Cat: High School DxD x Brutal Legend
Title: Brutal King
Rating: M
Pairing: Issei X Harem (Izumi/Raynare/Akeno/Asia)
Summary: A Good Roadie knows his job is to make someone else look good. To bad Issei Hyouda never learned that. The only thing he learned was that he was a total bad ass. At least he has his adopted sister and Mother to help him figure things out.
Sorry for the Delay. I've been working on other projects and finishing up something rather important IRL.
Omnipotent beasts speech
Omnipotent beasts thought
Chapter 8: Rumble in the night pt 2
Location: Kuoh Town
Place: Abandoned church
Time: 0000
Issei, Koneko, and Kiba looked at the church from the bushes. They had watched it for several minutes, but no sounds or anything could be heard from the inside of the church. It was almost as if it really was abandoned, but they knew better. A magical barrier was currently in place preventing movement and the like from being detected. It didn't stop Koneko from finding out someone was inside however.
"Well Koneko?" asked Issei, knowing about her sensing ability.
"I sense a lot of low ranked excorsits inside. None are a threat to any of us, but I'm feeling two decently strong auras inside," said Koneko.
"One of them has got to be Asia," said Issei gripping his fist.
"I have a feeling they know we're here," said Kiba.
Issei frowned as he pulled out his guitar. "Then lets knock on the door!" yelled Issei hitting a strum on his guitar.
This unleashed a powerful wind blast that tore apart the ground, before it hit the door blowing it to pieces. Issei switched the guitar with seperator and rushed in with koneko and Kiba only a few steps behind him.
Location: Kuoh Town
Place: Abandoned church
Time: 0005
Mittlet sat in a tree with Dohnoseek and Kalawaner. They were assigned to guard the rear. Raynare thought that the devils would do a cliché and try and sneak into the back. Mittlet sighed in annoyance as Kalwaner and Dohnoseek were sucking face. She knew that they'd rather be fucking right now, but until the ritual was complete they had to focus on the mission.
"I'm surprised that they left their main forces in the back," came a voice that stopped Kalawaner and Dohnoseek's actions.
Out of the shadows stepped three girls. The Gremory Duchcess in waiting, a slutty looking Japanese girl, and a brown haired girl with a red gauntlet and a black katana with a black Aura in it. All there were decently strong, but something about the girl with the gauntlet was screaming at her to run.
Dohnoseek smirked. "So you came to die Gremory?" asked the battle manic of the group.
Rias gave a small chuckle. "Hardy. My cute little servants have already infiltrated the front of your base," saod Rias cocking her hip and throwing her hair.
Mittlet's eyes widened hearing this. How the hell as that possible! Mittlet was sure that she had barrier trapped the entrance! Mittlet jumped up and went to fly to the entrance. She stopped as a barrier appeared Mittlet grit her teeth in annoyance. Raynare was most likely in danger now. She heard the sounds of localized explosions going off, before she turned and came face to face with Rias Gremory.
Rias smirked as her as she summoned her Power of Destruction and flow at Mittlet with the deadly orb in her hand. Mittlet summoned her yellow Spear of light and stopped the attack. While Rias did have high magical power she paled in comparison to her brother, but it was more then enough to beat the snot out of any low ranked crow. Mittlet flow into the air and throw her spear at Rais. Rias focused her energy and unleash and AOE wave that destroyed the spear. Mittlet looked around for her comrades. Kalawaner was trading energy blasts with Rias's [Queen], while Dohnseek was struggling to overcome the girl with the gauntlet. Mittlet turned back to Rias.
Mittelt held up her hands causing Rias to stop her next attack. "I surrender," said the Loli fallen angel.
"Oh do you now?" asked Rias not believing her what so ever.
"Look if I wasn't following orders I wouldn't even be in this mess," said Mittlet.
"Orders?" asked Rias crossing her arms over her large breasts.
"No way am I talking without a deal," said Mittlet.
Rias considered this. As she pondered this Akeno was just finishing her fight with Kalawaner, with the older woman beaten nearly black and blue. Akeno had Kalawaner a drooling mess and barely alive and twitching. If Rias didn't know any better she would say that Akeno fucked her brains out for hours on end. Although considering how much of a sadist Akeno was Rias wouldn't be shocked by this outcome. Rarely if ever did Akeno finish a fight quickly. He enjoyed inflicting pain to much for her own good
Izumi was still trading attacks with Dohnseek, but even though Dohnaseek was stronger Izumi was gaining ground of him. It was hard to notice at first, but every 10 seconds Izumi was getting stronger. After a full minute of clashing blades, Izumi took the upper hand on the battle-crazy fallen. In a display of skill and power that should not have been possible at he age and current skill level Izumi transferred all her power to the blade, before she slashed at Dohnseek, not only shattering his spear, but cutting him in half as well.
Rias raied her hand before she bound Mittlet in a ring of destruction. It didn't touch her skin, but was hovering just above her skin. "I'll speak with my Brother about getting you immunity, but you'd better start talking. Patience was never a virtue of mine," said Rias with a smirk.
Location: Kouh Town
Place: Abandonded Chuch- chapal area
Time: 0020
Koneko ducked under a wild sword slash, before she kicked a rouge in the stomach sending him flying. She chanced a glance behind her to see Kiba blocking two men with a sword in each hand. She jumped backwards as a bullet nearly struck her in the head. Glaring at the man who did it Koneko charged her demonic aura into her legs and dashed forward with speed that made a Rook seem overly fast. Jumping upwards she wrapped her legs around his neck in a move reminiscent of a twisting hurricanrana from Professional wrestling, snapping his neck upon the release landing on the ground she saw Issei blast apart two men with a strum of lightning.
"That's the last of them," said Issei as he switched his guitar for his axe.
"This is what we get for recruiting those weak fucks," said Freed as he got up from his chair next to the alter.
"Cut the shit and tell me where Asia is!" yelled Issei!"
Freed smirked. "She's in the basement, but Raynare has already started the ritual. It's always a bad idea to interrupt a woman in the throws of passion.
Issei grit his teeth! "I'll show you throws of passion!" yelled Issei as he summoned a swirling ball of fire and lightning before he tossed it in the air, before slamming his Ace into it "GRAND SLAM!"
The ball zipped at freed who was smart enough to jump out of the way as the swirling ball of death hit dead center of the cross. It exploded in a pillar of fire and lightning. Once gone a staircase descending to the basement was revealed. Freed jumped up to speak on what was happening, but was met with a large bench being thrown at him.
"Issei-kun go after Asia-san. Koneko and I will deal with this fool," said Kiba.
Issei nodded, before charging down the stairs, taking two at a time. As he rushed to the bottom of the stairs he heard screams coming from the very bottom of the room. He managed to slid into the room as Raynare's hands hovered over Asia's body. Raynare smirked as she pulled out an ORB that held two rings. She turned to Issei with a green on her face as she took the rings and put them on her ow fingers.
"I'm sorry love, but your too late," said Raynare.
"I-issei," said Asia weakly as her head lobbed to the side.
Issei's skin began to burn in his anger as he glowed red and two large wings appeared outside of his bak. "DAMN YOU YUUMA!" yelled Issei.
Before Raynare could say anything Issei appeared before her grabbing her face and pushing her upwards, though 3 floors of concrete and steel before they emerged in the main church. Once there he released the bleeding woman who managed to stumble backwards and onto a chair. The attack had been more powerful then she expected it to be and Issei had clearly attacked with the intent to kill her. Something that she didn't think was a possibility at the moment. Raynare despite herself did have a Master's degree in psychology. She knew that she had inflicted some kind of wound upon his psykey that should have stopped him from attacking her so easily. She honestly didn't have time to think about it as she used Twilight healing on herself. She felt her wounds healing, but it drained her magic to do so.
Issei appeared in her field of view as he raised his axe above his head. Raynare rolled out of the way and got to her feet, summoning her pink spear of light,before stabbing Issei in the gut. Issei grunted in pain, but in his rage the pain was negleable to him at this point. All he wanted to do was hurt Raynare! Impaling himself further he charged lighting to his fist.
"Let me see you grit those teeth BITCH!" yelled Issei as he unloaded on Raynare.
Raynare went flying as she released her spear and flow though the pyane glass Window and outside. She landed on the ground in front of a bound and gagged Mettliet, and all of Ria's Peerage. Kiba and Izumi held blades to her throat. Issei came flying out of the Window with his axe raised, hellfire raging across the blades.
"You die now! Yuuma!" growled Issei with rage in his eyes.
Raynare in fear for her life resorted to changing into her Yuuma persona. "ISE-Kun wait! I didn't want to do it! I was ordered to! Asia wouldn't want you to do this! Please!" yelled Rayanre with tears in her eyes.
Issei grit his teeth in anger, trying to kill her, but something was staying his hand. Was it her words? Her mentioning of the pure hearted girl? The look of terror in her eyes? What was stopping him from killing this bitch!?
Issei screamed as he slammed the axe into the ground. "As much as I hate you... I can't bring myself to kill you!" growled out Issei.
Rias walked up to Issei and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright Issei. You've reached your personal limits... However Limits like that don't exist for members of my family!" growled Rias as she throw a ball of energy at Raynare.
The ball would have killed her. Had a white armored figure not appeared and destroyed the orb with his claws. The two Fallen angels looked at the figure in shock, Everyone else looked at the figure in awe at the power he was radiating. For some reason Izumi went stiff as a board. The figure looked onto her.
"V-Vali!" whispered Raynare in fear.
"White Dragon Emperor," said Izumi shocking everyone knowing who he was.
"Who the hell are you?" asked Rias.
The white armored figure shrugged. "I'm pretty sure she just said my name,"said the White armored figure. His voice was muffled by his armor. "Red Dragon Empress. A pleasure to finally meet you, although I think it's a little early for us to be meeting up for out Destined battle,"
"Who the hell are you and what is this destined battle!?" growled Issei, pretty pissed off that this man basically just threatened his sister in front of him.
Vali looked at him. "Something you don't want any part of little man," said Vali.
Issei growled and charged at Vali! He raised his axe and swung with all his might at his neck.
Issei's axe made contact with his neck, but just as it did Issei felt a massive drain on his energy. All that could be herd was the cling of metal on metal. Vali balled up his left fist and Hit Issei in his chest sending him flying backwards into Kiba and Akeno! Issei was gaping in pain. The fact he still had a freaking hole in his stomach didn't help matters.
"Well shit. You actually cut my scales," said Vali indicating that his neck had a gash in it that revealed a bit of blood. "You might be fun to fight in the future, but right now I have a job to do and return these fools to Azazel for punishment,"
"A-Asia's Scread Gear," said Issei weakly
Vali picked them both up, but stopped as he ripped the rings off Raynare, before vanishing.
After this was finished they brought Asia's body to the alter. Issei grabbed Asia and began to cry over her.
"Damn this world!? How could it be so cruel to someone so pure!?" asked Issei in anguish at the loss of Asia.
Rias sighed as she summoned a chess piece. A [bishop] to be specific. "Issei... I can bring her back to life, but.. If I do this you must agree to follow my orders without question," said Rias.
Issei looked at her in rage and saddness. He knew what Rias was doing, but if it could give Asia a second chance. Then he would get in bed with the devil herself. The Rocking devil didn't even think about it, even knowing that he was selling his Soul to the metproical and literal devil.
"Deal," said Issei as he nuzzled his face into Asia's hair.
Rias smiled. "It's deal Buchou my cute little servant," said Rias as she began the ritual to bring Asia back to life
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was pretty fun to write, before i get hit with the Issei copped out Or Asia, Please have faith in your dude.