"Maria No, debo confesar que no soy Raymundo. ¡Soy su hermano gemelo, Miguel!"
"Not Raymundo no!" Fuyumi gasped placing one hand over her mouth as she watched the male character on the screen turn around with maximum drama and rip of his eye patch to reveal a perfectly functioning eye. She stuck her fingers into the bag of chips and ate another one captivated by the foreign drama she was watching.
Today was the first day that she was all alone on I-Island. Izumi and Shoto had gone off to do something and Izuku was needed at his lab. So here she was doing exactly what she would have been doing at home. Though, she would have probably at least understood the language. She had only heard Spanish a few times, but she knew that they made great T.V. Dramas.
And I-Island had access to just about every station she could have ever dreamed of. It took her five minutes to find the Spanish Soap Operas on Izuku's T.V. She had no idea what was happening. But she liked it.
"¡Entonces el niño es tuyo! Por favor, Raymundo, Miguel, ¡no importa! ¡Quiero estar contigo!"
The male lead said staring at her. It took all of three seconds for him to grab onto her and go in for the kiss.
Oh, wow! This show was certainly spicy!
The door slammed open, and the storm that had been brewing just beyond that door made itself known with a strike of thunder that made Fuyumi jump. But even more so once she saw the character in the door. She gasped and ate another chip. "Two Raymundos?"
"What are you doing?"
This time she really did jump. What few chips remained in the bag went flying as she stood to see Izuku standing behind her, his muscular arms were crossed and he had a single eyebrow raised at her.
"Uhhh," She pointed to the T.V. and tried to make herself look as small as possible. "Watching T.V.?"
"You speak Spanish?" Izuku looked at her then at his T.V. The two Raymundo's were fighting. Were they clones?
"Well, no, but it is entertaining." She shrugged and bit her lip. "Uhh so yeah."
"Ahh. So, day three on the island and you've relegated yourself to watching soap operas in a language you don't understand?" He was judging her.
Which was fair, she'd be judging her too. "Uhh, yeah, it's what I did back home. Minus the Spanish thing."
"Right. Well, come on." Izuku ushered her upwards with a smile on his face.
"Ehh? What, are we going to do something?" His couch was way too comfortable.
Izuku nodded his smile wide.
"You know how to Ice skate right?"
"Ice Skate? But it's the middle of summer and-" Oh right, she was on a literally artificial island. "But, uhh, yeah, I can. Kinda. I'm not very good."
"That's great!" Izuku jumped up and clapped a bit. "Come one, let's go! It'll be fun!"
"Woah!" Fuyumi gasped as she slipped on frozen floor. She flailed forward, and barely managed to catch onto Izuku before she did what would have been a very nice face plant. How was he so good at not falling over? Oh god he was laughing. Why did that make her cheeks feel warm? She looked up at him and swallowed. His smile made her feel flushed, flustered, and excited all at once. "Woah."
"Take it easy Fuyumi, I take it it's been a while." Izuku grabbed her arms and helped her find her balance. Izuku looked good in his green turtleneck sweater. That was just tight enough to remind her that she was in the presence of someone that was fit. And who was probably smarter than her. Wow, where did her self esteem go? Wait she didn't have that. "Here let me give you a refresher."
Izuku moved easily on the ice grabbing both of her hands and then skating backwards slowly.
Her face felt hot. Very, very hot. This was so embarrassing! When she was little, she used to be great at Ice skating, her mother showed her how, but she hadn't done it in years. "Sorry, I haven't done this in years."
"Hey, that's alright, I only started once I found this place about a year ago." Izuku continued to guide her along the ice like it was the most natural thing in the world. "Normally it's used to test ice gear, but after nobody used it for a while, a couple of scientists, uhh, repurposed it."
"And were you one of those scientists?" She asked, managing to stay up on her own two feet. She looked around the ice rink: the entire complex was beneath one of the artificial lakes on the island, if she looked up she could see fish swimming past the glass, but the interior lights were too bright for their shadows to make their appearance.
"It wasn't my idea." Izuku smiled at her with mock offense, then shrugged, letting go of one of her hands. "But I did help."
"I'm starting to wonder what exactly you do here." She laughed, matching his stride as they began to speed up along the wall of the ring. It was all coming back to her now: the motions her mother showed her, her mother's smile, her laughing as Natsuo fell on his butt. She kept one hand loosely hooked to Izuku's, only connected by their fingers.
It was easy to follow Izuku's lead as they spun, danced, and laughed around the empty ring. He even spun her once, her entire body leaving the ground for a few heart pounding moments before she landed again, falling into Izuku's chest. She was pressed up against him, excitement running through her as she laughed linking their fingers once again.
It seemed like they were stuck like this for far to long.
"You know, you can join me if you want," They parted slightly, still skating around the rink. "It might be more fun than watching Spanish soaps all day."
"Hey, I'll have you know I was enjoying myself." Fuyumi laughed, smiling at Izuku as they did another figure eight.
"You have a weird hobby."
They were close again, her chest pressed onto his, their feet nearly touching as the momentum carried them from one side of the ring to the other. This was nice. It had been so long since she had been around someone that she just connected with so well.
The lights began to dim, allowing the natural light filtered by the water above them to flood in, the shadows of the fish began to appear and the motion of the waves danced across the floor. In so many ways it was beautiful, romantic even, and just made everything feel even more magical.
"Really? Mood lights?" She laughed, pushing off of Izuku's chest, eyes glued to the ground. Her cheeks hurt. Had she been smiling that much?
"Huh?" Izuku balanced in the middle, looking around the area, "Strange, you want me to go turn them back on?"
"Nah, I kind of like this."
Izumi rapidly slapped him on the arm. She usually did that when she was excited or wanted him to be quiet. He hadn't spoken in a while so she was probably excited. And she was smiling. She stuck her head out from their hiding place once more then ducked back in.
"Omg, Shoto, it's working," She half whispered, half squealed bouncing up and down, the cramped space they were in making her hip brush against his. "They're dancing out there. Look, look!"
Izumi grabbed him and pulled him down so that he was all but on top of her. He looked at her excited and sparkling face, illuminated by the dim water-filtered light that bathed this strange area ever since they snuck in and turned the lights off. Now they were hiding behind some equipment. When Izumi was excited she touched him.
Was he allowed to touch her when he was excited?
Was he excited?
Not really, but he wanted to touch her. He grabbed onto Izumi's shoulders and peered around her. There he saw his sister and Izumi's brother laughing and dancing in the dim light. Fuyumi looked really happy.
He was excited.
"Your brother is good at making Fuyumi happy."
"I told you! Now hey, listen, let's bail before they notice, man we're so good at this set up thing."