Chapter XXXIV: Answers?
The Grand Inquisitor - Ordel, somewhere within the ruins ...
This place - the dirt, the stones, the very pebbles beneath his feet riveted in the Force. The deeper he marched into the depths of Ordel's ruins, the stronger the Grand Inquisitor could feel how the very walls themselves seemed to be bathed within the tides of the cosmic Force, their essence trying to reach out to him and his spirit as he began his meditation.
The Empire seemed to have achieved more progress from what he gathered. Though there were still many hazards in the form of debris and other obstacles as he descended through the mountain ruins, Ordel's workers ensured that the upper levels - or what remained of them after the explosion - remained relatively stable and intact. However, it wasn't the integrity of the physical realm that concerned the Grand Inquisitor currently, it was the facets of the Force that didn't fail to intrigue him. Even now, surrounded by darkness, he could clearly feel the light side radiating inside of these dusty halls, the intensity of it enough to make him recoil somewhat.
Yet there was something more, something deeper within.
Like a festering wound, the Grand Inquisitor could feel a fragment of darkness hiding within the light. Though quaint, he could feel how it tried to spread through the ruins, wishing to anchor itself within the light to increase its insidious influence. What he didn't understand though was what this darker presence was. It didn't feel particularly powerful - it seemed to be something more distant, yet rapidly approaching.
What are you?
The Inquisitor dug deeper. Trying to ignore the off-putting harmony of the light side, he steeled his senses and began to focus on the unusual darkness within. There was no telling how long he sat there hulled in darkness, but suddenly, the Force showed him what he so desired: answers.
Gone were the broken down ruins of the present, replaced by the ruin's halls of the past. And even though this vision was but a fragment of a moment of the past, the Grand Inquisitor saw something that finally made him understand.
A woman holding a crimson lightsaber ran through the temple in frenzied fury, striking down anything in her path as she called upon the dark side of the Force to empower her every strike. Through the Force, the Grand Inquisitor's senses were replaced by those of the woman. He felt anger and wrath - and yet he also felt fear. Dread. She was hunting something - no, someone. Someone powerful enough that managed to install fear even in her hardened heart.
Eventually, it was that fear that proved to be the woman's downfall. Though she put up a valiant fight, eventually a constant stream of blaster bolts managed to get the better of her. She fell onto the same ground he himself now sat on as her final thoughts wandered to her beloved.
There was more. Darkness claimed the vision before it was replaced by a stunning blue light. A man clad in simple robes stepped next to the fallen woman, his blue lightsaber illuminating the silent tears that slid down his cheeks. On his other hand, his fingers clung to some sort of pyramidic device, its lifeless metal shimmering in what he could only describe as an eery red light.
And as if the stranger stood right next to him, he could hear his fluctuating and weakened voice echoing beside him.
''They told me that should not go through this ... that there'll be no coming back for me. But without you ... well, you know. The light. The dark. After everything we've witnessed, what does it even mean anymore? You're gone and I'm not, nothing will change that. And if this preserves your memory for ... whomever you believe will arrive many years from now, I will honor your last will. Even if it means that I'll tread in darkness.''
Finally, the Inquisitor managed to catch a glimpse at the strange device the man carried. It was a Sith holocron, one that he placed right next to the woman's corpse.
''I'm betraying anything I believe in, anything I fought for ... because I trust you. Because I trust the visions you've seen, my love. I might no longer be a Jedi after this but if this can truly stop her, so be it. I told you that there was nothing I wouldn't do for you. I just never thought it would end with ... '' the Jedi glared from the holocron down towards her '' ... this. I'm so sorry, Lana. I failed you. I failed you so badly.''
Never would the Grand Inquisitor have believed that he'd ever see a Jedi - a weak follower of the light - open up a Sith holocron with such ease. Yet as the unspeakable sadness and shallowness of the Jedi's emotions were flung through the air, the Grand Inquisitor could almost taste the man's loss and despair on his tongue. He loved her more than anything else - and as he said, he failed her. And through that failure, that raw amount of pain and internal suffering, the holocron sprung to life in his hands.
''This galaxy will not forget you. I love you so much, I love so - ''
The vision disappeared as the Jedi flickered into nothingness. All that remained was a voice that the Grand Inquisitor could only describe as pure darkness.
''How dramatic, isn't it?''
The ground beneath him began to vibrate as the voice seemingly carried itself from one corner to the next, its pure intensity proving almost too much for the Inquisitor as he reached for his lightsaber.
''Now now, don't be absurd now. You and I ... we aren't like this Jedi. We're pure.''
No matter where the Grand Inquisitor looked, he couldn't spot from where this ominous voice hailed. Igniting both ends of his saber, he quickly entered a battle stance.
''Oh? And what exactly do you wish to attack, little Pau'an? The air?''
The loud chuckle that echoed through the room made the Grand Inquisitor shudder.
''What is this? Who are you?!''
''I've carried many names, some I've given to myself, some that were forced upon me. You ... you may call me the Son.''
''And what do you want?'' the Grand Inquisitor said in a sharp manner, his eyes on the watch for any movement that might reveal itself.
''You called me here, Pau'an. Well, not really me ... more of an echo of my presence. A result of you digging up the emotions of a man long gone, a man that, once his beloved fell, became a plague to many an innocent soul. Suffering as this ... well, it has a tendency to ripple through the Force, especially in places as ... displaced from time and space like these. Enough to bring me forth. But you know this, don't you? Have you not asked yourself how something as pure as this temple could lead to so much suffering on this planet?''
An unholy cold crept along his spine. The fact that this voice could peek into his mind with such ease made him sick.
It made sense, though. The holocron preserved both the essence of the fallen dark sider and the hurtful ferocity of the Jedi's emotions that served to create it in the first place. Though he now understood what happened, he obviously still didn't know when all of this happened. If the holocron rested here for a long enough time, there was a chance that its ambient darkness carried itself through the energies of this temple, spreading its dark influence through Ordel ...
The animals. Of course.
Like poison, the power within the holocron tainted the temple's light side energy, using it as a host to spread over the planet's surface. Though not in any dominant way, its influence was still enough to touch the minds of Ordel's lowest creatures, a fact that came at a high price in both Credits and blood if Eloren's reports were to be believed.
He lowered his blade as he realized he didn't appear to be in any imminent peril. Though he certainly didn't let down his guard, the Grand Inquisitor took one step forward as he lifted his head, speaking with a tone that hopefully managed to hide the uneasiness he currently had to endure.
''Is this your temple?''
''This? This isn't a place of worship, not anymore. But no, these halls belong to my sister ... my equal in the light.''
''The light? So you're of the dark side? That explains this ... unspeakable power that stems from your words, even if you only claim to be a mere echo of yourself. But if you're of the dark side, what are you doing here?''
Another sinister laugh made the walls tremble as dust fell from the ceiling.
''My sister and I, we're connected, both of us being parts of something bigger. Where she walks, I walk ... to a lesser degree. Just as her presence would be meager within my own halls, I'm weakened inside of this ... pathetic tomb of the light. Well, that was before you amplified the dark side of the Force with your meditation, of course. Even if this ... circumstance is of a temporary nature only, you have my thanks.''
''What do you want from me?''
A final choir of laughter began to descend on these old grounds, its ferocity enough to make the Inquisitor's skull hurt in a painful manner.
''You see, I want nothing of you ... not yet, at least. It is those that you hunt that managed to catch my interest. And for that, I'd like to see them succeed.''
''What do you ... ''
The Grand Inquisitor couldn't finish his words. From everywhere at once, red bolts of lightning danced over the walls, clinging to his skin as immeasurable pain spread through his body.
''Don't be afraid, you'll not remember a thing ... mostly. Time has been played with enough already. But not by you ... this Kestis boy, on the other hand? Well, his decisions past, present, and future might've given my sister and me an ... opportunity. A chance that might save the Force itself, even if my sister might think of a different approach to such manners. But you know, sibling rivalries are as old as ... time.''
The world around him disappeared as pain claimed every one of his senses. As the Grand Inquisitor struggled to breathe, the voice appeared in his head for a final time, its daunting words twisting his spirit more than any amount of physical pain could.
Now, sleep. This temple will soon be nothing but dust. Fear not, though. Tell your Emperor this and he'll not only spare your life - he might even reward you. Thank you for summoning me, little Pau'an. Let us see if this Kestis has enough strength to truly serve me.
And as his memories of this encounter were torn apart, something else nestled within his mind. It was a name, a simple one at that. Little did he know that this name would mean so much to the Emperor and his dark apprentice.
Skywalker ... the son ... of ...
Second Sister - Ordel, Imperial base camp
There was a certain beauty when it came to displays of power.
Below her, countless people - young and old, men and women - made their way to the other end of the camp, their orange jumpsuits banishing any individuality that could differentiate one worker drone from another. With their heads kept low, they walked past Second Sister in a sluggish way, none of them daring to look up - none of them daring to stand out from the masses, lest they'd risk earning her ire.
It was some work to get them into this state of mind. The people of Ordel were spoiled, almost too spoiled to be of any use for her. For them, the very concept of forced labor must be outlandish, how couldn't it be? Though they were too far away from Coruscant to truly feel the Empire's presence on Ordel, they were still within reach to bathe in the luxury the Empire's trade provided. Once, it was probably the best a planet like Ordel could've hoped for.
All of that changed one year ago.
From what she was told, the people tried to resist at first. They might have been loyal to ''the'' Empire, but their perception of the Empire was a lie that sprung into existence because of their relative irrelevance and far-off location back then. Now, after they had begun their research on the temple and the Empire nestled itself on the planet, the people of Ordel met the true Empire with all of its power.
And she wielded that power like no other.
Breaking them was easier than she initially believed. All Second Sister really had to do was to confront them with the ugly reality of the situation. Their lives belonged to the Emperor and thus, to her. Though they might've ignored that fact in the past, the first series of executions seemed to have remembered them quite hastily of this circumstance. Not to mention the thrill of it that managed to make her smile even now.
To create such obedience from mere acts of violence? It truly was mesmerizing. Though she was no stranger to such actions, she has never been given authority such as this before. Criminals with an inflated ego were one thing to command, there wasn't much skill required for that. But Imperial special forces? The Empire's most brilliant scientists and scholars?
She has come a long way ever since spending her days in dirty alleyways, that much was true.
From behind her, she heard known footsteps approaching from behind. Wearing his sadism as a proud mask, the Grand Inquisitor approached, his hands crossed behind his back and his chin held high as he stepped up next to Second Sister.
''My lord Inquisitor,'' Second Sister said with a muffled tone, the filters of her mask adding a sharp edge to her voice that she became to appreciate as time went on.
''Sister,'' he said in an uncaring manner as he looked down at the workers ''I see that Eloren was true to her word. Anything I should know?''
She couldn't help but giggle at that.
''Nothing that is of concern, Grand Inquisitor. The drones have proven useful, even if they needed some ... convincing.''
They both remained in comfortable silence for some matter of time, observing the people below with hawk-like eyes. She didn't like the Pau'an, that much was certain. But then, after everything that has happened, it was not like she liked anyone. What she did do was respect that dark sider. In one year, he and the Inquisitorius have given her more power than anyone ever before, absolutely more than she had in her 'other' life before the Empire. If earning his favor and thus additional might required her to suck up to him, so be it. She was content with that - for now.
''Sister, I have a task for you. One that concerns the renegade Jedi.''
Second Sister clenched her armored fists at that. Though she was displeased that the Grand Inquisitor kept their presence hidden for himself at first, the identity of said Jedi was easily enough to make up for it. The traitor Inquisitors - Suduri and Tide - were an affront to the entirety of the Inquisitorius and thus, to her. And although she certainly didn't care about Junda, Kestis and her still had a personal tab to settle.
As she glared down at the robotics that were hidden behind the layers of her armor, Second Sister etched a wicked grin into her face. She would enjoy this. There was nothing better in the galaxy than payback.
''Your will be done, my lord Inquisitor.''
''My meditation revealed that Cal Kestis and his allies will try to escape Ordel. Make your way down to Stone Town. I shall send you additional intel as soon as you depart.''
In front of her eyes, Second Sister saw the remains of a burning tower, a reminder of that she lost - and the start of her new life. Enjoying the burning sensation that coursed through her body while her mind started to yearn for the Jedi's blood, she left the Grand Inquisitor behind as she made her way for the city in a speedy way.
And yet what she didn't see was how the Grand Inquisitor turned into a red mist as he disappeared into nothingness.
Merrin - somewhere in Stone Town
Through the use of her magick, Merrin managed to allow the group to pass the Empire's patrol without being noticed, their physical frames hidden behind the illusions of Dathomir's most ancient teachings.
Following Richard as closely as she could, Merrin tried not to show the rest of her group how the exhaustion of her rapid magick use started to get the better of her. Merrin has never before seen so many people in Stone Town - especially not of the Imperial nature. Out of nowhere, countless Storm Troopers seemed to patrol Stone Town's once so vibrant streets, banishing any color than Imperial white as they made their way through the city.
''This is ... weird. Do they know that we're here?'' asked Richard quietly as he pressed himself against a nearby wall.
''Would we still be alive if they do?'' countered Relor quickly before brandishing his blaster.
''No, it's something else,'' said Merrin as she took a deep breath.
Something was certainly up, there wouldn't be so many soldiers on the streets if there wasn't. And yet it almost felt as if it was nothing but another ordinary day for the Storm Troopers. There weren't any ships raging through Ordel's skies, their spotlights directed at the ground in an attempt to find any insurgents. There weren't any orders barked through loudspeakers or any signs of an ongoing Imperial operation.
Stone Town seemed normal - as normal as a town under Imperial leadership can be. And somehow, that scared her more than the alternative.
''I honestly don't care. We need to hurry,'' stated Greez before he turned around, observing the visibly struggling Cere with a worried glance.
And then there was that, Merrin thought darkly. Though she hated it, there was no other way than to bring Cere with them into the city. They all knew that once they reach one of the ships, chaos would come greeting them in an instant. There wouldn't have been time to pick up Cere at the remains of the Mantis once the mission escalated, not with Cal and the Dowutin counting on them as well. Yet that meant taking the armless woman right into the center of Imperial power, a move that was as dangerous as it was necessary.
They tried to prepare her as best as they could for their journey. BD rested on Cere's shoulders, supplying Cere with stims should she need it. If anything else fails they still had Relor to carry her, even if that meant that they were down a gun.
''We ... we do,'' whispered Cere in a ghostly manner, her pale face and sweat-struck face serving to remind Merrin of the severity of their current operation.
''Then it's time that we - '' Trilla quickly shut her mouth as she pointed forward, revealing that another set of Storm Troopers was about to cross paths with them.
Once more, Merrin closed her eyes and raised her hands into the sky. Calling upon the teachings of her lost sisters, green energy started to crackle in her palms before an emerald-like field started to spring to life around her. It took another second before her spell surrounded her allies, shielding their presence before simple eyes.
''I honestly don't like it,'' huffed one of the Storm Troopers as he walked by ''Milton was one of us, at least. But that new Administrator ... Eloren? She wasn't born here, that's for sure. Not to mention all of those new recruits coming from every corner of this damn galaxy. I miss the days where we could watch the games during guard shift.''
''Eloren is a major schutta, that's for sure. Heard that she executed a couple of the boys not that long ago. I don't know about you but I'm going to keep my head low until all of this blows over.''
''Yeah, nothing else we can do. Come on, let's just get this shift over with. I'm tired enough as it is already.''
Trying to suppress the headache that started to form within her, Merrin dropped her spell as soon as she was able.
''Who the hell is Eloren?'' groaned Relor from behind, his eyes fixated on the far away Storm Troopers.
''I'd rather like to know what happened to Milton,'' stated Merrin cooly.
''I ... shit. The Empire usually doesn't just retire people,'' said Richard ere the rest of the group fell into deadly silence.
Did someone replace Milton? Merrin didn't quite know whether that was a blessing or a curse. From what she gathered, Milton wasn't exactly what one could call competent. And yet it was that fact that had often given them ample opportunity to strike at the Empire. With him gone, who could know what would happen to Ordel now. If this Eloren was even remotely better than Milton, Stone Town might be in for a rude awakening.
Not that it mattered for them, Merrin added silently.
''It is what it is,'' continued Merrin quickly ''Richard, how much longer?''
''A couple of minutes, tops.''
Merrin glared down at her hands. Dathomir was a cold and callous place, even if it was once her home. The teachings - no, the struggles for survival she had to endure ever since that lightsaber-wielding monster wiped out her people formed her into the woman she now was. Yet this far away from Dathomir, her powers were not as strong as they used to be. She'd really prefer not to spend any more time than necessary out in the open, not if it could be avoided.
''Come on, everyone. Let's get this over with.''
Keeping their heads low and using Merrin's magick whenever it was needed, they eventually made their way towards a large district on the most outward reaches of the Romesch District. Though simple on the outside, the gigantic building easily dwarfed those around it, its hanger-like architecture making it more than obvious what sort of purpose this building served.
However, there was something neither Merrin nor the rest of the group didn't expect.
What the ...
In front of the entrance door, two Storm Troopers lay on the floor, scorching blaster marks decorating their white armor as their lifeless bodies didn't move an inch.
''Alright, it's official. We're cursed,'' said Greez before he wildly shook his head.
Somehow, Merrin really started to believe that.
''I thought you said that the Empire didn't protect this collector of yours, Richard,'' Relor spat followed by a deep growl.
''They didn't - '' Trilla interjected as she stepped over to the door, revealing similar blast marks to those of their armor ''they were investigating, I'd wager. Look, someone tried to burn through the door ... ''
''Burn and failed,'' corrected Relor as he tried to give the door a slight push.
Merrin had to sigh at that. Why would anyone try to break into -
Of course. They couldn't be the only ones trying to get off-world, even if they were probably the only ones that had the ability to cloak their presence once in orbit. Perhaps the rise of this new Administrator made some of the locals panic. At this point, nobody could be surprised if Stone Town's people utilized a more radical approach to try to escape, no matter the morals of it. Not that Merrin particularly cared about the Empire, of course.
''If those are normal Storm Troopers ... yeah, if they don't report in soon they'll pro - ''
''yes, we need to move. Reinforcements are going to be inbound soon.''
Richard huffed impatiently at being interrupted once more. Though slightly irritated, he merely nodded at Trilla's word.
''What she said.''
''Indeed. Yet if they failed to burn their way through this door ... '' Merrin's visage darkened ''how should we push through it. I suspect none of you keep a plasma torch hidden in your pants?''
''Well ... '' Relor coughed at that ''I once spend a night with someone that claimed my ... ''
''Not the time,'' Merrin said followed by a slight shudder.
''I didn't know they made plasma torches in a miniature variant nowadays. A lot of things happened in one year, I see,'' said Trilla with slight sarcasm as brushed past Relor and stepped in front of the door.
''I can cut through it ... but it's going to take some time.''
At that, Merrin's eye sprung open. Moving her hands quickly down her tunic, she revealed one of Trilla's older lightsabers - the same Cere kept in her room as they left Homebase.
''Then let's speed it up, shall we?'' stated Merrin as she stepped next to Trilla.
Silence besieged the group once more as Trilla glared at her old lightsaber.
''That belongs to me,'' she whispered in a cold tone as her eyes darted toward Merrin.
''No,'' Merrin said without second thought ''right now, it belongs to me.''
The unspoken challenge lingered in the air for an uncomfortable time, neither woman speaking up as their glares were aimed against each other. With one quick flick of her wrist, Trilla ignited her saber - and brought it to the door. Rolling her eyes with mentionable strength, she did the same and brought the tip of the blade to the other side of the door. The two of them moved in a circular motion, their lightsabers making steady work of the door. Eventually, a chunk of metal fell to the ground and revealed a big enough manhole for them to squeeze through.
''Next time, try to make it a bigger size, eh?'' said Relor as he awkwardly put one foot through it and raised his hand toward Cere. Grabbing her upper arms gently, he helped her through the hole as he too disappeared in it.
''Bet he hears that a lot,'' whistled Richard innocently as he followed suit.
''Eh, someone ... it's quite high and - ''
Merrin sighed and gave Greez a slight push before she looked back at Trilla.
Trilla said nothing as she too disappeared within the building.
Merrin shouldn't worry. Though it seems as if their plan had changed once more, they'd get through this somehow.
They were survivors. They'd endure.
Cal - Ordel, up in the ruins
Every fiber of his being told him that they were running straight into a trap.
It all started with the fact that for some reason, almost no Imperials were up in the base camp they had to sneak by to get into the ruins. Sure, there might've been a couple of patrols here and there but still, it resembled more of a skeleton crew than an actual military fortification. Where were all the people?
And if that wasn't enough to worry about, Masana mentioned something that seemingly managed to put him on the edge with ease. According to her, the light-sided presence that was harbored within the ruins seemed to have weakened considerably, if not even disappeared completely. That of course meant that Masana had no way to actually contact the mysterious Force entity that saved her one year ago, a fact that also meant that they had no idea how to destroy the temple once and for all.
Things weren't looking good, Cal had to admit. And yet, he also knew that it was during times of despair where a Jedi's light shined the brightest.
''So, let's say we finish this ... what then?''
''We wait for the others to pick us up and then we leave.''
Masana gave up a long-drawn sigh. She had chosen to take the lead once they were inside the ruins, her massive body hunched slightly so that she wouldn't hit her head on the silver-like ceiling above.
''You know what I mean.''
He did. And he certainly didn't have an answer. Truthfully, he didn't have a concrete plan ever since leaving Nar Shaddaa. It has been nothing more but a gigantic game of 'action and reaction' ever since. Somehow, something always seemed to go wrong just as things seemed to become better for them. Cal admittedly didn't see much point in planing around given that destiny seemed to have it out for him on a constant.
''Alright, got me. Truth be told - I honestly don't know.''
''What were you doing up until now anyway?''
Cal made sure that his half of his lightsaber was constantly within reach as he followed Masana closely behind, his mind vividly remembering what happened the last time he treaded within those strange halls.
''After our little stunt at the Fortress Inquisitorius, you mean?''
Despite everything, Masana chuckled somewhat.
''Yeah, thanks for that anyway.''
''Not much, really. Honestly, I just went with the flow and tried to manage everything that was thrown into our direction to the best of our abilities. After Nur, I wanted to lay low on Nar Shaddaa for some time. I know how it sounds but I still knew someone on the moon and the Huts are better than the Empire, at least in some regards. Naturally, things didn't work out and we found ourselves in the midst of some gigantic fire. Trilla then told us about Ordel and ... well, you know the rest.''
Masana was silent for almost a minute. Scratching the back of her head in an awkward manner, she paused suddenly before she turned towards Cal.
''And that was just after Nur, yeah?''
''Yeah. It's where I ... well, actually had to fight Relor, ironically.''
Not that it was much of a fight, all things considered. Still, he would've preferred a nonviolent option if that would've been an opportunity. Especially considering that Relor was one of his people now.
''Irony, yeah,'' Masana scoffed loudly at that ''actually, I - alright, this is just madness at this point. Cal, I was at Nar Shaddaa as well. The burning building - the tower? I was there. Hell, scratch that. I was inside when everything went to shit.''
Relor. Masana. Nar Shaddaa. Once more, Cal couldn't be surprised. It seemed that ever since Nur, the Force seemed to wish to confine him on some sort of particular path, one that involved a particular brand of people, apparently - even if their goal was still a mystery. Oddly enough, he had to smile somewhat at that. It was calming that the Force seemed to a destiny in store for him, especially after enduring one reactionary situation after another ever since Nur. As a Jedi, he knew that he didn't need to completely understand it. Through the Force, he'd eventually end up where he was needed. If that meant not knowing everything, he was alright with that.
''I've said it before but I'm not surprised. Still, once this is all over you need to tell me what happened. Because that fire was - ''
''Crazy. Yeah, I know.''
Even though the Force seemed to have a general plan for them, they still lacked a specific plan for Ordel. They've been walking in some sort of long hallway with what had to be almost ten minutes now without any Imperial in sight. To say that he felt uneasy would've been a galactic understatement at this point. Eventually, they entered some sort of chamber. To their left and their right, ancient silver columns stood proudly amongst the dust of the ruins. Though they seemed to have been in better conditions a long time ago, their structure seemed intact as Cal's hands danced over one of them.
''Damn. Can't even begin to imagine how long this ruin has been here. What do you think, Masana?''
There was no answer.
Cal turned around as the very floor in front of him was bathed in darkness. The ceiling, the columns, and everything and anything he could see not even mere seconds ago was replaced by an unholy blackness, a sickening void that spread everywhere his eyesight lead him.
''What the ... ''
Carefully, Cal grabbed his lightsaber. Though he kept his cool, he grabbed his hilt with more intensity than normal, turning his knuckles icy white as the darkness now surrounded him completely.
''You Jedi, always calm even during the most ... suboptimal of times. Well, relatively calm at least.''
A chuckle thundered through the void as all out of sudden, a storm of stars appeared in front of him. The bright light blinded Cal momentarily, the intensity of it enough that he had to shield his eyes with his hands. As he removed them, Cal jumped back as a thin and boney creature stood in front of him, his red eyes aimed directly at him.
''We try,'' Cal said quietly as he began to circle the creature, his lightsaber within reach.
''Do or do not - there is no try. Didn't one of your Jedi say that? Something similar? Oh, who cares.''
As the creature's words filled the void, the hair on Cal's skin seemed to turn into pure ice. Every time he opened his mouth, an unnatural coldness swept through the darkened space without mercy.
''I care,'' was Cal's only reply.
''Ah yes, you do care about a lot of things. Sometimes enough to mess with the fabrics of reality itself. But we'll get to that.''
The creature raised his hand as a ghostly smile danced over his dark lips. With a mere motion of his hand, Cal was transported into an entirely different setting within moments, the dark void of the temple replaced with cold metal beneath his feet. From above, artificial red light poured down on him through clouds of thin smoke as the creature appeared before him anew.
''Let's see how strong you are, young Jedi.''
The creature disappeared as his corporal form became distorted. From one heartbeat to the next, Cal felt a surge of pain coming from the back of his head as something seemed to force itself into his mind. Though he initially tried to fight through it, Cal was no match for the entity's power as it finally broke through.
''I see your doubts. Time to face them once more.''
Through the smoke, another crimson light made its way through, this one far deeper than the others. It was the tip of an ignited lightsaber, its hill stunningly similar to his own. The weapon was carried by a young man clad in the armor of the Imperial Inquisitorius, his cheeky smile only serving to freak out Cal more.
And as the smoke disappeared, Cal finally understood why this Inquisitor seemed to be so similar for him: it was him.
The world around him came to a sickening and quick halt as the Inquisitor dashed forward with uncanny speed, cutting Cal's head off almost immediately if it wouldn't have been for his reflexes. Cal's victory was short-lived, however. The Inquisitor kicked him right in his chest with his foot before he jumped backwards, creating a blast of Force energy that was hurled into Cal's direction shortly thereafter.
Though he grimaced in pain as the kick connected with his chest, it was the Force push that threw Cal onto the floor without much resistance. There wasn't any time for Cal to come up with a strategy as the Inquisitor darted forwards anew, pulling his lightsaber hilt apart in mid-run as two red beams of energy threatened to impale Cal in a deadly manner.
Using the Force himself to ward off the Inquisitor and his blades, Cal followed up with a throw of his lightsaber before jumping onto his feet. Though not as successful as he hoped, the Inquisitor version of himself was halted momentarily by the attack.
He had to be smart about this. Though he had no idea what in the name of everything was going on right now, he somehow felt that the danger in front of him was as real as it possibly could be. Trying to dwell the fear that started to manifest within, he held his saber high as the Inquisitor came closer, crossing entire meters within mere seconds.
The Inquisitor used one of his sabers to strike at Cal from the left, a move that was relatively easily parried by the Jedi. His second, however, went for his head. With unnatural speed and precision, Cal could only stop the blade from reaching his face with what could only be described as a panic reaction. Blocking his strike in the sloppiest way imaginable, the Inquisitor had an easy game as he called upon the Force once more. Bringing down a fist towards the floor, a huge blast of Force energy radiated off of him, bringing Cal down to the floor once more.
''Cere? I still remember her lifeless body floating in space as she suffocated without anyone to help her.''
The Inquisitor spoke with an icy tone before the scenery changed once more, switching metal platforms with a long hallway and a wide window to their sides. Outside of the window, Cere's corpse was floating within the endless void of space, her body turned pale as the coldness of space banished any spark of life from her. A woman was watching on from the window, her Imperial uniform and sinister laugh showing no empathy for the fallen Jedi.
''Greez - that fool. It was our actions, our constant belief in the Force that finally managed to get the better of him. He paid the price for our arrogance, losing his life at the end of a stranger's blaster.''
A sandy desert surrounded Cal all out of sudden. He was in the courtyard of some sort of desert building, one that seemed to harbor many shady characters as they circled a bloodied Greez. Behind the Lateron, a bald man pushed the tip of his blaster into Greez's mouth before he pulled the trigger without a second thought. As his corpse connected with the sandy floor beneath, any remaining alive soul began to cheer in a maddening manner.
''And Merrin? Sweet Merrin? We really had the audacity to believe that our love was worth something to this ... fucked up galaxy.''
Again, a new world sprung to his life in front of his eyes. It was Cal and Merrin, the latter one bleeding profoundly from her chest as they were kneeling somewhere within some sort of lush forest. In front of them was another woman bearing a lightsaber, the countless scorch marks on her thick armor indicating that a fierce battle seemed to happen between them. What was more surprising however was that she carried a Vibroblade in her other hand, the same that seemed to have wounded Merrin mortally.
''And all of that happened because we,'' Inquisitor Cal pointed at himself and then at Cal ''we wanted to be good. We wanted to save someone that was doomed from the very beginning.''
The Fortress Inquisitorius appeared, retelling a moment of history that he dreaded to remember.
''Avenge us,'' were Trilla's last words as she was cut down by the dark machine's lightsaber.
''If only we left things how they were ... but no. We had to be fools!''
The Inquisitor used the Force to lift Cal onto his feet ere he pointed to their side.
''Look at what we've done. Look at the one mistake that doomed all of our lives for the sake of this galaxy!''
Cal's eyes followed the Inquisitor's pointers as he tilted his head to the side. Behind Trilla, a thin portal of white light and stars opened. Somehow, it were Cal arms that appeared behind her, using the Force to push her out of the dark man's way as Cere and Cal activated their lightsabers.
''Oh yes, that means exactly what you think it is. We were on Ordel once before. We found those ... damn ruins before. And we used their power to save Trilla Suduri's life, a life that should've died for events to play out as planned!''
Enthralled by pure rage, the Inquisitor stormed towards Cal and unleashed strike after strike at him. Every attack carried more ferocity with it than the one before, the sheer intensity of it threatening to overwhelm Cal's defense within mere moments.
''Skywalker. The Emperor. The Empire and the Rebellion. If only we would've left things how they were - if only this bitch would've stayed dead! We could've had it all! But we were cowards!''
Inquisitor Cal brought his blades to his head before trying to bring it down at his opponent for one final strike. Cal himself however was prepared for that. Using calamity over pure anger, Cal deactivated his blade before he quickly stepped back. The Inquisitor attacked only thin air as Cal's evasion was quick. Having no time to recollect himself, the Inquisitor was penetrated by an orange beam of light as Cal's lightsaber found its way through his stomach.
A wind that penetrated flesh and bone alike brought Cal to his senses. As the Inquisitor dropped to the ground, his body disappeared into nothingness as the sinister voice of the strange creature erupted once more.
''He - you speak the truth. You've been here before, in a different time at least. You brought this ... friend of yours back, a decision that changed galactic events forever. You see, this brings ... all of us into an interesting position.''
Cal didn't realize that his thoughts seemed to be hampered at first. Ever since this dark version of himself appeared in front of him, it appeared as if his mind was clouded in numbness. But now, with the dark version of Cal gone, his mind finally started to process everything it had witnessed.
It couldn't be. It was a lie, it had to be.
The notion of seeing the others dying in such a graphic way made him sick. Without much regard to the strange creature, Cal kneeled over and put his hands to his stomach as he almost emptied his stomach.
''Oh, please don't. This is still my home ... well, not really. It's my sister's, but you know.''
The entity spoke in a mocking manner before he chuckled quietly to himself.
Cal's eyes lightened up. What in the name of everything was he? He didn't seem to be human, far from it. His thin physique and his grey - dare he say decayed skin seemed to resemble some of the alien species he learned about during his time as a Padawan. Yet it was his red eyes that made him unique from anyone he has ever seen before.
He was of the dark side, of that he didn't have any doubt. The coldness he brought with him with every step was ample proof of that. What made Cal even more uncomfortable was the fact that he seemed to wield great power, even in a place like this.
Cal needed answers and he needed them now.
''Who are you?''
Another chuckle, another eery blizzard that made him shiver.
''How many times do I need to introduce myself today? I'm the Son. This, - '' he held his hands wide open ''this is my sister's temple, as the ... almost insulting light side presence within those halls might have indicated.''
''Son of ... ?'' Cal asked dubiously as he carefully stood up.
''Of my Father, of course. Aren't you your father's son, Cal Kestis?''
''Probably,'' was all Cal could say to that.
''I admit that my words might've been ill-chosen. But it's not as if you are lacking the parental figure department. Junda. Tapal ... ''
''You know an awful lot.''
''Through the Force, we're one ... Jedi.''
A peal of scolding laughter was aimed at Cal's direction.
Cal didn't say much to that, his quiet demeanor a facade should this situation turn south. You couldn't trust the dark side, it -
'' - it is evil and selfish and ... no wonder your people got wiped out, Jedi Knight. To have such a simple view of the galaxy - binary ideologies must be a blessing for the simple-minded. Still, despite your ... foolish nature, you're in luck. You've got spirit, child. That means that I'll let you live. I'll even help you destroy this temple ... if you listen to me first.''
Cal quickly realized that there was no purpose in trying to keep his thoughts to himself, given the Son's abilities. Thus he hoped for the best as he indulged the strange creature.
''Alright, I'm listening.''
''Of course you are. You're smart. Naive, yet smart. Here's the situation: this galaxy is about to be consumed by a conflict of a hellish scale. Through the actions of a couple of hopeful senators, a Rebelion will arise that will eventually be the downfall of this Empire of yours. Though the way through it will be painted in the blood of those that resist, eventually, you'll be successful ... unless.''
The Son paused temporarily as he sighed.
''It is but a smokescreen. The conflict - the true conflict of it all - is more insidious. It is a quiet shadow, creeping through the events of both past and the present to strike at the Force itself. This my sister and I can't allow. And here's the problem. My sister and I have ... different approaches to deal with this situation. And you and yours are in the middle of all of it. Where she would like to ... adhere to the original version of this conflict, I'd like to take a more direct approach. One that involves your people.''
A sinister grin spread across his face as he looked down at Cal.
''But we'll come to that. Perhaps you should know what my sister has in store for you. My sister, the Daughter, believes that the best way to save the Force would be for you to correct your mistake. Here, take a look ... ''
All it took was a clap of his thin hands before three transparent figures appeared in front of Cal. It was Masana, Trilla and his old master, Jaro Tapal.
''One final injustice ... '' they all whispered in an eery way, Masana's and Tapal's eyes drilling holes into Trilla's side as she herself glared down at the floor in a lifeless manner. The Son snapped with his fingers and the figures turned into dust.
''I must give my sister, credit. Saving this Masana to have someone manipulate you like that ... even faking a vision of your old master? 'One final injustice', how dramatic of her.''
Cal's mouth fell wide open.
''Your sister ... but my master, he's - ''
''Dead, boy. He's dead. It wasn't his voice you heard, Jedi. It was my sister playing tricks on you. All in the name of the light side, I might add. This is her plan.''
''You're lying, this is impossible! The Force showed me visions before, I -''
The Son said nothing for a couple of moments. Then, all out of sudden, he charged at Cal with an unholy scream. He grabbed his face and dug his nails into his flesh, creating a burning sensation that spread through Cal's body like hurtful venom.
''You'd dare?! Then let me show you the truth!''
With a mere push, he hurled Cal back onto the floor before he turned around.
''Sister, even now I can feel you trying to claw yourself through my barriers. So be it, I shall allow it. Come then! Come and tell him the truth!''
All Cal could remember was that the ground beneath him began to shake with ferocious intensity before a bright light blinded his every sense.
Oh boy.
Well, we live in interesting times. Interesting, very exhausting times. A time that led me to triple down on this story and a time that made me realize that I have no idea what I'm doing. None at all. Nothing besides general plot ideas and characters.
Which put me really off from writing anything, really. It still does, truth be told.
Which is why I honestly just wanted to upload something. So many of you reached out to my on that I just had to. Thank you all for your very kind words! 3 But still, don't expect this chapter to be well written. I tried to check it for any spelling mistakes but I just couldn't let it rot anymore over in the document manager. I had to post it, even if the chapter was originally supposed to be longer, featuring Cal's entire conversation with the Daughter and a Relor/Second Sister section.
But we've got time. Honestly, I just want to get off of Ordel. That would be a good point in the story for me to restart, so to say. Check which plot points still need to be dealt with and all that. And then?
That's the thing. I still want this story to be waaaaay bigger. But I've realized that some people are off-put by having one gigantic story with 39489983498498 words in it. Once they're off of Ordel, should I just write a sequel? Continue? I'd really like to write 3-4 chapters mini-stories for all the characters, too. Where should I put those?
Lots of questions, as you can see.
Anyways, sorry for disappearing for so long. I'll try to get my Tumblr running again, too - eventually. Still not there yet from a creativity standpoint.
By the way: for those of you who want to learn more about Lana Beniko and the general SWTOR story - it's on Steam now!