T.J and his friends are now 28, they've all went to college and graduated, but however Vince, Gus, Mikey and Gretchen have all moved, T.J and Spinelli still live there though, where they have become friends with Menlo, who works as a sheriff's deputy, and Ashley A. who, while still rich, hasn't taken over her father's company as her older brother Quentin has taken it over instead, same thing with the other three Ashleys and their brothers, also named Quentin, Ashleys B. and T. have moved away while Ashley Q. stayed in the same town, but however, she is nothing but a drunken shell of her former self and has been in and out of jail for the past 8 years.

T.J, Spinelli, Menlo and Ashley are having dinner together at Ashley A's house, it was only 3 stories high, but she didn't really care, as her boyfriend Menlo has moved in with her and was happy to be with someone she's been dating since 9th grade.

"So, Menlo, how's life going on as a deputy of the county" T.J asked, Menlo didn't really have much to share, given how crime-free the city and the surrounding areas were. Barring the occasional mugging and car-jacking, of course, most of the crimes in the city and county were caused by Ashley Quinlan, who often committed many crimes so she could pay off her debt because she was an addict of many, many things like drugs and alcohol, she's been in jail over 100 times during the past 8 years, she's committed Assault, Larceny, Grand Theft Auto, Driving Under The Influence, Illegal Gambling and many, many others.

"Not much, just that Ashley Q's been attempting to rob more convenience stores and mini-marts" Menlo replied, he's arrested Ashley Q. so many times, he's lost count.

"It's a shame what happened between her and Randall" Ashley A. said solemnly, Ashley Q. and Randall dated in High School and college, but something happened between them that caused Randall to move away and Ashley Q. to become addicted to drugs and Alcohol. Ashley A. knew the details but never really shared them with anyone, not even Menlo.

Spinelli sighed "When you guys stopped being mean to us and started being nice, I probably got along with Quinny the best, ironic, since i hated her more than i hated you back at Third Street Elementary and Spiro T. Agnew Middle School" Spinelli had given nicknames to the four Ashleys when they became friends with T.J's gang, Ashley A. was Ash, Ashley B. was Bop, Ashley T. was Silent T and Ashley Q. was Quinny, Ashley A. didn't mind her nickname but the other three weren't particulary fond of their nicknames.

"You know guys, did you know Me and Spin are planning on getting married" T.J said, changing the subject, Menlo and Ash dropped their jaws. Spinelii smiled happily.

"Well, congratulations" Menlo said.

T.J and Spinelli put their arms around each other and kiss.

Then the phone rings. "Hello, Menlo speaking"

"Menlo, get your ass over here, this is urgent" called a voice, it was Sheriff Rillis, Menlo's boss.

"Sorry, guys i gotta get the station, see you later honey" Menlo said as he put on his deputy jacket and kiseed Ash on the cheek before heading out the door.