Ashlyn woke to the sound of sirens, and bright flashing lights. Clint nudged her awake, gently elbowing her si. Ashlyn helped Clint to his feet, and they gazed at each other for a split second. Clint traced hand arm along Ashlyn's arm, and Ashlyn puled back. She spied Wanda not to far away backing away from the sirens. "I'm going to go get Wanda..." she whispered. She turned to Clint, and looked him in the eyes. "It'll be better if we're together."

"You can't," Clint muttered. Grabbing her by her backhand." me, you need to stay here." Ashlyn looked dubious, but stayed near Clint, lint standing in front of her, protectivly. From the vans emerged SWAT officers, with guns, whocame towards them. They surrounded Clint, Wanda, Scott and Sam. They reached for a speakerphone in their pocket.

"Put your hands above your head." They broadcasted. Clint obeyed, and put his hand way bouve his head, dropping his bow on the ground. Ashlyn moved her feet at the thud, shifting to the side."You are all under arrest for war crimes, and violent Civil disobedience. You have the right to remain silent." She copied Clint, and a SWAT officer took her by the wrists. She felt a weight of metal cinch to her wrists. These weren't normal handcuffs.

Ashlyn felt a tingle on her neck, followed by a sharp, but dull pain. Then, everything went black.

"D'you think she'll wake up soon?" A voice whispered. The sound of whirring filled my ears, merging with the sound of shuffling of feet. The voice sounded familiar, but raspy. My hands ere still cuffed to my back, and I assumed the others' were.

"I don't know. Wanda's dosage already wore off." Another replied. The voice was Sam's. From what I could tell, her was teird and exhausted. "How's it going, Wanda?" he asked tierdly.

"Fine," Wanda muttered. "My hands are sore."

"I know, it hurts...Just hang in there, okay?" Asked Clint. "With any luck, we're not going to somewhere too bad."

"What do you mean by that, Clint?" Asked Sam. "Prison is bad, no matter where we're going."

"I'm trying to make light of a situation, Sam." Clint grumbled. I heard him shifting around his feet.

Sam sighed. "That's not how you do it, Barton!" He exclaimed.

"Guys, we're not supposed to be talking," Wanda said, in a worried tone.

I heard footsteps that grew louder and louder and louder. The shuffiling of feet stopped, and an acrid, sharp, ad even a bit sour smell filled the air. "Are y'not supposed t'be talking?" A gruff voice spoke. The person besides me started to breathe heavily. "Are you not supposed to be talking?!" He barked. "Answer me!"

"Yes sir." Clint replied.

"''Hen why'd I hear talking?" He fumed. The plane was silent aside from the whirring of the jet. He sighed angrily. "'Better not hear it again. Yer' all in some deep wata'." He stomped across the plane, until the footsteps were gone.

The jet was quiet for a little while, and I nearly fell asleep again. "Hey," whispered another voice. I could tell it was Scott's. "If we are actually going to prison..." He sighed. "They're probably not going to let your kid in the same jail. She'll probably go to a Juvenile center."

"Well, that's pleasant." Clint whispered sarcastically.

I decided it was time to 'wake up.' I blinked open my eyes, to the surprise of the others. fixing myself into a sitting position, I pretended to examine the plane, being confused.

"Hey, Ash," Clint said softly. "They gave you a sleeping drug. We're in a jet we're going."

The jet had a horizontal row of seats on against the wall. The seats were facing each other, each in rows of four. On the opposite side, I faced Clint, who sat besides Sam and Scott. The only person by my side was Wanda, who, like I was, held in by tight restraints. A jarring sound filled the plane, and it descended. I could tell, because of the nauseating feeling it left me. We landed.

On occasion, Maria Hill would let me follow her around the SHIELD headquarters, and the helicarriers. I would watch from a distance, gathering techniques and learning more about SHIELD's system.

I got many of my fighting tactics from her. And, sometimes following her would result in me having enounters with criminals. Dangerous criminals; people who built bombs in their basements, abnominales beyond my - and many other's understanding. They would usually be lead in in handcuffs; but sometimes they would be wearing straight jackets. At their front, their hands would be conjoined, but at their back, their were contraints.

"Maria, what are they wearing?" I asked her, after seeing a criminal in one for the irst time.

"They're straight jackets." She replied. "They're used to contrain people who pose a threat to themselves or others...A great threat...Sometimes things, or urges they can't control." She sighed, and glanced at me, then looked back up at the prisoner, as if she could find a connection between us. She looked back down at me. "They're maniacs, Ashlyn." she heldout her hand to me, my motion to take it. "Let's go."

Wanda was not a maniac. Nor was I. Wanda and I could control out powers preectly well, and we did not have the urge to hurt anybody. So why was I put in a straightjacket?

We landed, in what seemed to be the middle of a vast and dangerous were escorted inside, to a room with metal benches, on the borders, a securely locked door, and a dim light. No windows, or anything else, for that matter. Wanda and I were forced into straightjackets. Wanda fought against hers, and one of the people put a small needle filled with liquid into he neck. She jolted, but did not hesitate further. I did not fight against the suit, even when they removed the bandage around my arm, my arm starting to drip blood. I would fight, but I couldn't bring myself to - the drug was only starting to wear off, and most of my energy was used for my recovery. Finally, they strapped a collar around our neck. My eye caught the small blinking red light, a we were lead bak

All the others were in the room, all wearing blue prison jumpsuits. Nobody said a word,until someone entered from the securely locked door. A young-looking man, with ruffled brown hair and dark skin, entered the room and gazed over us all. "My name is Martyn. Secretary Ross, alongside your Warden, will soon be with you." He paused, and for a second, looked me in the eye. If you have anything to say," He said in a softer, quieter tone. "I advise you to say sonow. THis will be the last time you will be able to achieve face to face contact each other for an extended amount of time." He said, then leaving the room.

"What do we say? Nothing to Ross." Asked Clint, in a low tone. He brought his feet against the chair, then pushed them out again. He broke the silence after a brief moment. "I'm serious."

"Sam?" I asked quietly. A bruise was formed on his left eye, spanning most of his cheek. "What...what happened?" I stammered. I rarely stammered.

"It's nothing Ashlyn. Don't worry about it." I nodded, turning my ead to dug wastaingn it's effect, making Wanda stay awake, but sublimed.

"How's your leg, Clint?" I noticed he was limping.

"It could be better. I've gotten no treatment once so ever." He muttered.

"What did he mean?"I asked softly. "The last time we'll be ableto contact each other for an extended period of time." I quoted.

"Solitary confinement, most likely." Said Scott, tuning towards me.

"That's lovely, isn't it?" Clint responded. The room was silent, once again, and his words echoed through the room. "So very nice." He low voice started to fill with anger.

Ross emerged from the room behind the securely locked door. He glanced over every one of us, proudly. He had captured us, achiving his blind goal. He lectured us on a arrogant lecture, of how we broke the law and we knew what was coming. The severe consequences. He explained to us the order of the prison. He looked at Wanda. "Miss Maximoff, the straight jacket will be removed after some good behavior. Any attempt to ue your powers will result in sanctions. However," He said, looking towards me, "you won't be getting it removed anytime soon, A-Five-H-One-YN. Y-"

"My name is Ashlyn."I snapped, interrupting him. "Ashlyn. You got that?" I asked, anger lacin my voice.

Ross scoffed. "That wasn't a very smart move of you, A-Five. If I were tour warden, you'd have a shock down your spine." He warned. "As I was saying-"

"Her name is Ashlyn." Clint inurupted. "And she doesn't deserve to be in a straight jacket, as much as Wanda does. Or anyone does."

Ross sighed, now focused on Clint. "She's a child of HYDA. Raised by SHIELD, under HYDRA's influence. Trained by Rumlow, HYDA agent. Heaven knows what she's capble of. Practially a machine made monster."

I snapped. My heart was racing, and I was fuming with anger. "I am right here!" I yelled, my whole body olting. I felt an intense electrical shock race down my body. My heart began to race again and my breathing quickened.

Ross almost smiled. I could see he was drawing pleasure from my shock. "I rest my case. You'll be in the straight jacket for a long time." Ross turned, and smirked. You'll be meeting your warden in a few." He left, leaving us alone.

In spite of us needing to stay in out eats, Clint rushed over to me. He kneeled facing me, tucking my hair behind my ears. His eyes wee full of concern."Ash...Firefly, you alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine, Clint." I said. "I absorbed some of the energy." I whispered. "Thank you for what you did." I thanked him.

He didn't move. "I'm sorry Ash. I dragged you in to this whole thing, and-"

"Clint!" I exclaimed, almost kicking him back. The securely shut door opened to reveal a woman in an all black jumpsuit. She had platinum blonde hair, as well as a taser and gun on her belt. Clint walked back to his spot on the bench.

"I am your warden. My name is Rue. I do understand that Secretary Ross had already told you the rules, but due to your crimes, we will attempt to gather as much information as possible." She said, he voice mocking. "Oh," she said, tuning on the ball of her boot. "I nearly forgot," she pulled out a remote, and pointed it towards Wanda. With the press of a button Wanda jolted - she was shocked. "Those are your consequences... An for you," she said, motioning to me, "It may get a little more severe. We know what you are capable of."

"Is this even legal?" Asked Scott. "I've been to prison before, and I don't think that this would be alright back there?"

Rue glanced at the shock device in her hand. She couldn't use it on Scott, but if she could, I would have no doubt that she would. "Exceptions have been made to gather information." she deadpanned. "Now, we don't have any time to waste. Get up and we'll get a move on."