Hotshot: I ended up not liking the first draft of this fic that I did some years ago and decided to rewrite it. I'll be doing the same with it's sequel. I hope you guys don't mind! Now, enjoy and remember to review!

Summary: I am Dorumon, a digimon that fled to this new world to live my life, I knew it wasn't that simple, but hey, nothing is, especially when you have a hidden power that turns into someone that was thought to be a myth.
Warning: Violence, Profanity, possible slash feelings and stuff
Pairings: Alphamon/Omegamon(well really, Doru/alpha having feelings for Omega), (Possibly hinted at) WarGreymon X/MetalGarurumon X

Digimon: X-Evolution
Part 1

Forest Area, New World

The gentle breeze rustled through my fur as I made my way through the vast forest area, my tail swaying at every step I take. Scents from all Digimon around the area filtered into my nose but I hardly paid attention to any of them, not when their scent is faint, signifying that they are either far away or they had been where I am a few hours to a few days before. I didn't mind that at all as I didn't want to come across another Digimon. They all hated me because I wasn't one of the "Chosen". Do I hope to find a companion? Of course. I don't try to be optimistic with that though, as I knew that finding another like me is less than zero. I had accepted it three days after I came here when I met the..."normal" Digimon for the first time. Those like me had either went into hiding or simply was killed.

A grumble from my stomach made me pause and I realized that I was so very hungry. I looked around, trying to find something to eat before looking up. I could see some apples hanging from a tree and I was quick to start to examining the trunk, trying to see if I could climb. I even stuck my claws into it but no luck, this particular tree had a strong and thick trunk. I took a step back.

Target practice can never hurt.

I jumped up high into the air and inhaled.

"Metal Cannon!"

A metal ball launched from my mouth, sailing through the air and hit the stems of the two apples and once I landed, I quickly got them and began to chow down on them. They tasted delicious and I had them eating in no time. I dropped the two cores at the base of the tree and started on my way once more. I could see the sun slinking closer and closer to the horizon and I know I needed to find somewhere for the night, someplace that no Digimon could find me. I know that there's probably some high level Digimon who wouldn't mind having a snack out of me.

It grew darker and darker as I walked and I could hear a rumble in the distance. A storm was coming in and from the sounds of it, it was coming in fast and was going to hit soon. I tried to pick up the pace before I paused, my year twitching. I could have sword I heard...footsteps coming closer and closer.

Lightning flashed and a rumble of thunder followed, then came the rain. It came in sheets, soaking my fur. It had gotten so dark now thanks to it becoming night and the storm clouds. Even with my good eyesight, I could only see a certain distance away.

I glanced behind me and when another lightning lit up the sky, I saw something moving quickly towards me and I instinctively bolted, running as fast as I could, trying to put distance between me and my pursuer.

I glanced behind me and that proved to be a mistake on my part as I tripped over what I suspect to be a log, sending me hurtling into the ground, mud now clinging to parts of my fur, matting the areas. I forced myself up after a moment, the pounding of approaching footsteps spurred me to my feet, making me run once more. I continued to run, dodging trees left and right before making a hard right, getting myself out of the forest, but I slid to a stop when a cliff loomed over me, trapping me between it and the chasing Digimon.

I turned around- just to see a tree getting cut in half, revealing the Digimon and to my surprise, it was a Leomon with his blade poised. From what I could remember, Leomons were generally a good Digimon who only got aggressive when it's protecting itself or others. Why was this one chasing me now, most likely to kill me?

I shook my head and tried to run parallel to escape the Leomon, but he just jumped in front of me, stopping me from escaping. The Leomon began to close in and I did what I had to do. I jumped away and inhaled.

"Metal Cannon!"

One metal ball flew towards Leomon, but he simply cut it in half. I kept spewing out metal balls after metal balls, trying to keep as much distance as I could between us before I landed on my feet.

"Fist of the Beast King!"

He thrust his fist into the air in front of him and blue lion heads came from his fist, many engulfing my attack and exploding. I couldn't help but yelped when an explosion happened particularly close to me, the force of it sending me back and skidded along a ground for a few feet. I shook my head, clearing it when I stood before noticing the Leomon closing in on me once more, a harsh look in his eyes. He held his blade out in front of him again in the same position. He raised the blade for the finishing blow as more lightning flashed above us. I swallowed and closed my eyes, waiting for the pain that would no doubt hit me within the next few seconds.

My ear twitched when the sound of the muddy ground being stabbed, making my eyes snap open and looked at the now kneeling Leomon, who was looking back at me. He...wasn't going to kill me?

"So," he began in a calm town. "You want to live?"

I couldn't say anything, all I could do was to stare at him with wide eyes. I could see that he was breathing heavily now.

"I..." he paused for a moment, gathering his words as he stared into my eyes. "Even if I were to take you're X-Antibody, I still wouldn't live any longer. You have good eyes...Live for me in this new world. Carry on...for our future..."

His grip on his handle slacked before it slipped completely off as he fell forward, his front hitting the muddy ground. I took a quick step forward wanting to help him somehow, but I knew I couldn't.

"I'm sorry I chased you." He apologized to me in his last breath as his eyes slowly closed. I waiting for more movement but he didn't even twitch now. He was truly gone now, gone forever.

I looked down in sadness for a moment before throwing my head back and let out a loud shout up towards the storm clouds.