Chapter 3: The Emperor of Xadia

The capital of Katolis was silent as Ezran sat upon the throne, Corvus and Soren by his side while Bait rested at his feet. An Elf soon entered, bowing with respect before the young king. "King Ezran. A message from Captain Rayla of the Dragonguard." He said, opening a scroll for him to read.

Ezran leaned forward, curious as to why Rayla would send him a message. "Things haven't gone as planned recently here at the Storm Spire. We encountered an Elf of the likes we'd never seen who infected me and Callum with something that no one knew about." The Elf began to read, glancing up at Ezran who raised an eyebrow.

"While I wouldn't want to worry you, this poison that now flows within our blood has corrupted us. I have managed to evade the corruption for a few weeks now, but Callum… He fell within the first two weeks. We do not know where he has gone, having fled before he could cause any harm to those closest to him. I do know that my fall will come quickly."

Ezran widened his eyes with horror and shock. "What else does she say?" He demanded, watching the Elf messenger closely.

"He told me to warn you and everyone one else to run from him, to not try and fight him. I fear I may have to do the same as him and run as well unless a cure can be found." The Elf finished reading.

Ezran closed his eyes, this was bad news to him, news he wished he'd never have to hear or deal with yet. "Send word of this to the other kingdoms, we can't have them be unprepared for what ever danger my brother may now pose." He said.

Soren was quick to nod, heading out to find a man to write warnings at once.

The skies darkened quickly as Callum found a place to rest, he glanced around at his surroundings, a valley that he'd never been to before. A lush green jungle covered the area, rivers of sparkling blue water flowed as birds chirped and other creatures minded their own business.

He allowed his now crimson red eyes to scan the area for anything danger. Once sure that he wouldn't be interrupted, he rested upon the ground, hoping to gain some rest from his long flight, a flight that he refused to halt.

Closing his eyes, he allowed the natural sounds to help sooth his mind, though it did little to change the dark thoughts that now passed through them. He wanted others to suffer, he just wanted power, to have it all. But he lacked the needs to achieve such desires and ambitions.

The sound of feet upon the ground alerted him to the presence of others, he quickly got to his feet, his eyes narrowed as a group of Elves entered the clearing he'd settled down in. Each of them bared a similar appearance to Tulak, they all had red eyes with large curved horns upon their head with hunched legs and clawed fingers, their skin was also purple. They did wear different armour to him, it was a darkish silver rather then a pure black colour.

"Who are you?" One of them said. Callum assumed it was the leader, he was taller than the others, his horns were larger. His facial markings were a bright violet, each of them swirling around.

Callum rolled his fists, standing ready as he faced the group, a spell at the ready in case he needed it. "I will not answer to you." He hissed, drawing the rune for Fulminis.

The leader narrowed his eyes. "He has a Primal Stone on him, get it away from him!" He commanded, his group racing forward with speed.

Callum finished the rune and smirked. "Fulminis!" He cried, casting the spell. The normal blue lightning that once appeared when using the spell had become a crimson red; his corruption had affected more than his appearance.

The group dived to the side as the lightning struck. Their leader widened his eyes. "Fulminis has never been red. You have tainted the Primal Magic with Dark Magic." He growled, holding his spear tightly.

Callum chuckled darkly. "I wasn't always like this… I was the Captain of the Dragonguard alongside my beloved till some demon cursed us both ot become these hideous monsters." He snarled, diving to the ground as one of the Elven warriors jabbed at him.

The leader blinked, how much had he missed, and what demon would he be speaking off. Whatever the case, he couldn't let this Human taint his lands. "You shall never taint these lands with your Dark Magic human."

Callum laughed. "Dark Magic only brings death and destruction, neither of them are appealing to me. Besides, the last time I used Dark Magic, I come close to dying. Why would I want to use something that would kill me?" He asked, a smirk planted upon his lips.

The leader frowned as he processed the information. "You wouldn't want to use it again, to use all the magical creatures you now have access to." He replied.

Callum rolled his eyes. "I've had enough of this. I do not wish to taint your lands with Dark Magic, it is a curse." He said. "No, I only need men to help me achieve ultimate power, so that peace can exist for all." He finished.

The leader blinked. "You wish to rule over all?" He asked.

Callum's smirk grew larger, slowly turning into a dark grin. "Exactly."

The leader narrowed his eyes as he watched Callum glanced over the group. All of them had been banished by the other Elves for their necromantic Void Magic, an opposite to those that brought life such as Earth and Ocean Magic. Perhaps now was the chance to get revenge upon them.

With a smirk, he motioned for his men to lower their weapons. "What would you have my people do?" He asked, bowing before Callum. "My Emperor."

Callum blinked before smirking. "Take me to your city, so that I may find a place fit for an Emperor." He said.

The leader nodded. "As you command my Emperor. The Grimtol Fortress shall be fit for one as grand and dangerous as you." He responded, motioning for his men to march onwards.

In the distance, Claudia watched this, a small tint of interest, perhaps her father's dreams could come true with this darker Callum on the scene.

I do love how I can take a good hearted character, add something new into their life that turns them so dark and evil. If you wish for a story that doesn't mean Callum or Rayla are the antagonists, check out A Father's Legacy.

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