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These Days
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Sequel to The Adventures of a Junkie and her Angel. Sort of. Picks up about 8 months later. Luke and Lorelai are still dating; Rory and Jess have broken up with her at Yale and him in California. My own version of Jess leaving will emerge.
Once again, this is predominantly and L/L story, but there is some R/J stuff. If Jess seems OC it's because I refuse to make him as big an ass as the writers have. Seriously, are they trying to sabotage his new show? Maybe they're just into character assassination on a grand scale. Lorelai's 110% self-centred; Dean's engaged; Luke's turned into a ski bunny… *rant off* Sorry
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Chapter 1: The world is not growing worse and it is not growing better - it is just turning around as usual
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*ring ring*
Lorelai hoisted her bag on the counter and began rummaging through it to find her cell phone.
"Outside," Luke reminded her sternly.
"But it's Rory." Lorelai showed him the caller ID.
"Out." Luke pointed to the door.
"But it's Wednesday," Lorelai pouted.
"Doesn't change the rules," he said.
She lowered her voice and gave him a seductive look. "I'll do that thing with the feather that you like so much."
Luke's cheeks reddened. "Outside or no sex for a week," he threatened.
Lorelai reversed out of the diner. "I'll
be back," she warned.
"Hi Honey," Lorelai answered the phone.
"Hey, I was just about to hang up," Rory replied.
Lorelai waved to Miss Patty as she crossed the street to take a seat in the gazebo. "Sorry, Luke kicked me out of the diner."
"What? No girlfriend cell phone privileges?"
"Nope! I'm really beginning to wonder if it's worth it."
"You still get free food, don't you?" asked Rory.
"Yeah, you've convinced me, totally worth it."
"So I'm at the store stocking up for tonight..."
Wednesday was movie night for the Gilmore girls. Rory tried to come home from Yale most weekends, but she and Lorelai still missed each other during the week. So Wednesday night was a time they set aside to eat junk food, watch a movie and talk. It was almost like Rory had never left.
"Great, tell me what I'll need to pick up," said Lorelai.
"For tonight, you will need the richest, most decadent chocolate you can find."
"We're watching Chocolat? For mocking purposes?"
"Is not everything we watch for mocking purposes?"
"True. But does this mean you're still in your French fluff phase?" Lorelai asked.
"It's not French," said Rory.
"It's set in France."
"But there are no subtitles."
"Thank goodness. Making banana splits while keeping your eyes on the screen is really messy."
"Hey, I think you can put up with a few
subtitles after making me watch John Cusack for a month," Rory reminded her
mother. "80's John Cusack, 90's John Cusack, 90's John Cusack playing 80's John
"So we'll call it even."
"Deal," Rory agreed.
"You know you can't take this French thing any further, the Stars Hollow video store has exactly one French film."
"Which one?"
"So the other week when we watched 8 Femmes?"
"I had to go all the way to Hartford."
"But it was worth it?"
Lorelai laughed. "Oh yeah. The singing! The dancing! The costumes! I made Luke sit through it and I seriously thought he was going to kill me."
"Scott too," Rory added.
"How did you get him to watch it?"
"Told him there was some girl on girl action." Rory put on a deep voice to imitate her boyfriend. "You didn't tell me they were OLD."
Lorelai laughed. "Poor guy."
"Poor guy?" Rory scoffed. "Poor me. The next night HE chose the movie and I think he was trying to give me a hint."
"He rented porn?" Lorelai guessed.
"More subtle."
"Showgirls? Striptease?"
"Keep going."
"Body Heat?"
"Almost there."
"You really want to play this game?" Lorelai asked.
"Basic Instinct."
"Ugh, that movie disturbs me on so many levels," Lorelai complained.
"Not least of which is the sight of Michael Douglas's butt," Rory concurred.
Lorelai made a recommendation. "Hey, you
know what you should do? Go buy an ice pick."
Rory laughed in agreement. "You know what else I should do?"
"Dump the loser?" Lorelai suggested.
"Yep, it's on the list. But he's not that bad. Better than Tony at least."
"Monkey boy?"
"No, that was Harvey. Tony was the one who, on our first date, spilled his glass of water on me, then when I complained he got me all wet, he said 'dirty'."
"Oh he totally set you up for that."
"Needless to say, there was no second date. There wasn't even a second course. How do I end up with these creeps?" Rory wondered.
"Jessica." They both said simultaneously.
At first Rory had been thrilled with her roommate. Jessica was smart, fun, friendly, and generous with her things. Her only flaw was a mild case of boy-crazyitis, which she liked to spread around.
"I can't believe she talked you into dating so much," Lorelai said.
"Well she has a point. I've only been out with two guys before," said Rory.
"Two serious relationships," Lorelai reminded her.
"Maybe too serious, I'm young. Now's the time to have some fun."
"Naughty," Lorelai commented.
"Not that much fun. Anyway, I have to get to class now, talk to you tonight!"
Lorelai returned to Luke's just after the lunch rush had ended.
"Where did my fries go?" she demanded as she sat back down at the counter.
"In the oven, keeping warm." Luke retrieved them for her.
"You're wonderful," Lorelai told him, biting into a crisp fry.
Luke picked up the mail and began sorting through it. "We got something from Colorado," he said.
"Ooh, Leo or Lexa?" Lorelai asked excitedly.
Luke checked the return address. "Both."
"Hmm, where's my mail?" Lorelai wondered.
"It's addressed to both of us," Luke reminded her.
"At your address," Lorelai pointed out.
"They must know that you never check your mailbox."
"I do so."
"Your gas was disconnected last week because you hadn't paid the bill."
"I never got the bill."
"Because it sat in your mailbox for three weeks."
"Just open the letter," Lorelai told Luke impatiently. It was so irritating when he was right.
Luke purposefully peeled back the envelope very slowly.
"So what does it say?" Lorelai demanded.
"They're getting married," said Luke.
"Aw, of course they are. When?" she asked.
"Six weeks," he answered. "And we're invited."
"Of course we are. It's because of us they're getting married." Lorelai looked proud as she finished off her fries.
"And maybe partly because of mutual love and respect and a relationship built on many years of friendship," Luke added.
"Yeah," Lorelai admitted, "but mostly
because of us. We'll have to call and congratulate them."
Lorelai leant across the counter and threaded her hand through Luke's.
"You're getting mushy in the diner," he warned, although he didn't let go of her hand "Oh no, it's the wedding thing, isn't it? Women always get this way at weddings."
"We're not at a wedding."
"It must be the anticipation," Luke said
Lorelai rolled her eyes. "Paranoid, much? Anyway, I've got to get back to the inn."
"So will I see you tonight?" Luke asked.
"Wednesday," Lorelai reminded him. "I have a standing engagement."
"You can come over later if you want," she offered.
"Nah, you and Rory will be on the phone for hours, I'll just see you tomorrow." Checking first to make sure that no customers were paying attention he gave her a quick kiss.
"I'll be the one in the white dress and veil."
"Not funny," Luke called after her.
That night Lorelai had just finished setting up a stack of junk food on the coffee table when the phone rang.
"Howdy, Babe."
"What if it wasn't me?" Rory asked, "Does answering the phone with that line not embarrass you at all?"
"Sometimes, but it's a great way to scare off those pesky telemarketers. So how was your day?" Lorelai asked, making herself comfortable on the couch.
"Pretty good. Paris and I totally kicked Scott's butt in our Poly Sci debate, so I felt bad about breaking up with him after that."
"You went out for what, three weeks?"
"Something like that. Actually, I don't really feel that bad about it," Rory reflected.
"My daughter, the heartbreaker."
"I didn't break his heart," Rory insisted and changed the subject. "What about your day?"
"Well, remember Leo and Lexa? Luke and I met them on our road trip last year?"
"Your long lost twins?"
"Yeah, well they're getting married."
"Oh, that's great."
"Luke and I got the invitation today. Delivered to his address, I might add."
"So they do know you."
"I am not that bad with the mail!" Lorelai protested.
Rory begged to differ. "Every weekend I
bring in the mail from the whole week. If I skip a weekend, Kirk can no longer
fit the mail in the slot."
Lorelai giggled. "Dirty!"
Rory rolled her eyes. "Watch the movie."
Lorelai grabbed the remote control. "Okay, ready, play."
For a moment, the phone line was silent but for the sounds of both Lorelai and Rory munching on candy.
"You're saving the really good chocolate until the end aren't you?" Rory asked as they watched the beginning of the movie.
"Uh, sure." Lorelai guiltily wiped chocolate off her mouth. She shoved the empty wrapper between the couch cushions and broke open a packet of cookies instead.
"This movie is you and me, babe," she said to Rory between bites, "breezing into town, bringing the junk food and the fun."
"So are you and Luke going to the wedding?" Rory asked.
"We didn't really have a chance to discuss it today, but I'm definitely planning on going."
"Okay." Rory paused and tried to decide on the best way to bring up her next question. "Has Luke heard from Jess recently, do you know?" she finally asked.
"Not that I know of, honey. Jess isn't exactly great at keeping in touch."
"That I definitely know," Rory said with
a sigh.
"Have you been thinking about him lately?" Lorelai asked with a hint of concern in her voice.
"Not really, I was just kind of
wondering what he was doing these days."
"Sometimes it's best not to wonder," Lorelai advised.
"Yeah." If only it were that easy. Rory turned her focus back to the TV. "Speaking of ex-boyfriends, that guy reminds me of Max."
"The evil Count?"
"Yeah. I think it's the hair."
Lorelai had to agree. "Still speaking of ex-boyfriends, do you hear from Dean much?" she asked.
"We exchange semi-regular emails," Rory answered.
"And?" Lorelai prodded.
"He's fine. Likes Connecticut State."
"Do you ever regret ending it with Dean, considering the way things worked out with Jess?"
"No," Rory said simply.
"Okay." Lorelai dropped the subject. She was a little worried about her daughter's new dating habits, and the fact that she was obviously still thinking about Jess. But Rory seemed generally happy these days, so Lorelai returned her attention to the movie.
"What does she put in that chocolate?" she wondered aloud.
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I know this chap was pretty much all talk, but please review to let me know if you're interested.