi! Please calm down!" Cordelia said.
Sumia broke their embrace, a bright smile plastered on her face. "Sooo, when did you two get together?"
Cordelia chuckled. "Only last night. Robin spoiled me to dinner, a dance and stargazing all in one night."
"Heh. Didn't think you were a charmer, Bubbles," Gaius interjected, wrapping his hand around Sumia's waist.
Robin began to scratch the back of his hair, looking away.
"So, how far did you two go last night?" Gaius asked, with a coy grin,
"Gaius! I swear to Naga I'll hunt down your sweet stash and personally burn it to a crisp if you dare say something like that again!" Robin seethed.
Gaius began to laugh hysterically, but was stopped by a sharp slap from Sumia.
"Sumia! What the hell?" Gaius asked, shocked.
Sumia leered over her fiancé. "Gaius! How dare you suggest something so frivolous? If you dare suggest such a thing again, I'll cut off the pies I cook."
Gaius blanched and shuddered. "Not your pies! You can do anything, but please don't stop the pies."
Sumia hummed. "Well, then you know what you should do."
Gaius nodded sheepishly, before slinking away. Robin chuckled silently.
Heh. So Sumia's pie are his weak spot. That can be useful information for the future.
"Anyway, I'll leave you two to your special day!" Sumia said.
"Thank you, Sumi," Cordelia said.
Sumia chuckled. "And Robin, be sure to spoil Cordelia today."
"I already plan to spoil her for the rest of our time together," Robin said with a laugh.
Sumia giggled, before leaving the two to their own devices.
"Well, shall we get going then?" Robin asked.
Cordelia pecked Robin on the cheek, before nodding.
"So, what do you want to do, Cordy?" asked Robin, as the two weaved through the crowd of people.
"Well, I'm awfully hungry," replied Cordelia, as her stomach rumbled, "so, why don't we have something to eat first?"
Robin chuckled, squeezing Cordelia's hand. "Now that you say it, I too am starving. Want to go to the bakery?"
Cordelia nodded. "The bakery sounds perfect."
Robin began to steer Cordelia towards the bakery, and upon entering, the two ordered their meals, before sitting down next to one another. Cordelia instinctively leaned into Robin's shoulder, with the tactician beginning to idly stroke her hair, as the two waited for their dishes.
"Robin, thank you," Cordelia murmured.
"Cordy, what are you thanking me for?" Robin laughed, "we haven't done anything yet."
"All of this. Taking care of Aurora, taking me out and making my life easier," Cordelia replied, "it all means a lot to me. No-one has ever done this for me, so I'm grateful."
"None of that, Cordelia," Robin admonished, "making your life easier isn't something you need to thank me for."
Cordelia sighed, squeezing Robin's hand. "I look forward to our days together."
Robin stroked Cordelia's cheek. "As do I."
With their meals arriving, the two broke apart from their contact. Cordelia immediately began to tuck into her breakfast, eating with a gusto that would give Stahl competition. Robin simply watched with an amused glance, as his girlfriend rapidly consumed her dish. Sparing a cursory glance, Cordelia noticed that Robin was yet to touch his meal, and looking up to see what he was doing, she shot him a glare.
"Someone's hungry, I see," Robin stated.
Cordelia mumbled, and tried to deepen her glare at Robin, which only caused the grandmaster to double down in silent racks of laughter. Cordelia swatted her hand at him.
"I am… so sorry," Robin laughed, "it's just that you look so cute."
Swallowing the last bite of her dish, Cordelia pouted, trying her best to maintain an angry facade, whilst trying to stop her lips from twitching. Her resolution crumbled, and the redhead began to grin.
"You better finish your meal," Cordelia bit, "otherwise I may finish that as well."
Robin clammed up and still smiling, began to consume his meal. Within moments, the tactician had cleaned his meal to the last bite.
"And you teased me about being hungry," Cordelia shot.
Robin flicked her lightly on the head. "And in my defence, you were awfully cute when you were eating like that."
As expected by the tactician, Cordelia began to blush. "Well... shall we get going? The more we spend here, the more time we lose."
Robin nodded, and taking Cordelia's hand, led her out into the village.
"So, what do you want to do first, Cordy?" Robin asked.
"Hmm… well I do need a new set of armour ever since I became the commander of the Pegasus Knights and started training as a Falcon Knight," Cordelia mused, "so I do suppose we can go and look for a new armour set."
"Now that you mention it, I also need to get a new breastplate," Robin replied.
"My, my, Robin, it's so unlike you to be negligent of such things," Cordelia quipped.
Robin said nothing, knowing that Cordelia had the better of him. He simply began to walk with Cordelia to the armour providery. As they entered the store, the bell chimed and they were greeted by a slim, purple haired man.
"Ah, Grandmaster and Wing Commander," the man said, "this is a sight for sorry eyes. What can I do for you today?"
"Ah, Jake, I need a new breastplate and Cordelia needs a new set of armour befitting for a Falcon Knight," Robin said.
"Very well, Sir Robin and Lady Cordelia," Jake said, "if you follow me, I can show you the finest suits of armour."
Robin and Cordelia followed the man into the depth of the store, moving past sets of armour, differentiating in quality and price. The two were taken to a locked room, where they were greeted by some of the finest armour they had ever seen.
"Well, Grandmaster and Wing Commander," Jake instructed, "feel free to browse our wares and let me know when you find something to your liking,"
Robin and Cordelia mumbled their thanks, continuing to browse the room.
"So, this is where Frederick got his armour from," Robin noted, "the dastard never told me this was where he'd sourced it from."
Cordelia chuckled. "Frederick was always tight-lipped. However, I always knew this was where he got the armour from."
Robin whipped around. "What?! How come he told you? I was the tactician of the Shepherds for Naga's sake. How come he never told me?"
Cordelia laughed even more. "Relax, Robin. I can assure you it wasn't an issue of trust. Maybe he never thought it would concern you. After all, you never removed your coat, even in battle."
Robin mumbled quietly. "Find anything you like?"
"...Y-yes, I have," Cordelia murmured.
Robin picked up on her nervousness, and walked up to her. "Why the hesitancy, Cordy?"
"It's just that this armour set is so expensive," Cordelia sighed, showing him the price tag. Robin stepped back in shock. "Ok, that's a lot."
Cordelia's sigh deppened. "But I like this armour set so much, but the price is outrageous."
"Cordelia," Robin said, getting her attention.
"Yes, Robin?" asked Cordelia.
"Do you like the set?" Robin inquired.
"Yes, I do." replied Cordelia
"Is there no other set you like?" Robin inquired further.
"No, I like this one the most," Cordelia stated.
"Very well then. That settles it. I am buying this armour set for you!" Robin proclaimed.
"...Robin. Please don't. The price is too much." Cordelia sighed.
Robin went to embrace her, resting his head atop hers. "Cordy, what did I tell you earlier today?"
"That you would spoil me for the rest of our days together?" Cordelia answered.
"Yes, and what am I doing now?" said Robin, stroking her hair.
"Spoiling me to a lavish armour set, that even you can't afford," Cordelia replied.
"Cordelia, you insult me. You don't think Chrom pays me for being the tactician?" Robin quipped.
He tightened his embrace, kissing her hair. "I also got a large sack of gold when I accepted the promotion, and seeing as I don't have much to spend on myself, it's best that I spend the money on you."
Cordelia laughed, moving in to give him a light kiss. "I truly am blessed to have a devoted boyfriend, such as yourself."
That caught the man off guard, making him look away sheepishly. "...Cordy."
Cordelia laughed even harder. "What, Robin? I'm just saying it as it is. No need to get all flustered about it."
Robin sighed, giving Cordelia another embrace. "Cordy. I promise to live up to your expectations."
Cordelia gave him an affectionate slap and ruffled his hair. "You're already beginning to do so, Robin."
Robin smiled, stroking Cordelia's cheek. Then he moved in to kiss her deeply, having his fill. "Well, shall we purchase this armour set? I've already found a piece for myself."
Cordelia bobbed her head in agreement.
"Jake!" Robin called out, as they departed the room, "we've both found what we want to purchase."
"Is that so? Very well, then," Jake replied, "I'll take the payment, and have some of my workers deliver the armour set to the castle."
"That sounds perfect," Robin said, getting out his gold pouch and leaving the payment on the counter.
"Everything seems to be in order," Jake inspected.
He rotated his head. "Dart! Have the armour purchased by the Wing Commander and Grandmaster delivered to the castle. Take Fargus and Wil with you!"
The man called Dart entered the area. "Yes, sir! Fargus! Wil! You heard the boss!"
Cordelia chuckled. "That's some good men you have there, Jake."
Jake hummed in agreement. "Good men, aye. See it as a blessing to find hard-working men when I normally get a lazy group of rowdy men."
"We better get going," Robin said, "thanks for the help."
Jake bowed his head, waving to the couple as they left the shop.
"So, what do you want to do now, Cordy?" Robin asked.
"Well...there is one shop Sumi has been raving about," Cordelia mused, "so I suppose we can go there."
She tilted her head towards Robin. "And who knows. We can find clothes for Sumi and Gaius' wedding."
Robin chuckled. "I suppose you're right. After all, I can't show up in my cloak, now, can I?"
Cordelia poked his chest. "Yes, as best man, you do need to dress up properly. And if you even think of wearing the cloak, I'll ensure that I manage to burn it."
Robin visibly shook. "...Alright, alright. I won't wear the cloak on the day. Now, can you please not burn it?"
Cordelia giggled. "Sure, Robin. I'll leave the cloak alone… for now. But if you attempt to wear it to any of the weddings, I'll reduce it to ashes."
Robin shuddered. "...Y-yes, darling. I won't wear it to any of the weddings."
Cordelia went to peck Robin's cheek. "It sure is gonna be easy to keep you in check."
Robin chucked, mirthlessly, deciding not to respond to Cordelia's statement.
Gods… I think it's best if I keep a replacement coat if she ever burns the coat.
Robin walked in silence with Cordelia, dreading the day he crosses her path, forcing her to destroy his coat. Being lost in his thoughts, Robin was unaware of them arriving at the shop. He was swiftly brought back to his senses by a slap to the head from Cordelia.
"Oh… sorry about that," Robin murmured, "was just mulling over some things."
Cordelia hummed, silently acknowledging that Robin knew the true depth of her threat.
Hehe. It's going to be fun threatening the safety of his cloak. Considering that his cloak is an extension of his own body, he'll do anything to keep it safe.
Entering the store, Cordelia's eyes began to quickly scan the shop, taking in the collection of clothes available.
Seems Sumi was spot on in her ravings. This shop certainly has a stellar collection of clothing.
"So… it seems Sumia was right," Robin said, echoing her thoughts, "well, we best start browsing."
But before they could start browsing, they were met by a redheaded woman.
"I see new customers!" the woman squealed, "is there anything you guys like?!"
"Oh hey, Anna," Robin greeted, "oh wait… are you one of Anna's sisters?"
"Which one of my sisters are you referring to?" asked Anna, "there's the one selling jewellery across the street, or the one selling weapons, and there's one dealing in manuscripts and tomes."
Robin was lost, and deciding it was best for his sanity to not question the Anna family, answered Anna's earlier question. "No. We haven't found anything yet. We'll let you know if we do."
"Alright, then. I'll be waiting here, so if you guys need help, just call for me," Anna stated.
The couple nodded, before walking further in.
"Notice anything you like?" Robin asked, as the passed by rows of clothing.
"Yeah. A few dresses stood out for me, so I suppose I should try those on first," Cordelia answered, "I will grab those, and try them on, so wait here, will you?"
Robin nodded, taking a seat. He saw Cordelia return moments later, with a few dresses, before entering the booth to change.
"Robin… I'm coming out," Cordelia called, having tried own her first dress.
"Alright, I'm waiting here," Robin replied.
The moment Cordelia exited the booth, Robin felt his jaw drop. Cordelia had tried on a turquoise-blue dress, with a black belt tied around her waist. The dress also had cuffs on the sleeves, and it clung tightly to Cordelia showing off her body. Cordelia twriled, and Robin couldn't help but drool. The dress showed off a liberal amount of Cordelia's backside.
"So, Robin? What do you think?" Cordelia asked.
Hastily wiping away the drool, and containing his embarrassment, he replied, "Cordy, you look absolutely ravishing."
"...Do you really think so? Don't you think the dress makes certain parts of me more prominent?" Cordelia asked, twirling her hair.
Robin was nonplussed. "Huh… what do you mean, Cordy?"
He began to scan over her body, and upon realising what she was referring to, reassured her. "Oh… that's what you mean. Cordy, I don't care about that at all. Trust me when I say this, you're an angel incarnate and your body proportions will never change that."
She began to choke up. "Do… you really mean that?"
Robin went to embrace her and whispered, "Yes."
Cordelia melted into Robin's embrace, calming her temporary slip of emotions. Then she began to chuckle, stroking Robin's hair affectionately. "Robin… what did I do to deserve someone like you?"
Robin laughed, kissing her hair. "Cordy. I ask myself the same question."
Cordelia broke from the embrace, pecking Robin on the cheek. "I will go and try out the other dresses."
Robin nodded, caressing Cordelia's cheek. After a few trials and errors, gaping jaws, and much drooling on Robin's behalf, Cordelia had her final selection of clothing.
"Well. I'm done. I should pay for this, and after that we can shop for you." Cordelia stated.
"That sounds perfect," Robin replied.
The two walked to the counter and when Cordelia realised the total of the dresses, she cursed. "Naga damn it, I don't have enough gold to cover all of them. Anna, is there any way you can lower the cost?"
Anna crossed her arms and pouted. "Sorry, but the price is final. These dresses contain expensive material and some of them have been imported from distant lands."
Cordelia sighed, reaching out to remove some of her selection. "Well… I better buy what I can aff -"
Her words were cut off by Robin placing his hand on top of hers, whilst getting his money pouch out, grinning at Cordelia.
"Let me cover it, sweetheart," he said, paying the required amount to Anna.
"Aren't you a charmer, Grandmaster, paying for your girlfriend's clothing?" Anna quipped, pocketing the gold.
Robin chuckled, placing his hand on Cordelia's shoulder. "She looked happy wearing those dresses, and to me, Cordelia's happiness is of utmost importance."
Cordelia slapped his arm, attempting to look haughty. However, with Robin's smile and words, her resolve shattered and she broke out in a fit of giggles. "Robin, please stop with the idle flattery."
Robin gave her a smirk, signalling that he wasn't going to stop praising her. Cordelia sighed in resignation, tugging at his hands. "We should go and find something for you."
Robin simply laughed, allowing Cordelia to drag him along.
It's truly wonderful to see Cordelia completely relax and let her inner nature come out. Experiencing Cordelia's bubbliness is truly an unforgettable experience. I must ensure we get to spend more time like this, so she's able to cool off.
"Anything attract your eye, Robin?" Cordela asked.
"Yeah. I did find a few items of clothing that I did like," replied Robin.
Cordelia poked him in the chest, a little too hard for his liking. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go and try them on. It'll surely be a sight to see you not always wearing that grubby coat of yours."
Robin ignored the quip, and sighing silently went to try the clothing on. Having tried out his first choice, it being a three-piece suit, with a black shirt, blue blazer and pants and red tie, stepped out.
"So, Cordelia? How do I look?" Robin asked.
Cordelia gasped. "...Robin. You look exceptionally handsome in that suit. But I must say, you don't know how to tie a tie, do you?"
Robin began to blush in embarrassment. "...I do. But I just did it haphazardly to save time."
Cordelia raised an eyebrow at him, giving him a smirk. Robin deflated, sighing in exasperation, knowing he had been caught out. "...Fine. You got me. I don't know how to set up a tie."
Cordelia giggled, getting out of her chair and fixing Robin's tie within seconds. "That wasn't so hard, was it now?"
Robin scratched his head, laughing sheepishly. "No, it wasn't."
He went to peck her cheek. "Well, at least I can ask you to do it for me from this day onwards."
Cordelia laughed, mirthlessly. "I must ask. How did you get your tie done last night?"
"Oh. I had Olivia help me with that," Robin answered, "she was looking for Chrom, and noticed me struggling with the nuisance. Olivia being Olivia immediately helped and fixed it up."
"Amusing. I wonder how long it'll take for Chrom to start courting Olivia," Cordelia mused.
"From my chat with him last night, it shouldn't be too long," Robin answered.
"That will be a joyous occasion, indeed. All the Shepherds know both have feelings for each other, and are too dense to act upon it," said Cordelia.
"Now that you put it like that… that does sound awfully familiar," joked Robin, grinning at Cordelia.
Cordelia sighed. "In our defence, we were both experiencing a war, and were dealing with a few… issues."
Robin nodded, gently caressing Cordelia's cheek. "I'd better go and try whatever else I selected on."
Cordelia hummed in agreement. After some insults on behalf of Cordelia, Robin had finalised his selection.
"That will come to 1100G," Anna said, as Robin laid the clothing on the counter.
Cordelia's eyes twinkled in delight, knowing she has enough money to cover what Robin had chosen. She hastily brought out her gold pouch, depositing the money before Robin could do anything. The entire act left the grandmaster speechless.
"Cordelia? Why?" Robin asked, confused.
Cordelia smiled at him. "Well…. you did pay for my armour set, as well as my clothes. So it only seems fair that I take the turn to spoil you."
Robin chuckled, giving Cordelia a light embrace. "Thank you, Cordy."
Cordelia pecked him on the cheek. "Think nothing of it."
Breaking from the embrace, Robin picked up his items, thanking Anna, before leading Cordelia out. The moment the couple departed the shop, Robin dropped his bags, taking Cordelia into his arms, and kissing her deeply. The sudden act of affection caught the redhead by surprise, before she too dropped her bags, hugging Robin's neck and passionately returning the kiss.
"Sorry about that," Robin said, as he broke apart, cheeks a deep red, "should've shown some restraint."
Cordelia stroked his hair. "Don't worry about it. If you hadn't done it, I would've."
Robin chuckled. "Well… all this shopping has made me hungry. How about we go and have lunch?"
Cordelia nodded. "I haven't had a cherry pie in quite some time, so I look forward to having that."
Robin laughed. "Well, besides Sumia, there is only one other place that serves the best cherry pie, and that's Marley's Grill."
"Yep. Having Sumia make it will be hard, as she has the wedding preparations, And the one at Marley's Grill only comes second to hers," Cordelia stated, "so it's still worth having."
Robin laughed, happy that his girlfriend was excited about food, and began to lead her to Marley's Grill.
"Say, Cordelia. You've yet to tell me about your parents," Robin said, as the two sat down for their lunch.
Cordelia looked up. "I've been meaning to tell you, but no circumstance seemed appropriate. But seeing as we're courting, it's for the best that I tell you now, as you'll eventually meet my parents."
She rested her chin on her hands. "I suppose I should start with who my parents are. My father's Perceval Volkner and my mother's Cecilia Volkner. Both were knights in service to Ylisse, having served in the Purge. My father started as a simple knight, and his prowess in battle made him earn the position of Knight Commander. My mother served as a Pegasus Knight, eventually having the same position as Sumi."
Cordelia sighed, as he reminisced the memories. "The two met when they were stationed at a border patrol during the Purge. My father would say years later that my mother's red hair was what attracted him to her."
"Well. I know who to thank for the exceptionally beautiful woman that sits in front of me," Robin chuckled.
Cordelia swatted her hand at him, blushing furiously. "Hush, you. Anyway, Father eventually began to court Mother, and after a year of courting, the two were married."
Cordelia began to twirl her hair. "I was eventually given birth to, and Mother retired from her position as Lieutenant to look after me. However, Mother always told me of Father's loyalty to the Exalt, and Mother would always tell tales of her adventures as a Pegaus Knight."
"So, that's why you are such a devoted soldier," Robin stated.
Cordelia hummed in agreement. "Yeah. Mother and Father's service to the late Exalt and Emmeryn were what made me want to become a Pegsus Knight. Father retired shortly before I was enlisted into the Pegasus Knights."
Cordelia reached out to grab Robin's hand. "Mother gifted me with the clips when I was enlisted and began my training. Likewise, Father gifted me my first armour set, as well my lance."
She began to stroke Robin's knuckles. "I suppose I truly am blessed to have such wonderful parents. I don't know where I would be in this world without them."
Robin chuckled. "I now have two people to thank for the wonderful lady in front of me."
Cordelia pouted, causing Robin to break into a fit of giggles. Robin moved in to kiss her lightly, causing the redhead to blush.
"Robin, stop it," Cordelia said, embarrassed,
"Why? I'm just saying it as it is. You're the most beautiful woman I know, Cordy," Robin said, smiling brightly at Cordelia.
Cordelia pouted even further, causing Robin to laugh more. "And if I must say, your pouts make you look even cuter."
Cordelia opened her mouth to say something, but was stopped by her pie arriving. Robin smile became larger, as he noticed Cordelia's eyes light up, before cutting a piece and placing it on her plate. Robin was caught by surprise when she cut off another piece, which was much larger than hers, and placing it on his plate.
"Before you ask, that's for spoiling me today and taking me out," Cordelia said, smiling at the tactician.
Robin chuckled, pecking Cordelia's cheek, before digging into the piece.
"Oh! Sweet Naga, this is heavenly," Robin savoured.
"It is, isn't it?" Cordelia giggled, "Sumi's one is just a tiny bit better, but this one is still exceptional."
Robin hummed in agreement. "We must get Sumia to make one for us!"
Cordelia chuckled at Robin's enthusiasm. "I'll get her to make one for us."
The two were then silent, simply enjoying the aromatic flavour of the pie.
"Well, I'm famished," Robin said, finishing the last bite.
"As am I," agreed Cordelia.
"Cordelia, you have some filling on your lips," Robin pointed out.
"Hm? Where is it?"
"Let me get it for you."
He then went to kiss her, surprising Cordelia.
"Robin, was that really necessary?" Cordelia asked, trying her best to look annoyed.
"Yes. It was," Robin laughed.
Cordelia decided to not let this lie down, kissed Robin, having her own fill.
"Cordelia, was the really necessary?" Robin echoed.
Cordelia nodded, smirking at Robin. Robin began to laugh, Cordelia soon joining him.
This is so sweet. I've never had anyone treat me like this before. If this is how Robin will always be, I look forward to our time together.
"Well, it does seem to be getting late," Robin pointed out, "we should head back to the castle."
Cordelia nodded, linking her hand with Robin and leaning her head on his shoulder. Robin smiled, enjoying the comfort and warmth he received from Cordelia. The two walked in silence, hand in hand, enjoying each other's company. When they arrived at the castle walkway, they embraced each other.
"Robin, thank you for this day," Cordelia whispered, positioning her head in the crook of Robin's neck.
Robin kissed her hair. "Cordelia, you don't need to thank me for anything. Spending the day with you was beyond anything I could have ever asked for."
Cordelia moved from her position to kiss Robin. Having her fill, she rested her head on his forehead, whispering, "I love you."
Robin gave her his own kiss. "I love you too."
A/N: Hey folks! Please don't kill me for this being really late. I really have no excuse for this being uploaded so late. Anyway, I best explain how this is going to work. This story is gonna be a six-chapter story, with two seperate arcs. The first arc is focused on Robin x Cordelia, with the second arc being focused on Chrom x Olivia. Each arc has three chapters, with a chapter for the confession, proposal and finally, the marriage chapter.
I did say I was gonna upload the Robin returning after killing Grima oneshot before this, but A - there has been a massive overhaul of plans concerning that fic, and B - it requires some worldbuilding that will be explained in this fic. So, the Robin returning fic will be uploaded after I complete Serenity.
Once again, please read and review. I should have Ch 2 done within two weeks.
Credits to PerunikaART for the cover image.