Z - is for Zest

His face was so close to hers that each exhale of her breath warmed his face, his nose touching hers as they continued on that incredible spiral climb towards pure bliss. His movements were slow but powerful, tender yet backed with a force that they both enjoyed. His hips rocked in perfect sync with hers, their practice having made these moments nearly perfect but always exciting, always something a little new, a little … more, as they grew more comfortable with each other and themselves.

Her eyes, while partially closed, were dark blue, and locked with his occasionally. They needed few words to communicate during heightened and intimate moments such as this one, though his eyes boring into hers spoke volumes to her heart. She could hear his voice clearly in her mind as if he were shouting from the rooftop of their cottage, and she knew he felt the same. Their shared unspoken thoughts mingled in the atmosphere surrounding them.

I love you so much. I need you. I am so blessed you're my wife. My handsome husband loves me. Please … yes … don't stop … again … right there … just like that … so close … almost … oh … god … mmmmmm … ahhhh … sweet sigh

She carded her fingers through his damp hair as she cradled his head to her breast. His lips continued to leave behind warm and tender kisses to her already cooling skin, something that added an extra layer to the amount of love and devotion they shared. The tenderness with which he treated her was something she would marvel over for the rest of her days, though she wasn't surprised by it at all. Her Charlie was a true romantic at heart and devoted entirely to her and their life together.

After several long moments of simply enjoying the closeness they shared, he shifted away from her slightly so he could draw her into his arms. Wrapping the blankets closely around her so she couldn't catch a chill, he pressed several kisses to the top of her head and gave her a little squeeze.

"Happy Christmas, love."

"Mmmm, indeed it is," she practically purred in his arms. "I'm afraid my legs won't quite support me at the moment so it's a good thing we don't have to be anywhere until lunchtime."

He chuckled and felt a bit of pride at hearing what he'd managed to do to his wife this particular morning. "Once I get a bit of energy back, I'll pop downstairs and put the kettle on and make some toast. You stay here and enjoy a bit of a lie in while you can."

She stretched up and kissed the underside of his jaw then peppered his face with more kisses until he captured her lips with his for a long and searing kiss. "That should hold you until you get back, handsome, though don't take too long. It will be cold and lonely in this bed without you."

He swatted her bottom playfully and kissed the tip of her nose. "Just close your eyes and try to relive the last hour, and I'll be back before you get to the really good bit," he teased, already slipping out of bed before she could reply.

She moaned softly as she watched him pull his robe tightly around his naked body. "Mmm, you make me shiver all over." Her voice was still a little husky, and her eyes were still a darker shade of blue, though with a twinkle in them. "Looking very fit and fine on Christmas morning, Mr. Carson!"

He chuckled and shook his head. "Must be all that exercise I get when my wife is home," he countered before stoking the fire in the grate and padding downstairs to complete his task of preparing a simple breakfast.

When he returned to the bedroom, breakfast tray heavily laden with fruit, cheese, toast, jam, and tea, he found Elsie still curled up beneath the blankets, though she'd decided it would be best to put on her warmer nightgown.

"I started the fire downstairs, too, while I waited on the toast and tea. I didn't want you chilled when we finally head downstairs to unwrap gifts."

"You're so thoughtful, Charlie, and I love you so much." She accepted the tray and secretly watched as her husband disrobed and pulled on his pajama bottoms and shirt. When he had slipped back into bed beside her, she leaned over and kissed his cheek. "This is a lovely way to start Christmas."

As he spread the jam on their slices of toasted bread, she fed him a bite of the sliced orange. "I'd say it's been quite the little adventure this season. I'm going to be a little sad to see the holiday end, though I know we still have Twelfth night to look forward to."

"You and a certainly little girl we both know and love have really enjoyed yourself this year. I can't say I've ever known either of you to show such excitement and enthusiasm for Christmas. You've added a bit of zest to the holiday that I've never seen before." She took a bit of toast and got a little of the jam on the corner of her mouth, which he promptly kissed away.

"Mmm, I do love strawberry jam in the winter," he said with a sly smile. "Or could it be the taste of my wife's lips? I should probably do a little more research … when we have more time, of course."

She shook her head and laughed. "Charlie, you are incorrigible!"

"Don't you mean … irresistible?" He kissed her cheek and then removed an envelope from beneath the tea towel on their breakfast tray. "I'd forgotten that Mr. Branson gave me this last night. He asked that we open it this morning, and I happened to remember it when I was downstairs." He handed her the envelope and gave a nod of encouragement for her to open it. "I've no idea what it says. He didn't give me any clues."

Elsie wiped her mouth and hands then slipped a well-manicured nail under the seal and removed the letter.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Carson,

I cannot begin to thank you enough for everything you've done for Sybbie and me in the years that we've been at Downton. Knowing that my little girl is growing up surrounded by such loving and caring role models such as yourselves is more than any father could ask for his only child.

I know she can be a bit of a handful at times, but never doubt her love and devotion to both of you. She speaks of you constantly, and of the times she shares with you, both as a couple and individually. She loves you greatly and, as you both well know, she regards you as part of her family … a very integral part of her family, and mine as well.

Over these last few weeks, I've seen a light in her eyes that has reminded me so much of her mother. I know you've seen it, too, at times. The magic and merry-making you've shared with her has added such a zest and joy to the holiday season that I could never have imagined. While this may be one of, if not her very, last Christmas believing in the magic of Father Christmas, I've no doubts the memories you've made with her and the special efforts you've gone through to ensure her happiness will stay in her heart long after we are gone. For that, I am eternally grateful.

So, it is with that very appreciative heart and with love from Miss Sybbie and myself, we want to offer you one last Christmas gift. I know, Mr. Carson, you will be most uncomfortable accepting the gift, but I'm hoping Mrs. Carson will convince you that it would make us all very happy, indeed, if you would accept. I know one little lady who would give you an earful if you refused, though I did not tell her of this special gift for fear that her enthusiasm might bubble over and she'd let something slip.

Please accept this gift from us to you … use it when you are ready. I've spoken to the family, and your vacation days will start once you tell us the dates. In the meantime, know that your seaside adventure awaits. All you need do is pick up the phone and make the necessary reservations. The telephone number and address of the inn at Scarborough are enclosed. Everything else has been paid for in advance.

With love and gratitude,

Tom Branson & Miss Sybbie

Charles and Elsie sat in stunned silence as Elsie finished reading the letter aloud then handed it over to Charles for his quick perusal. "I cannot believe it. An entire week at the seaside, paid for by Mr. Branson! And time away from the household whenever we choose to enjoy this. It's a Christmas miracle," Elsie exclaimed, still in a bit of a shock.

"I can't say I'm entirely comfortable accepting such a generous gift. It was one thing for the family to send us away on our honeymoon but this … it's …"

"It's a gift from the heart, Charlie. He appreciates the love and care we show to his child, and he realizes that we do so because it's a genuine feeling on our part and not out of any special loyalty or connection. That little girl worships you in ways she could never express. And, yes, she loves me, too, in much the same way. Her father is trying, in his own way, to give us a special gift in return." She rested her head on his shoulder and reached up to cup his cheek, feeling his early morning stubble against her palm. "Would you deny them the joy of giving us something special on Christmas because the rules of society might deem it improper?"

He tilted his head and kissed her softly. "I'd never do that simply because it's slightly different with Mr. Branson. I know he's part of the upstairs family, but at the same time, he will always be a part of the downstairs family. And, more importantly, he's given us something we would never have had, otherwise. Miss Sybbie is so very different from Lady Mary. When she was little, she was frequently in my office or seeking me out if I was making rounds, but Sybbie … she's unlike any child that's been in this household. Mr. Branson is raising her to understand her social standing but also that there's value in all people, not just the upstairs family and their friends."

"You do realize that she spends more time with us than she does with Donk and Granny, don't you? When she runs away, it's us she seeks out in order to make her world right again. I'm sure she loves them but it's a different sort of affection, much like your Lady Mary and her love for you versus her own father."

"I do realize that, and that is why I am willingly accepting this special gift. Obviously, he's spoken with the family about this and they've given their consent. I wouldn't wish to be rude to him or them by saying we can't accept, nor would I want to face the wrath of one Elsie Carson or Sybbie Branson. I couldn't bear that above all else," he teased. "I've no desire to go head to head with the Scottish dragon and her little whelp."

"Why am I sensing a "but" in there somewhere?"

"No, a simple caveat to the original plan. What if we split the week and took part of it during the summer when the family is away, and another part of it when it would be convenient for us to be away … spring or autumn, perhaps? Two trips instead of one, as it were, and we could even supplement the additional expenses with money from our joint account, if it were needed."

"Charlie, that's a lovely idea!" She turned his head and kissed him soundly on the lips. "So, we'll accept his offer this evening and propose the changes?"

"Yes, but there's one other rather small … and energetic … addition. What if, during one of the trips, we take Miss Sybbie with us? Only a few days, mind you, but a little holiday to the seaside for you and our little girl?"

Elsie could have been knocked over with a feather as her mind registered the words her husband had just uttered. She'd never, in a million years, expected him to suggest that they take a member of the family on a little holiday, much less one where they would be gone for more than a day.

"Well?" he asked nervously. "Is it a horrible idea or should we mention it to Mr. Branson tonight?"

"Charlie Carson, it is one of the most brilliant ideas you've ever had, and I love you so much for it. I think that little girl is going to know for certain that you are in cahoots with Father Christmas after we tell her this bit of news."

"Don't get excited yet, love. We still have to talk to her father, make arrangements, AND see if she's willing to go. For all we know, she could hate the idea of being stuck with us for two or three days."

Elsie rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Are we talking about the same little girl that's been in our offices almost every day during the last month and a half? The same little girl who begs you to read to her, wants me to teach her how to bake shortbread and knit, who built a Snow Carson with her cousins, spends countless hours doing very little just so she can be near one or both of us? Will she go? We have a better chance of both of you going off sweets for a day than we do of her saying no."

"All right, you've made your point," he chuckled. "I will admit that it will feel a bit strange, and there will be talk in the village. Mrs. Wigan will gobble that one up for sure."

"You leave Mrs. Wigan to me, and everyone else in the village will have to deal with the Dowager Countess if things get out of hand in regards to the gossip. She'll not stand for it." Elsie smiled and turned so that she was facing her husband, their breakfast long forgotten after the contents of the letter had been revealed. "Oh, Charlie! I still can't believe it. A holiday for us and possibly taking that little girl with us."

He laughed and gathered Elsie into his arms, holding her tightly and kissing her soundly. "I suppose I'd better start thinking of what I want to say to Mr. Branson this evening. And, assuming he agrees to the terms, we can sit down at the beginning of the new year and start planning our little adventure."

Elsie straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, her nose brushing against his as she smiled. "If you plan this with half the zeal and zest that you did most of the other surprises for her this Christmas, it's going to be our best holiday ever … honeymoon excluded, of course," she said, rocking against him teasingly.

"Hmmm," he moaned. "Care to remind me just how much fun that little seaside trip was, or perhaps relive our activities from this morning."

"With zest, Mr. Carson … and a lot of pleasure," she purred before enthusiastically lavishing him with her love and adoration.

Later that evening, Mr. Branson accepted the terms with which the Carson's accepted his gift and decided that they would wait a bit before telling Sybbie the grand news. None of the adults wanted to face a barrage of questions on a daily basis for the next six months about the trip, but they were certain it would be exciting when she did learn the secret.

As they climbed into bed much later that evening, Charles and Elsie both sighed contentedly. It had been the best and most enjoyable Christmas season they could ever remember … a very merry Christmas, indeed.

A/N: Thank you all so very much for giving this story so much love and attention. I know it's been a challenge to catch up daily with so much going on in your real lives, but I've honestly appreciated and loved hearing from each and every one of you … guest and signed reviewers alike. You've given me so much happiness with your comments and constant encouragement … a true gift from the heart. Until next time … Chelsie On!