Disclaimer: Anything you recognise, I do not own; the Potterverse is owned by the Queen JK Rowling. Have used a little of the story-line but from Luna's POV. I hope you enjoy it, this is a new view for me :)

It was a beautiful spring morning in Ottery St. Catchpole, one family in particular was enjoying the weather outside their home. The Lovegood family, Pandora, Xenophilius and Luna, were happily tending to their Dirigible Plum patch in front of their house; the Lovegoods were known as "that weird family that live in a giant chess piece down the end of Ottery St. Catchpole", but they paid no mind to the narrow-minded townsfolk. Their house, shaped like a giant rook, had character and was their own creation - just how they liked it.

"Xenophilius, darling, have you finished your latest editorial for the Quibbler?" Pandora Lovegood asked her husband as they came in for lunch.

Xenophilus shook his head. "I will finish that this afternoon. Luna my love, will you help your mother clean up?"

Pandora smiled at her nine year old daughter Luna as she nodded, "I have been working on a new spell actually, it cleans everything up for us while singing a little tune. Let me show you..."

Luna waited eagerly while Pandora got her wand from the bench, her father smiling proudly at his wife.

"Cantus Lautus!" Pandora cried as she waved her wand.


There was a huge noise and a blindingly bright light; Pandora's usually happy face went blank and she fell to the floor, blood trickling from her mouth.

"PANDORA!" Xenophilius cried, he ran to his wife and held her lifeless body, crying. Luna stood rooted to the spot, understanding but not fully comprehending the scene that had just unfolded. Surely her beautiful, selfess mother had just been stunned. That must be it. Her father would soon cast the "Ennervate!" spell or the "Finite Incantartem!" spell and she would wake up. She could feel tears welling up in her eye and a scream building in her throat, but noone would ever hear.

The funeral for Pandora Lovegood was a small affair held on the hill not far from their house. Luna wore a simple black dress but had made a flower crown like she used to make with her mother; she hadn't fully accepted that her mother would no longer tell her stories at night, read to her about Hogwarts and tell her all about the school she would be attending when she turned eleven. Pandora Lovegood could NOT be gone, but as she laid her flower crown on her mothers coffin, she had no choice to accept that she must be. Luna had held her tears in during her mothers funeral to be strong for her father, who was inconsolable as Pandora was laid to rest in her final resting place.

Later that night as Luna laid awake staring at the ceiling, she rolled onto her side and grabbed the photo frame off her nightstand. It was a photo of her with her parents laughing; Luna finally let out the tears she had been holding in the entire day and sobbed silently into her pillow. It was just her and her dad now...

Note: I hope you enjoyed the prologue! For the Life of Luna, I really wanted to explore as much as I could. As sad as it is, her mother's death is an important part :(

Read & review - please be nice, I am just getting back after a very long hiatus.

Love & light xx