Shizuka had no real education, and other than what her mother had thought her, the only real knowledge she had was something she had heard in passing, swordsmanship, or from books.

And Shizuka always trusted in what her books told her, if it seemed realistic enough.

But what the hell was a book supposed to do to prepare her for gaining the fucking ability to manipulate, create, and turn into lightning?! Was knowing the fact that the negatively charged electrons at the bottom of storm clouds and the positive charged electrons on the ground determined the voltage a lightning bolt had, and that for a lightning bolt that strikes the earth to happen, it needed a voltage higher than the resistance the INSULATOR called air provided supposed to prepare her for the extreme power that she had just gained?

No, but it really hyped her the hell up, because, from what she could tell, she had hit the goddamn jackpot with that blue apple! A devil fruit ability that lets her actually conjure lightning of any voltage, meant that she could with no trouble fry a man from thousands of meters away..

She could possibly even move at the speed of a goddamn lightning bolt(A third of the speed of light).

With that in mind, she put her index fingers out, facing each other at a distance of about 5 centimeters, creating a large enough amount of negatively charged electrons in her left finger, and positively charged protons in he right.

At a distance of 5 centimeters, on top of a cloud where she was now, she could expect the air resistance to be lower than down by the sea, it would take about.. one hundred thousand volts to create a bolt of thunder between the points of both her fingers.


And that confirmed it, she remembered what she had learnt from her self study perfectly.

She kept on letting the electricity flow through the gap that existed between her fingers, and it was very entertaining and calming to her for some reason. While she did this, she decided to use this a chance to meditate, and calm down. After all that happened, she deserved some old fashion meditation, without any rocks.

Feel herself, and feel the world.

Feel her blades, and feel the world.


With her mind clear, she frowned.

She realized quickly that she was just going about this the wrong way. She isn't causing lightning bolts, she's creating them. There is no need for her to out of her way to create the link, she just needs to create a lightning bolt with a higher voltage than whatever resistance got in the way, and then control it.

She stood up, took a distance of a few meters from the tree, and focused.

She made electricity gather in her index finger, pointing at the tree. She was not planning on simply zapping it a bit, she wanted to witness her destructive capabilities.

A hundred thousand volts, two hundred thousand, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred..

The electricity gathered in less than three seconds, and she had made her mind about how much she would use. Arcs of electricity sparked off her finger, before it all gathered at the tip of her finger. At one point.

One million volts bullet!

The lightning bolt shot faster than any pistol, touching the tree the moment she let it go, and already she knew what would happen, which is why her body turned into lightning immediately.

The tree exploded.

The moisture in the tree had rapidly evaporated, and expanded much too fast for the tree to contain or adapt, leading to a brutal explosion, instantly drying the entire tree and lighting it on fire to add to the destruction caused.

"Yes, this is indeed… something."

She shocked herself with how easy that was. Where was the great exhaustion that she had been expecting? She had completely demolished that tree, with three seconds of preparation, and no effort at all, the very first time she used her power.

Certainly, if this was how it was for all logia devil fruits, she could easily understand why they were so feared in the grand line. But, what simply astounded her was how she hadn't heard of someone with the power of unrestrained, unlimited amounts of electricity at his beck and call before. From what she heard in that bar, a devil fruit appears in the nearest fruit of the same type as the original fruit when the user died, so either this fruit had never been used before, or the previous owner was either extremely secretive, or stupid.

Her sensing ability for some reason decided that now would be a good time to interrupt her, but not like it usually did. She could still see, or rather, get a detailed outline and feel of everything in her range, like clairvoyance, but she could now, somehow, hear sounds.

Did this perhaps have something to do with her devil fruit?

That seemed reasonable to her, considering the timing, and that electricity probably has something to do with sounds, is what she guessed at least. Otherwise this would make less sense.

"Gan Fall is returning in two days, and you still aren't ready?!"

"Shut up, woman! Challenging the 'God' is a more delicate matter than you could possibly imagine!"

Shizuka heard the sound of a slap, and realized that her hearing range was longer than her 'seeing' range. It gave her a weird feeling of disconnect in her sensing ability, but she decided to think of it as being inside of a room with thin walls. She could see everything inside of the room, and hear what was being said outside these walls to a certain extent, as well as any sounds made inside the room.

"You think I don't know that?!"

"Yes, I do. Now leave, I have preparations that I cannot delay."

Shizuka nearly winced in how coldly that argument ended, and realized that she too had been delaying a few things. Namely, cleaning her swords, and checking her storage.

She hopped on top of her ship and decided, the first order of priorities was to check on her inventory, which actually had been very secured with rope and bindings to keep all the food, water, and other necessities she had stored from getting destroyed in storms.

And most things looked really good, everything other than what had been stored in bags.

She lost many valuable fruits that day, the same fruits that she had spent hours buying in order to have everything necessary to extract the devil fruit from that 'Law' kid, had been destroyed, which only further cemented the fact that the sea had a grudge on her.

At least the clouds were nice and obedient.

With that in mind, she sailed towards the second source of sounds she could hear, but for the most part cancelled out due to the immense amount of sounds. It was giving her a headache, but at least she knew the general direction now.

And while her ship drifted through the cloud, she decided it was as good of a time as any, to take care of her swords.

She retrieved the oil, the rice paper, and the lint free paper, and started on the process she had done so many times, that she could do it while asleep. She started with wiping the sword, focusing entirely on the task at hand, ignoring even the large gate her ship passed through in favor of the maintenance of her swords. Ignoring even the giant shrimp that pulled the ship for a while due to it lacking in hostility.


Before she knew it herself, her ship had approached the island, and she was forced to stop it in a hurry, lest she wanted to crash.

There wasn't any docks or a harbor where she docked, but a long beach. She took the time, after making sure her ship was safe, to walk down the beach at her own pace while playing around with lightning in her palms. It took the form of various small animals, from a tiny rabbit being chased by a large, nine tailed fox; to a dragon snaking its way through a forest; finally ending in a sparkly explosion.

It was a fairly satisfying way of killing time, until she arrived next to a small building which instantly caught her interest.

It looked like a beach lounge, with a few soft looking light blue chairs. The building was also put in between a few trees, making it fairly shadowed. The chairs were practically begging her to sit in them..

And who was she to say no?

Taking a seat, she made moaned out, "Oh my!" in appreciation to how soft they were. She'd have to… borrow one later for an extended time, due to a current lack of beli, that shipwright had drawn down the price to the exact amount she had, 240 thousand beli, and now she was the very definition of broke.

But she didn't really care. The people here are literally living on a cloud island. There's no way they would be all that disturbed to find out they lost a chair. Now, it was time to relax, though. Her day had already been hectic enough.

She closed her eyes, and just listened to the waves crashing into the shore, and the peaceful sounds of the breeze..

Her rest was apparently supported by a local angel who appeared soon after, standing on top of a cloud boulder, beautifully playing the harp, and it was literally music to her ears. Although confused by the fact that there was a literal angel in front of her, Shizuka was on top of a cloud right now. Obviously, if there was any place for angels to live, it would be here.

Angel girl sat there, playing the harp for around 20 minutes, and Shizuka had a small smile on her face, fanning herself with the hand fan she had just remembered having received from the store selling her the yukata. Unfortunately, no good thing lasts forever, and the harp soon stopped playing, after which the angel noticed her.

"Hello," she said after approaching Shizuka.

Shizuka observed the angel, with her sensing ability activated as well, the girl did not have much muscle, nor did she have the normal stance of someone trained in any kind of martial art or weaponry. This whole observation was done as fast as Shizuka could to full examine her, which was around 2 seconds, after which she greeted her back.

The girl gasped slightly, with a hand over her mouth. "Do you know mantra?"

Shizuka frowned and tilted her head, "No?"

"But, you are using it right now."

"Am I? What is this mantra thing you speak of?"

The angel's eyes widened before she shook her head, though it seems it was mostly to herself.

"Mantra is a unique sensing ability that lets you observe the world around you, even if you don't see it. It can let you see the silhouettes of people, as well as their feelings if you are adept at using it."

Shizuku blinked, never having expected others to be able to use it as well. Shizuku frowned, 'The silhouettes of people? I can see people's clothing, possessions, hair colors, and individualities though.. Is this unique?'

"Hmm, so I was just wasting my efforts when I tried to make it see the clothing of people, then?"

"Umm, I think so. I have never heard of anyone's mantra seeing more than the silhouette, the spirit of people."

Shizuka nodded, before reaching out with her right hand.

"Thanks for telling me, my name's Miyamoto Shizuka, nice to meet you."

"Ahh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Conis, likewise."


"So, this is how you use one?" Shizuka asked the two people standing on the beach. Shortly after introducing herself to Conis, Conis' father arrived on top of a man sized boat lacking a sail, driven by a pole that you turned with the help of two handles, and gained speed with the help of a special seashell, and two pedals that you pushed with your feet. They called it a waver, and right now Shizuka was having a great time driving one around.

Apparently you need good knowledge of the sea to drive one, as even a small wave could flip it over, but using her 'mantra', shizuka could always tell when there would come a wave she would need to drive through, and when it was safe to make turns, etc. It was really fun, and she was considering 'borrowing' this too, as it might be usable back on the blue sea, as they called it.

Also, she was going to get her hands on multiple copies of every dial she could find, since when she got her little pirate crew together, they could probably find a use to them.

With her mantra, she could tell that both Conis and her father, Pagaya were still standing by the beach, in awe at how fast she picked up riding the waver. Apparently even Pagaya, the waver engineer had trouble riding one, considering his crash earlier when he tried to dock it.

"Hey, I will have a bit more fun on this, so you two can go ahead over and start preparing dinner, I will find you anyways!"

With her long black hair flying in the wind behind her, she made a large turn and started picking up the speed. She still remembered being attack the second she woke up earlier, and thought of something ingenious.

She could use the fact that man who attacked her looked to be a part of a tribe, to take revenge on said tribe as a live action training for her sensing ability and devil fruit dodging combination. Perhaps she could do it without killing anyone so she could come back later, and just stealing something to prove she actually held some animosity towards them, before doing it again, while in fact, she didn't care much.

Which is why she chose to go in this direction, where she could hear the so called 'Shandia' talking, about things concerning the so called 'God', Enel.


The Shandia tribe had made their home on the west side of the large normal island that randomly existed in the middle of the white white sea. She wondered how her compass worked, this far into the sky, but she didn't question it as it helped her out a lot. The place where Conis lived was, by the way, on the south side, right next to a large, round opening in the island's south side.

She decided not to question it.

On her way there, she considered just, picking the waver up and trying out if it was possible to turn into lightning and travel all the way there in an instant, but figured that if she failed, or if she destroyed the waver, it would be bad, so she decided to just enjoy the ride.

And that's how it went, and would keep going until she reached the Shandia tribe, if she hadn't felt someone coming towards her immediate position, wearing ice skates, that worked just like a waver..

She wanted iiit~!

She coughed into her hand, before nodding. Yeah, he is a member of the Shandia tribe anyways. This must be done, for her vengeance.

A million volts gathered at the tip of her finger by her command, and she aimed it straight at the Shanda tribesman, but held it at the ready. She wanted the waver skates, and the large weapon he had shouldered. It looked like a thin cannon.

Finally, when they were in a good range, and the tribesman noticed, and jumped into the air to fire the weapon.

She grinned and let loose the bolt of a million volts of electricity through the man's head.


Much to his anguish.

She caught him before he touched the water, and immediately removed the skates, and the cannon from him, before through him up onto the island. If he survives, lucky him. If not, then the luck goes to the jungle's animals.

She put on the mini wavers and hesitantly took a step… No, she was about to take a step off of the waver before she decided that trying her lightning transportation earlier would be better than later.

Her entire body gathered as she herself increased in voltage, starting for ten thousand, before rapidly rising to what she decided would be a good place to start.

One million volts: thunderclap.

Like nothing had happened, the world slowed down around her, and she felt lighter than ever before. With a light tap of her foot, she flew into the air, not even feeling gravity. She looked behind herself and could barely see the rapidly fading lightning that had followed her like an afterimage, the next second, it was gone.

She landed on top of a tree, and its leaves turned to ash the second she touched them, causing her to fall through, not that she minded. She knew that the fall wasn't going to hurt her. The next second, she landed on the ground, and with her mantra, she knew the waves had barely moved.

And then it was all over, as she turned off the technique and leapt over to the waver normally.

She realized something while she was doing all of that.

Something completely groundbreaking, news that could make the dumbest of people realize how utterly broken her ability was.

Time moves slower or fast relative to how fast, and far she moved while using Thunderclap.

Or at least, her perception of time.

And while only a theory, she figured that while she could move extremely fast, she could only move as far as the amount of voltage use would cover, measured in how resistant the objects I move through are to electricity. Though not exactly, more like, IF 1 volt of lightning would normally cover 1 cm, she could now cover 10 cm with 1 volt. 1 million volts would normally cover around 33 centimeters of air, meaning she could cover 33 meters, however fast she wanted as long as she didn't pass the speed of lightning.

Though up here in the sky island, where the air was particularly thin, she guessed that she could cover around 50-80 meters with 1 million volts.

Though that's just a theory, based more on feeling and instinct than measured testing.

And the faster and further she moved, the closer her perception of time came to normal.

But now that she had finished testing, a smile forced its way up her face in the excitement to try out these new skates. She rubbed her cheeks, before calming down and jumping off of the waver, turning the skates on by pushing down with her big toe.

She almost lost her balance, but being a swordsman, you'd soon start to learn how to regain your balance instantly, lest you wished to die.

Back on steady footing, she maneuvered around much like she would with ice skates. Or at least how she imagined you would, since personally, she had never tried it before.

She sped up one foot as she stepped forward with it, and the other while keeping the last foot with steady speed.

She had a constant grin on her face as she twirled around and performed risky flips. She had decided already, these skates had a way higher priority than the waver. Plus, by taking them, she wasn't stealing from Conis and her dad. She still might need a waver for her future shipwright to examine, so if she didn't find another one, she would still take this one, though.

After a good 10 minutes, she made her way back to the waver, and rode it the rest of the way, not willing to risk it falling over and down into the white white sea.

Finally, after a good while that passed through the help of lightning dolphins jumping from hand to hand over the small distance the handles provided, she parked her waver on top of a piece of land sticking out of the island's side, and used the skates to go the rest of the way, jumping off of the cloud water, and landing in the very center after a very short use of thunderclap so that she could make it seem like she appeared out of nowhere.

"You fuc-"

But as she landed, she noticed they were already prepared, with swords unsheathed and spears held at the ready, in addition to various other forms of weaponry she didn't recognize. Though they were facing the direction of where she recently stood, and she already knew this. Mantra was really convenient.

"-king bitch! I will have revenge for…"

And in the middle of his speech, someone with a bandit leader type vibe realized the target of his anger was gone. They all turned around to face Shizuka at the call of a little girl standing behind them. How surprising, to find another mantra user, even though Conis told her they were rare.

Shizuka blamed it on her 'amazing' luck, before getting ready. They all swarmed her, and she had not drawn her blades.

As the first spear got within a centimeter of touching her clothes, right in front of her heart, she turned a circle around the place he would pierce, including her heart into lightning, and let it slip through. The man smirked, only for an instant until he felt shocks going into his arms.

She chuckled to herself, if only he knew how light of a shock that was.

She was already prepared for the 4 other spears before they landed the next second, though she was slightly dissatisfied in how scared she was to actually get hit. She had over 4 centimeters in diameter large circles that she let the spears pass through, even though the spears could only have a diameter of 2 centimeters at best.

This had to be fixed, and luckily, she had an hour or two to spare..


I am hella satisfied with this chapter. You wouldn't even believe.

And you wanna know what I couldn't believe?


Ohmagawsh, thank the lord that people who seek original fanfics still exist!

Anyways, is there anything to go over this chapter?

Oh yeah, I got something.

Shizuka is inherently selfish as a person, it's something that was actually unintentional, but has been shown since chapter 1. First, it was shown in how she couldn't use the Rotating Full Moon sword style anymore, since she felt it wasn't her own, and therefore subconsciously didn't want it. It is shown more heavily now that she has freedom, though, considering she could convince herself to kill little Law for the power that the extremely expensive devil fruit held, and convince herself to take revenge on the Shandia tribe even though she held no grudge.

And don't worry, she is NOT abandoning swordsmanship, in the slightest.