Chapter One: Opportunity
In the halls of Castle Oblivion, Marluxia and Larxene were trying to decide the answer to a question.
It had been a question mulled over for weeks between the two of them.
Should they bring Roxas into the fold, or not?
Marluxia was one of his earlier tutors during his missions with the Organization, but it had taken some time for Larxene to see him in action. Evidence which they wanted before making a decision. Evidence they finally had with Larxene's mission with him. Marluxia asked, "What do you think?"
Larxene snorted, crossing her arms, "If the kid had a few more weeks of experience, sure, he'd be passable." She waved her hand dismissively, "But look at him! He's still a space case!"
Marluxia closed his eyes and sighed at the complaints, "Still, the keyblade is a boon we cannot ignore. If we want him on our side, we need to make a move now."
"So we could recruit someone who's initially a bit of dead weight, that could either become really useful or stay useless. Or we just leave him as is, and miss out on whatever he becomes."
"Either way, we take a chance." He looked down the hall to where their prisoner was kept, "Naminé's powers could bring Sora under our control. But it may be prudent to have a backup plan."
Larxene toyed with the possibility in her mind. In one existence she chose the chance that Roxas would not bring them value. Here?
"Let's do it."
It was another night in the grey area. At least that was the name Roxas knew for the room. He had walked in, ready to talk to Saïx for a new mission.
But this time he was busy, two other members were talking with him. What were their names?
"This is risky Marluxia. He is inexperienced."
Yeah, that was it. Marluxia, he crossed his arms as he talked, "His ability is irregular, as is his progress. I believe that it may be worth it to take a chance on this deployment."
Saïx's eyes narrowed, "Very well. But keep in mind we will be watching."
"Oh, don't worry." Larxene, he could recall,"We won't let the rookie get too far out of his depth."
Rookie? Well, there was Xion, but she only did one mission as far as he knew. So they must be talking about…
Larxene caught sight of him from the corner of her eye, and turned to face him with a smile. "Ah, speak of the devil. Roxas, We've got a proposition for you."
Why did that smile make him uncomfortable?
"We would like you to come with us to our deployment to Castle Oblivion." Marluxia offered a hand to Roxas
Saïx stepped forward past the duo, eyes fixed on Roxas, "The choice is yours. This assignment is of crucial importance to our Organization, and we are taking a chance in sending you. The slightest misstep will be judged harshly. However, should you prove yourself in this, you will be recognized."
It sounded dangerous, it sounded different. Roxas wasn't sure what to make of it for a moment.
In the end however, he was driven by the simple desire to do something more.
"I'll do it."
Larxene opened the door to another white room, but this one had a bed. "So. This is gonna be where you sleep. Not quite like home, but it'll do."
Roxas frowned, since it seemed about the same as his old room really. Blank, empty, quiet. Same as the rest of Castle Oblivion.
And so he nodded, "Alright. I should be able to sleep here."
"Good, we are almost done with our tour." Marluxia began leading the two of them further down the large empty hall. For the moment, he was thankful for the directions. Even though Castle Oblivion was pretty similar to The Castle That Never Was, it was even easier to get lost here. Not to mention, there were now heartless around some of the floors. Still, while he didn't get the occasional view of the city below, he had some way to keep himself from getting too bored. Even if it was technically work.
Coming to a stop at the door, Marluxia turned to Roxas. "In this room is a powerful nobody we are keeping here."
Larxene rolled her eyes, "Honestly, Nobody is a bit too much to describe-"
"She is close enough for Roxas' understanding." Marluxia cut her off, leaving her to wave her hand dismissively at him. "She is to be kept in this room or accompanied by an Organization member at all times. Is that clear?"
He nodded. "Yeah."
Larxene learned right into his face "Yeah? Yeah, what Roxas?"
Honestly, did she really need him to repeat everything? Roxas looked her in the eyes, "The nobody here is powerful. We're supposed to keep them in this room, or have one of us with...her?" Roxas blinks as he registers that last word. "They're not like the dusks or other lesser nobodies?"
"Correct." Marluxia nodded, and opened the door.
Larxene stood up and strode across the room. "Guess what Naminé? There's someone new here, and they're about your age too!"
Roxas looked across the room to where Larxene was, and saw seated a blonde girl in a white dress. In her hands were a crayon and a notepad, and her eyes seemed fixed on him. At first glance, Naminé immediately stood out in his mind as she contrasted with the nobodies in black robes that he knew. Not to mention, she was someone he could describe as…
Beautiful? Was that the word? The only other comparison he had for her was Xion. But more than that, Naminé seemed so familiar. As if he knew her before he was in the Organization...
Marluxia put a hand on his shoulder, ending his contemplation, "Naminé, this is Roxas. He will be with us from now on in Castle Oblivion." Walking over, Marluxia snatched away the crayon and notepad Naminé held, any sign of distress ignored, "You are to treat him with the same respect given to the rest of us. As always, do not let this distract you in your duties." A pause hung over the room Marluxia spoke more sharply, "Am I clear?"
The girl frowned and gave a small nod, only to have Larxene clap her on the shoulder and sneer, "Come on Naminé, you can do better than that. Use your words!"
"I…" Naminé flinched at the touch, "I understand."
"Good. Continue your preparations." He tossed Naminé's tools back to her. "Roxas, I trust you will make yourself at home." With Marluxia's words, the two seniors of the Organization vanished into darkness and left the younger Nobodies.
And Roxas was left alone with his thoughts. And Naminé fumbling to pick up the notepad and crayon.
Marluxia and Larxene were treating her little differently than he was treated during his training.
So why?
Why did watching them jeer at Naminé like that make him sick?
She picked her notepad up, sighing. But as Naminé looked up towards him, she gasped softly. "You're still here? I thought you'd leave."
Well, that left an interesting question, why was he still here? Well, if he had to be honest, "I wanted to know if you were okay."
A pause, and then she answered quietly, "It doesn't matter." She held her notepad and crayon close to her and shook her head, "I'm a nobody."
Roxas frowned, not quite accepting the explanation, "That doesn't mean you can't get hurt."
Naminé looked to the side and muttered, "It's to keep me from getting out of line."
"But I don't think you're someone who would do anything bad." the more he heard, the less it made sense, Naminé barely seemed like any kind of threat. So why were they treating her so badly?
"You think so?" The way she spoke, how she began to look him in the eye. It seemed like Naminé desperately wanted it to be true. "I don't know if the power I have can even be used for anything good."
Roxas was somewhat stumped by that, shaking his head, "Well, I'm not sure I can help you there. I don't even know what your power is. I just know that you're nice."
Naminé stared at him, and for the first time, she smiled. "Thank you."
While Roxas didn't know a lot of things, he was certain he liked seeing Naminé smile.
Just then, a swirl of darkness interrupted their conversation, as a familiar redhead stepped out of the portal, "Hey, just coming to make sure everything was okay. Tour's over and all, you can go rest up." Axel shrugged, "Unless you need help getting to your room. I know we kinda take the doors to darkness for granted and all but-"
"I remember the way back. I just wanted to talk to Naminé." the interruption caused Axel to pause and raise an eyebrow. Roxas turned towards him, "That's not a problem is it?"
Axel shrugged, "Suit yourself, but still, you might want to head back to your room and get some rest, alright? It'd be a shame if a heartless got to you because you didn't get some shut eye." Axel gave a wave, and vanished back into darkness.
Walking towards the door Roxas yawned. "Guess I am tired though. It's been a long day with the tour and everything."
"Will you..." He stopped as Naminé spoke up "Will you see me again tomorrow?"
"Yeah." Roxas nodded, "I promise." It seemed like a simple enough promise, and he wanted to keep it.