Star Fox: Stars of Yearning!

Greetings dear readers and fans. I'm leaving this author's note here to inform that I've decided to rewrite the whole story from the ground and not leave you in the dark of whenever a new chapter is coming out or not. I'm really sorry if you were looking forward to a new chapter! I feel I've gotten a lot more experience as a writer now (At least that's what I like to believe :p). And I want to write the best possible version of my story that I'm capable of! For both you (dear readers and fans) and me! Please look forward to the new chapter of the new version and I hope you'll stick with me as I head into this new direction!

Other then that, please stay safe and stay home! Watch some tv series/movies, play the video games you never had the time to play/finish and have a wonderful day :)

1 more thing just as a reminder:

"Come on Foxy, live a little!" = normal speech

"Falco... I hate you so much sometimes..." = thought speech

Also the Starfox trademark and their characters belong to their respective owners

Now without further a due, here's chapter 1 of Star Fox: Stars of Yearning! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Grounded Warrior


My name is Fox McCloud, or rather as I'm known as these days, Duke Vulpes. I used to be the leader of the famous mercenary unit for hire Team StarFox, which sadly got disbanded due to a grave allegation made against it and us going underground so to speak.
The allegation was that we were responsible for the failure of a important mission of the Cornerian Army in which we were hired to assist them, a failure which resulted in a huge explosion that destroyed the centre of Corneria City and many civilians and soldiers were caught in it. I still feel like those deaths were on me, even though I was powerless to prevent them.

At first I was confused and outraged as to why the army and with extension, General Pepper, accused us when we clearly had no part in why the mission was a washout. That was, until I discovered that there was a hostile takeover of leadership within the army.
General Pepper was forced to stand down as general because the higher ups felt that he displayed terrible leadership during the Lylat Wars since the army couldn't handle the Venomian army when they invaded and that a mercenary unit had to pick up his slack. The replacement was a loathsome bastard named George Shears, a lowly and slimy officer that was stationed on the planet Titania.

He and his band of colleagues pulled strings behind the scene which helped him rise in power and stature, thus made it possible for them to pull off this stunt. Shears was the one that gave the order for the mission and also the one who made the allegation against us when he took us to court in order to save his own sorry butt for his blunder.

We were hospitalized and in a coma since we also got caught in the explosion. Luckily we were in our vehicles or in Slippy's case, a deep underground building with blast shielding so all though we broke many, many of our bones and some scars here and there, we still had all our limbs thankfully.

Due to us being hospitalized, we were unable to show up on the day of the trial, which meant that Shears was allowed to warrant a arrest order for us and lift us from our hospital beds and incarcerate us until our injuries had healed.

Before they could incarcerate us however, the now former General Pepper used what little power and influence he had left to help us escape with the help of the Cornerian Secret Service (CSS for short), to a secret medical facility where I was safe for the time being. I say I because when I woke up I was alone aside from Pepper, the CSS agents and the medical staff in the building.
Turned out that my other team mates got taken to different locations since the army were in hot pursuit of them and had to take drastic measures in order to make them lose track of us.

Pepper explained to me the entire situation and what had transpired after I got hospitalized and that he and the rest of his staff were still on our side as they refused to work with Shears. They believed Shears and his colleagues to be rotten to the core and his amoral actions against us confirmed it for them.
In order for us to remain hidden, the CSS faked our deaths so that all leads the army could've used to track us would run cold, a decision I was not okay with since it felt the same as running away from them.

Pepper urged however that this was the best course of action as I would otherwise would be fighting a losing battle since Shears played dirty. I was given a new identity, a new job within the CSS and even alterations to my appearance to help me blend in with society. All of this happened 3 years ago and I haven't seen my teammates ever since then...

Present Day

Fox tossed and turned in his bed, sweat matting his fur and letting out soft whimpers every now and then. It was a bad night for Fox, experiencing yet again the same nightmare that had plagued him for years ever since that dreadful day. In his nightmare he was outside on the streets of Corneria, evacuating the citizens as fire and brimstone was raining from the skies, destroying the surrounding buildings as a massive battle between the Cornerian Army forces and the terrorists group happened on the ground and in the skies at the same time.

The sounds of gunfire, explosions, sirens, aircraft flying and crashing and the screams of fleeing civilians caught in the crossfire could be heard everywhere in Corneria City. There was also debris everywhere, debris from the destroyed buildings in the city. Everything sounded muffled to Fox however, as if he were underwater. After making sure the last of the civilians made it to the transport vehicle convoy, Fox rushed back to the Landmaster while contacting his team.

"Falco, Slippy! Status report! What's the situation on your end?" Fox jumped on top of the hatch of the Landmaster and opened it, jumping down the hatch. Fox took his place behind the wheel while making a two fingered salute at Peppy, who nodded back.

"Falco here, still busy swatting these annoying asshats who won't stop moving around!" Falco scoffed while grunting as he was fighting his airborne adversaries. Falco was assisting Fox and his team from the air in his Arwing.

"By the way, you can thank me later for saving your fluffy butt three times now Fox." Falco gloated after blasting another enemy boogie to smithereens.

"Of course you would say that..." Fox muttered before looking behind him.

"Ready to roll old timer?" Fox said to Peppy, who manned the cannon of the Landmaster. The Landmaster has been modified to a two man vehicle after the Lylat Wars at Slippy's request so that he had someone with him on ground missions.

"Hmph, just because I want a early retirement doesn't make me an old fart! Besides someone's gotta watch your back while you're still running around playing hero!" Peppy guffawed in mock insult.

"Haha, I take that as a yes then!" Fox revved the engines several times before taking off.

"No... turn back..."

"Turn back now!, Don't go there!"

Present Fox tried to warn his dream self, who was already driving to Corneria Centre sq., the largest town square of Corneria City, located in the heart of the city, in vain. He already knew what was about to happen.

"FOX!... PEPPY! FALCO! Where... where are all of you? Ouch... oww, my... my everything hurts..." Slippy groaned out in pain.

"Slippy?! What happened? Where are-" Fox was wrought with worry hearing that Slippy was in severe pain. Slippy curtly interrupted Fox however.

"Never mind that for now! Where are you now Fox?!" The urgency was clearly audible in Slippy's voice.

"We've just arrived at Corneria Centre sq. now." Peppy answered for Fox. "Now, please stop being difficult and tell us where-" Now Peppy got curtly interrupted by Slippy, who started to shout as he panicked.

"GUYS YOU GET OUTTA THERE NOW! IT'S A SETUP! THERE'S A MISSLE HEADING TO-!" A loud bang, similair to a gunshot, could be heard on Slippy's comm before it went abruptly offline before he got to finish what he wanted to say. Only static crackle could be heard from his end of the comms line.

"WHAT!? A MISSLE?!" Falco squawked as he was taken aback by this news. "I don't see one coming in on the radar wart face!"

Falco fumed and grew worried when he heard no response from Slippy. "Hey, come on, answer me wart face!"

"What was that about a missile?!" Peppy whipped his head in Fox's direction. "I don't like the sound of-!" Peppy never got to finish his sentence because the next moment afterwards they heard a thunderous and deafening sound and the Landmaster was rattling from a tremendous shock wave. They got hit by resulting released force of the explosion.

They were then promptly lifted off the ground, Fox and Peppy finding themselves tumbling through the air. "AAAHHH I KNEW I SHOULD'VE GONE FOR EARLY RETIREMENT WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE!"

"AAAHHHHH! HANG ON PEPPY! BRACE YOUSELF!" Fox hissed through gritted teeth as he held on whatever he could for dear life as the violent forces exerted upon them and the Landmaster felt like he and Peppy were inside a laundry machine set to max.

"AAAHHHH! ARE THEY CRAZY?! THEY EVEN BLOW UP THEIR OWN MEN?!" Falco hollered as he too was tumbling through the air since he was in the sky inside his Arwing. Falco desperately pulling back on his Arwing's joystick, hoping against all odds to regain control again. "FOX! DON'T YOU DARE-" Falco's comms got knocked offline as it couldn't handle the stress exerted on it by the explosion.

"FALCO?! SLIPPY?!" Was the last thing Fox said before he felt the Landmaster violently colliding with the ground and his whole world fading to black...

"Aaahhh!... Huh?!" Fox sprang up and set right up on his bed breathing rapidly, feeling light headed, dizzy, exhausted, anxious and felt his heart racing at a abnormal high pulse. He took a few deep, shuddering breaths to calm himself down. He put his head in his hands as he sat on his bed, still shocked to the core as the dream felt too real for his tastes.

"Ugh not again, I'm soaked..." Fox felt disgusted as he patted himself to feel just how drenched he was in his own sweat. Not just him but his pyjama's, bedsheets and blanket didn't fare much better. As if someone dumped a bucket full of water on him.

"Aww might as well get out and take a shower." Fox got out while grumbling as he took his clothes off and threw them in the nearly laundry basket before grabbing a towel from the closet and wrapping said towel around his waist. After that he headed towards the bathroom of his small apartment.
It was a modest apartment that he received from General Pepper through the witness protection program of the Cornerian Secret Service. With a living room, a kitchen, a pantry, three bedrooms and a bathroom with the toilet in a separate room, something he really appreciated. He couldn't complain as it had everything it needed to live a comfortable life.

"Now if only I had some friends to invite over, that would be swell." Fox mumbled to himself. "Would've made the past three years a lot less crappy. And I wouldn't need to talk to myself so much..."

Before stepping in the showers Fox took a good look at himself in the mirror above the sink. He sighed when he saw his face. "It's as if I'm looking at a different man! Those buzzkills of the CSS could've at least let me pick the colours for my fur and hair!"
Fox stood at 1,75 meter in height. His normally red and orange fur was now a smoky grey tone with some orange spots here and there, looking quite dishevelled. His snout that used to be white, was now a pitch black fur tone, going down his throat all the down to his chest , abdomen and thighs. His black furred tail retained the cream white tip.
His Mohawk also sporting the pitch black colour. His eyes had still their signature green, all though they were now puffy and bloodshot with heavy bags beneath them. Outside his house he had to wear coloured contact lenses in order to further make himself unrecognizable.

"At the very least they picked a good eye colour... Even though it might've been a sick joke on their part, unintentionally or not..." The coloured contact lenses made the irises of his eyes orange, the same colour his mother used to have. "Mom... Wish you were here right now..."

Fox sighed once more before he turned around and headed for the shower cabinet, taking off and hanging his towel on the towel rack. Fox stepped inside the cabinet and turned the water on. He stepped outside the reach of the water coming from the shower head, waiting for the water to warm up before stepping under the soothing and warm shower.

"Aaahhh... It's the little things in life..." Fox heaved a sigh of relief as he felt his worries and griminess melt away. Alas, the relaxing moment didn't last for long as his thoughts drifted back to his current situation and looked down cast.

"I'm glad we made it out of that whole ordeal with the mission with our lives. But... I would be lying if I said this life isn't very lonely... Damn those bastards that launched that missile!" Up to this point, he had lived a sheltered and lonely life. His job as a bodyguards didn't leave him with much free time to socialize with people and his colleagues, let's just say that they weren't exactly the talkactive and friendly type. "And the only things my colleagues are capable of saying is 'Do your job!' 'Just shut up and get to work! 'You're annoying me with your yapping!' 'Quit flirtin' with da client!' Fox said with a mocking tone while growling as he recalled his time talking to his colleagues.

"I wonder how the others are doing... Hopefully a lot better than me right now, and not surrounded by colleagues that you want to strangle!" Fox leaned against the wall of the shower head with his left arm while resting his head on it and sighed once more. Since he had to take on a different identity and his team got disbanded, Fox had flown not once in the past three years and since flying was his passion, he had no idea what he wanted to do.

"I feel so lost..." Fox, after what felt like standing in the shower for hours, stepped out of it and finished drying himself in a drying turbine-like chamber, which are commonly used by Cornerians with fur. Fox felt completely refreshed and to add the finishing touch he combed his Mohawk hair and groomed the rest of his body. Fox got out the bathroom and went to his room. Once there he threw his towel in the laundry basket and walked to his closet to get a fresh set of clothes.

"Might as well get some breakfast since I can't sleep anyway." Fox went for a casual look that consisted of a black tank top with a olive green lumberjack shirt over it, black jeans, black toe socks, black boxershorts for undergarments and black tinted sun glasses to finish it off. He checked himself out in the tall mirror in him room.

"Somehow you've made wearing sun glasses all the time look so cool dad... Not sure if the same goes for me." Still satisfied with his outfit however, it was time for Fox to head outside and head to his favourite café for breakfast.

"I wonder what special they have today. I hope it's those BBQ delicious pancakes again." Fox's mouth watered at the thought of delicious pancakes. When he got to the hallway, he put on his favourite red and white sneakers and his blue denim jacket.
After fishing out his house keys from the little key box hanging on the wall beside the door, he inserted the key into the lock and turned it clockwise until the door was unlocked and pulled the door open to step outside. Fox was immediately greeted with a face full of harsh cold wind to the face when he turned around after locking the door, making him shiver. It was a windy autumn day so he didn't want to spend too much time outside if he could help it.

"Ughh... it's times like these that I wish I was a Lupinian instead...". It is well-known that Lupinian Lylatians have some of the thickish fur coats of them all since most are from harsher cold environmental biomes that are found on planets like that of Fichina.
Fox was having having second thoughts about going outside before his stomach growled at him so he reluctantly went on his way to the café. All though he didn't liked to be amongst others most of the time, he still enjoyed the cosy ambiance that the café had to offer and it had great food to boot. It was a compromise he was willing to make.

Fox lived in the outskirt parts of Corneria City, where it was much quieter and secluded compared to the central parts of the city. Everything Fox needed was within walking distance too, just the way he liked it.
Occasionally Fox looked at the tall buildings and the people walking around on the streets. Most of them hastily jogging with suitcases in their hands, on their way to the public transport stations in order to get to work. Some teenagers were amongst them too, groups of them even, probably skipping school since most students should've been at school already for their first lesson of the day.

Fox was being reminded of his own rebellious teenage years when he was their age. The number of times he skipped school to either play video games with his friends or to hang out with Falco and his rowdy friends, it was a miracle that he still managed passed most tests and exams. "Wish I ended up at the same place as Falco... At least we could've done dumb stuff together to kill time and have fun. Wonder what his job is, if any."

"Huh?" Fox thought he felt something wet fall on his scalp. Soon more followed "Ah crap! the weather forecast didn't say anything about a rainstorm! Damn you cute weather report lady for misleading me!" Fox hollered as broke into a sprint as the rainfall ramped up rapidly. By the time he made it to the entrance of the café named The Jolly Croc, he was soaked to the bone. "How have I not drowned at this point?!"

"Why? Why me?... What have I done to deserve this?" Fox muttered under his breath with his head hanging down out of embarrassment. He entered the café and looked at the bar, only to find it unmanned.
Most of the tables and booths were filled with people and the ambient noise of people talking, the clattering of utensils on plates and pleasant music could be heard in the bakcground. Fox cringed each time he took a step as his shoes made a squelching noise, causing people to look his way. Many of the female customers either smiled, winked or even look at him with bedroom eyes in a inviting way. Even a few of the male ones did the same thing, further embarrassing Fox. He sighed and sat on the bar stool before looking around some more.

Meanwhile in one of the booths, a group of three girls consisting of a white spaniel Lylatian, a brown lynx Lylatian with black patterned stripes ear and a fennec fox-like Lylatian were chatting and giggling amongst themselves, having not noticed Fox coming in.

The spaniel is about 1.6 meters in height, has white, silky fur all over her body, has long, fluffy, floppy ears that reached her shoulders, a long haired tail, ocean blue eyes, a big red ribbon on of her head and wears a light blue shirt with her white flight jacket with the CFA (Cornerian Flight Academy) on the back and on the left shoulder, a pink skirt that reach to her knees, black leggings that covers her legs along with white combat boots with black soles.

The lynx is about 1.75 meters in height, has icy light blue eyes and exotic black tattoo-like stripes shaped like a arrowhead on her forehead, the fur on her ears were black with spiked tufts on the tips of her ears on the outside and white furred tufts inside. Black dots adorned her arms, legs and tail. She had a cheetah-like tail with a white tip on the end.
The colour of her fur on her muzzle and chin was white, going down all the way to her belly and thighs. She wore a camouflage pattern halter top with her midriff showing and her dark green flight jacket on top of it with the same logo's as Fay's, camouflage pattern khakis pants with side pockets on both pants legs, black leather bracelets with 3 rows of spikes and finally black combat boots.

And finally, the fennec fox Lylatian is about 1.70 meters in height and has green eyes. Her entire fur coat's colour is light brown except for her muzzle which was cream coloured. She has large, wide ears that are characteristic for her species with white tufts of fur inside of them and her tail is thick and bushy, reaching her knees.
She wears a pink peplum top with a bit of cleavage showing with her own pink flight jacket also with the same logo's as Miyu and Fay on top of it. She also wore tight denim blue breeches that accentuated her curvy hips. And finally, she wore golden bracelets with colourful gemstones inside of them and silver combat boots.

"Still can't believe you got away with it Miyu! Even with the injuries you've inflicted on him!" The white spaniel managed to say in her light and bubbly voice in between fits of giggles.

"Well that jackass had it coming since he stole your card in the first place! I know how much that card meant to you Fay. Even if he wasn't a notorious bully, I still would've knocked his lights out!" The lynx Lylatian now known as Miyu gloated in her husky voice in triumph with her arms crossed and nose turned upwards towards the spaniel now known as Fay. "He's lucky I only got one punch in before the teachers arrived!"

The fennec fox Lylatian wasn't so happy about it however, having placed a hand on her face. "Still though, maybe hold back next time Miyu? I still can't believe how many of his teeth you managed to knock out with that one punch! Nurse Grace is still giving you the stink eye you know!" The fennec fox sighed with exasperation before smirking. "Not that it wasn't satisfying as hell to watch you wipe the floor with that block-headed bully!" The fennec fox said in her smoky voice while holding out her right arm for a fist bump with Miyu which the lynx was all too happy to return.

"Well said Big ears! Not many can stand up to my killer right hook! Also, when things get bleak we can always count on you since you saved us from the wrath of the teachers haha!" Miyu quipped.

"Hey! What did I tell you about calling me Big ears?! You know I always feel self conscious about them when you do." The fennec fox said to Miyu who was now rubbing her right ear with her hand with a down cast face. "And you're lucky that piece of cardboard had value or there was no way I could've convinced the teachers and the counsel that what you did was justified!"

Fay wasn't too pleased with what Fara said. "Hey! That was uncalled for Fara! I'll have you know that Barrelsword Dragon's value is exactly 85 Lylat credits! Plus it's precious to me since Miyu got it out of a booster pack for me." Fay turned her face sideways with a humph and a pout.

Miyu putted a arm around Fay's shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. "Aww she didn't mean it like that Fay! And I'm sorry Fara, I'll try to keep that in mind." Miyu said with a smirk to the fennec fox now known as Fara.

Fara heaved a sigh of relief before addressing Fay "Sorry Fay, I keep forgetting how much those cards mean to you and thank you Miyu." Fara said with a sigh. "Still though, how do people come up with these values?" Fara wondered while holding her chin.

"It all depends on what their abilities can do in a duel and also how rare the card is hehe." Fay said with a matter-of-fact tone. "And how many copies you need in your deck!" Fay paused before looking at Fara with giddiness. "But enough about Monster Duel! cards. I've heard you've got a new flame in your life Fara!" Fay said with a smirk while snuggling against Miyu.

"Ugghhh, I don't wanna talk about him!" Fara groaned with great disdain. "I can't stand spending even one second with that slimy creeper of a panther. He acts so... thirsty!" Fara threw her arms in the air. "Like he's never seen a woman up close in his life before. From creepy one liners to trying to kiss me while he has that foul breath of his, yuck!"
Fara sighed and slumped down into her seat. "Where does my father even find these guys? He's so old fashioned! 'It's for the good of the company's future', my ass! Not to mention how annoying it was to hear the 'potential husband' talk in third person the entire time! I wonder if my father does this just to spite me. Certainly feels like it." Fara muttered.

"Ouch, touchy subject I see. How many guys do you have to reject before for your father gets the message? It's kind of ridiculous at this point." Miyu said with a smirk before frowning. "Like, does he even realise in what time he's living?! And not to mention, him kicking you out? That such a shitty thing to do!"

Fay fumed as she felt sympathy for her friend. "Why can't he just respect your decisions?! I mean, he even scares away the ones you do have an eye on and picked yourself. He's treating you like you're a dumb child! It's unbelievable that such a father like yours exist! No offensive by the way Fara." Fay sighed after voicing her frustration with a soft-spoken tone.

Fara buried her face in her hands while leaning on the table on her elbows. "None taken at all Fay and I just don't know any more at this point. Part of me wonders if he even cares about me at all! Maybe I should just stay away and secretly join the army's air force or maybe even elope with someone I want and car about, just to spite him?" Fara slammed her hands on the table. "ARGH! I hate this conundrum so much! Also where's the waiter?! I'm so hungry right now!"

"Just chill sis, you're hanging out with us now! Ne need to be thinking about all that right now! And also, remember that both me and Fay will always be there for you and we'll support you with whatever you decide to do!" Miyu said with a soft-spoken voice as she and Fay both place a hand on each of Fara's hands and squeezed it. "You can count on that sis!"

"Yeah we're with you all the way!" Fay said with a jovial smile when she saw Fara perking up and smiling.

Fara nodded at her friends. "You two are the only reason that makes this situation of mine, bearable right now. I'm so glad I've met you two on that fateful day! Oh Lylus, my eyes are watering up." Fara rubbed her eyes with her arm and took a deep breath in and out to calm down.

The group of three of laughed and smiled at what just happened. When they heard the throaty and hearty voice of the stout alligator that was the owner of the café and also bartender, the three girls turned around.

"HEEEEY Dukester! Oh Boi! Ya lookin' a bit soggy there mate hahaha!" The café owner, a stout looking brown alligator with brown eyes and wearing a stained black apron over his café's uniform which was light brown, greeted and quipped at the smoky grey fox as he walked in to the bar counter.

"Oh hardy harr Flint, very funny!" Fox groaned. "But seriously though, it's good to see you again Flint!" Fox smiled at him while shaking his hand.

Fox became good friends with Flint ever since he had became a frequent customer since the moment Fox moved in his new home three years ago. Having to abandon his old home that was on the Great Fox. Fox himself was a terrible cook and since he didn't have a shortage of money because of his job; he decided to eat breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner if he was in the neighbourhood. Not everyday however, Fox wanted to improve his culinary skills since he doesn't want to be so dependent on Flint for food so he took it upon himself to cook two to three days in week for himself; with varying results ranging from terrible to tolerable.

"Likewise Dukester!" Flint stopped smiling and looked at Fox with worry and concern when he saw the state he was in. "Had another rough night didn't ya? Ya look like a zombie mate! Dat tea I gave ya not helping?"

"Yeah... It's been getting worse lately. I've been getting less and less sleep and it's breaking me up. That strange tea you gave is the only way I'm even falling asleep." Fox sighed with a crestfallen look on his face.

Flint placed a comforting hand on Fox's shoulder. "Aww, cheer up Duke! Ya know I hate seeing ya like this! So down in da dumps! Tell ya what? I'll let ya use me personal drying chamber in the back of the personnel area since you're a good friend and customer. How does that sound éh?" Flint motioned with his hand in the direction of the personnel area behind him.

"Really?! Ah thanks Flint! What would I do without you?" Fox was overjoyed and hopped off the bar stool. Flint opened a part of the bar so he could let Fox in.

"Probably starve since yer such an awful cook Duke hahaha!" Flint slapped Fox on his back with more force than Fox expected.

Fox was rubbing his back while on his way to the drying chamber. "Owww! I keep forgetting not to praise the guy so much or he gets quite physical."

When Fox left the room Fay, Miyu and Fara all turned to each other and gasped. Miyu was the first one to speak "Did you see that hunk of a fox?! Oh man, that voice of his and that nice firm butt! Oh I get all bothered just thinking about it!"

Fay concurred with Miyu. "I know right?! He sounded really sad though, I hope he's alright." Fay looked concerned for the mysterious fox.

"Well there's only way to find out, isn't there?" Fara grinned with mischievous glee. "Alright! So who's gonna approach him and ask to come sit with us when he gets back? Parhaps you, Fay?" Fara pointed at Fay, causing her to blush profusely while fidgeting in place in her seat. Miyu giggled at the adorable display.

Fay was flustered to say the least. "Wha- why me?! You know how bad my social skills are, especially when it concerns someone I fancy! I'll short circuit for sure!" Fay gasped, feeling nervous. Fay pointed a finger at Fara "Why not you, Fara?! You'll have him wrapped around your little finger in no time!"

Fara smirked at Fay. "Because you're probably the cutest of the three of us and guys absolutely love cute girls maybe? And if either me or Miyu go, he might lose his nerve and we don't want to scare him off." Fara winked at Fay.

Miyu shrugged. "To be fair though, If he can't even handle mine or your womanly charms Fara, he's probably not worth talking to." Miyu then had a grin on her face. "All though on the other hand, he would still make for good boy toy material." Miyu giggled.

Fara sighed. "You've got a point there Miyu. Fine, We'll settle this with rock paper scissors then, okay? Fara offered, which her two friends nodded and agreed to.

"Alright then... on three!" Fara exclaimed

The girls each drew back a hand while clenching it into a fist and all said "Rock! Paper! Scissors!" On the last word 'scissors' the girls simultaneously shot out their fists forward while either forming each a rock, paper or scissors with their hands. Both Fara and Miyu held out a flat hand, forming a paper. Fay held out a closed fist, a rock.

Fay was shocked by this outcome. "Wha-what? No way... How did I lose?" Fay sighed and hanged her head. "Oh crud."

Fara and Miyu smirked each other, knowing full well why Fay lost. "It's cause when you get nervous you sometimes forget that there are other options in Rock Paper Scissors." Fara giggled softly to herself. "Aww cheer up Fay, at least you get to meet the guy first!"

"Yeah! So go out there and reel him back in for us snow white!" Miyu winked at Fay as they stood up so Fay could get out of the booth. "And as if on cue, here he comes!"

Miyu pointed towards the bar upon spotting Fox coming out of the personnel area behind the bar. Fay's eyes becoming wide and yipped when she got shoved forward with one slap on the back by Miyu.

Meanwhile Fox had a blissful expression on his face as he felt fuzzy and warm but more importantly, dry! When he took his place on the barstool in front of the bar, he let out a blissful sigh. "Ahhh... I really needed that! You have no idea how much this means to me Flint!" Fox's tail was wagging as he said that.

Flint smiled at Fox. "Ahaha! Anythin' fer me no. one customer as long as it doesn't involve free meals!" Flint beamed mirthfully. "Now what can I get ya Duke?" Flint held a digital tablet in one hand and a stylus pen in the other as he awaited Fox's order. As Fox was making his order, Fay was making her way to Fox or more specifically, the empty barstool next to him while stumbling due to the nerves getting to her. To keep herself from losing her nerves, she focused on Fox's tail since it was wagging, to keep herself steady.

Fay giggled softly so Fox didn't hear her. "Oh my Lylus! That's so adorable! I wanna hug it and him so badly!" Fay was so absorbed in her thoughts that she nearly bumped into the empty barstool before correcting herself and plopped into the barstool while blushing and looking down while making sideway glances at Fox "Ooohhh... Why is this is scary?".

Flint finished dotting down Fox's order at the same time Fay sat on the barstool next to Fox. "Comin' right up Dukester!" Flint said. He looked to the left of Fox when he heard someone sitting in the barstool next to Fox with a plop. "Hmm? Oh! Greetin' now what can I do for ya darlin'?" Flint gave a toothy grin to Fay.

Fay felt put on the spot and began stammering out her order, completely forgetting what she came to do here in the first place. "Oh! Uhm... Uhm... I... I would like to... order..."

As Fay was fumbling with her words, Fox felt concerned for the spaniel girl next to him as she looked like she was gonna have a meltdown soon. After Fox took a better look at the spaniel girl, Fox himself began to blush too; leaving him breathless. "Wow.. she's so cute and pretty! I wonder what happened to her that got her so flustered though. Best if I try to calm her down first before starting a conversation with her!"

"Hello there miss!" Fox softly addressed Fay, which caused her to flinch before making eye contact with him. Fay's eyes went wide she stared Fox straight into his eyes, leaving her mesmerized. "Is everything alright? You seem nervous." Fox looked at Fay with a worried visage.

Alright here's where I decide to end the chapter. Please give me feedback on what you think of the story regarding the flow of it, the length of the chapter and if the story so far is fun or not. I would really appreciate it and it would help improve to become a better writer.

3/4/2020 update.
I've decided to clean the place up a bit seeing as I've (in my opinion) improved quite a bit in my writing skills ever since I've posted this chapter! Because you know what they see: First impressions matters the most! You'll find I've corrected all the spelling and formatting errors (hopefully) and I've written additional dialogue here and there. Maybe I'll do the other chapters too when I have the time. But for now...

*Stands at attention and salutes at you (the reader)* This is The Supreme Bookwyrm! Signing out