Life is Strange 2: Secrets

Chapter 1 of a new Life is Strange 2 story, just a random idea I had and worked out, recently became more inspired for this idea after finally clearing all four currently released episodes, so here we go, hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Life is Strange 2 or its characters.

Chapter 1

It was the start of yet another day and with it came the sleepy groans of the Mexican-American teenage boy known as Sean Diaz. Blinking and yawning Sean sat up in bed, Sean was 16 years old with a slightly toned build, short dark brown hair, brown eyes and tan skin that hinted as his heritage. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Sean noted the clock by his bed and quickly got out of bed.

'Urgh man, better hurry...if I don't I'll be late.' He thought to himself.

Pulling himself out of bed he quickly got dressed, pulling on a pair of jeans, a red T-shirt and black sneakers. He also pocketed a red beanie to pull on later and quickly left his bedroom.

"Well, well, good morning Sean." Came the joking voice of his father.

Sean sighed and shook his head, Esteban Diaz, a tall Mexican man with some muscle, short dark hair and eyes with notable stubble and clad in stained jeans a grey button-up shirt and boots, it was clear he had already been down to their garage, working on the car down there.

'Supposed to be mine once I'm old enough and it's ready...Guess it's some luck having a mechanic for a dad...' Sean reflected with a smile. 'Then there's Daniel.'

That thought came into his mind as he heard the small outburst of giggling from the 9 year old boy seated already having breakfast, like all the family the boy had tanned skin, dark brown hair and brown eyes, he was also skinny and his hair was slightly longer and messier than the others. It was Sean's younger brother, Daniel Diaz, clad in jeans, a white T-shirt with a blue plaid button-up shirt over it and simple sneakers.

Rolling his eyes Sean ruffled Daniel's hair.

"Morning to you too, enano."

Daniel brushed Sean's hand away from his hair. "Urgh, stop that."

Esteban laughed. "Okay you two, no time for horsing around, Sean you need to eat quick or you're gonna be late for school."

Sean nodded and quickly began to eat, Daniel seemed to get the message too and soon they were finished and getting ready to leave for school.

"Alright, well, better hurry, that's the bus. I'll see you this evening, right Daniel."

Daniel nodded. "Yeah, see you then Sean."

Both boys smiled and went their separate ways, heading for their respective schools. Both unaware of what they were about to face, all starting with meeting new people in their schools.

Entering his own school, Sean smiled lightly as he soon spotted and met up with one of his closest friends, Lyla Park. Lyla was sixteen like him, an Asian girl with pale skin, chin length black hair, brown eyes and a slender build. She was clad in black pants, a silver sweater and simple sneakers.

"Hey Sean, about time you got here." Lyla joked with a grin.

Sean just smiled. "Yeah, sorry, kinda slept in a bit."

Lyla shook her head. "Yeah, tell me about it, better get going, the guys are waiting, oh and..."

She nudged him and pulled his attention to someone else. Sean blushed upon seeing his crush, sixteen year old Jenn Murphy, a beautiful girl with long red hair and green eyes, pale skin and a slender shapely build, clad in denim cut-off shorts, a purple T-shirt with a panda design on it and sandals.

"Aren't you gonna go talk to her?" Lyla asked playfully.

Sean groaned. "Urgh, not...not right now, shouldn't we uh, be meeting the guys first?"

Lyla rolled her eyes but nodded as they headed towards their other friends. "You're never gonna win her heart that way Sean."

"Yeah, yeah."

Shaking his head Sean instead focused as he approached his other friends, all hanging around talking.

Sean smiled lightly as he observed his friends, a feeling of normalcy taking over him, everything feeling right and normal, a routine he was familiar and comfortable with.

First was Ellery, a dark skinned young man with short cut black hair, black eyes and a reasonable build, he was dressed in a black basketball shorts, an orange T-shirt and sandals. #

Then there was Eric, tall with light skin, short messy dark brown hair, brown eyes and clad in cargo pants with a dark blue hoodie and simple sneakers.

Then there was Adam, the top gamer amongst them, he was slightly shorter and heavier than them with short brown hair and brown eyes, as well as facial hair as he was often too lazy to shave, he wore faded jeans with a brown T-shirt and simple jeans.

His smile dropped slightly as he noted the last member of the group. A young man of medium height with medium length brown hair and hazel eyes, clad in ripped jeans, a white tank-top and boots. It was Harv, the one member of the group who was less of a friend and more of an acquaintance of Sean.

'So long as he doesn't start with any of his crass comments, we'll be fine.' Sean told himself.

If there was one thing Sean truly disliked about Harv, it was his near constant attempts to find sexual innuendos to tease people with. Still Sean decided he could put up with it if kept to a minimum.

It was then Sean noticed two other people in the group that he'd never seen before.

The first was a sixteen year old young man with short red hair, hazel eyes and fair skin, he was around five foot seven in height with a toned build and wore glasses, as well as black jeans, a dark blue T-shirt, white socks and black sneakers.

The other boy was taller and about a year older, standing a five foot eleven, he had tanned skin, a normal build with broad shoulders, olive green eyes and short reddish brown hair and facial hair resembling a five o'clock shadow. He was dressed in brown cargo shorts with a black T-shirt, simple white socks and red sneakers.

While both seemed somewhat shy, the taller boy seemed to be warming up to the others easily.

"Ah, hey guys." Eric called out when he greeted them.

Sean smiled. "Hey, um, so…?"

Ellery grinned. "Ah yeah, these guys are new here, so we decided to let them hang out with us. This is Jamie Townley."

He gestured to the red haired boy as he said that, said boy smiled shyly and nodded, then the taller boy.

"And Kyle Sherman."

Kyle smiled too. "Hey."

Sean grinned and greeted them, slowly getting to know them. It seemed Kyle had moved to Seattle following his mother getting a job there while Jamie was actually all the way from Scotland, having moved over with his family for a new life. Sean smiled, ready to get to know these new students and otherwise have a normal day.

Daniel sighed as he took his seat at school. When the door opens however, he is surprised to see a woman he doesn't recognize enter, along with a boy of similar age to him.

The woman was around twenty-seven or twenty-eight, with medium length thick brown hair, green eyes as well as fair skin and a tall slender figure. She was clad in a grey professional skirt and white blouse with black flats.

The boy meanwhile was roughly the same height as Daniel too, with short blonde hair, blue eyes and pale freckled skin. He wore a pair of simple jeans and sneakers, as well as a red T-shirt, on it was a hand drawn symbol of the letters CS.

Charlotte Hawkins took a deep breath, nervous as she entered the class, looking at all the bright new faces that were now looking at her with curiosity. She had recently moved into town and had had only recently graduated as a teacher, this was her first day teaching and she was filled with all kinds of jitters. She tried to hold it all in however as she stood, facing the class with a warm smile.

"Good morning class, my name is Miss Hawkins." She greeted them. "I'll be your new teacher."

They all responded to her, greeting her politely some even friendly. The new student shifted awkwardly as he stood nearby. Charlotte smiled at him encouragingly before turning to the class.

She then announced. "We also have a new student today, Chris Eriksen. Let's all give him a big welcome."

The class all welcomed Chris, who bit his lip, blushing shyly, meanwhile Charlotte looked around for somewhere for Chris to sit.

She soon spotted an empty seat, right next to a cheerful looking Hispanic boy and directed Chris over to it.

"Why don't you go sit by...?" She said, trailing off for the boy to introduce himself.

He smiled and replied. "Daniel, Miss. Daniel Diaz."

She smiled lightly at his politeness and nodded. "Thank you Daniel."

Chris, still biting his lip went and sat down and Charlotte prepared to begin the class. As she did so she grew more confident, happy and found her nervousness going away as the day goes on. The children seemed enthralled and she was able to get through her lesson plans without much struggle.

Daniel was smiling too, liking the new teacher already and Charlotte smiled back at him when she noticed this. She noted he seemed like a sweet boy and she couldn't wait to get to know him better. Plus he was already helping Chris feel more comfortable, the two becoming fast friends and Chris, while still shy, began opening up a little.

In all the brothers, along with these new meetings, simply enjoyed a normal day, unaware that in the near future, they would be facing grave dangers and would find their fraternal relationship put to the test.

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed it, read and review please.