oh boi, remember when i said back in march that it would be high time for makoto to finally show up ? yea i lied. not really intentionally tho,,,,i just,,,ok the section where they would meet was getting very long and didn't match nor flowed very well so i decided to separate it. so next update, makoto will definitely be there. heck heck,,,,so hopefully June2nd ill have the update ready,,,its not that i don't have things written, it's that i stink at connecting pieces kuku and ive been writing other majimako fanfic,,,,to make up for it, in a few days, ill post another majimako fanfic,,,so gomen gomen
"How much further do we got?"
"Just a few more yards."
"How do I know yer not just shittin' me?"
"Well you don't. But you can at least be comforted by the fact that I'm a vegetarian."
"That makes me feel eons better."
"You're mighty welcome!"
Goro rolled his eye so hard that it could have come out of his socket if this were a cartoon. Since the moment he finished his private conversation with the Florist days ago, everything turned into a haze. Without hesitation, the Florist brought forth this individual to accompany Goro to the castle. He seemed against it at first, whispering into his boss' ear while giving fearful glances to the other man but the latter just shushed him. The Florist explained that this was an important duty that had to be done. Looks exchanged between them and the scared man backed down. It looked like the Florist had the final say in everything and that was going to be the end of discussion. Goro couldn't say he was pleased with the outcome but then again, nothing about this whole situation seemed to be pleasurable. If he could go back in time and slap the living shit out of his past self for thinking that this was a good idea, he would.
Regardless, after the Florist gave him lasting tips and a couple of items that Goro would need to tame the castle, they set off onto their adventure to the elusive palace. They traveled for days, camping out in hidden corners of towns and masking themselves among the shadows. Goro was left to figure out food situations while the other scavenged for information. Of course, whenever he asked his partner a question, he would get missing pieces. Clearly, there was more to this than he originally anticipated but he couldn't focus on that. His mind had to fixate on the palace and that was that.
Eventually, after having to hear idiotic remarks coming from the Florist's man, they arrived to the scene where Goro's true challenge would begin.
The castle was placed onto a separate piece of land that shot up through the ocean, creating a high ceiling moat around it. Only a bridge connected the main continent with this patch that seemed like a little speck in the distance. But there was no mistaking that they arrived in the right place. The air became frigid and despite having Taiga's jacket covering his arms, he could feel goosebumps appearing on his skin. Teeth chattered with the need to bundle into oneself. Goro walked closer to the bridge and he could frost forming around the tips of the ropes and planks. In the distance, the castle shined and sparkled, already giving a clear sign that ice surrounded its walls.
"We're here. Kinda beautiful if you don't think about the things inside of it, huh?" His partner spoke from behind, arms crossed to retain heat.
Goro followed suit. "Yea, I guess," he muttered under his breath. It still baffled him that a castle in the middle of nowhere like this ate up the contents of individuals to protect a secret treasure that was only seen by a family that probably had money coming from their ass. The castle showed that they had no need for this elusive gem but made sure no one could have it for themselves. Typical rich pricks. Goro couldn't wait to get his hands on it so he could metaphorically spit on their faces. Not that would affect them in any way but at least he would have that slight satisfaction inside him while seeing Taiga roaming free without invisible chains.
But that wasn't going to happen until he crossed this bridge and got that rock.
Adjusting his knife straps to ensure security, Goro took steps forward and placed a foot on the bridge when he noticed something. "Hey, aren't ya gonna come?" He turned towards his partner who stood completely still.
The other man shook his head. "Nope. Got strict orders from the Florist to only accompany you to the bridge and that's it. Plus, even if I was given freedom to go across, I wouldn't want to. Don't do too well in the cold," he joked around, giving an exaggerated shiver. "But I trust you'll do well! Good luck out there!"
Goro clicked his tongue in response and continued forward, mentally raising his middle finger towards that care free nutcase. Whatever, he couldn't be bothered by it. No time to dwell on that. He didn't need that guy.
Goro was going to face the dragon, once and for all. And damn sure he was going to get that gem.