Vanity was created by Jaeger Shorrock, but has given me permission to use her in the story.
Another day in Hell is off to great start. Well not really. Blitzo is having a meeting in his office with a client who can't pay his bill.
Blitzo-" Sir let me explain to you how this works. You hire our services, we kill your target. You either pay us before or after the job is done, I personally don't give a shit. But payment is implied. So let me ask you WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MONEY?!" He yelled as he slammed his fist on the table and aimed his gun at the monkey demon.
MD-" Loo-look Mr Blitzo." He said petrified. " I'll ge-get ya your money, I swear."
Blitzo-" Don't swear ass-prick just get me my cash.!" He threatened as he opened the window. " Well would you look at that."
MD-" What?" He asked curiously.
Blitzo-" Just come and look."
MD moved to the window and peered out, Blitzo pointed at the street.
Blitzo-" See, it's right there." He pointed out.
MD-" What?"
Blitzo-" Your landing strip." He grinned before kicking him out the window, sending him falling onto the street in terror. He landed on top of a car that then swerved into a building, as he laid there on the street. " Millie bring me a spear and some paper!" He yelled.
Millie-" Sure thing boss!" She replied cheerfully.
Blitzo-" Thank you."
Blitzo wrote on the paper. " You have one day, get me my money or the next one won't miss." He them impaled the note on the spear and flung it at the MD, hitting him right in the foot. He screamed in agony.
Blitzo-" I DIDN'T MEAN FOR THAT TO HIT YOU, SORRY! YOU CAN KEEP THE SPEAR! We really need to review our payment plans." He pointed out as he shut the window. " I mean these jack-fucks actually think they can skip out on paying their contract, it's just stupid even considering it."
Moxie-" It is an odd idea sir. Don't they know that we can find them? I mean they put their Zip Code in every contract before signing."
Blitzo-" Millie if human souls are good at one thing it's thinking they can do something, and then find a way to either get out of, or not have to pay for it. Especially the American humans. I mean all humans are dumb but Satan give me strength. The British are not better with their Brexit."
Millie-" Speaking of Brittan, our next contract is in England." Millie handed him the new contract.
Blitzo reads the contract, picking put key words as he does. " Bolton, England, Harry Brooks. This guy just sounds like an asshole by his name. It says here that he is a jock, and a repressed gay furry. Is any of this factual?"
Millie-" I don't think so sir."
Blitzo-" It doesn't t matter anyway, we have our job. Did they pay?"
Millie-" Yep." Millie handed the cash over to him.
Blitzo checked to see if it was counterfeit. " Seems real enough." The two head out of the office and go find Moxie. He's having a argument with Loona.
Loona-" What am I supposed to say to her Moxie?" She asked angrily. " I told her she could have the job!"
Moxie-" I don't care." He replied while writing something at the table. " You got yourself into this mess Loona, you know I'm the head of hiring and firing and you know this."
Loona-" It's definitely the only head you have, thats for sure. You little cockles ass hole."
Moxie-" NOW LOOK HERE YOU RABID MUT!-" He yelled as stood up on the table.
Loona-" -WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" She asked enraged as she pushed her chair back to the wall.
Blitzo-" What is going on in here?!" He demanded to know as he walked in.
Moxie-" Loona only went and told one of her friends she could have a job here. Without asking or even telling me first."
Loona-" I owe her a favour, besides she could help out around here. I've been needing a secretary for some time now."
Moxie-" Loona. SECRATERIES DON'T GET TO HAVE SECRATERIES!" He yelled as Millie hugged him from behind. " Millie I'm fine."
Millie-" I don't like seeing you stressed out." She muffled as she buried her face in his back.
Loona pretended to be sick. Millie heard her and gave her the finger, her face still burred in her husbands back.
Blitzo-" Who is this friend of yours?" He asked.
Moxie-" Sir you cannot be seriously-."
Blitzo-" -I'm the boss Mox so shut the fuck up." Moxie rubbed his eyes in exhaustion.
Loona-" Her name is Vanity. She's a little self-absorbed."
Moxie-" With a name like that I'm not surprised." He said sarcastically.
Loona-" But she's great at separating peoples heads from their bodies." She retorted threateningly. " She killed her parents after they told her she couldn't have a car for her birthday."
Moxie-" That seems like a bit of an overreaction." He said confused.
Loona-" She was nine years old at the time."
Blitzo-" An interesting backstory. I will consider it Loona, but I make no promises. Moxie set up a meeting when we get back, in the meantime we have another job. TO THE PORTAL!" He yelled like an idiot before running out of the room doing a superhero pose.
On Earth, the group is ready to commit another job. Inside Harry's house at midnight, they tried to make a very well thought out and carefully quite entrance. And then it started raining and they broke down the door, running in wet as a dog in heat.
Blitzo-" On wonder the Europeans hate this country." He said as he wringed out his coat. " If I lived here I'd hate me too. All right let's do this." He smirked as she clocked his gun.
The group knocked down the door of his room, and shot him while he slept under his covers.
Blitzo-" Normally I'd put more passion in this but I'm in a hurry, you understand right?" He asked the corpse.
No response.
Millie and Moxie get to work dismembering the body, sawing it and ripping of his limbs.
Moxie-" Sir I have to ask, are you really going to hire Loona's friend?" Moxie asked as he tore off Harry's leg.
Blotzo-" I'm considering it, not gunna lie." He replied while going through the victims stuff.
Millie-" It wouldn't hurt to have another assassin around. Someone to help us with the messy work."
Moxie-" I suppose, Honey. But I'm still not sure."
Blitzo-" Moxie you're just pissed because Loona did it behind your back, and said you have no dick." He said smugly.
Moxie-" THAT IS NOT TURE!" He defended.
Millie-" It's ok sweetie. Most men have smaller-."
Moxie-" Baby. I love you but please stop talking." He said exhaustedly.
After finishing the job, the group headed back through the portal.
Blitzo-" Look I will meet with this, Vanity and decide for myself. But nothing is being done today Moxie, so you can relax."
Blitzo opened the door to see Loona showing someone around the office. A chalk white, slim, bunny daemon, with blue eyes and log eye laches, wearing a leatherjacket and a torn skirt. Everyone stood silent before Blitzo blurted out. " Who the fuck is this pale ragdoll?"
Loona-" This is Vanity, Blitzo!" She said annoyed.
Moxie-" I told you not to-."
Loona-" I know what you said and I ignored it. Vanity this is Blitzo, Millie, and Small dick."
Vanity-" A Pleasure." She said gallantly.
Millie-" Oh, well thank you."
Vanity-" Oh no. Sorry I meant that it must be a pleasure for you to meet me."
Moxie-" I can see where she gets her name from." He said sarcastically.
Vanity-" I assume you will want to hire me straight away, my talents are highly sort after so I suggest you sign me on before anyone else has the opportunity."
Blitzo-"Yes well-Vanity."
Vanity-" Oh Please call me Val."
Blitzo-" Ok Val. I suppose now is as good a time for an interview as any. Loona cancel my three o'clock." He ordered.
Loona-" You don't have a three o'clock."
Blitzo-" Then arrange me one and cancel it! Val If you would please just step into my office."
Blitzo guides her into his office and shuts the door. Moxie looks on and says. " This can only end badly."