Chapter Two: Inverness and Craigh Na Dun

Yet again I crumpled onto the loudly protesting mattress, flailing out my arms in an equally as dramatic fashion. I allowed myself to close my eyes and think back over the busy day I had just experienced. At breakfast I was met by a local Reverend, who took me under his wing and showed me around some of the local sights. I wiggle my toes, still feeling the crunching of dried grass, hands filtering through wild flowers as I look out over the ruins of Castle Leoch, home of the MacKenzie Clan. Although I have heard there are not nearly as many snakes in Scotland as there are Australia, I still eyed the castle warily as if a Brown Snake may emerge at any second and betray me. My only gratitude was that I was wearing my trusted RM Williams boots which made me feel invincible even against a potential King Brown.

"You know Harper, you might be interested in the old Healer's Room, at the back of the castle. There are old records of local plants and herbs used to treat diseases that you might be interested in looking at back in town, since you are a medical student?" I admired Reverend Wakefield's casual and calming way of making me appreciate and connect with where we are. It certainly helps with the overwhelming feeling you get when looking at the ruins of what used to be someone's home.

Our drive back to the accommodation was hastened by stories of Black Jack Randall the English Commander, and of lighter notes of what life in Scotland is like now compared to how it is used to be in his time. Far shaped rocks and the hidden English soldiers they lay waiting to ambush Scottish Highlanders. I gravitated to the warmth the kitchen at Mrs. Baird's home offered when we finally returned, and, feeling social, sat for a cup of Tea with the housekeeper. When the last dregs kissed my lips as I drank the last of the tea, my cup was flipped, and leaves read by the housekeeper. It was perplexing to say the least. Is this a common thing to do in Scotland? I found myself getting more lost as her analysis continued, of husbands (plural!) past and present... How on earth could this be possible if I have never been married even once?

My palm provided no further clarity to the housekeeper. Holding my hands above my head now, I gaze at my palms. "The large thumb means that you're strong minded and you've a will not easily crossed" Her gentle tones enter my head once more. Well, I could accept that, it is not as if I had not been called stubborn before. "Your mount of Venus…your husband isna likely to stray far from your bed". I could feel my blush re-emerge from the memories of yesterday, and with that I withdraw my hand, satisfied I had entertained the housekeeper's passions for long enough. "Thank you, but I may go upstairs and have a bath, I fear I have brought back half of the Scottish Highlands back with me from my walking!" I withdrew, quickly hoping to distance myself and allow my cheeks to cool. Well, I have to admit that I am not entirely unhappy with this being a part of my future.

"Oh, and one last thing Harper, you must visit the stones at Craigh na Dun before you go. Tonight, there is an ancient ceremony taking place to celebrate the stones and druids. Have my car so you can go watch it for yourself, starting just before sunrise"

I open my eyes and stare at the off-white ceiling and light fixture above me. I rolled over, using my computer to aimlessly scroll over some of the local plants that the Reverend was talking about. Eugh. It felt too close to study so close after exams. I would prefer to avoid the words "haemostasis" or "wound infection" for a little while at least. Maybe I should go to the magical stones tonight – somehow that feels closest thing to the opposite of medical science I could get to before I have to go home? Alright then, it is decided. I will borrow the car and head to the mysterious stones.

It is not until you witness something entirely surreal that you appreciate the phrase 'seeing is believing'. I am nestled behind a vast tree trunk, at least double my width, in the complete darkness. My shoulders are cocooned within a thick, woollen wrap, shielding me from the escalating brisk wind.

The undeniable physical sensations, the slight itch of wool prickling over my skin, the strangely symmetrical roughness of a winter tree bark, or familiar scratch of long grass on my bare legs, act as a grounding to the unbelievable scene in front of my eyes. Countless women are moving, fluidly oscillating between one another, dressed in nothing but white sheets and holding lanterns, softly glowing like fireflies, while spinning and singing a muted yet echoing chorus.

As the sun begins to rise in the background the women's shapes become more defined, and the climax of their movements manifests as they join together as one in a circle. At this moment I feel overcome with the sense that I have betrayed these women...I feel intrusive. I have seen something that I should not have. And yet, something abstract but undeniable draws me closer to the stones. Beckoning me. The women in white depart and I feel compelled to come closer.

With every step closer to the stones I can feel my heart beat faster and stronger, as if with each metre closer my heart is ready to take flight. The deafening sound of heart beating in my ears is soon joined by a rustling, perpetuating into a pounding, harrowing sound of wind escalating to an extent I had never experienced before. Suddenly afraid as if I am going to fall, I close my eyes and reach out my hand to lean against anything I can find to stay upright.

It is within that very moment that I felt nothing and yet absolutely everything all at once. My mind cast, and in an instant, I wondered if this is what mum felt in the last few moments of her life after she had been hit by that truck. But before I could ponder it any further, my mind turned to black.

Author note:

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my fanfiction. I love the Outlander series and really wanted to give writing my first fanfiction a try. Do you guys think this story is something you would keep being interested in? I like exploring different Jamie/OC stories, so this is written to be one also, but wanted to see if people thought it was worth continuing. I would love constructive reviews to help me, and I really apologise if there are any major grammar flaws – this is not a strong point for me but working on it!

Thank you so much! M X