Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

She's back

Inuyasha felt all the air from his lungs escape at that very moment. Gorgeous. She walked past him blindly, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and her laptop in another. She's still as beautiful as she's always been. Maybe he's biased because he's never really gotten over her. She had her hair in a bun, a few tendrils framing her face. Beautiful, but he somehow wished she left it down, just like she used to.

He stopped in his tracks as the wind blew towards him. Ah that scent he's so familiar with. He smiled for the first time in years.

She's in my class. His heart raced at the thought of seeing her everyday.

"I guess, I won't be missing class this semester." He smirked and positioned himself at the back of the theater room, finding a spot with the grandest view of her.


"Inu-kun, what did I tell you about fighting the other kids? You get hurt all the time." She exhaled in frustration. She slowly grabbed a chair and used it to reach for the disinfectant. Her mom used to add that to a cloth when Sota got a scrape so she's copying it, maybe it would help with Inuyasha's bruised lip and knee.

"Keh, why do you always go blamin' me, they're the ones who were asking for it!" He clenched his fist. Serves them right for talking badly of her, but of course, she doesn't need to know that.

"You should've just ignored them."

She applied the cloth to his cheeks, and he hissed in pain.

"Gome, I don't even need this, I heal fast, remember?" He scrunched his nose when the stench of the alcohol filled the room.

"I know that, baka, just because you're so tough doesn't mean you won't get an infection." The nine-year old girl with the pigtails dabbed a little bit harder.

~~~~End of Flashback~~~~

He should've told her how he truly felt then. He should've sought her out and apologized that night. There are so many things he should've said.

Instead he waited for the next day, only to find that she transferred out. Gone. And she never told him. At first, he felt anger but after each minute that passed, he just missed her.

Apparently, her whole family had been planning to move and even his mother knew.

This time it'll be different.

He'll make sure of it.


"Kagome is lucky to have a hanyou to order around, eh? You must like her so much to follow her like a little puppy." Takane taunted.

"I don't like Kagome that way and its nothing like that, so quit it!" He roared to the whole class.

"Oh yeah? Then who do you like? Or do you swing the other way Inuyasha?" Kakeru placed his hands on his hips and the whole class started laughing. He thought being associated with Kagome will only bring her humiliation.

"I like Kikyou, you idiot. You wanna fight and see who the real man is?" The thirteen-year old boy admonished with confidence. That is until he smelt who is behind him.

"Fuck, Kagome wait!"

~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~

He checked the time. 10: 44 am. Almost done class and he still don't know how to approach her.

What excuse could he use?

Is she the same person as she was? Is she still mad at me? Aw Fuck, I can't think properly.

The students started moving in the direction of the door. Just when he was going to stand, he noticed she's gone.

HOLY HOLY FUDGE, He's here! He's in my class.

Her heart raced. Not from excitement but from trepidation. She does not really want any sort of confrontation right now. No, she has her life together, and her feelings for him will definitely ruin everything.

According to Sango, her old flame (at least in her mind) is the most popular guy in campus. She said he's no longer gruff and always ready to fight but he's feigned disinterest to relationships for as long as she's known him. Rumour has it, he's already got a girlfriend.

Nevertheless, he's sought after by most women which is illogical considering they are all in college, so people should start being rational about life. Right?

Back then she didn't have the courage to say goodbye to him. Instead, she left him a message detailing all her feeling for him growing up. How humiliating! Noting the fact that he already rejected her in front of the class. She still sent him that letter. She still poured her heart out.

I hope he burnt it.

She needs to bump her head to the nearest wall. Hard.