I've had this idea for a while, I've read stories where Ash starts with a Froakie, I've seen some where he starts with a Riolu, I've seen a small handful where he starts with a Ralts so I decided to make this story, I own nothing from Pokémon, because I am an Amourshipper by heart Serena will be in this story too, and unlike most fanfiction's they will both have a crush on each other but the other doesn't know
Ash Ketchum was just 5 years old when it happened, he was playing in the forest just outside of pallet town when suddenly he saw a man that looked to be in about his twenties, Ash was hidden behind a bush so the strange man couldn't see him
The man said "Look at you three, you'll sell for billions on the black market."
He was currently speaking to three Pokémon in separate cadges, he said to the the first one which was a blue frog like Pokémon with wight frubbles around its neck "Froakie, the Bubble Frog Pokémon, not only are you a Kalos native starter, but your the last of your kind that has the ability Battle Bond which only adds to your rarity."
He then addressed the second Pokémon which looked like it was a little girl in a wight dress, had green hair and two pink horns at the top of her head and said "Ralts, the Feeling's Pokémon, you're a Hoenn, Sinnoh, Kalos and Alola native and an uncommon Pokémon and the fact that you have a Gardevoirite now makes you even more rare."
He then spoke to the last one witch was a shiny Riolu and said "Riolu, the Emanation Pokémon, already rare as is but you are a shiny Pokémon and your holding Lucarioite, a rare one indeed, and since the Froakie is holding a kea stone, you'd all sell for top dollar at the black market, I'm gonna be rich! Don't bother trying to escape those cages are made out reinforced reflective steel."
Ash glared at the man, how could anyone be that cruel? Ash would help them and he knew just how too, their was a Butterfree in the bush with him.
Ash whisper-asked "Hay Butterfree? You see that man over there? Can you do me a favor and use Sleep Powder on him?"
Butterfree saw the man and the Pokémon inside the cadges and knew then the man was evil so it wanted to help out so it flew out of the bush and sprinkled the man with a green powder and the man fell asleep
Ash used the opportunity to take the man's kea's and unlock the cadges, after the three Pokémon were free Ash said "Hay you three, I'm glad you're okay, could you guys help me drag this guy to the police?"
Ralts used its powers to teleport itself, Frokie and Riolu, Ash, and the man that trapped them to the police station in Viridian city
Officer Jenny asked "What on earth?"
Ash said "Officer, this mean man had these three Pokémon in cadges, with the help of a wild Butterfree I helped them escape, and this one. *points to Ralts* Teleported us hear so I could explain the situation and so you can arrest him."
Officer Jenny said "This man is part of team Rocket, it was vary reckless of you to confront him in anyway, you should've called the authorities! *winks* But I'll let it slide because you did it to save these pore Pokémon."
Ash said "Thank you, I need to go home now."
Officer Jenny said "Stay safe on your way back home, I'll bring these three to the Pokémon Center after I finish my report on this man, he's going to prison for a long time."
Ash crouched down to the Pokémon's level and said "I hope you'll all stay safe and find some good and loving trainers, any trainer would be lucky to have even one of you three, you're all amazing Pokémon that I've never seen before, well goodbye, maybe I'll see you again, hopefully under better circumstances."
Ash got up and began the walk home but the three Pokémon were following him
Ash pointed at Officer Jenny and said "You need to go with her."
Ash walked away but the three of them were still following
Ash said "Look, I can handle the walk home, you don't have to protect me."
He walked further but they were still following him
Ash asked "Why do you three keep following me?"
Officer Jenny said "I think they want to come with you."
Ash said "but I'm only 5, I'm not allowed to have my own Pokémon."
Officer Jenny said "You're never too young to have a Pokémon, or in this case three, you only need to be 10 years old to travel and be an official trainer and collect badges."
Ash asked "You think they want a someone like me as their trainer?"
Officer Jenny said "I know so, you saved them from this man, you gained their trust, if fact. *hand's Ash three pokeballs* Why don't you ask them, I'm sure they won't refuse your offer."
Ash placed the pokeball's in front of the three Pokémon and asked "Do you three want to come home with me? I know I'm only 5 so you'd have to wait 5 years before we could travel around, but if you come with me I promise we can play every day."
The three Pokémon taped the pokeballs and let themselves be captured
Ash said "Looks like I've got myself three new friends, come on out Ralts."
Ralts appears from the pokeball
Ash asked "Ralts, can you please take me home?"
Ralts teleports them to Ash's house.
His mother came in, and Ash explained the situation to her and she agreed to let him keep the Pokémon
Over the next few months they became great friends, the three Pokémon even had mock battles everyday to improve
On Ash's 6th birthday Ash spent most of it playing with his Pokémon, he even gave them some of his birthday cake and all three evolved at that time
About a week later Ash and Lucario went out to the forest when suddenly they hear a cry, as if a Pokémon is in pain so they go to check it out and what they see surprised them, they see a pink cat like Pokémon, and the Pokémon appears to be poisoned, and their is a tiny yellow mouse like Pokémon next to it sparking its cheeks with electricity when it sees them
Ash said "Lucario, I need you to find a petcha berry to cure the poison and a Oren berry to help this Pokémon get its strength back, I'll ty to calm the electric type to we can feed them to the cat like Pokémon."
Lucario left to go find the berries
Ash said "Calm down little buddy, I'm just trying to help that other Pokémon, I know you probably don't trust me but I promise I only want to help."
The yellow Pokémon still didn't seem to trust him
Ash said "I'll prove you can trust me."
He puts a finger to the yellow Pokémon and said "Go on, shock me, I'll take all the electricity you can dish out if it'll prove that I only want to help."
The yellow Pokémon then shocks him with the biggest thundershock it could but Ash didn't do anything, he just took it and looked in great pain
The yellow Pokémon looks at him in disbelief but stepped aside to let Ash care for the pink cat like Pokémon.
Just then Lucario returned with the berries
Ash picked up the pink cat like Pokémon into his arms and gently shook her awake so she could eat the berries which it did.
The pink cat like Pokémon then started floating around playfully
Ash said "I'm glad you're okay, you must be a Psychic type."
He then hears a mysterious voice say "Thank you."
Ash asked "Who said that?"
Mew replied "I did, I can speak to you via telepathy."
Ash said "Yep, definitely a Psychic type."
Mew said "I can't thank you enough, uh… what's your name?"
Ash said "My name it Ash Ketchum, and this *points to Lucario* is Lucario, he's the one that got the berries."
Mew said "Thank you very much, I will never forget you, Ash, please remember my name it's Mew, also please don't ever tell anyone about what happened here today."
Ash said "I promise Mew, you can trust me."
Mew flew off
Ash said "Well this is officially the second weirdest day ever."
Pichu jumps up onto his shoulder as asking ash to take care of it as well which Ash agrees to and Ash gives the Pichu the nickname Bolt
When Ash got home he sees his mom attending to the garden with Kirlia and Frogadier helping
As soon as they noticed Bolt Ash said "I found this little guy in the forest, I named him Bolt because I didn't know his real name, so can I keep him?"
Delia said "Of course you can."
A few months later Ash would then start to spar with Lucario to help himself and Lucario train wale Frogadier and Kirlia battled each other, mostly to see which one of the two would evolve first but Bolt sat out most of the time
On Ash's 7th birthday Kirlia and Frogadier and Bolt all evolved
The next day Ash learned about the Battle Bond and how it worked so he wanted to perfect it
Over the next few months Greninja would go up against Bolt, Gardevoir and Lucario respectively and on occasion all 3 at once and they eventually perfected the Battle Bond
Another month later he started attending Professor Oaks Pokémon Summer Camp
At the camp he met a girl, the girls name was Serena, it was love at first sight for both of them but they never where able to tell the other.
On Ash's 8th birthday he decided to finally try mega evolution
Ash stood outside, wearing a megaring in his whist, Lucario wearing the Lucarioite on a belt and Gardevoir wearing the Gardevoirtie as a pendant
Ash said "Kea stone, Respond to my heart, beyond evolution, mega evolve!"
Lucario and Gardevoir both mega evolved at the same time
Ash then tuned to Greninja and they activated the Battle Bond instantly
The 5 of them began their hardest sparing section ever
For the next year the 3 Pokémon and Ash would have 5 way battle's to increase their strength and Ash learned a lot from his Pokémon
Gardevoir was the smartest among them, but considering she was part Psychic type it was a given and she preferred to battle using ranged attacks rather than fighting in close combat
Lucario was very disciplined, every day he would spend an hour meditating with Gardevoir, Lucario preferred fighting up close rather than use special attack's, he still had some special attacks but preferred fighting up close
Greninja could adapt to any situation, he uses any battle stile that worked in the situation, switching between physical and special attacks to get advantages in battle and his speed is unmatched
Bolt was the same way as Greninja, adaptive and very fast, not as fast as Greninja, and surprisingly by complete accident they found that Bolt could electrocute even ground types, whenever Bolt battles a new opponent he would normally start off pretending to be an easy opponent and just when the opponent thinks they have Bolt on the ropes that's when Bolt delivers the finishing blow, unless told otherwise
And finally Ash himself, over time he developed his own Aura and Psychic ability's, wale he couldn't move anything with his mind or create aura spears, he did develop his powers to the point he could understand Pokémon
Now present day
It was the night before he would finally get to go on his journey, tomorrow would be Ash's 10th birthday and right now he was talking to his Pokémon
Ash said "Okay you 4 are you ready for tomorrow?"
Greninja said "Of course we are ready, this is what we've been training for for those past 5 years."
Lucario said "You're the best friend any of us could've ever asked for we each owe a lot to you."
Gardevoir said "Lucario is right on both accounts, need I remind you if it wasn't for you we would've just been sold to the highest bidder, and you raised us into what we are today."
Bolt said "And not to mention all the hurt Pokémon you've helped out over the years."
Ash said "Thanks guys, I know this sounds kinda corny but you're all the best friends a guy could ever ask for."
Gardevoir said "That's sweet Ash, but you should really get to bed, it's past your bedtime and you still have to get your Pokédex and pokeballs from Professor oak."
Bolt said "And you still have to capture me as I'm still technically considered wild."
Ash noticed the time and said "Looks like I lost track of time again."
Ash climbed into bed and Greninja turned off the lights for him
Ash said "Good night guys, I wonder how Gary and Professor oak will react when I tell them about you."
Greninja said "Wait, what if you didn't tell them and got one of the kanto starters, that could help you."
Ash said "No, I can't do that, I may argue with Gary from time to time but I would never git a starter just so he can't, and then their's Leaf and Serena, my best human friends, I couldn't do that to them, so I'll have Professor Oak make Bolt my starter, it'll be less suspicious."
Lucario said "Yes, and that crazy crush you have on Serena probably has nothing to do with it."
Ash blushed but tried to play it off by saying "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Lucario said "I caught you kissing a pillow with her picture on it."
Once again Ash blushed but just covered himself and tried to go to sleep
That night he dreamt about going on his Pokémon journey, with Gardevoir, Greninja, Bolt, and Lucario and making new friends, catching new Pokémon, and even traveling with Serena by his side, in the dream they were about to kiss when suddenly…
Ash had woken up from his dream, and right at the best part as usual
Ash got dressed before any of his Pokémon woke up, deciding to let them sleep in a little bit longer he quickly and quietly returned all three of them to there pokeballs, he then ate breakfast and grabbed his backpack as Bolt climbed into it to hide himself as Ash made his way out the door
He quickly made his way over to the Professor oaks laboratory and Gary, Serena and Leaf were each waiting in front of the lab since it hadn't opened yet
Gary said "Well if it isn't Ash-boy, I guess you finally got tired of pretending to be a trainer and finally became one."
Serena said "Ash, it's nice to see you here."
Ash said "y-yeah, I wouldn't miss this for the world."
Ash couldn't help but notice the pink hat Serena was wearing, he had given her the hat, it was really cute on her, but then again anything looks cute on her, but Ash was only afraid of one thing, rejection from Serena so he never told her about the crazy crush he had on her
Serena was extremely happy to see Ash, the one boy in Pallet that caught her eyes, he was just so nice and willing to help someone in need, he had even given her the hat she was wearing, she loved the hat, not just because it was in her favorite color but also because Ash gave it to her, she had a crush on him ever since they first met at professor oak's summer camp, she would never forget that day.
Suddenly the door opened and brought Ash and Serena back to reality
Professor oak said "You're all here, unfortunately I only have 3 starters."
Ash said "Theirs something I need to tell you all, inside.
They all went into the laboratory where Professor oaks had already given them their Pokédex's
Ash explained "Okay, so Gary, Serena, and Leaf can get their starters, I already have a Pokémon."
Just then Bolt popped its head out of Ash's backpack
Leaf and Serena couldn't help but say "Awwww."
Professor oak asked "Ash, why do you have a Pikachu in your backpack, and why do you want to start with a Pikachu?"
Ash replied "Both those questions have the same answer, I met Bolt here when I was 6 and we've been best friends ever sense, and he's technically still wild which is why I brought him in my backpack, so no one else could forcefully capture him."
Professor oak nodded his head and handed ash 6 Pokéballs, one of which he used to capture Bolt, who didn't even try to fight it and Ash let Bolt out almost instantly
Bolt said "It was very dark in there, I don't like it, the other three may like it but I don't."
Ash said "It's okay, you don't have to go in the pokeball if you don't want to."
Gary said "Well I might as well go first."
Ash asked "haven't you ever heard of good manners? It's ladies first."
Gary said "You're one to talk about manners, I've seen the way you eat. *takes Squirtles pokeball* Smell yeh latter Ashy-boy."
Ash yelled "Hay only my mom can call me Ashy and I still protest it!"
Gary ignored Ash as he grabbed 5 pokeball's and left
Professor oak said "Well that's my grandson for you, now Bulbsaur and Charmander are left, who wants witch?"
Serena said "I honestly don't know, Leaf, why don't you get your starter, you said you had already picked one out before we even got here, so if it wasn't squirtle you can get your starter and I'll take the one that's left."
Leaf said "Thanks Serena, I choose Bulbsaur."
She takes Bulbsaur's pokeball
Serena said "In that case I choose Charmander."
She takes Charmander's pokeball and said "I think I'll call you flare."
The Charmander said "I like that name, it sounds cute, I guess my name is Flair."
Professor oak then hand's Leaf and Serena 5 each
Leaf said "Wish me luck, I'm gonna try to fill the Pokédex."
Leaf bolted out the lab
Ash then looked to Serena and said "Hay Serena, traveling with friends is a lot more fun and safer than traveling by yourself, would you like to travel with me?"
Serena thought to herself 'Travel, with Ash, if this is a dream don't wake me up.'
Serena said "Sure Ash."
They went out to start their journey together
On route 1
On their was to Viridian City they heard a scream
They rushed toward's it and saw what was going on, a girl who was most likely fishing for water Pokémon was being attacked by a school of Gyarados
Ash yelled "Bolt use thunderbolt!"
After the attack only one was still able to continue battling, but what was different about this one, it was red.
Ash yelled "Thunderbolt again!"
The red Gyarados shook off the attack
Misty said "But, that's impossible."
Ash asked "Any suggestions?"
Serena said "It can't follow us on land, let's make a run for it!"
They ran away but they heard something trashing behind them, the looks back and saw that the red Gyarados was following them, on land!
Ash said "Different coloring, somehow immune to electric type moves, and is able to fallow us on land!"
Misty asked "Could this get any worse?"
Suddenly it started storming
Serena said "You just had to ask."
Suddenly Serena tripped and feel onto the muddy ground
Serena said "I think I twisted my ankle, I can't run!"
Ash then stood between the red Gyarados and Serena with his arms held out and yelled "Gyarados! Do you know who I am?! I'm Ash from the town of Palit! I can't be beaten by the likes of you! If you want to get to my friends your gonna have to go through me first!"
Gyarados yelled "I'm very prepared to do that! So if you don't want to be blasted into next century you will get out of the way before I blast you away!"
Ash yelled "Do your worst Gyarados! You can blast me! You can threaten me! You can even make fun of me! But, one thing you will not do is hurt my friends!"
Gyarados then blasted Ash with a Hydro Pump
After the attack Ash asked "Is that the best you've got? That was a light squirt of water compared to what I'm used to taking, I've been hit with a direct Hydro Cannon before."
Gyarados was even more angry, but at the same time a little bit impressed and fired a Hyper Beam
After the attack Ash said "Now that was an attack, I could feel the power behind it, you most likely put a lot of rage into that attack."
Gyarados said "Kid you are impressive, and insane."
Ash said "Thanks, I get that a lot."
Gyarados said "Not surprising considering the fact that you took not one but two of my attacks. Wait a minute! Did you just understand me?"
Bolt said "Took you long enough to figure it out, yes Ash can understand Pokémon but he doesn't like other people knowing about it, he'd be swarmed by trainers that want to know what their Pokémon are saying."
Gyarados sarcastically said "I can't imagine what being swarmed by hundreds upon thousands of trainers would feel like."
Bolt said "Point taken, but Ash would have it worse, shiny Pokémon, theirs normally 1 in a million of every species, were Ash hear is the only one that can understand Pokémon that we know of, Ash is 1 in over 7 Billion, in more ways than one. By the way why were you attacking that orange haired girl?"
Gyarados said "Because she was so annoying, she kept saying she would be a great Water Pokémon master, and one of the gentler Gyarados's came up to her to maybe be friends, but she screamed and it made my friend sad so we taught her a lesson she would never forget."
Bolt said "So you attacked her because she was scared, you do know that Gyarados are feared by many people and Pokémon alike, right?"
Gyarados said "That crossed my mind, but she is Misty Waterflower, co leader of the Cerulean city gym, my gentle friend thought it would be okay fo her, but no, she's just like all the others, they talk a big game but when they see a real challenge they just run away."
Bolt asked "Did you stop to consider their was a reason behind it? Like maybe a traumatic experience."
Gyarados said "I don't have an argument for that. I'm sorry?"
Bolt said "You're kinda cool, not everyday a Water type can one of my attack's, much less a Water flying type, though I was holding back, for my first attack, I only used 25% to defeat those other Gyarados, and for my second Attack, 50% percent, at 100% I could crush a small mountain into pebbles."
Gyarados said "With that kind of power, I'm sure you're trainer is a grate one, maybe I could go with you, and become a strong member of your team."
Bolt said "You have to ask Ash about that."
Ash held a pokeball up to Gyarados and said "We could be friends Gyarados, if you want."
Gyarados allowed himself to be captured without a fight
Misty asked "Why did you capture it? You're just a beginner. You can't handle a Gyarados, especially one like that."
Ash said "Since it allowed itself to be captured without a fight it will listen to me wether I'm a rookie or not, now let's get to The Pokémon center."
On the way it starts to storm when suddenly a huge bird like Pokémon appears
The Pokémon said "Would you look at that, the chosen one, the cerulean city gym leader and the chosen ones love interest."
The Pokémon then said to Ash "I know you can understand me, I saw how you handled that Gyarados, impressive, take this my Chosen one, it will lead to your destiny, remember my name, it is Ho-oh."
Ho-oh flew away and a feather glowing in all the colors of the rainbow floated down to him
Ash said "Since this came from Ho-oh I think I should hold onto it, I have no idea what this chosen one business is all about but I have a feeling I'll figure it out."
Misty wasn't paying too much attention but Serena curios, it was almost as if Ash could understand Ho-oh
They all get to Viridian city
Officer Jenny said "It's been a long time hasn't it Ash? Finally an official Pokémon trainer I see."
Misty asked "Ash do you know her."
Ash answered "Long story."
They all got to the Pokémon center
Ash decided to make a call to Professor oak
Ash said "Hay Professor."
Professor oak said "If it isn't Ash? You know if I'm being honest I had some doubts about you when you decided to start with a Pikachu, but when Gary said that you wouldn't have a single new Pokémon by the time you got to Viridian City, I bet him a million dollars that he'd be wrong."
Ash said "Professor, you'll never believe it I not only caught a Gyarados but it was also red."
Professor oak said "That's wonderful, not many trainers can say that they get a Gyarados on their first day, now I'm sure you'll be able to handle it, you've always had an uncanny ability to bond with Pokémon."
Serena said "Hay Professor."
Professor oak said "Why if it isn't Serena, I've gotta say, traveling with Ash, good luck with Ash, I'll be routing for you both."
The call ends and Team Rocket attacks and said their dumb motto
Ash scanned team Rocket's Pokemon with his Pokédex
Pokédex: Ekans. The Snake Pokémon. A Poison type. Ekans curls itself up in a spiral while it rests. Assuming this position allows it to quickly respond to a threat from any direction with a glare from its upraised head
Koffing. The Poison Gas Pokémon. A Poison type. If Koffing becomes agitated, it raises the toxicity of its internal gases and jets them out from all over its body. This Pokémon may also overinflate its round body, then explode.
Meowth. The Scratch Cat Pokémon. A Normal type. Meowth withdraws its sharp claws into its paws to slinkily sneak about without making any incriminating footsteps. For some reason, this Pokémon loves shiny coins that glitter with light.
Ash said to team Rocket "Team Rocket you have two choices, leave now. Or fight."
Jessie said "We aren't afraid of you you're just a beginner."
Ash said "Bolt, let's go!"
James asked "A Pikachu?"
Ash said "His Name is Bolt, he is most likely the most powerful Pikachu in the world, I've seen Bolt electrocute Ground types, I've been training him since I was 6, one more chance, run away or battle."
Jessie said "Ekans use Bite!"
James said "Koffing use Tackle!"
Meowth said "Fury Swipes!"
Ash said "Bolt use Thunder!"
Team Rocket was sent flying
Ash said "I warned them."
Serena said "That was awesome how Bolt beat those three all by itself."
Bolt asked "How long do you think that they'll keep flying?"
Ash said "That? That was nothing, to tell the truth I could've beaten them blindfolded without any Pokémon with both hands tied behind my back."
Misty scoffed and said "Please, you capture one Gyarados and suddenly think you're invincible."
Ash chuckled and said "I raised Bolt for 4 years, and my motto is I would never ask a Pokémon to do anything I wouldn't be willing to do myself."
Serena said "I thought you're motto was "don't give up till it's over"."
Ash explained "I have 4 mottos. 1. I would never ask my Pokémon to do anything I wouldn't be willing to do myself. 2. Don't give up till it's over. 3. Anything is possible with a Pokémon partner by your side, that's called Pokémon power. 4. What some people call stubbornness I call determination. Oh yeah I forgot theirs a 5th one, It's not crazy if it works."
Serena giggles and said "I thought that 4th was your dads motto."
Ash said "He taught it to me, now let's get going I have a gym battle waiting for me in Pewter city."
Misty asked "Can you please take me with you? I need to get back to my home town Cerulean city, it has a gym there, the only way to get there is through Pewter city, and the only way to Pewter city is to go through Viridian Forest, Viridian forest is crawling with bug types and I'm afraid of bug Pokémon."
Ash said "In that case, come on, we don't have all day."
Misty said "Wait, I thought you were going to stay at the Pokémon center for the night."
Serena said "Yeah me too, I don't feel conferable camping out yet."
Ash reluctantly agreed, he wanted to continue on but it was two against one, and one of them was his crush, he had no chance.
This one chapter took me about a month to write so don't expect new characters to quickly, also I accept all comments, even criticism, but please no swearing