Chapter 34 Stow-on-Side Gym Battle
In the next morning, the group arrives at the gym as they go to the staff member. After the decision, Gloria is going to be the first one to battle. The staff member says, "Eep! A Gym Challenger...Are you here to challenge the Gym?"
"Yes." Gloria says.
"OK...In that case...please change into this uniform. Yes, the changing room is, uh, right over there." The staff sounds a little like ghost and it scares them a little.
Once Gloria is dressed, she wears a purple and black outfit with the tights and purple shoes. "This seems normal to me." She says.
"Number you best..." The staff says once she is done dressing.
Once she goes to the mission field, she sees a giant pinball machine with spooky arms on it. Gloria says, "Now that is what I called terrifying..."
Dan says, "Allow me to explain the Gym mission for Stow-on-Side's Gym! To complete the mission, you'll need to ride in one of these cups and make your way to the goal while trying to avoid obstacles. Let me tell you a bit more about how to operate this fun attraction."
As Gloria sits inside the cup, he says, "Rotate the cup and it will change the direction, and if you hit the wall, just rotate it as quick as you can to get yourself out of that sticky situation. Now have a good time watching the world spin as you try to reach the goal."
As Dan leaves, Gloria says, "This is going to be fun..."
As she starts playing the game, Dawn says, "I am sure that I don't like this type of challenge..."
"That is so much like Allister's style." Delia says with a little giggle. "He really likes to play games."
"And these claw like hands are pushing the cup, so it is a good thing that it helps not hinders." Lillie comments.
Once Gloria arrives at the end, she is feeling a little dizzy as she is lying on the cup's edge. Then Dan comes and says, "Goal! Gym mission cleared!"
Lillie says, "Is she okay? She seems to be a little dizzy..."
"The constant spinning may be the cause." Ash says.
Once she regains her health, she walks towards the battlefield, Allister is already there and he says, "'M Allister. H-here...I go..."
"Not much of a talker?" Gloria is confused as he already walks back and takes out his Pokeball. "Okay."
Alister sends out Yamask as his first Pokemon. "Yamask, huh? Then I choose you, Dracovish."
As the fossil Pokemon appears, Allister says, "Use Brutal Swing..."
Yamask slashes with the Brutal Swing, but Dracovish uses Fishious Rend, hurting a little at Yamask, but Ash can feel that Allister is smirking through the audience row.
"Use Hydro Pump, finish it off!" Gloria yells, but much to her shock, the move not only doesn't affect on Yamask, but the move also heals it.
"What's going on?" Serena asks.
"That, my child, is the ability of Yamask." Opal says. "Wandering Spirit can switch the abilities of two Pokemon once the user is hit by a contact move."
"So that the ability of Dracovish is Water Absorb...I see...Yamask has the Water Absorb." Ash says.
Gloria says, "This is bad...use Dragon Pulse!"
"Dodge...Hex..." The fossil Pokemon is hit as it winces in pain. Gloria says, "This is no good..."
"Curse." Allister says as the Pokemon damages itself for the constant damage. "My chance for now, use Ancient Power!"
The move lands the hit on Yamask, as it faints in the end, but the curse also affect the Dracovish as it also faints as well.
"Return...Cursola..." As Allister sends out the second Pokemon, Dawns says, "It looks like Corsola, does that mean Corsola has a Galarian Evolution as well?"
"It could be, I wonder how would I evolve it." Ash says.
Gloria sends out Litwick as her second Pokemon. Litwick uses Will-O-Wisp at the Pokemon, but with the Strength Sap, it absorbs some of Litwicks life force.
"We have to finish this match, fire Shadow Ball!" Gloria yells as Litwick keeps firing the Shadow Balls, eventually some of them hit the white Coral Pokemon. Just then, Allister says a word that shocks her. "Destiny Bond..."
"Oh no, Litwick! Stop the attack!" Gloria yells, but it is too late, as Cursola is hit and both Pokemon fall down.
Gloria sighs, "Now we have one Pokemon left."
Allister nods and he says, "Polteageist." As the teapot Pokemon appears, Lillie says, "It looks like the teapot that I was using back at my house..."
"Yeah, so it is now a Ghost Type Pokemon..." Ash says.
Gloria sends out Appletun as her final Pokemon. Allister says, "Polteageist...Dynamax...pour a cup of tea of darkness."
Then he recalls the Pokemon and it becomes bigger, then a bigger version of Polteageist appears. Gloria says, "We'll do the same."
As Appletun's Gigantamax Form appears, Ash says, "Hey, it is the same as Flapple's..."
"Well, they are the same." Rotom replies.
"Max Phantasm!" The move shoots out a lot of ghosts and it hits Appletun. Gloria says, "Don't let it scare you, Max Wyrmwind!" Then it shows the dragons as it hits Polteageist as well.
After a series of attack, Allister's Polteageist is back to normal. Gloria sees it as a chance and says, "Use G-Max Sweetness! Finish it off!"
As the attack hits, Polteageist is down and fainted. Allister sees it and says, "I nearly lost my mask from the shock...That I can see your skill for what it is."
He recalls his Pokemon and walks towards her. "Crumbs...That was ace...Here...A Ghost Badge..."
Gloria gets the badge and thanks him, and then he says, "Good luck...with everything..."
"Thanks." Gloria says as she leaves the field as to find everyone.
Ash is the second one to battle, and since he is trained with aura, he didn't get much dizzy while completing the mission. Once he arrives at the field, he sees Allister standing in front of them.
Allister says, "Brother...we finally met..."
"The same here, Allister, I want you to show me all you've got in this duel, just because I am your brother doesn't mean you have to hold back." Ash says.
Allister nods as he sends out Pumpkaboo. Ash sends out Centiskorch. Centiskorch uses Flamethrower, but the pumpkin Pokemon dodges and then it uses Trick-or-Treat, changing it into Ghost Type. Then it fires Dark Pulse to give much damage.
"Centiskorch, hold on and use Fire Lash!"
"Dodge and use Leech Seed." Allister says as the Pokemon fire seeds, only to be destroyed by fire and the move hits Pumpkaboo, causing it to faint.
Allister says, "Mimikyu..."
As the Pokemon appears, Ash says, "So Mimikyu is also here in Galar as well..." Then Mimikyu uses Play Rough with the Shadow Claw to defeat Centiskorch, so Ash sends out Pikachu next. But when Mimikyu sees Pikachu, it starts to attack without Allister's commands.
"Oh boy..." Opal sighs. "Not again."
"What happened? Aunt?" Delia asks.
"Allister's Mimikyu is not fond of Pikachu, and it may be a disaster for him..." Opal says as everyone gasps.
Allister is panicking as he says, "Mimikyu, you have to calm down! Please!"
But Mimikyu doesn't listen as he keeps attacking Pikachu, who is dodging the moves. In the end, Pikachu is defeated by the Wood Hammer after it gets tired, but once Pikachu is fainted, Mimikyu still doesn't want to give up as both Ash and Allister is forced to recall his Mimikyu, much to the crowd's shock. "What's this? It seems like Allister is forfeiting Mimikyu."
Ash cradles Pikachu and asks, "Allister, does your Mimikyu hate Pikachu?"
Allister nods, he says, "Mimikyu...he never listens to me when the opponent is a Pikachu..."
Ash sighs, "I see. Mimikyu is really determined, huh? But now we both have one Pokemon left.
"My very last frightening..." Allister says with a serious tone, "But now my identity is revealed, let's go. Gengar!"
As the Pokemon appears, Ash says, "How about we play Ghost with Ghost! Gengar!"
As the two Pokemon are on the field, the crowd are cheering for them. Allister is shaking as he says, "This excitement..."
Ash smiles and says, "You feel the excitement, right? Allister? You don't need to stay in the past, you are now a Gym Leader and everyone loves you here."
Allister is confused as Ash says, "Mother told me, how you were been bullied in the past, therefore you seldom took off your masks. But I know that everyone here wants to see the real you, the real Allister."
"Brother..." Allister gasps, and then he suddenly raises his hand, and then he takes off the mask, causing everyone to gasp. Allister looks young, but his black eyes are glistering with smile.
"You are right. I should be the real self." Allister says. "Now I'll need you to come at me, brother." This causes cheer to everyone. Ash smiles and says, "That's like it."
Delia is surprised, "What do you know, Ash did it again..."
Opal nods and says, "I can tell why this child is special."
They both yell in union, ""Gengar, Gigantamax! Swallow everyone in darkness!"
As the two trainers recall their Pokeball and it becomes bigger, and then the Gengar shows itself from the shadows with the big mouth.
"Amazing...Gigantamax Gengar Battle!" Lillie says.
"And it really looks terrifying..." Alice says.
"Use G-Max Terror!" Both trainers yell as they attack with ghosts that appears in the air, causing some of the crowd to get terrified. But they also get damage.
"Max Darkness." Allister says as the Pokemon split out darkness to Ash's. "Block it with Max Mindstorm!"
Both attacks are colliding each other and then they are reflected. Ash says, "Max Darkness!" "Max Mindstorm as well!" Allister yells.
As the attacks are reflected again, Dawn says, "This battle is really amazing."
"Yeah." Serena says.
In the end, Ash uses G-Max Terror again, and this time Allister is a little slow and Gengar is defeated. And the crowd goes really wild.
"I lost, but I had a lot of fun." Allister says. He walks towards Ash and says, "Brother, you really are amazing like what the others say."
"You are also amazing as well. To be able to corner me like that." Ash says.
"Here is your Ghost Badge." Allister says as he gives him the badge. After thanking him, he puts on the mask again. "Good luck...with everything..."
Ash is surprised and Allister says, "Scared you, huh?"
Ash gives a little chuckle as they leave the battlefield.
In the end, Alice is the third one to battle and this time Allister isn't wearing the mask. He says, "You Alice, right? Good luck."
Alice says, "Thanks."
Then he sends out Duskull first while Alice sends out Axew to battle. Duskull uses Confuse Ray, making Axew confused.
"Use Night Slash." Alice says, but Axew hurts himself in battle. So Alice decides to switch out the Pokemon. But in vain, as Duskull uses Mean Look.
"Will-o-wisp." Axew gets the burn as its health is getting lower and lower. But in the end, Axew is back to senses after hitting itself for three times, and then it defeats Duskull with the combo of Hone Claws and Dragon Claw.
Allister takes out the second Pokeball and mutters, "Litwick..."
As the Pokemon appears, Axew is breathing hardly, and it is obvious that it is defeated by Inferno.
"Arctovish. I need your help." Alice says as the Pokemon appears, she says, "Fishous Rend!"
The attack deals a lot of damage to the Fire Type Pokemon as it is also super effective. "Will-o-wisp." Allister says as the Water Type Pokemon gets burned again. It then uses Shadow Ball, hitting the Pokemon. But in the end, with another Fishous Rend, it defeats the Litwick, but the Destiny Bond also takes down the Water and Ice Type Pokemon.
"Ah, I only have one Pokemon left." Allister says in a normal voice, but then, he takes out the mask and puts it on, showing the spookiness and says, "Now let the parential bond destroy everything, Drakloak!"
As the Pokemon appears, Alice says, "A Drakloak...this is going to be bad. Centiskorch!"
As the Fire Type Pokemon appears, Allister yells, " the terror of the family..."
Alice says, "Then I'll Gigantamax my Pokemon." As the two Pokemon become giants, Ash says, "Drakloak seems to have the upper hand as it is a Dragon Type. But maybe Gigantamax Centiskorch might do something surprising."
"You are right." Gloria says.
And with the G-Max Centiferno, Drakloak is getting a lot of damage, but with the Max Wyrmwind, Centiskorch's Attack is getting weaker. In the end, Centiskorch uses the Max Flutterfly to finish the Pokemon.
Allister takes off his mask and says, "That" He recalls his Pokemon and walks towards Alice, who is being tangled by Centiskorch for the victory. "You won, the badge is yours."
They both shake hands and then Alice gets the badge. Then they all go outside to meet the others.
Once they are back at the reception desk, Allister is surprised to see Delia and Opal. "Mother? Grandaunt?"
"Hello, Allister, I have seen your battle. It is really fantastic that you show yourself to the crowd."
Allister takes off his mask and smiles, "Thanks to Brother. I guessed the battle is really heat up as I can't help it.'
After introducing the others to Allister, Delia says, "Allister, whether you have wore a mask or not, you will always be the best, just like Ash."
"I know." Allister nods. "So Brother's next opponent is Sister Bea?"
"Yeah." Ash says.
"I would like to watch the match as well." Allister says, much to their surprise.
"Sure." Ash says. "You can come watch us." Then the group leaves the Stow-on-Side with Allister joining them.
Now the Ghost Gym is also complete, the next chapter will be the Fighting Type Gym with Bea. I hope you like it and I decide to make Allister reveal his face in the battle, since it will be so cool.
Ash's Pokemon with him: Pikachu, Butterfree, Pidgeot, Ivysaur, Charizard, Wartortle, Kingler, Gengar, Primeape, Muk, Tauros x29, Lapras, Snorlax, Heracross, Meganium, Quilava, Feraligatr, Noctowl, Donphan, Pupitar, Swellow, Sceptile, Crawdaunt, Torkoal, Glalie, Staraptor, Torterra, Infernape, Buizel, Gliscor, Gabite, Unfezant, Servine, Dewott, Pignite, Scraggy, Leavanny, Palpitoad, Gigalith, Krookodile, Greninja, Talonflame, Hawlucha, Goodra, Noivern, Dartrix, Lycanroc, Incineroar, Naganadel, Melmetal, Corvisquire, Thievul, Thwackey, Barraskewda, Gyarados, Combee, Steelix, Vileplume, Ninetales, Hitmonlee, Dugtrio (A), Carkol, Perrserker, Leafeon, Espeon, Alcremie (Vanilla Cream, Strawberry Sweet), Alcremie(Rainbow Swirl, Star Sweet), Farfetch'd (G), Meowstic, Flapple, Slurpuff, Ninjask, Toxtricity(Amped), Gallade, Basculin (Red), Golisopod, Koffing, Hatenna, Sawk, Centiskorch, Lucario, Corsola (G), Aegislash, Dreepy, Silicobra, Heatmor, Dracozolt
Alice's Pokemon with her: Drizzile, Butterfree, Greedent, Dubwool, Wooloo x29, Boltund, Vespiquen, Eldegoss, Growlithe, Centiskorch, Dugtrio, Meowth, Pikachu, Eevee x2, Alcremie (Ruby Cream, Love Sweet), Alcremie (Ruby Swirl, Love Sweet), Araquanid, Toxtricity(Low Key), Basculin (Blue), Cufant, Corsola, Jangmo-o, Stunfisk, Axew, Arctovish
Gloria's Pokemon with her: Raboot, Orbeetle, Drednaw, Liepard, Unfezant, Trubbish, Klink, Swoobat, Excadrill, Conkeldurr, Persian, Joltik, Ferroseed, Eevee x2, Alcremie (Salted Cream, Flower Sweet), Cinccino, Appletun, Stunfisk (G), Throh, Pawniard, Sigilyph, Elgyem, Whimsicott, Zwelious, Durant, Maractus, Yamask, Dracovish
Dawn's Pokemon with her: Piplup, Buneary, Pachirisu, Mamoswine, Quilava, Togekiss, Bellossom, Quagsire, Xatu, Stunky, Hitmontop, Cherrim, Roserade, Eevee, Alcremie (Matcha Cream, Berry Sweet), Wobbuffet, Drifblim, Lanturn, Gastrodon, Sudowoodo, Shuckle, Duskull, Hippopotas
Serena's Pokemon with her: Braxien, Sylveon, Pangoro, Linoone, Ludicolo, Shiftry, Diggersby, Manectric, Pumpkaboo, Eevee, Alcremie (Lemon Cream, Ribbon Sweet), Alcremie (Caramel Swirl, Ribbon Sweet), Meowstic, Shedinja, Gardevoir, Barboach, Binacle, Claydol, Helioptile, Trapinch
Lillie's Pokemon with her: Ninetales (A), Magearna, Charjabug, Tsareena, Cloyster, Hitmonchan, Mudsdale, Machamp, Persian (A), Ribombee, Goldeen, Umbreon, Alcremie (Mint Cream, Clover Sweet), Bewear, Farfetch'd, Wishiwashi, Koffing, Salandit, Ditto, Arctozolt