Arthur and Santa Claus 6

We see Arthur and D.W. writing a letter and Christmas list to Santa Claus. They all know he is real and he is a bear man in fact of course. They know that five of their parents will tryout for Santa Claus at the Mall. They are between Mr. Read, Mr. Walters, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Compson, and Mr. Frensky. Arthur knows if his dad is picked he will play an Elf. He will have a choice of five colors for boys and they are green, blue, red, white, and brown. And hire either D.W. or Fern as the female Elf. That girl will have a choice of five colors for girls and they are pink, purple, red, light blue, and light green. We see them two talking about stuff like the letters and Christmas list to Santa Claus and other stuff like Christmas and other stuff.

"I know that dad is trying our for Santa Claus at the Mall and we are writing letters and Christmas list to Santa Claus," said Arthur, "I will play a good Elf I will have a choice of five colors for I will pick green for that is a Christmas color that isn't red like Santa Claus costume so I will pick green and I have my Christmas list ready same as the letter and we will leave him cookies and milk for him on Christmas eve for him to get and eat as he leaves us Christmas Presents and one thing I want most of all is a space ship from that new Science fiction movie I love so much."

"I hope dad does become Santa Claus at the Mall for I have a chance of playing an Elf," said D.W., "I would choose light green if I become an Elf if dad can play Santa at and I love writing letters and Christmas list to Santa Claus."

"I hope dad gets the job as Santa Claus the Mall for that means I could play an Elf there," said Arthur, "A local hospital also needs a man to play Santa Claus for the children for it is at the Children's hospital and for a local retail store which is part of a thriving chain and I know two trying out for the retail store and they are Mr. Ratburn and Mr. Morgan."

"Last thing we need is a mean man who is also trying out for it at that retail store for he is mean," said D.W., "He just happens to hate children but trying out for it in spite."

"We know the manager he will pick someone who loves children instead of hating us children," said Arthur, "But if he gets picked I will protest against them for we don't need a mean man to play Santa Claus for that would make no sense."

Mr. Read for the job and picked Arthur and Fern to play the Elves and Arthur picked green and Fern picked Purple for she loves it. They don't know who is trying our for Santa Claus at the local Dollar store. But knows two trying out for him at the Children's hospital they are Mr. Marco and MC and wonder if they will will have a Hipster Santa Claus for MC is one. We now see Santa Claus talking to four elves.

"I got the letters and Christmas list from Arthur, D.W. Fern, Brain, Buster, Francine, and some others in the good list," said Santa Claus, "And I have the naughty list here in this hand with Binky, Molly, Rattles, Slink, and Otis which I will give to Bob the Elf."

"Bob the Elf is the only one I know that wears black for that is the color of charcoal which he give bad kids," said Greg the Elf, "And in am in charge of the good boys on the good list."

"I never did like Molly when she became a bully after they made fun of her," said Amy the Elf, "And I am in charge of the good girls in the good list."

"It isn't her fault she became a bully but her brother James is a good boy," said Henry the Elf, "I want to give some good kids an extra candy cane."

"You can give some good kids some extra candy canes for that is a good idea," said Tina the Elf, "And we know that some people will help out the homeless to get them inside for a snow storm will happen soon in Elwood city and Crown city."

I hope you like this story here so far. I will need ideas for the next chapter here. No flames allowed so read and review.