In another world Sasuke wanted nothing more then to kill his brother for revenge, always sinking into the darkness left behind by the ghosts wearing Uchiha crests he saw walking the streets.

In another world Naruto was alone and sought out trouble to get others to even look at him, using his determination, blood, sweat, and tears to climb his way up to where people acknowledged that he was human.

In another world Sakura had few friends and never thought herself as strong, constantly working herself to exhaustion to prove that she was worth as Mach as any other person around her.

Thank Kami this isn't that world. Just Think about how badly they would get along.

It would be a miracle is they survived until adulthood.

No, no. The world we are thankfully in has none of that.

In our world, Sasuke awoke from his Medically induced coma to find his punctured lung completely healed. His memory was shaken at best, but he knew that he wouldn't be alive if not for that Doctor who was running her chakra over him. His mom always asked Sasuke what he wanted to do when he became all grown up. Soaking up the feeling of medical chakra, Sasuke thought he finally found an answer.

In our world, Naruto watched in awe and the ANBU kneeling next to him healed the cut on his leg. When he feel out of the tree he was worried that he would have such a lame scar, that Nana-Oba-San would get mad at him for getting blood on his clothes or that his leg would turn green like some of the older boys told him would happen. Instead the ANBU swiped a glowing green hand over his leg and the cut was no longer there. With his blue eyes sparkling, Naruto wanted nothing more then to learn whatever kind of Ninja-Magic that was, so he never had to worry about turning green again.

In our world, Sakura took a chance one day and followed her mother to her check up at the hospital. The building was huge and there were so many people dressed in white that were running room to room. A handful of hurt ninja slamming open the doors sparked organized chaos like no other Sakura has seen before. She watched as a Medic took control of the situation and started barking orders to the people around him. His confidence was beautiful, his eyes had a fire she had never seen before, his hands did not shake, and his head was held high. Sakura was sure no one could blame her when she wanted that too.

So it begins with three young children who have set upon the path of to healing. And nothing will get in their way of this new dream.

Well, even if something does, there is a reason medics are feared.