Harry Potter and the Serpent's Den

Chapter 9

Albus Dumbledore was on a mission it was clear to him now this would be the first strike in the next war. He had been searching for Harry for about a week now when he read the morning paper and saw the damage. The war had never truly ended for Albus. He knew Voldemort was still alive somewhere, he had seen the ashes on the ground, but he knew somewhere, somehow Voldemort was still out there. His fighters, the Order of the Phoenix, had dealt a crippling blow to the Death Eaters in destroying Voldemort many thought the war was over, but he knew this peace was temporary.

Albus's current mission was to save Harry Potter. He knew it was risky to appear on Lucius's doorstep but he had to make a move. He would try and intimidate Lucius, try to broker a meeting with the boy, and when it was done he would call an emergency meeting of the Order of The Phoenix, gather them up, and rescue the boy. He had already asked his spy in the Death Eaters to put out some feelers and stealthily see what was going on.

Albus wasn't sure what Lucius had done to the boy, but it was clear he put something in his head for the boy to lie as he had. For years Harry had been watched by one of the Orders' secret members, an undercover woman called Arabella Figg. Albus had conveniently placed her in the house next door to the boy and tasked her with the mission to watch over him. She was a witch by blood but was born without the ability to use magic, a squib. Albus had spoken to her, as soon as she realized he was gone, she had said one evening he was there, and the next morning he was gone. He must have been taken in the night, Albus surmised. He wasn't sure how the Death Eaters had made it through the strong wards on the house, but that would have to wait for another day, right now his priority was Harry.

Albus had even visited the family, they had shown him the boy's living conditions. Sure it was a small bedroom on the second floor, but there were plenty of toys and clothes for the boy. He saw the fear in Petunia's eyes when she said they were too scared to contact someone, over his kidnapping. Perhaps this wasn't the richest of homes but Albus could see the love the couple had for their son, and he knew they loved Harry just as much.

Dumbledore checked when he arrived with both parents to make sure Harry wasn't abused. Vernon admitted he may have been a little rough at times, but only when it was necessary. He had said the kids had played roughed a couple of times as well, but they were just growing boys. Albus had a brother of his own, he knew how boys were. Albus knew there was nothing wrong with how Harry was being treated it was obvious he was lying for some reason. Sure Albus had the ability to read their minds, but that would be an invasion of their privacy, and that would make Albus just as bad as those he was fighting.

Perhaps the boy already had Stockholm Syndrome. Yes, he gets kidnapped in the night, then his captors show him what true luxury is, and tell the boy he's been abused all his life until he believed it. Of course, he would want to stay with these people. Albus wasn't sure how Lucius got the Minister to sign off on this farce, but it was clear the government was in his pocket.

Surely they would have required a medical examiner to go over the boy before signing off on this, but Albus knew they didn't. No report would show what the paper was claiming, it couldn't be true, it wasn't true. The family would take him back in, Albus had ensured he would have Harry apologize for being unruly, and Albus even said he would start paying them for the child's care. Harry had plenty of money in his vault, surely he would agree some of it should go to the family that took care of him but first he would have to get the boy back.

Sure there were a few trustworthy Order members in ministry positions, but none in positions of power, and Albus knew it was time to take things into his own hands, that was why he was at Malfoy Manor now, staring down one Lucius Malfoy.

"Dumbledore? To what do I owe the pleasure," The blonde-haired wizard drawled out.

"Master, no! Let Kreacher take care of this filthy blood traitor, Master needn't dirty himself," the small house-elf in front of Lucius said.

"Kreacher, I can handle him, go keep an eye on the children, make sure nobody unwanted comes to them."

"Yes Master, Kreacher will make sure no traitors come for the children." the old house-elf said quickly leaving in an instant.

Albus glared at Lucius harder. Of course, Lucius would have house-elves that screamed of blood traitors, he needed to get Harry out of here now before he filled his head with any more dark ideas.

"Give me the boy Lucius, give me Harry," Albus said firmly.

Lucius snorted out a laugh. Albus could see the evil glint in his eye. He could see the gears turning in the blonde-haired wizard's mind thinking through scenarios.

"I'm not your student, and you're not my headmaster, you have no authority here," Lucius drawled.

"Besides, there's nobody by that name here, Dumbledore," Lucius said with a smirk.

"What did you do to him?!" Albus quickly shouted, "Do you realize what you're doing? You're ruining everything!"

Lucius looked at him confused for a second, then schooled in his features.

"What I'm doing?" Lucius asked innocently, "Please tell me Dumbledore."

"Lucius, I don't have time for these games!" Albus shouted, "I have to get him back in that house!"

"Back in that house," Lucius said dropping his smile, "Are you actually going insane, he will never go back to those abusive, vile, muggles, ever. He's not yours to worry about anymore."

"Spare me your tricks, do you take me for a fool, I spoke with the boy's guardians myself, I had people watching him, there was no abuse Lucius," Dumbledore said glaring at the man.

"Gryffindors are always so naive, so trusting," Lucius said in a teasing tone, "Perhaps you don't have as much control as you thought."

"You're losing your touch, old man," Lucius said with a grin, "perhaps it is time to gather the board and discuss your shortcomings, and perhaps discuss an early retirement."

Albus glared at him, he knew this game. Lucius would use any means necessary to try and trick him, to try and destroy him. Trying to turn him against his men. Lucius was the head of the board of governors for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and he had been trying to get Albus ousted as headmaster for years now. Albus could play dirty too if he had to.

"Perhaps I'll alert the Department of Magical Law Enforcement that you have some dark artifacts in your house Lucius," Albus said confidently.

Lucius's smile didn't falter, and that made Albus nervous. Lucius stuck his head up higher and his smile grew.

"Haven't you heard Dumbledore," Lucius started to drawl, "I'm no dark wizard, I was under the Imperius Curse, I was acquitted of any and all wrongdoing."

"Besides," Lucius continued with glee, "I hardly think you'll be in a position to request things of the ministry anymore."

Of course, Albus had heard this lie, everyone knew it was a lie. Albus didn't know how much money Lucius had to pay for his freedom. Albus wasn't going to get anywhere with Lucius that much was clear. He wouldn't stoop to the dirty tricks Lucius did, he would fight fair and he would win. Love always wins. Albus was thrown off by the ministry comment, what else was Lucius planning?

There were other methods to learn what the blonde-haired wizard was planning, his spy was in the inner circle, and he had already reached out to Lucius stealthily. Severus would ingratiate himself back in Lucius's good graces and then he would come to give his report of what was going on. Once he learned of the nefarious schemes he would free Harry from this prison.

"This isn't over Lucius, the Greater Good will triumph in the end," Albus said firmly glaring at the man.

"If I ever see you on my property again, I'll have you arrested, headmaster," Lucius said sneering at the elder wizard.

Albus glared once more, he would have to get Harry back in that home by next year for the protection to last. He had time, there was plenty of time. Lucius was good, but he would make a mistake, and Albus would be there when he did.

He backed away from the gate, and then Disapparated with a loud crack…

It was a couple of days since his flying lesson and Cygnus was standing in front of his mirror in his room. He was fixing his hair like his mother had shown him. Lessons were finished for the day, today was etiquette and family history. Cygnus was interested in learning everything he could about his new family. He wanted to fit in perfectly like he was their real son. The etiquette lessons were for today's visitors. An old, important family, the Nott family was coming and Draco and Cygnus had to be on their best behavior and not embarrass the family.

Happy with his hair, Cygnus patted his clothes down again. He was wearing the same outfit he had on when he went to Diagon Alley the first time with Father, so he knew the outfit was acceptable but he was still nervous. Cygnus hadn't really interacted with any other wizards or witches before besides the two that came for his adoption. He wasn't sure if the young boy coming today would be nice, and he was nervous about making a new friend.

He had Draco, and Draco was more than enough. He would be happy if he never made another friend in his life, as long as he had Draco. Making friends with this boy was important to Father though, and Cygnus knew he never wanted to disappoint him. The Malfoy family had taken him in, he was one of them now, and he would never ever give any of them a reason to regret their decision.

You think you're one of them boy, you'll never be one of them, not really he heard the voice whisper in his head.

That voice. That voice of his Uncle, the voice of his tormentor, the voice that told him he was never good enough, the voice that told him he was worthless. The voice that always spoke when he was alone.

Cygnus's shoulders dropped some as he looked at his reflection. He hated that voice, he didn't understand why it always had to bother him when he was happy, or when he was by himself. Worst of all he thought the voice was right. Before he could think too much more on it, he heard a voice call out behind him.

"Cygnus!" Draco called out, "It's time to go downstairs what are you still doing up here?"

Cygnus quickly shook his head trying to get the thoughts out. He didn't want Draco or anyone to know he thought like this, he didn't want to make them mad.

"S-Sorry Draco," Cygnus quickly said turning around, "I'm ready now."

Cygnus's hand was quickly grabbed by his brother and the pair left his room and headed down the stairs. Their parents were waiting for them in the foyer by the large fireplace they used for traveling.

"You're both just in time," Lucius said as the boys took their place in front of their parents.

Draco was in front of Lucius and Cygnus was in front of Narcissa. The four of them were waiting for their guests which should be arriving any minute. Lucius had said it was important to greet guests like this the first time you meet them.

Just as Cygnus began to wonder what they would be like again, the fireplace roared to life with a green flame and two figures stepped out in quick succession, one after the other. The taller man, Mr. Nott, had dark brown hair with streaks of grey, and small glasses on his face. He wasn't as tall as Lucius but he didn't seem short either. He had a rigid face with a blank expression on it. The boy, Cygnus knew was called Theodore, looked exactly like his father without the glasses. He had similarly cut short brown hair, although he didn't have any grey in it. The same dark brown eyes, but his where his father's face was rigid his was soft wearing a similarly blank expression.

"Lucius, Narcissa, thank you very much for inviting us into your home," Mr. Nott said bowing his head slightly to each host.

"Thaddeus, how very nice to see you, it's been far too long," Lucius said bowing his head in return.

Cygnus saw on his left that his brother stood a little straighter and puffed up his chest.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again Mr. Nott, thank you for coming to our home," The smaller blonde boy said properly.

Mr. Nott shook his hand, and then Cygnus knew it was his turn to say the greeting.

"I-It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Nott, I'm Cygnus Malfoy, thank you for coming to our home," Cygnus said quickly trying to imitate Draco.

As he saw the man's dark brown eyes focus on him for a second, it made him nervous. Even though his expression stayed the same, Cygnus thought something in his eyes changed and he wasn't sure what the man was thinking.

He felt the strong grip of the man's hand take his own and with the greeting finished he tried to pull his hand back but the older man held on to it.

"Cygnus...it's a pleasure to meet you," Mr. Nott said.

Cygnus's hand was quickly released and the man turned and brought his son in front of him.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Malfoy, thank you for inviting us into your home again," the small brown-haired boy said with his own greeting.

"It's nice to see you again Theodore," Lucius and Narcissa quickly replied one after the other.

"Draco, Cygnus, do keep young Theodore entertained," Lucius said looking down at Draco.

Cygnus knew what his father was hinting at, the adults wanted to be alone, so they had to go play with Theodore.

With both boys agreeing to their father, the trio of children went off on their own upstairs to Draco's room. Cygnus knew from the way Draco and Theodore spoke they had all met each other before, and Cygnus realized he could have just asked his brother about the young boy that was with them now.

"How've you been Theo?" Draco asked as they were in his room.

"I've been well, Father hired a tutor for me so I've been occupied with lessons while he works," Theo said in a blank voice as his eyes never left Cygnus.

Cygnus wasn't exactly sure but he thought he had the same look like his father. His father told him it was important to try and make friends with the boy, but that didn't make him any less nervous about it.

"H-hi Theo, I'm Cygnus," he said slowly sticking out his hand to the boy.

"You're Harry Potter," Theo said matter-of-factly.

Cygnus frowned when he heard that and took his hand back. That wasn't his name.

"Theo-" Draco warned, "That's not his name."

"Yes, it is," Theo said confused, "Everyone knows that's his name."

Cygnus put his head down when he heard that. He should've known that people weren't going to accept his name.

"Theodore, His. Name. Is. Cygnus. Malfoy. He is my brother, don't ever call him that other name again," Cygnus heard his brother say in a firm voice.

Cygnus looked up and saw the look in Draco's eyes. He looked just like father did when he was mad. Theo turned his head and looked at Draco when he heard him speak. Cygnus watched as the blank face changed into that of a pained look.

"I-I didn't mean any offense," Theo quickly said, "It was rude to say what I did."

"Apologize to him, not me," Draco replied coldly.

"I really am sorry, Cygnus," Theo started as he turned back, "Father had me memorize your family history before we came here, and when you said your name was Cygnus Malfoy it made me confused."

"Can we start again, I'm Theo Nott," The taller boy said holding out his hand.

Cygnus thought for a second. He didn't understand why Theo's father would have him study his family history. He did seem sorry though, and he did apologize. Cygnus grasped the hand and shook it smiling at the boy.

"Nice to meet you, Theo, I'm Cygnus Malfoy." the black-haired boy said.

Cygnus noticed how his brother relaxed after that. He didn't expect Draco to defend him like that. Even though Draco had said before it was the older brother's job Cygnus didn't think he would actually do it. He smiled as his brother as of show of thanks, and received a smirk in return.

"What should we do while our parents talk?" Draco asked the boys.

"What do you want to do Cygnus?" Theo asked him.

"We could go outside?" Cygnus said slowly.

It was a nice day out, and they had spent all day inside with breakfast and lessons. Playing outside seemed like a good idea.

"Alright I'll bring my chess set, Theo owes me a game," Draco said as he opened his trunk and rummaged through it.

The boys quickly made their way outside and down the steps. Draco was in front leading them to the gazebo. As they were walking down Cygnus heard something peculiar.

§Get away from me you bird!§ a mysterious voice screamed out.

Cygnus stopped. Someone sounded like they were in trouble! Cygnus quickly looked to his left and to his right. On the right-hand side, he saw a white feathery blob behind the trees.

§I won't be your food! I'll strike you if you come close again!§ the mysterious voice shouted.

The bird was trying to hurt someone again! Without a second thought, Cygnus ran to the bushes to try and help the person out. Cygnus remembered what Draco did the last time one of the birds attacked and he imitated it running at the bird.

§Get away from him bird!§ Cygnus yelled.

Cygnus was so caught up in the moment, he didn't notice the two other boys stop in their tracks to watch what he was doing.

The peacock saw the giant mass running at him, and decided this food wasn't worth it and ran back towards the flock. Cygnus looked around for the person but didn't see anyone.

§A talking two-legs! You saved me from the bird!§ Cygnus heard the voice say.

It sounded like it came from the ground, so the black-haired boy quickly looked down and saw a snake! The snake was dark green all over its body and had a yellow band around its head.

§A talking snake!§ Cygnus exclaimed.

Cygnus crouched down to get a better look. The dark green scales changed to black on his underside.

§What's your name?§ Cygnus asked the snake.

§Name? I don't have a name.§ The snake replied flicking out its tongue.

§You need a name so I know what to call you§ Cygnus hissed sitting in the grass.

§Give me a name, two-legs.§ The snake hissed as it slid closer to Cygnus.

Cygnus looked the small reptile over again. He looked at the deep green, it was almost greyish.

§Sage! I'll call you Sage!§ Cygnus hissed quickly.

§ Sage, Sage, what's your name? § the snake asked.

§ My name is Cygnus § the green-eyed boy hissed.

§ Cygnus...Master Cygnus...§ Sage repeated trying to memorize the name.

"Cygnus!" Draco yelled from behind.

"Draco! I found a talking snake!" Cygnus said quickly as he moved to show his brother.

"Look talk to him!" Cygnus excitedly continued.

"Cygnus, he can't talk to us," Theo said standing next to Draco, "Only you can talk to him."

"What?" Cygnus said looking confused.

Of course, they can talk to the snake, he speaks English!

"You're a parselmouth, Cygnus! It means you can talk to snakes!" Draco exclaimed.

"You can't understand him?" Cygnus asked the blonde-haired boy.

"No, it just sounds like hissing," Draco said.

Cygnus looked back at Sage and spoke to him again.

§They can't understand you! They said I'm a parselmouth§ Cygnus hissed to his new green friend.

§You are a speaker, I already told you this!§ Sage quickly admonished.

§Oh, right you did.§ Cygnus hissed.

"We have to tell Father and Mother about this, they'll be so happy!" Draco said getting his attention back.

"Why would they be happy?" he asked his brother.

"Because parselmouth is an amazing gift! It means you're related to Salazar Slytherin!" Draco said excitedly.

Salazar Slytherin


Cygnus was sure he heard Draco say that name before. His room! Draco said his room was decorated in Slytherin Colors, maybe Slytherin was a famous wizard.

"Kreacher! Kreacher!" Draco quickly shouted.

With a crack, their old house-elf suddenly appeared looking frantic.

"What's wrong Master Draco, what happened!" Kreacher quickly said.

"Get our parents, Kreacher, we need them now!" Draco said ordering the house-elf.

In less than two minutes the house-elf returned with everyone. Lucius, Narcissa, and Mr. Nott. They were all looking very frantic and distraught.

"Draco what happened! What's wrong!" Lucius quickly said running up to his son.

"Father! Cygnus is a parselmouth!" Draco said excitedly.

Everyone looked at Cygnus again. Their faces were mixed. Narcissa looked scared, Lucius looked excited, and Mr. Nott looked shocked.

"Cygnus is this true, can you talk to snakes?" Lucius said slowly as he made his way to his other son.

Cygnus nodded his head and looked back to his small green friend, to show his family his ability.

§Sage, can you come to my hand?§ Cygnus asked the small green snake.

The snake didn't reply, he just slithered from his spot on the ground to Cygnus's small outstretched hand. Flicking his tongue on it first the snake slowly went up in his hand, and traveled up his arm. He was about two feet in length, Sage slowly wound his way around his new friend's arm and flicked his tongue against the small boy's ear.

§You're warm Master, I'll stay with you.§ Sage hissed out.

Cygnus smiled at that, he definitely found a new friend. He didn't understand why Sage was calling him master, maybe he was like a pet. Cygnus looked back at the adults. Their faces were all the same but their eyes had gotten wider than they were before. Draco said this was a good ability but they didn't really look happy.

"He's an heir of Slytherin," Mr. Nott said slowly, "Of course he would be-"

"Thaddeus!" Lucius quickly interrupted, "Not here."

"Of course, of course, forgive me," Mr. Nott said slowly.

"Did I do something wrong?" Cygnus asked looking at the blonde-haired wizard.

"No, no of course not," Narcissa quickly said coming up to him.

"What's his name," Narcissa added.

"I named him Sage, can I keep him?" Cygnus asked.

"Sure, Cygnus, we'll go into Diagon Alley tomorrow and get you some things for him," Narcissa said slowly.

"Mother! I want a pet too!" Draco exclaimed running up next to her.

"Fine Draco," Narcissa started with a sigh, "You can have a pet too."

With the day practically over, Narcissa escorted the boys back inside. Cygnus was now happily chatting away between Draco, Theo, and Sage. It was now evident by Lucius and Mr. Nott's looks they would be staying over for dinner since the two adults had much more to talk about…

Author's Note: That's right ole Dumbles will have his own POV chapters in this story. I think his progression in the story/series will be quite interesting, not giving any spoilers though. Cygnus has made two more friends. Of course, Draco would want his own, he can't be left out. I don't know what pet to give him, so if you have any ideas for pets (nothing too crazy like dragons, basilisks, phoenixes, etc.) leave em as a comment or something and maybe I'll pick it. A couple more chapters until we get to the big time jump and they receive a certain letter. Thanks for all the likes, favs, and reviews!