Homeboy Part 1
By Lady Bulma

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Dragon Ball Z.


Vegeta was minding his own business when suddenly he was attacked by an evil thing. This evil thing was called by humans a fever. All he wanted to do was train. He just didn't deserve this fever, at least in his eyes. Bulma was just leaving to go on a date with Yamcha when she noticed that he was ill. She immediatly put him to bed and headed out the door to be with her boyfriend. Vegeta had been to ill to complain, so he went to sleep.

He sat up feeling a bit better. What he really needed was some food. Wearing nothing but his boxers he climbed down the stairs and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. What he didn't know was that the entire Z crew was over hanging out. He passed right by all of them. Bulma was in such shock to see him up. Vegeta groaned and moved on into the kitchen. There he found Goku eating all his food. Vegeta who was in one bad mood fired a ki blast at Goku. He didn't even bother to yell at him. Goku looked at him startled. "Oh Vman it is just you."

"Out of my house Kakorrot. I am really ill and you need to stop eating my food."

"Are you sure you need all this food?"

"Yes baka! Ah my head! Out."

"Okay." Goku got up and carried a plate of food with him to the living room. Vegeta groaned and went to the refridgerator to get something to eat. He was stopped by Bulma though.

"Go back to bed and I will bring you up a nice bowl of soup." Vegeta nodded and once again climbed up the stairs to his room. Bulma arrived shortly after with a bowl of soup for him. He took it polietly and ate in silence. Bulma stared at him in shock. ~Poor baby. I guess he rarely gets sick. And the fact that he is nice when he is ill is scary. Poor poor Veggie.~ Vegeta finished his meal and went to sleep again.

Bulma took the bowl down stairs. Yamcha had been watching her every move. "Hey Bulma, what is up with Vegeta?"

"He is really sick. I am very worried about him actually." She sighs and looks up the stairs. "I hope he feels better."

"How could you be worried about him?!"

"Well he is living with me!"

"I don't trust him."


"I am afraid that he might try to steal you from me."

"Don't be possesive!"

"Sorry, geez, Michelle was right. I should have..."

"Michelle! Who is that?!"

"Ah! Did I say that out loud?"

"Get out right now! I don't ever want to see you again! Do you hear me?! OUT NOW!"

"Sorry," he said sarcastically, "Fine I will leave." He grabbed his coat and left. The rest of the Z gang who had been watching the whole thing now sat there silent. They were in staring at Bulma. She put on a fake smile and excused her self. She put the bowl down in the kitchen and was about to leave when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She wipped around to see Chichi.


"I know, I know. That was the third time this week. I am really losing it bad."

"You shouldn't take him back. He will come to you again. Don't fall for him."

"I am so tired I don't think that I can." Bulma broke down into tears. Chichi stepped out and made everyone go home. Luckly everyone understood and left peacefully. Chichi told Goku and Gohan to go train with Piccolo. At first everyone was shocked, but then Chichi exploded and they went to go train with Piccolo. She then went back into the kitchen to comfort Bulma. They talked for hours until Chichi had to go make dinner. Bulma was feeling a lot better after she talked with Chichi and she decided that she wasn't going to cry over Yamcha too much. She sighed and went to bed. Her room was right next to Vegeta's so she checked in on him before she went to bed. ~He is so cute sleeping there. Just like an angel. Ah! Vegeta an angel? Well you never know.~ She smiled and wished him a good night and then went to bed herself. What she didn't see was the smile that appeared on Vegeta's face.

Vegeta woke up the next morning feeling a lot better. He got up and went down to the gravity room to train. Bulma came over the loud speaker. "Vegeta! Get back to bed!"

"I am better."

"You need one more day of rest! Then you will be better."

"Go away Woman! You are making my training hard."

"Oh I will make it even harder. Get back to bed!"

"Shut up!!!!"

"That is it! I am calling Goku and I am gonna tell him that he can have all the food."

"NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That is my food Woman! Keep Kakorrot away from it!"

"If you don't come out right now then Goku is gonna eat all of it and I won't go shopping."

"KUSO! Fine!" Vegeta turned off the gravity and stepped outside. Bulma was standing at the door with a glass of orange juice.

"You need to hydrate." Vegeta grumbled and took the glass drinking every last drop. She then guided him into the living room. "I am gonna be nice and I am going to let you rest on the couch."

"I don't understand how that is nice."

"Well, you are closer to the kitchen and you can watch TV and videos. I think that that is pretty nice."

"If you say so." Vegeta climbed onto the couch. Bulma turned on the tv and handed him the remote. She then left to get some work done.

Vegeta looked at the clock. The woman had been gone all day. After about an hour of sitting on the couch he decided that couches were evil and that they were really a punishment. He had since moved to his bed. Bulma was exposed to be home by now. He was very hungry so he got up and went down into the kitchen to make dinner for himself. Bulma was just walking in and Yamcha was following her! ~Stupid woman, going back to that baka. I am the one she should want. Where in this universe did that come from?~ Vegeta ignored them and continued on towards the kitchen. Bulma saw him up and smiled. Yamcha was still stalking her. "Bulma, please take me back."

"Go away Yamcha! Get out of my house!"

"Bulma, I can't live without you! Please!"

"I meant it when I said GO AWAY!!!!"


"Never again! Now OUT!" Yamcha would not take no for an answer so he took her by the wrist and turned her around to face him. He pressed his lips roughly against hers. Bulma smacked him across the face and Yamcha pulled away. He looked down at her and smirked. He tried again, only this time he held onto her with such force that she screamed out in pain. Meanwhile in the kitchen Vegeta was making his usual sandwich when he heard Bulma scream out. ~It is one thing to hit a man, but it is another to hurt a defenseles woman! I will make you pay you unhonorable bastard!~ Vegeta charged up and came flying into the room. Yamcha saw him and put Bulma down. Vegeta glared at him.

"I'll kill you for hurting her you unhonorable onore!"

"What the hell? Don't tell me you are going out with this baka Bulma. Come back to me. I am better than this."

"How dare you insult me! I am the Saiya-jin no ouji..."

"Yeah, yeah we all know the speach. You are the prince of Saiya-jins and that is a big deal to you." Vegeta fires a ki blast at him and hits him straight on. Yamcha cries out and Vegeta takes the oppertunity to beat the living day out of him. Yamcha does his best to block the hits, but ends up being beaten. Vegeta was about to fire a finishing blast at Yamcha when he saw Bulma crying. ~She is not use to seeing death. I will not put her through it. It only ruins lives, but in my case it makes me stronger.~ He picks up Yamcha and throws him out the door. He then screams at him to never come back. He turns to Bulma. He took a step forward and fainted. He was still recovering. Bulma was still crying but she did her best to put Vegeta on the couch so he wouldn't sleep on the floor. She then pulled up a chair and cried herself to sleep.

Vegeta sat up starteld. ~What the hell am I doing back on a couch? Why is the woman here? What time is it? What day is it? What happened?~ Vegeta groaned lightly. His head felt hot again. Bulma looked up and blinked once. She then saw Vegeta up and wnet over to feel his head. "Oh, you poor thing. You are burning up again. Let me get you some medicine." Bulma left. Vegeta studied her closely. ~She has been crying. What happened?~ Bulma returned with several boxes and bottles. "The last time Goku was sick it was like, 4.7328744 times more medicine than what a normal human requires. Now let me get my calculater. Okay since you have all of these symptons you will need..." Vegeta blocked her out. Goku had told him about medicine and needles. Goku was extremly afraid of all of those, but he was the prince of Saiya-jins! He doesn't become afraid that easily. Bulma looked up and smiled over to him "Got it figured out. Open wide!" She brought over 4.7328744 times more medicine than what a human normally takes and gave it all to Vegeta at once. He tasted it once and spit it all out.

"What are you trying to do?! Poison me?!"

"Vegeta! Don't spit out the medicine! It will help you!"

"It tastes like poison! I am not taking it!"

"Fine! I know a way where you won't have to take it orally." Bulma grinned evily and went into her lab. Vegeta sat there wondering what would happen.

The End of Part 1

Homeboy Part 2

Bulma stepped into the living room. She had just prepared the way to get Vegeta to take the medicine nonorally. She laughed evily. Vegeta eyed her curiously. "Before you do anything, could you tell me what happened? I remeber feeling better, and then nothing."

"You don't remeber?! You saved me from Yamcha and then you fainted because you were still sick."

"Figures! Stupid weakness!"

"Now Vegeta, you have to take your medicine. Are you ready?"

"As long as it is not poison." Bulma nodded toward her lab. Goku stepped in. "What the hell are you doing here Kakorrot?"

"I invited him here. Goku Now!" Goku ran over to Vegeta and Bulma and held him down trying not to watch as Bulma injected Vegeta with the medicine. When she said she was finished Goku fainted and Vegeta began to curse at her. She giggled. According to her calculations Vegeta would be out any second. And about one minute later Vegeta was fast asleep and Goku was just sitting up. "Are you okay Goku? Thank you for your help."

"No...*trying to breath* ...problem."

"Would you like something to eat?"

"Sure!" Bulma smiled at her old friend and led him into the kitchen. Vegeta was scowling in his sleep.

Vegeta woke up feeling better. Infact he had never felt better before. He stretched and got up. When he went into the kitchen Bulma was restocking the food supply. He nodded to her and took a seat at the table. "I bet you want me to make you some breakfast."

"Yes and be quick about it Woman!"

"Well you are back to normal. Oh well. It was nice while it lasted."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You were really nice to me whil you were sick."

"I am nice to no one."

"Whatever. What would you like?"


"Fine." Bulma began making his breakfast while humming. ~She has a nice voice and a fine butt. Hello Vegeta! No more medicine for you ever again.~ Bulma smiled over to him and finished up his meal. She placed it before him and as fast as she put it down it was completely gone. Vegeta was about to get up and go train when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "No training. Instead you have to rest today. You are coming shopping with me."


"You heard me! I don't want you getting sick again." Vegeta groaned knowing that she was right. She motioned him upstairs to his room to change. He came back a few minutes later. She took his hand and led him to her car. He complained the entier time up to the mall. "Vegeta, get this straight. You have been living on earth for a year now. It is time for you to get some new clothes."

"I just need my jump suit."

"No you don't. I am going to make you socialize more. Don't think of me that stupid. You reached super Saiya-jin a month ago. I am not dumb. I know that you are hiding it too, so I won't tell anybody. But that means that you have more time to waist!"

"But I have to surpass Kakorrot!"

"No you don't! That is all in your mind! Shut up now so I can park the...oh forget it. I will just put it in its capsule. Get out." Vegeta stepped out with Bulma and watched as she turned it into a capsule. Bulma then walked into the mall and led him to several clothing shops. He didn't see any thing and Bulma was getting tired so she picked a store and dragged him in. "Okay, you look good in khakis. We will get you three pairs of those and two pairs of jeans. We will also get you... Vegeta where did you go?" Her eyes scanned the store. Vegeta was in the back looking at a shirt. Bulma walked up to him and looked at the shirt with him. It was a white button up shirt. She didn't see anything special about it until he turned it around for her. It said B-A-D M-A-N. Bulma read that and laughed she then took it out of his hands and went looking for some other shirts for him. When she was done she payed for all of the stuff and led him to the food court. She sat him down. "Do you want anything to eat?"

"Sure. I will have everything from that reastraunt." He pointed to a chiness reastruant. Bulma laughed and went over. She picked up one of everything for Vegeta and she got a plate of Lo mein for herself. They sat there eating silently. Bulma was lightly blushing. ~He was so cute in the store! Just like a little kid...~ Vegeta was staring at her. He couldn't figure out what she was thinking. ~What is she thinking about? She is so pretty...~ The two continued to sit there in silence until Chichi and Goku came up. You couldn't see Goku though. He was carrying a lot of boxes and bags. Chichi spotted her friend and waved to her. Bulma looked up and motioned for the two to join them. Vegeta groaned. Goku put down all his bags and took a seat next to Vegeta.

"So Vman, are you feeling any better?" Vegeta completely ignored him. Bulma frowned at him. And then she gave him a puppy dog face. Vegeta swore after that, that he would forever hate that face.

"I am feeling somewhat better."

"Cool. When you are completely better, we can spar again."

"Good. Now shut up while I finish eating." Bulma turned to Chichi.

"So what brings you two to the mall?"

"I haven't had a chance to go shopping for a while so I dragged Goku down here. What about you guys?"

"Vegeta needed some new clothes." Chichi studied her for a moment. Goku smiled and knowing smile. Chichi then looked over to Goku. Goku shrugged and continued to try and steal a bit of Vegeta's food. Vegeta was gaurding his food with his life. Bulma continued. "So how is Gohan?"

"Oh, just fine. I made him study for a while."

"You know Chichi, he has the potential to be brilliant. He can use my lab whenever he wants."

"I will be sure to tell him that. So what is going on between you and Yamcha?"

"He came following me home the other day and Vegeta got rid of him for me." Bulma smiled over to Vegeta. Vegeta didn't even notice because he was stabbing Goku's hand with his fork.

"Goku! If you want something to eat then ask me. Leave poor Vegeta alone!"

"Sorry Chichi. Will you get me something to eat?"

"Here is some money. Get what you want."

"Alright! Yeah!" Goku grabbed the money and skipped over to the Chiness restruant happily. Chichi sighed and turned her attention back to Bulma. Vegeta was just finishing up. Bulma looked over to him and sighed.

"Sorry Chichi. I gotta go before Vegeta kills someone. Call me sometime."

"Alright. I understand. Talk to ya later."

"Bye Bye." Bulma motioned for Vegeta to follow her. He picked up their bags and followed her to the street where she opened up a car. Vegeta threw the bags in and got in. Bulma got in on the drivers side. "Is there anywhere else that you want to go Vegeta?"

"Yes. Home."

"Oh I am soooooo happy! You call this place home now!"

"That is not what I meant and..."

"Wait until I tell Chichi this!"

"No! You will not tell her that I am getting use to this place."

"Oh, you know that I was just teasing you. Oh look we are home." She pulled the car into the driveway. Vegeta got out and went back into the living room to watch tv. Normally he didn't like tv, but there was nothing else to do. Bulma gathered the bags and put the new clothes in Vegeta's room. She then went downstairs to go join Vegeta. He was channel surfing when she got down there. "Put it on something good."

"What do you think that I am doing? I am trying to find something entertaining, but this stupid box has nothing good in it. It is just taking space up on the floor." Bulma looked around the room. Nothing could ever keep the prince occupied. She set her eyes on the bookshelf. There at the very top was her old photo albulm. It was her favorite one. It was of her and Goku's very first adventure. Bulma got up and grabbed the old book and sat down next to Vegeta. She turned off the tv and opened it up. The very first picture was of just Goku and Bulma. Vegeta looked down at it in intrest. "Who are those people?"

"That is Goku. He was about tweleve in that picture. And that is me. I was sixteen. We had such a good time searching for the dragon balls. We couldn't do it the same anymore. Goku can just fly as fast as he wanted to anywhere. When we were younger he only had his nimbus. Back then it was just the original Z team. Boy the team has grown. It just use to be Goku, me, Yamcha, Puar, and Oolong. All of us went searching for the dragon balls. We also met a lot of people. Master Roshi, Chichi, the Ox King, and many more. We also met Pilaf. To this day Pilaf still hates the original Z team. That was the best month of my life. Just searching for the dragon balls. Meeting all of my friends. Yeah, I don't think that I have ever had so much fun before." Vegeta turned the page. It was a picture of Bulma. Below that was a picture of Goku and below that was a picture of Oolong. And so the rest of the pages were filled with old pictures of every body. It actually kept Vegeta interested. "You know, now that I think about it, Goku really hasn't changed over the years. I mean, he has gotten a little more reasponsible with Gohan, but he really hasn't changed. I think after that adventure I was a lot wiser, but besides that I haven't changed much either. Oolong will never change though. That is for sure. Hahaha!" Vegeta continued to look through the pages. He stopped when he saw one of Bulma and Yamcha. "Yamcha was my first boyfriend. For a long time we went out. That is the biggest thing that has changed. We grew apart over the years. I am actually happy to be rid of him."

"Are you sure? You were pretty upset when you two broke up."

"Suddenly we are all Mr. Caring. Wassup with that?"

"Never mind." They sat there in an akward silence. Bulma broke it.

"So Vegeta anyway, what was your childhood like?"

"Well it was..."

The End of Part 2


Homeboy part 3

"So Vegeta anyway, what was your childhood like?"

"Well it was I guess your word would be depressing." Bulma looked at him with caring eyes. Depressing? Well that would explain a lot. His bad temper, his shyness? He isn't very social. He is happy to be alone for hours at a time.

"What was it like? Please." Vegeta seemed to be thinking back to a time that he would rather forget. Tears began to gather in his eyes as he stared off into space.

"It was hard. Ever since I can remember I have been training. My father wasn't as mean as everyone thought. He wanted the best for me. Though sometimes the best was the worst. I think I must have broken every one of my bones. At about the age of four I killed for the very first time. At first I cried for days locked away in my room. No one but father would see me. Father would tell me to be a man and that if I was to get strong then I would have to overcome the pain. So little by little I built a wall, an emotional wall. Killing is just so easy now. I don't even think about it. Except when...Oh my Kami, I just told you all of that! If you tell anyone I will kill you!"

"Relax Vegeta. I won't tell anyone. I haven't told anyone about you going Super Saiya-jin. Thank you for telling me about your childhood. I think that now I have a better understanding of you. I am going to bed. Sleep well Vegeta."

"Good night." The two parted and went their seperate ways. Vegeta felt as if a great wall in him had been knocked down and he felt somewhat lighter. Bulma on the other hand was feeling a lot of pity towards the Saiya-jin prince. He was so younge when he first experinced death. No wonder why he was so cold. It then hit her. Her new mission. To open Vegeta up. To warm him up. To make earth a place called home. How though? How was the question. How do you warm a Saiya-jin prince. Bulma climbed into bed. Prehapes the answer would come to her in her dreams.

Vegeta woke up bright and early the next day. He felt good enough to train so he went down into the kitchen and made himself breakfast. Bulma was just walking in as he finished making it. "Good morning Vegeta. Hey your cooking!" Vegeta grinned and sat down at the table to eat. Bulma shrugged and sat down with a cup of coffee. They sat there in silence for awhile. "So Vegeta, what are you going to do today?"


"Oh. Are you feeling better?"


"Good. Why don't you call Goku?"


"To see if he wants to spar with you." Vegeta shrugged and continued to eat. Bulma sighed wishing she could get more of a conversation out of him. Oh well. The phone began to ring so she picked it up. "Moushi Moushi, Bulma here." It was Goku.

"Hey Bulma, it is me. So whats up? Is Vegeta feeling better?"


"Good. I was worried that he wouldn't be better for his birthday."

"BIRTHDAY?!!!!!!! WHEN?!!!"

"Ah! My ear! Not so loud please. Tomorrow. Didn't you know?"

"NO! You waited till the last minute to tell me this. Wait...Goku, bring everyone over tomorrow!"

"Oh, I see. Sure."

"Good. Here is Vegeta."



"So you are feeling better?"

"Yes. Good enough to beat your butt sparing."

"I will be right over." Goku hung up. Vegeta looked into the phone. Bulma left to go out shopping the second she gave the phone to Vegeta. Vegeta turned around and there was Goku. "Hey Vman!"

"For the millionth time Kakorrot DO NOT CALL ME VMAN!!!!!"

"Sure thing Vman."

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Vegeta stepped outside dragging Goku by the collar. When they were far enough away from the house Vegeta began an asult against him with ki blasts. Goku who was laughing just knocked them away. Except for the last one. Goku resembled a piece of toast when Vegeta was done with him. "That should teach you not to call me Vman."

"Sure thing Vegeta."

"That is better. Next time we will work on you calling me the prince of Saiya-jins. Now get out of here Kakorrot." Goku nodded and teleported to wherever. Vegeta went back into the house to rest. He was still a little weak from his illness.

Bulma sat down. She had no idea what to get Vegeta. Sure they had gotten him that shirt, but she wanted to get him something else. But what?! Something related to earth. Something to warm his heart. But what?! This task was harder than what she thought it would be. She got up and started walking again, hopeing the answer would come to her. She walked right into the answer. She was getting tired so she went into the pet shop just to look. It was filled with dogs and fish and birds. They only had three kittens. Bulma walked over to those. They were all so cute. One of them was pure black. Another was pure white. But the last one was orange. It was stripped dark and light orange. It was just so adorable. She picked it up. It tried to scratch her, but it was just so tiny. ~A kitten! That is the perfect gift for Vegeta. And this one is behaving exactly like him. I gotta get this for him.~ She bought the cat and drove home.

Vegeta was just waking up from his nap when Bulma came walking down the stairs. "Oh, did I wake you?"


"Oh, I can't wait for tomorrow!"


"Never mind. I'll go make dinner."

"What is going on?"

"This is going to be so cool! I can't wait to see your face."

"What is going on?!" Bulma continued to talk and make dinner while Vegeta wondered what was going on. He went to bed that night feeling somewhat depressed. Tomorrow would be his birthday and he would have no one to share it with. It was probably for the better. He sighed and went to sleep, planning on how many different types of push ups he should do tomorrow.

Bulma woke up really early. She got out all of her decorations. Goku would be teleporting into Vegeta's room any second. He would keep Vegeta out of the family room. She got to work on decorating the place in blue. Vegeta made it clear that blue was his favorite color. He wore it the most. Except when he was wearing his bad man shirt. He loved that shirt and he wore it a lot. Bulma giggled and continued to set up.

Goku sat on the chair in Vegeta's room. He was waiting for Vegeta to wake up. Vegeta had been dreaming of his childhood and the only thing that made it worse was Goku sitting there. At first he thought it was another dream so he closed his eyes and went back to sleep. He woke up again in another hour and Goku was still sitting there. "What the hell are you doing in my room Kakorrot?"

"Waiting for you to get up."


"Cause it is your birthday!"

"How do you know that?! Who told you?!"

"Nappa. He came to me as a ghost and told me. Don't ask me why. I really don't know."


"Nappa. He came to me..."

"I heard you! Get out while I change."

"Let's go out side!"


"Okay fine. But after that we are going outside!"

"What ever! Now out!" Goku stepped into the hallway while Vegeta got dressed. He sat there patiently tapping his foot. He looked over to the clock on the wall. There was no need to go outside. Everyone was just arriving and in five minutes they would all surprise Vegeta. Goku grinned and walked down into the family room. Vegeta wouldn't miss it. First he was probably hungry so he would go into the kitchen. The kitchen was connected to the room. Goku flew down the stairs and into the party room. He found a spot next to Bulma a grinned mischeviously. Bulma nodded and had to cover her mouth so as Vegeta wouldn't hear her lauging.

Vegeta pounded down the stairs. He wasn't in a bad mood. He was actually kind of happy someone knew about his birthday. Yet waking up to Kakorrot just set him on the verge of a bad mood. The downstairs was unusually dark and quiet. Where had Kakorrot gone? Why was the house all...dark? He quickened his pace to the kitchen. He looked into the family room. It was filled with paper things hanging from the walls and balloons. Goku then did something evil. He tip toed up behind Vegeta and popped a balloon right behind him. Vegeta who was in such shock fainted. Goku started to laugh. Bulma scowled at him and moved Vegeta on to the couch. Krillin began to laugh along with the rest of the Z team. Everyone was there except for Yamcha. Vegeta sat up and when he saw Goku he fired a ki blast at him. Goku caught it and threw it out the window. "Not in the house Vman."

"STOP CALLING ME VMAN!!!!!!" Everyone but Vegeta laughed. They all then formed a circle around him. Then they did it. They began to sing. They began to sing happy birthday to him. At first Vegeta was going to kill them all but tears of joy began to gather in his eyes. He quickly brushed them away and continued to listen. Bulma smiled and sat next to him. Chichi walked in carrying a huge ice cream cake. Goku stared at it hungrily. Piccolo and Krillin held him back. She then placed it infront of Vegeta and lit all the candels. Vegeta was unsure of what to do so Bulma explained it to him.

"Make a wish, but don't tell any body and then blow out your candels." Vegeta nodded. ~A wish. What should I wish for? Does it come true like with the Dragon Balls? Probably not. Still...what should I wish for? Ah Bulma is holding my hand! I know what to wish for! MuHahahahaahaa! I wish that Bulma loved me!~ Vegeta bent over and blew out all the candels. Everyone clapped and cheered. Bulma handed Vegeta the knife and told him to cut a piece for everyone. He grinned evily and surprisingly cut it fairly. Except he gave Goku his piece last. When they were done everyone grabbed their present and sat in a circle. Bulma once again explained to him what was going on. "You see we all sit in a circle and give you gifts."


The End of Part 3


Author's Note: So how was it everyone? Please Review. =^_^=