Gotham: Knights and Theives

Chapter One: New Beginnings

Disclaimer: I do not own Batman or the show Gotham, this is just a fanficton. Please don't sue me.

City Hall-City Hall District-Gotham City

"What do you mean you're leaving?" Jim asked. "Bane's in prison. It's over." Jim had just been promoted as Commissioner of the GCPD. He made a lot of friends and enemies along the way. One ally Jim knew he could depend on was Bruce Wayne. Now here Bruce was telling him that he had to leave, for what reasons Jim couldn't find. The Siege of Gotham was won in favor of the citizens of Gotham. "My life here. It's too public."

"You made up your mind."

"Gotham's in good hands.. Commissioner." Jim could only be supportive of the nineteen year old. Hard to believe several years ago Bruce was just a child who witnessed something truly horrible. Now here he was. A man setting off into the world. Jim couldn't say he wasn't worried for his young friend, but deep down he knew this is what anyone in Bruce's situation might have to go through.

"Thank you, Bruce," Jim shook Bruce's hand and hugged him as a brother would, "for everything you've done for me and for this city. Gotham will always be your home." With that said Bruce nodded and began to walk away into the crowd. Lee came over to see how Jim was doing, given that she overheard Jim and Bruce's conversation. "Bruce is all grown up," she said.

"That he is," Jim and Lee both looked onward into the crowd. "Well now, you have a little one to look after," Lee said to comfort her love. Jim and Lee began to walk over to Barbara and Barbara Lee, but as Jim looked back to try to catch a glimpse of Bruce, he had mysteriously vanished, which sent a foreboding feeling down Jim's spine.

Downstairs Alfred had the Rolls Royce parked. His back was still a bit stiff, but the cane and the pain medication he was on for the time being helped. He knew he wouldn't be as mobile as he once was, but at least the infant Barbara Lee is safe and sound due to his actions. He waited for Bruce to come down from the ceremony. The wise man was taken aback by Bruce's decision to leave Gotham... and what he planned on doing so during his time away. He had no doubt Bruce would be what Gotham needed him to be, but Bruce was still the closest thing to a son that Alfred had. He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared for him. Scared that something might happen to him, but he knew he couldn't talk Bruce out of it. Bruce then entered the back seat of the car. Alfred noticed a solemn disposition spread across his face. "Everything alright, Master Wayne?"

"Yes, Alfred. Everything's fine."

"The flight is scheduled for 11:00 p.m. Shall I take us to the airport now, sir?'

"No, Alfred. We have a couple of stops to make. First the cemetery then the GCPD. Have the details of of our project been given to Lucius?"

"That they have, sir. Does Ms. Kyle know about you're plans, Master Bruce?"

"No, Alfred," he looked down upon the letter in his hands, "she doesn't."

"Master B, if I may? I would say that the idea of you not telling Ms. Kyle and only leaving a letter for you're explanation is not just wrong, but it will outright devastate her."

"I... I know, Alfred. I've lost too many people in my life... I don't want her to be another casualty in my life."

"The pain of losing someone to the hands of evil is horrid, Master B. However, the pain of heartbreak due to abandonment can be said to be far more destructive."

"I'm not abandoning her, Alfred."

"You're leaving her with no idea what it will do to her. The least you owe the young lady is the decency of an in person explanation."

Bruce sighed knowing deep down inside Alfred was right. He owed Selina more than he was about to give her. He rolled down the window and dropped the letter in the gutter. Where it belongs. He took out his phone and texted Selina.

"Cat? Can you meet me at the GCPD at 6?"

"Why? What's up?"

"Nothing. I just need to talk to you about something important. I need it to be face to face."

"Ok... I'll be there at 6..."

Gotham Cemetery-Bristol-Gotham City

It's been a long time since he came here. To this place of bones and stone. A place where people find closure and putting there loved ones to rest. Where one can find peace. "How can I find peace in this place? Knowing that all I could do with my mother and father's blood on my hands was scream like a defenseless child?" Bruce thought to himself. But deep down inside there was nothing he could've done because he was a defenseless child. He hated the powerlessness he had. But soon he had to come to accept the reality. He crossed the grassy lot, filled with the bones and remains of those dearly departed souls of other families until he came across the place that has plagued him for so long. In front of him planted into the ground was the headstone of the twin grave that his parents shared. "Mom... Dad... I'm sorry I haven't come here that often.. the past few years have been crazy, for lack of a better word." Tears filled Bruce's eyes only seeing there corpses lay lifeless in that alley. "I'm sorry. I was angry. Angry at myself. Angry at the criminals of Gotham. Angry at everything that had taken the two of you away from me. I've fallen into darkness. I'm only thankful I still had people in my life that helped me along as both of you had." From inside his coat Bruce pulled out two roses and placed them in front on his parents grave and knelt down. It was time. Time to let go of the pain he was feeling. His mission would not change, but feeling nothing except pain would only hinder him. He let the memory of his parent's death, but also there time with him flood his mind and heart. Every smile and tear. Now was the moment. Now he had the strength to do what needs to be done.

Selina's Apartment-Upper West Side-Gotham City

"Ok, you can do this," Selina looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing her favorite black blouse, leather trench coat, leather pants, and black high heeled boats. If she was going to do this she was going to do it right. Selina had so many things to say. She was done with the whole dancing around each other and see's what happens deal. There were so many feelings going through her head that it felt like she was going to pass out. But no. It was time to get everything out in the open. She had spent the past hour summing up how Bruce made her feel. What she wants from him. The fact that all she wants is him! She looked at the past few weeks and realized this was the best version of herself. One that she made the choice to be, but it was Bruce who always believed that she could be the same badass she's always been. All that changed was that she was willing to fight for others, not just herself. The path of selfishness had at last been a road of regret and pain she didn't want to bear anymore. It was time to start anew. But one thing that was gonna be the same was what she felt for a moralistic billionaire who wore too many damn turtlenecks. She picked up pocket knife and lock picks and the keys to Bruce's Mustang. She still had no idea why he would just leave them there at her place. She felt uneasy about it, but it was fast enough to get her where she needed to go right at that moment.

Gotham City Police Department Central-Upper West Side-Gotham City

Bruce had a conflict within him. He knew he had to leave both for the people of Gotham and for those he held so close to his heart, especially when it came to her. Everything he was planning in his head he gave a great deal of thought and was adamant on following through. The only thing that truly caused him pain was the thought of leaving Selina. He made a promise that he would always be by her side ever since that monster of a clown put a bullet in her. Bruce was trying to protect her by leaving just so she wouldn't be plagued by the tragedies that his life seemed to produce. He watched over his city from the GCPD rooftop contemplating all the decisions he has made and the future he must prepare for. The only thought running through his head that he was so uncertain of was, "Will she forgive me? Will she understand? Will she still love me?"

Selina had walked through the bull pen of the GCPD. So many thoughts and feelings were coursing through her. She could have died by firing squad, but now her only thoughts were surrounding one brave, brilliant, yet incredibly broodish boy. Well she can't exactly call him a boy anymore. She searched for him at all their usual places, but nowhere to be found. She then knew he'd most likely be at the GCPD. "Always willing to help," Selina thought to herself. There was a time in her life when she thought chivalry was dead. That was until she met Bruce Wayne. A true noble in both class and character. She saw Harper and crossed over to her desk and asked, "Where's Bruce?" Harper only looked and pointed upwards and Selina smirked and rolled her eyes, "Of course that's where he would be." Selina made her way to the roof with only one thought, one desire.

Bruce always enjoyed looking out over the city from the roof. In some way it gave him perspective for what he had been fighting for all these several long years. Only a few short days ago he witnessed the best of this city stand up against an army led by a mad woman and her super soldier monstrosity. He had hope for Gotham that was burning like a inferno in his heart. He wasn't blind to the fact that there was still a criminal element to Gotham. He was more than certain that soon Penguin or Riddler would have there go at the GCPD and any other person they felt was a threat to them. Bruce also knew that the newly appointed commissioner would put the reigns on them and give them whatever fate they deserve.

All while thinking of this, he couldn't help but notice shifting footsteps behind him. "Looks like your days of sneaking up on me are over Cat," Bruce replied with a smirk. "You only heard me because I wanted you to hear me " Selina replied. He looked over his shoulder to see the face of the most loyal woman that has had to put up with him all this time. Selina walked over to Bruce's side and they looked out over a city that has seen so much chaos, but can finally rest with hope. "At least things are gonna settle down for awhile until the next crisis," Selina said. "Jim and the GCPD will be able to keep things cooled down for the time being along with aid from the government." Bruce replied. "In the meantime most of us can rest from all of this. Except for me." "Bruce, what are you talking about?" Selina asked. " I have to go Selina. Everything that has happened brought only pain and destruction to this city and its people. I'm not leaving forever. You were right when you said that this city is my home. I'm not abandoning it. All this has made me realize how much more that I want to protect people from the same evil that destroyed my family. But I'm too weak still. I'm not at my peak. I have so much more to learn and I can't do that here. Not while I could possibly draw so much more pain while the city is still recovering," he explained. "Bruce, I know where your going with this.." Selina began, but Bruce interrupted, "It's who I am Selina. I can't change it nor do I wish to." Selina then said," I know and that's why I'm telling you that you are not doing this.. not alone." "After all the pain my mission has caused and those who wanted to hurt me through those I love, I have to. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you, Jim, or Alfred on account of what I plan to do," he continued on. " And like I told you before. We all chose to go on this path. There's always going to be some crisis, some danger that could harm us and others. You can't hold yourself accountable for the actions of a madman or criminal that doesn't care who they hurt. Whatever you're planning to do I'm in on it, whether you like it or not. When we stood there against Bane, I felt alive. More alive than ever because I was fighting for something other than myself. I was fighting for my home, these people who have been through so much, and the ones I love." Bruce gazed into her verdant green eyes and knew that nothing would stop her from coming with him. He thought he would have this weight in his heart by hearing this, but instead he felt alive, hopeful, and more full of love than he thought he could ever feel. The darkness inside of Bruce would still be apart of him, yet it was alleviated by the joy, the love, and compassion he felt and in turned received from those closest to him. He embraced her and she could feel his heartbeat and to her it was like a love song that she wanted to hear for the rest of her life. " The life that we've chosen isn't going to be a normal one, you know that right.?" Bruce asked. Selina only rolled her eyes and said, " Bruce, when have our lives ever been normal?"

Soon they left Gotham, and began their journey together that would make them legends throughout their city. They've been everywhere from Asia, Russia, South America, the Artic, Europe, Africa. In their travels they mastered everything from Krav Magra, Muay Thai, Kali, Boxing, Kickboxing, Jeet Kun Do, Tae Kwan Do, Sambo, Shinboijitsu, Jujitsu, Yaw Yan, Silat, Shorin-Ryu Karate, Kenpo, Kendo, Judo to Capoiera. There skills were honed as to which they were masters of stealth and espionage. Their minds were strengthened to the point that Bruce's deductive reasoning made the sharpest minds at Interpol and CIA look like novices. Computer science and security, forensic sciences, criminology, psychology, medicinal/surgical knowledge, and engineering were all aspects that Bruce took to like a fish to water and he flourished in these areas. Selina's skillset were heightened to measures beyond what she could learn in Gotham. From hacking into the most secure digital databases on Earth unnoticed and braving the most guarded highly hostile facilities and escaping without a trace. Her knowledge expanded to the forms of understanding art, history, and geology ( specifically precious gems and metals) to which are the tools needed by the most refined thieves.

What Bruce initially thought would be a ten year sojourn was condensed to a seven year one. Then one day after completing their diverse environmental training in Africa, 26 year old Bruce Wayne, who turned into a powerhouse in mind and muscle, turned to his love ,who she herself was captivating in beauty and skill, and stated, "It's time, Selina," Bruce said. "Good. Time to have some real fun," she said with a mischievous smirk. Very soon Gotham's underworld would know true fear and it's citizens would have hope once more... and just in time too.