Well I got bored so I started looking at pix on ... then I started listening to mozart... so I got a fanfic idea! ::shrug:: go figure. This is a big fat romance fic, Domon/Rain, George/Marie Louise, Argo/Nastasha (if I can pull it off... those two are hard to write for since they rarely talk in the first place o_O) and Chibodee/Allenby (DON'T HATE ME SHIRLEY FANS! I love her too, but like I said, I was looking at pix at the Shuffle Alliance page and saw Chibodee and Allenby skiing, it was too cute :-D)
Oh, and for the hell of it, I spell 'George' 'Jorge' in this fic. Looks more french, as a review I saw in a different fanfic pointed out. (Edit 5-14-03: I pissed people off with my 'J' spelling, so I switched it back.)

This fic takes place three years after the 13th Tournament, and only a few months are left before the Gundams are sent to earth to battle in preparation of the 14th Tournament.

"people talking"

'people thinking'


"These events are alwasy so boring. Don't you agree, George?" Marie Louise asked as she and George stepped into the enormous ballroom of the Neo France palace. George smiled down at her and nodded, observing the sight in front of him. Unnumerable couples were twirling around eachother in time to the soft orchestra, and the dim light that sparkled down from the ceiling made the scene seem magical. The two made their way through the ballroom towards the head table, where places were saved for both of them. Dancers stopped and bowed as the two passed, making Marie and Jorge look like boats cutting through the crowd and causing them to bow in their wake.
The onlookers whispered to eachother as the couple passed.

"Princess Marie Louise has on an even more beautiful gown this time than at the last ball." one woman commented as Marie passed her. The dress was beautiful- its sleeves fell off of her shoulders, and it was so light a pink that the color could barely be noticed. Her hair was left down, and it tumbled down her back in soft waves and curls. Her earrings were gold, matching the glitter of the thin tiara that crowned her head. Her shoes were tiny and clear, making the softest of sounds as she floated through the hall.

"I agree, but Monsieur George looks more dashing than I have ever seen him." a second replied. George had declined to wearing his usual attire and instead wore a knightly uniform of navy blue. His white cape was fastened in place by gold shoulder caps, and flowed triumphantly in his wake.

"When do you think they will be married? They have always been fond of eachother, it seems, and she would visit him during the 13th Tournament... they must be planning to hold it soon." the first stated Jorge and Marie took their seats, and the crowd began to dance again.

"Well I heard that he has not yet proposed to her."

"Maybe the King rejects the idea." the first replied. The King was never fond of the idea of Marie Louise and Jorge being together, and the entire nation knew it. "It's true that he is simply a Gundam fighter... but I think they make a lovely couple. Monsieur Jorge is a very kind and talented young man, and if he were to marry the princess and eventually become King, I believe he would do a fine job."

The woman's friend nodded, and the two dissapeared into the crowd to find their escorts.

"Miss Marie, would you care to dance?" George asked after dinner had been served. Marie Louise smiled and nodded, holding gingerly to his offered arm. The two glided onto the dance floor just as a waltz filled the air. They began to twirl in time with the humming violins, making perfect movements as they cut through the other dancers. Marie Louise grinned as they danced, feeling pleased that she had been convinced to attend the ball.

"I have to admit, this is more interesting than I thought it would be." she said as he gave her a little dip. "If you weren't here, I would have never been able to stand it. I'm sure father would have brought as many suitors as he could find..." Marie continued, trailing at the end. Her smile had faded and in it's place was a look of sadness and worry.

"Marie Louise, I won't let your father take you from me. I realise that he doesn't like our being together, but even if he is the King, I cannot stand to see you courted by others." George said in a very serious tone. Marie Louise smiled weakly at him and laid her head on his chest as the music grew slower and softer.

"George you know I can't stand to be without you..." she whispered, feeling as though she was going to cry. George kissed the top of her head and held her tightly, thinking the same thing.

"We'll get through this, Marie. I promise." George said quietly. 'I just hope the tournament doesn't keep me away long enough for her father to marry her off to someone else.'
George looked to his side and saw the Gundam Rose standing outside a window, it's metallic surface shining in the moonlight. 'speaking of the tournament, Argo called the other day and said he had some urgent information reguarding the 14th Gundam Fight. I must contact him right away....'


"Now Sai Saici, try not to get into any trouble while we're gone."
"I know, Zuisen..."
"Try and train at least a little."
"I will, Keiun..."
"Behave yourself in the hotel, no room service!"
"All RIGHT..."

"Don't eat too much." "Don't hurt yourself!" "Try and keep out of others' business!"

"And above all..."
"And above all..."

"I KNOW!!" Sai Saici shouted as the two monks recoiled. They hadn't gotten used to the fact that the now-17 year old Sai had grown tremendously in the past three years, and was now taller than them both. His voice had also grown deeper, making his booming voice a bit more intimidating than it would have been before. "Look I'll be careful, ok? Now hop on your plane and head back to Neo China. I can spend time in Neo Hong-Kong without being watched over, I'm 17 for cryin out loud!!"

The monks looked at eachother, their eyes suddenly huge and teary...

The two wailed, hugging onto Sai as wobbly tears streamed down their faces.


The two monks recoiled again, then waved their goodbyes and hopped on the plane. Sai got outside and hailed himself a cab, collapsing onto the back seat as soon as he got in.

"heh, behave my ass..." Sai grinned, his eyes flickering with mischief. The cab finally pulled over in front of a hotel and Sai hopped out, three huge suitcases in his arms, one rolling on the ground next to him, and a bag slung over his shoulder. "TONIGHT I'LL HAVE A NIGHT ON THE TOWN!"

"Sai Saici?" a high, feminine voice asked from behind him. Sai turned around and looked down straight into a pair of cerulean eyes, set in a cute round face and framed with two blue ponytails.

Sai stammered, gawking at her. "Um, yea Sai, but you dropped all your bags..." Cecil stammered as she looked up at Sai Saici, her cheeks slightly pink.
'He sure has grown... I used to be able to look him straight in the eye, but now he's got to be 4 inches taller than me.' She smiled as Sai looked at her with a confused look. 'Same old Sai...'

"S-so what are ya doin here?" He asked, managing to supress his embarrassment as he gathered his bags back up. Cecil laughed a little as she helped him out, and the two headed into the hotel.

"Actually, I'm not really sure... Hans just said that we needed to come to Neo Hong Kong for some business. He's been gone all day lately, so I thought today I'd have a look around." She said. The two made it up the elevator and onto Sai's floor, and after some fumbling with the card key, the door was opened and they dropped his things inside.
"Hans has been acting strange lately... he barely says anything when he gets home, and when he does talk he mumbles to himself. I'm getting worried..." she continued, sitting on the bed and looking down at her feet. Sai sat down too, looking at her with worry.

"Will you be alright?" he asked, looking at her with deep concern.

"Oh... yes I'm sure it will be just fine!" Cecil replied, breaking out another smile.
'I don't want to worry him... I can tell him all of these things later.' she thought. Sai smiled back at her, then turned red as a cherry as Cecil fell into his torso and hugged him tightly.

"I've missed you so much, Sai..." she said quietly. Her voice lacked the happy tone that it usually held, it sounded tired and worried.
"I missed you too Cecil." Sai said after a moment, his face falling from the smile it had. 'Something isn't right...'


"498, 499, 500. There, can we go to lunch now?" a tired and sweaty Chibodee pleaded. Allenby was nearby, reclining on the Gundam Maxter's foot. She lifted her sunglasses and looked Chibodee over, then shook her head.

"You don't look tired enough. 500 more!" She replied with an evil grin. Chibodee's stomach growled, and he rubbed at it, giving Allenby the puppy-dog face.
"Hey, you're the one who suggested we train together. Don't give me that look just cause it's starting to get tough!" She replied, letting her sunglasses fall. Chibodee regretfully started his routine over.

"1... 2... 3... Allenby I'm done, I can't move another muscle!" he pouted, sprawling out on the floor of the warehouse that Maxter and Nobel were being kept. The sun shone brightly through the door and poured over over his face, and just as he moved an arm to block it, a shadow moved in front of the light. Chibodee sat up with a to see a huge, looming, muscular figure standing in the door, accompanied by a stern looking woman.

"Gah! Argo don't freak me out like that!" Chibodee exclaimed as Argo and Nastasha walked into the hangar. Allenby waved to the two as she hopped off Maxter and trodded over to the group.

"Good, you're here too Allenby." Argo stated simply.

"ummm yea... but what brings the both of you all the way out here? We're not exactly a hop skip and a jump from Neo Russia." Allenby said. She threw a towel a Chibodee, who took it gratefully.

"It's about the next Tournament." He continued. Allenby and Chibodee both perked up at this remark. Chibodee threw the towel to a corner and pulled his shirt back on.

"The tournament, huh? Let's go grab some food, we can talk about this over lunch."


Well, I was going to include the Domon and Rain section in here, but I need to sleep! Hoped you folks liked it... REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!!!! :-D