Rise of new hope

Chapter 8

Battle in Death star pt 2: Obi-wan's last battle and escape the Death star

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon and Star wars and this is the sceond installment of Ash's rebellion where Ash, Rey, Jyn, Ahsoka and the group had retrieve the death star plans now they were separated from thier group after the darlord of the sith try to stop them now thier story continues AshXReyXJynXAhsoka


Obi-wan enters a humming service trench that powers the huge tractor beam. The trench seems to be a hundred miles deep. The clacking sound of huge switching devices can be heard. The old Jedi edges his his way along a narrow ledge leading to a control panel that connects two large cables. He carefully makes several adjustments in the computer terminal, and several lights on the board go from red to blue.


Ash, Rey, Jyn, Ahsoka and The group exits the garbage room into a dusty, unused hallway. Ash, Eren and Jyn remove the imperial officer uniforms Han and Luke remove the trooper suits and strap on the blaster belts.

"If we can just avoid any more female advice, we ought to be able to get out of here." said Han as Luke smiles and scratches his head as he takes a blaster from Solo. then Ash, Rey, Jyn, Ahsoka, Twilight, Bloom, Ed, Cassie, Eren, Finn, Poe, Rex, Chewie and Leia are all ready

"Well, let's get moving!" said Luke as Chewie begins growling and points to the hatch to the garbage room, as he runs away and then stops howling.

"Where are you going?" said Hsn as The Dia Nogu bangs against the hatch and a long, slimy tentacle works its way out of the doorway searching for a victim. Han aims his pistol.

"No, wait. They'll hear!" Leia warn him but it was too late as Han fires at the doorway. The noise of the blast echoes relentlessly throughout the empty passageway. Luke simply shakes his head in disgust.

"What is he thinking Boss, he's making it worse!" Ed said to Ash as he agreed but he passes stormtrooper blasters to Rex, Finn and Poe "Ever handle these?" Ash asked the clone commander "I been through the clone wars Ash and fighting the stormtroopers be easy." Rex tells him

"I been a stormtrooper at my world but I switch sides to join the resistance." said Finn as they went to get Han

"Come here, you big coward!" but Chewie shakes his head "no."

"Chewie! Come here!" Han shouted

"Listen. I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but from now on, you do as I tell you. Okay?" Leia replied as Han is stunned at the command of the petite young girl. "Look, Your Worshipfulness, let's get one thing straight! I take orders from one person! Me!" said Han

"It's a wonder you're still alive." as Leia is looking at Chewie "Will somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way?" she said Han watches her start away. He looks at Luke.

"No reward is worth this." Han said to him but Ash sighed "Let's just move before the stormtroopers spot us." Ash replied as They follow her, moving swiftly down the deserted corridor.


Suddenly a door behind Obi-wan slides open and a detachment of stormtroopers marches to the power trench. Obi-wan instantly slips into the shadows as an Officer moves to within a few feet of him.

"Secure this area until the alert is canceled." said the officer

"Give me regular reports." as All but two of the stormtroopers leave. "Do you know what's going on?" said the first trooper

"Maybe it's another drill." then Obi-wan moves around the tractor beam, watching the stormtroopers as they turn their backs to him. Obi-wan gestures with his hand toward them, as the troops think they hear something in the other hallway. With the help of the Force, Obi-wan deftly slips past the troopers and into the main hallway.

"What was that?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it."


Ash, Rey, Jyn, Ahsoka, Twilight, Bloom, Ed, Cassie, Eren, Finn, Poe, Rex, Luke, Han, Chewbacca, and Leia run down an empty hallway and stop before a bay window overlooking the pirateship. Troopers are milling about the ship. Luke takes out his pocket comlink. Han islooking at his ship

"There she is." said Han

"Threepio, do you copy?" said Luke as C-3P0 spoke through the comlink "For the moment. Uh, we're in the main hangar across from the ship." he said to Luke

"We're right above you. Stand by." said Luke then Han is watching the dozen or so troops moving in and out of the pirateship. Leia moves towards Han, touches his arm and points out the window to the ship.

"You came in that thing? You're braver that I thought." said Leia

"Nice! Come on!" Han gives her a dirty look, and they start off down the hallway. They round a corner and run right into twenty Imperial stormtroopers heading toward them. Both groups are taken by surprise and stop in their tracks.

"It's them! Blast them!" Before even thinking, Han and Poe draws thier laser pistol and blaster then charges the troops, firing. thier blaster knocks one of the stormtroopers into the air. Chewie follows his captain down the corridor, stepping over the fallen trooper on the floor.

"Get back to the ship!" Han said to the group "Where are you going? Come back!" Luke shouted but Han has already rounded a corner and does not hear.

"He certainly has courage." said Leia

"What good will it do us if he gets himself killed? Come on!" Luke is furious but doesn't have time to think about it for muted alarms begin to go off down on the hangar deck. Luke and Leia start off toward the starship hangar.

"Ed you go after Han, Poe and Chewie." Ash tells his friend "On it boss!" as Ed starts running after them but Ash, Rey and Ahsoka stops then sense something "I sense something strong within the darkness." Ahsoka replied as two cloaked figures appeared one is hiding within the hood has a double bladed lightsaber but the other hides his identity wearing a dark metal hi-tech advanced Kabuto that Ash recognize it's resemblance to the shredder but has a red imperial logo on teaming with general grievous

"Ah Ahsoka tano I thought you met your end!" said the general as a group of battle droids with them

"Great!" said Ahsoka as it was old times again but the male figure has a blade out look just like Ash's blood blade but was a hybrid weapon to Lightsaber and shotgun

"Now you will meet your doom Ash ketchum!" as the fight starts


Han chases the stormtroopers down a long subhallway. He is yelling and brandishing his laser pistol. The troops reach a dead end and are forced to turn and fight. Han stops a few feet from them and assumes a defensive position. The troops begin to raise their laser guns. Soon all ten troopers are moving into an attack position in front of the lone starpirate. Han's determined look begins to fade as the troops begin to advance. Solo jumps backward as they fire at him.


Poe, Ed and Chewbacca runs down the subhallway in a last-ditch attempt to save his bold captain. Suddenly he hears the firing of laser guns and yelling. Around the corner shoots Han, pirate extraordinaire, running for his life, followed by a host of furious stormtroopers. Chewbacca, Poe and Ed turns and starts running the other way also.


Luke fires his laser pistol wildly as he and Leia rush down a narrow subhallway, chased by several stormtroopers. They quickly reach the end of the subhallway and race through an open hatchway.


Luke and Leia race through the hatch onto a narrow bridge that spans a huge, deep shaft that seems to go into infinity. The bridge has been retracted into the wall of the shaft, and Luke almost rushes into the abyss. He loses his balance off the end of the bridge as Leia, behind him, takes hold of his arm and pulls him back.

"I think we took a wrong turn." Blasts from the stormtroopers' laser guns explode nearby reminding them of the oncoming danger. Luke fires back at the advancing troops. Leia reaches over and hits a switch that pops the hatch door shut with a resounding boom, leaving them precariously perched on a short piece of bridge overhang. Laserfire from the troopers continues to hit the steel door.

"There's no lock!" said Leia as Luke blasts the controls with his laser pistol.

"That oughta hold it for a while." said Luke

"Quick, we've got to get across." Leia said as they Find the control that extends the bridge. "Oh, I think I just blasted it." Luke looks at the blasted bridge control while the stormtroopers on the opposite side of the door begin making ominous drilling and pounding sounds.

"They're coming through!" said Leia then Luke notices something on his stormtrooper belt, when laserfire hits the wall behind him. Luke aims his laser pistol at a stormtrooper perched on a higher bridge overhang across the abyss from them. They exchange fire. Two more troops appear on another overhang, also firing. A trooper is hit, and grabs at his chest. Another trooper standing on the bridge overhang is hit by Luke's laserfire, and plummets down the shaft. Troopers move back off the bridge; Luke hands the gun to Leia.

"Here, hold this." Luke pulls a thin nylon cable from his trooper utility belt. It has a grappler hook on it. A trooper appears on a bridge overhang and fires at Luke and Leia. As Luke works with the rope, Leia returns the laser volley. Another trooper appears and fires at them, as Leia returns his fire as well. Suddenly, the hatch door begins to open, revealing the feet of more troops.

"Here they come!" as Leia hits one of the stormtroopers on the bridge above, and he falls into the abyss. Luke tosses the rope across the gorge and it wraps itself around an outcropping of pipes. He tugs on the rope to make sure it is secure, then grabs the princess in his arms. Leia looks at Luke, then kisses him quickly on the lips. Luke is very surprised.

"For luck!" she replied as Luke pushes off and they swing across the treacherous abyss to the corresponding hatchway on the opposite side. Just as Luke and Leia reach the far side of the canyon, the stormtroopers break through the hatch and begin to fire at the escaping duo. Luke returns the fire before ducking into the tiny subhallway.


Obi-wan hides in the shadows of the narrow passageway as several stormtroopers rush past him in the main hallway. He checks to make sure they're gone, then runs down the hallway in the opposite direction. Darth Vader appears at the far end of the hallway and starts after the old Jedi.


Threepio looks around at the troops milling about the pirateship entry ramp. "Where could they be?" said 3P0 as R2, plugged into the computer socket, turns his dome left and right, beeping a response.


Ash, Rey and Ahsoka battle Grievous and two unknown Inquisitors as Twilight, Bloom, Cassie, Eren, Finn and Rex are fighting off the droids but Rex saw two droids rolling towards them

"Destroyers!" said Rex as destroyers reveal themselves and forcefield is up as they fire at them

"They can use forcefield!" said Bloom was using her dragon flame magic. Rey fights the male she never seen those moves before "Who are you and how do you know Ash's skills!" she asked him

"I...Am...Dark Allistar!!!!" as Allistar battles Rey more as for Ash was fighting the cloak figure but that female Inquisitor wears a Anbu mask but was similar to a dusknoir "She fights like a true sith but who is she?" as Ash struck her mask in half but he was shocked what he saw a face was familiar

"Impossible..." but the figure fled to the shadows then Ash went to help Ahsoka fighting grievous himself "You grew stronger Tano but not a powerful jedi yet." just then Ash use electro ball at grievous he feels the pain from that move

"Harm her you go through me!" Ash said as Ahsoka was glad he came as he has her two lightsabers out

"No I will end you then Tano!" he said to Ash

"Your move!" Ash replied

"Fool I will destroy you even you heal. I have been trained in ways of Jedi arts by Count Dooku himself years at the clone wars." Ash suddenly sees Grievous's arms separate and grab all four lightsabers on his belt. His four arms create a flashing display of swordsmanship.

"I can see why Ahsoka meant he's strong and I believe it." Ash replied as he tries his best to dodge him "Goodbye Jed..." grievous didn't finish as a blood blade lightsaber struck him in his chest and he explodes from the inside out. The smoldering Droid falls to the ground.

"What!?" Ash saw it was Allistar that killed him then made the droids reprogram to thier control "You will take the droids with you to Yavin and deliver the plans." he said as Ash saw Rey running to him but worried "You're ok Ash." Rey said hugged him then Rey looked at Allistar

"We made a deal with him Ash. so we can leave." Rey tells Ash as he understands but as the group left with the droids Allistar used his saber at his chest make it like Ash, Rey and Ahsoka struck him and Grievous helped them

"Calling all troops we are betrayed by droids!" Allistar said in his comlink


Han, Ed, Poe and Chewbacca run down a long corridor with several troopers hot on their trail. "Close the blast doors!" said the stormtrooper At the end of the hallway, blast doors begin to close in front of them. The young starpilot, resistance pilot, fullmetal alchemist and thier furry companion race past the huge doors just as they are closing, and manage to get off a couple off laserblasts at the pursuing troops before the doors slam shut.

"Open the blast doors! Open the blast doors!"


Obi-wan hurries along one of the tunnels leading to the hangar where the pirateship waits. Just before he reaches the hangar, Darth Vader steps into view at the end of the tunnel, not ten feet away. Vader lights his saber. Obi-wan also ignites his and steps slowly forward.

"I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete." Obi-wan Kenobi moves with elegant ease into a classical offensive position. The fearsome Dark Knight takes a defensive stance. "When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master." said Vader

"Only a master of evil, Darth." The two Galactic warriors stand perfectly still for a few moments, sizing each other up and waiting for the right moment. Obi-wan seems to be under increasing pressure and strain, as if an invisible weight were being placed upon him. He shakes his head and, blinking, tries to clear his eyes. Kenobi makes a sudden lunge at the huge warrior but is checked by a lightning movement of The Sith. A masterful slash stroke by Vader is blocked by the old Jedi. Another of the Jedi's blows is blocked, then countered. Ben moves around the Dark Lord and starts backing into the massive starship hangar. The two powerful warriors stand motionless for a few moments with laser swords locked in mid-air, creating a low buzzing sound.

"Your powers are weak, old man." Vader said to the old jedi

"You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Their lightsabers continue to meet in combat.


Han Solo, Ed, Poe and Chewbacca, their weapons in hand, lean back against the wall surveying the forward bay, watching the Imperial stormtroopers make their rounds of the hangar.

"Didn't we just leave this party?" said Han as Chewbacca growls a reply, as Ash, Rey, Jyn, Ahsoka, Twilight, Bloom, Cassie, Eren, Finn, Rex, Luke and the princess including the droid troops join them.

"What kept you?" said Han

"We ran into some old friends." said Leia

"Is the ship all right?" Luke asked Han "Seems okay, if we can get to it. Just hope the old man got the tractor beam out of commission." said Han


Vader and Obi-wan Kenobi continue their powerful duel. As they hit their lightsabers together, lightning flashes on impact. Troopers look on in interest as the old Jedi and Dark Lord of The Sith fight. Suddenly Luke spots the battle from his group's vantage point.

"Look!" Ash, Rey, Jyn, Ahsoka, Twilight, Bloom, Ed, cassie, Eren, Poe, Finn, Rex, Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie look up and see Obi-wan and Vader emerging from the hallways on the far side of the docking bay.


Al, Callum, C-3P0 and R2-D2 are in the center of the Death Star's Imperial docking bay. "Come on, R2, we're going!" as 3P0 ducks out of sight as the seven stormtroopers who were guarding the starship rush past them heading towards Obi-wan and The Sith Knight. "Let's go now!" as Al grabbed the droids made him and Callum move faster


Ash, Rey, Jyn, Ahsoka, Twilight, Bloom, Ed, Cassie, Eren, Poe, Finn, Rex, Solo, Chewie, Luke, and Leia tensely watch the duel. The troops rush toward the battling knights.

"Now's our chance! Go!" Ash said as They start for the Millennium Falcon. Obi-wan sees the troops charging toward him and realizes that he is trapped. Vader takes advantage of obi-wan's momentary distraction and brings his mighty lightsaber down on the old man. Obi-wan manages to deflect the blow and swiftly turns around. The old Jedi Knight looks over his shoulder at Luke, lifts his sword from Vader's then watches his opponent with a serene look on his face. Vader brings his sword down, cutting old Ben in half. Ben's cloak falls to the floor in two parts, but Ben is not in it. Vader is puzzled at Ben's disappearance and pokes at the empty cloak. As the guards are distracted, the adventurers and the robots reach the starship. Luke sees Ben cut in two and starts for him. Aghast, he yells out.

"No!" The stormtroopers turn toward Luke and begin firing at him. The robots are already moving up the ramp into the Millennium Falcon, while Luke, transfixed by anger and awe, returns their fire. Solo joins in the laserfire. Vader looks up and advances toward them, as one of his troopers is struck down.

"Come on!" Ash shouted as the group went in "Come on! Luke, its too late!" said Leia

"Blast the door! Kid!" Han shouted as Luke fires his pistol at the door control panel, and it explodes. The door begins to slide shut. Three troopers charge forward firing laser bolts, as the door slides to a close behind them, shutting Vader and the other troops out of the docking bay. A stormtrooper lies dead at the feet of his onrushing compatriots. Luke starts for the advancing troops, as Solo and Leia move up the ramp into the pirateship. He fires, hitting a stormtrooper, who crumbles to the floor.

"Run, Luke! Run!" as Luke looks around to see where the voice came from. He turns toward the pirateship, ducking Imperial gunfire from the troopers and races into the ship.


Han pulls back on the controls and the ship begins to move. The dull thud of laser bolts bouncing off the outside of the ship as Chewie adjusts his controls. "I hope the old man got that tractor beam out if commission, or this is going to be a real short trip. Okay, hit it!" said Han Chewbacca growls in agreement.


The Millennium Falcon powers away from the Death Star docking bay, makes a spectacular turn and disappears into the vastness of space.


Ash see Luke, saddened by the loss of Obi-Wan Kenobi, stares off blankly as the robots look on. Leia puts a blanket around him protectively, and Luke turns and looks up at her. She sits down beside him.

"He's gone..." Ash replied as Rey and Ahsoka had thier hands on his shoulders "That's the way it is Ash you try all you could." Rey said to him as Ahsoka agreed with her


Solo spots approaching enemy ships. "We're coming up on the sentry ships. Hold 'em off! Angle the deflector shields while I charge up the main guns!" Han said to Chewie


Luke looks downward sadly, shaking his head back and forth, as the princess smiles comfortingly at him. "I can't believe he's gone." said Luke as R2 beeps a reply. "There wasn't anything you could have done." said Leia as Han rushes into the hold area where Luke is sitting with the princess.

"Come on, buddy, we're not out of this yet!" Han said to Luke


Solo climbs into his attack position in the topside gunport.


Luke gets up and moves out toward the gunports as Leia heads for the cockpit. Luke climbs down the ladder into the gunport cockpit, settling into one of the two main laser cannons mounted in large rotating turrets on either side of the ship.


Han adjusts his headset as he sits before the controls of his laser cannon, then speaks into the attached microphone. "You in, kid? Okay, stay sharp!" Han replied


Ash, Rey, Chewbacca and Princess Leia search the heavens for attacking TIE fighters. The Wookiee pulls back on the speed controls as the ship bounces slightly.

"Well this is going to be Interesting." Ash said


Computer graphic readouts form on Solo's target screen, as Han reaches for controls. Luke sits in readiness for the attack, his hand on the laser cannon's control button.


Chewbacca spots the enemy ships and barks. "Here they come!" said Leia as Ash and Rey start the controls "You flew the falcon before Rey." Ash asked

"During when I found it in Jakku." she said to him


The Imperial TIE fighters move towards the Millennium Falcon, one each veering off to the left and right of the pirateship. The stars whip past behind the Imperial pilot as he adjusts his maneuvering joy stick. The TIE fighter races past the Falcon, firing laser beams as it passes.


3P0 is seated in the hold area, next to R2-D2. The pirateship bounces and vibrates as the power goes out in the room and then comes back on.


A TIE fighter maneuvers in front of Han, who follows it and fires at it with the laser cannon. Luke does likewise, as the fighter streaks into view. The ship has suffered a minor hit, and bounces slightly. Two TIE fighters dive down toward the pirateship.


Luke fires at an unseen fighter. "They're coming in too fast!" said Luke as two TIE fighters charge through the background. Laserbolts streak from all the craft.


The ship shudders as a laserbolt hits very close to the cockpit. The Wookiee chatters something to Leia. TIE fighter moves fast through the frame, firing on the pirate starship. The two TIE fighters fire a barrage of laserbeams at the pirateship.


A laserbolt streaks into the side of the pirateship. The ship lurches violently, throwing poor 3P0 into a cabinet fill of small computer chips. "Oooh!" said the protocol droid


Ash, Rey and Leia watches the computer readout as Chewbacca manipulates the ship's controls. "We've lost lateral controls." said Leia

"Don't worry, she'll hold together. An enemy laserbolt hits the pirateship's control panel, causing it to blow out in a shower of sparks. "You hear me, baby? Hold together!" said Han as R2-D2 dvances toward the smoking sparking control panel, dousing the inferno by spraying it with fire retardant beeping all the while.


Luke swivels in his gun mount, following the TIE fighter with his laser cannon. Solo aims his laser cannon at the enemy fighter. TIE fighter streaks in front of the starship.


Leia watches the TIE fighter ship fly over. the fighter heads right for the pirateship, then zooms overhead. as Ash and Rey are outside of space "Rey hold my hand." as Rey held Ash's hand then she feels his power made her breathe in space "Ash i can..." as Ash nodded with a smile

"Let's do this Rey" as they ignite thier lightsabers and start fighting Tie fighters


Luke follows the TIE fighter across his field of view, firing laserbeams from his cannon. fighter dives past the pirateship Ash and Rey strike down four tie fighters with thier lightsabers

"You try this before Ash?" Rey asked in the vice-versa to him "Plenty of times Rey!" Ash replied


Luke fires at a TIE fighter. At his port, Han follows a fighter in his sights, releasing a blast of laserfire. He connects, and the fighter explodes into fiery dust. Han laughs victoriously. Two TIE fighters move toward and over the Millennium Falcon, unleashing a barrage of laserbolts at the ship.


Another TIE fighter moves in on the pirateship and Luke, smiling, fires the laser cannon at it, scoring a spectacular direct hit. "Got him! I got him!" Han turns and gives Luke a victory wave which Luke gleefully returns.

"Great kid! Don't get cocky." Han turns back to his laser cannon. Ash and Rey see Two more TIE fighters cross in front of the pirateship.

"This is getting more Interesting by the minute." Rey replied as they struck other tie fighters by force push them to crash


While Chewbacca manipulates the controls, Leia turns, looking over her shoulder out the ports. "There are still two more of them out there!" said Leia as A TIE fighter moves up over the pirateship, firing laserblasts at it.


Luke and Han look into their respective projected target screens. An Imperial fighter crosses Solo's port, and Han swivels in his chair, following it with blasts from his laser cannon. Another fighter crosses Luke's port, and he reacts in a like manner, the glow of his target screen lighting his face. The TIE fighter zooms toward the pirateship, firing destructive blasts at it. Luke fires a laserblast at the approaching enemy fighter, and it bursts into a spectacular explosion. Luke's projected screen gives a readout of the hit. The pirateship bounces slightly as it is struck by the enemy fire.

The last of the attacking Imperial TIE fighters looms in, firing upon the Falcon.


Solo swivels behind his cannon, his aim describing the arc of the TIE fighter. The fighter comes closer, firing at the pirateship, but a well-aimed blast from Solo's laser cannon hits the attacker, which blows up in a small atomic shower of burning fragments. "That's it! We did it!" Laughed Luke as The princess jumps up and gives Chewie a congratulatory hug.

"We did it!" said Leia


3P0 lies on the floor of the ship, completely tangled in the smoking, sparking wires. "Help! I think I'm melting! This is all your fault." he said as R2-D2 turns his dome from side to side, beeping in response.


The victorious Millennium Falcon moves off majestically through space as Ash and Rey made it inside. "That was fun Ash fighting the tie fighters in space!" Rey replied she never been that excited before

"What can I say Rey I'm use to it." he said as Rey kiss him "I love you my true Jedi." as she walks away leaving the stunned and blushing Ash "What a woman." Ash said


Darth Vader strides into the control room, where Tarkin is watching the huge view screen. A sea of stars is before him. "Are they away?" Tarkin said to Vader

"They have just made the jump into hyperspace." said Vader

"You're sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship? I'm taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work." Tarkin replied as Allistar appeared "Don't worry it will." they see Allistar walking in

"How can you tell Alistair?" Tarkin wanted answers as he spoke more "I have caught General Grievous sending the Droid Fleet to join the rebel alliance and I had tried to stop him and Grievous was the one who helped Obi-wan Kenobi deactivated the tractor beam preventing us from Catching escaping Rebels." Allistar lied to them but Tarkin believes it as Vader is understandably angry

"I also planned to track for a much longer game Lord Vader. I secretly embedded a code inside the droid army the simple flip of a switch the droid army will then return under Imperial control and turn on the rebel alliance. if the event we fail of taking down the rebels now we always have this trump card and my program will be contagious to any Droid integrates with Matrix of the separatist battle Network so even if they get more droids and more ships flip the switch they can defeat the rebel alliance such a simple flip of a switch." Allistar replied

"Very well Allistar you are dismissed." said Kylo Ren as Allistar was dismissed heading to his chamber where the female Inquisitor wearing a hood waits for him

"Can't believe they fall for your words my love." as she takes down her hood but reveal she looks exactly like Rey but evil

"Empire are nothing but weak, arrogant and chaotic conquers in the galaxy." Allistar suddenly takes his kabuto off reveal his face looks exactly like Ash but with a scar on his face

"What is your plan my darling Ash." said Dark Rey was revealed to have romantic feelings to Allistar Ash

"Oh my beautiful Dark Rey my plan is simple we need the empire do I will find the one who orchestrated the death of my family and I believe your grandfather was involved of this." Allistar Ash said to her

"Soon my love once you have your revenge you can move on with me give up the darkness and we can start a new life." she said

Allistar Ash gives her that rare gentle smile "Of course I will my beautiful princess once the Civil War is Over and we have Avenged ryuko then they can." those words made Dark Rey smiled and gives him a kiss but opens up her robe to reveal her beautiful perfect breasts "Maybe even sooner." Dark Rey replied which Alastair Ash smirks and plants his face between them

"you are such a naughty girl" he said then Dark Rey starts letting her robe dropped reveal her completely naked in front of him "I'm your naughty girl Allistar you dream this day of me naked." as Allistar Ash used his power to shut the security off and locked the door

"Can't wait long for this as Allistar starts kissing her Dark Rey starts stripping him off his clothes leaving him naked as they continue kissing and making out more aggressively eachother Allistar starts biting her breasts then groping them starts massaging made her moan

"Oh...yes I love it." Dark rey moaned as Allistar bites her nipples then starts sucking them aggressively made her moaning more hold Allistar's head like a child

"Don't stop my love I want more of it." that made him start her right breast and playing her left breast making her feel wet then he starts fingering her womanhood deeper while he's still drinking her milk about hours he was done sucking then went more deeper as her floods were released

"Now my Dark Prince it's my turn." she moves him to the bed then kisses his scared chest and focus on his harden rod she grabbed it starts stroking aggressively made him hiss then licks the tip puts it in her mouth starts bopping

"Ohhhh yeah that's it my naughty girl I love it." Allistar replied as Dark Rey continues bopping then she went more faster made Allistar moan want more then she place his rod in her womanhood starts bouncing made Allistar Ash more impressed and moaned more

"Yes yes my naughty girl don't stop!" Allistar moaned as she continues bouncing faster even her breasts are bouncing she continues at hours as they feel thier limit Allistar Ash fires inside her Dark Rey breathe heavily

"We're not done yet." Allistar Ash said as he spanked her attractive butt then gives Dark Rey a second blowjob in her mouth she loves it as she continues bopping faster by hours then Allistar Ash fires his seed in her mouth and breasts she swallows it and licks her breasts clean just to tease him then no words were heard as Allistar is on top of Dark Rey then start kissing and making out Allistar Ash starts thrusting her faster aggressively made her moan and wrapped her arms and legs around him letting him continue thrusting as they're connected they continue by hours

"Ooooh here it comes." as Allistar Ash climaxed her by then they rested for a bet till they reach to the rebel base

That's it of the eighth chapter of the sequel since i hope you enjoyed it how Ash, Rey, Jyn, Ahsoka, Twilight, Bloom, Ed, Al, Cassie, Eren, Luke, Han, Leia, Poe, Finn and Rex escape but Obi-wan give his life while fighting Vader but Allistar Ash and Dark Rey only join the empire so Allistar can avenge his but one thing is where did he come from so enjoy and Ch 9 is coming soon to the fanfiction near you