So, this crossover really comes as a suprise. Eapecially since I felt as though I was done with Legend of Korra, but a reviewer on Two Avatars, Brandon Herondale, sparked the idea for this story. To quote his review:
'Can you make a fanfic of naruto and legend of korra .naruto as the avatar and the oldest son of tenzin . It's quite the same of your two avatar story'
It was certainly interesting, but in the end, things needed to change. The character and story behind this crossover had to be converted into something I could get excited to right. I also know this won't be everyone's cup of tea. You may even think Sasuke is OOC. You're free to think that, and welcome to come and go from this story as you please.
On that note, since I have done a story like this before, I plan on shaking things up with the usual story as much as possible to make this interesting for you guys to read. I only hope there are those of you who enjoy this.
On a lighter note, I am hear by taking suggestions on this story pertaining to almost anything. Is there a certain Shinobi you want to see in this story? As long as they're dead, there's a chance I can put them in somewhere. What pairing do you want to see for Sasuke? Your free to tell me, and I'll see what I can do. Want a certain Legend of Korra Character to have a Blood Line Limit? It can happen. I naturally have ideas myself, but this feels like a story where I can give you guys a lot of say. All you must do is review or pm concerning pretty much anything you'd like to see.
My name is Sasuke Uchiha.
Tonraq, Senna, and Korra, thank you for all you've done, but I must leave. I am writing this because Katara suggested I leave something behind for you three. After some reflection, I realized she was right. You deserve an explanation.
The same explanation I gave her. So, I suppose I should begin after I explain some crucial information. Here goes nothing. I am not from the Four Nations or even your world. I come from another world in which you can find the Elemental Nations. A collection of various lands.
For example, Land of Rain and Land of Earth. These names don't indicate a certain group you'd find there though it does usually correlate to the Chakra Nature someone has. That explanation is unnecessary, so just think of it like the common bending you see.
I was born in the Land of Fire to the Village Hidden in the Leaves. It's a village that has civilians and Shinobi. Shinobis are like military and mercenaries rolled into one. I was once a Shinobi, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Anyways, I was born and named Sasuke after the Third Hokage's father. The Hokage is a tittle given to a strong Shinobi that embodies the Will of Fire. Think of it like a position that can be passed down or elected into. The third was a greatly respected man.
My last name, Uchiha, was a name used by everyone who had my Blood Line Limit. A very special ability not every ninja had that gives a clan status and power in some regards. My close family was my big brother Itachi, my mother Mikoto, and father Fugaku.
My father was the head of the clan, so a lot was expected of me. Even more as my brother was a prodigy in every sense of the word. To give you some frame of reference. A Shinobi can be titled by how strong they are
You start of as a student and graduate around 11-12 years old. That makes you a Genin which sees you put into a team of three led by a Jonin until you become a Chunin. Chunin can lead experienced Shinobi on missions. Finally, Jonin or the highest-ranking position in the village.
Even though the forces were wakened due to a war, his advancement to higher rankings was fast. He graduated from the academy at 7, passed the Chunin Exams by himself at 10, entered Anbu at 11, and led the organization at 13.
I looked up to my brother and loved him with all my heart. I always wanted to play with him or learn something new from him. Reminds me of a certain Avatar when we were younger. Uh, back to the story.
My mom was kind, but strict. She always said play could wait as Itachi had his homework, and later important Shinobi duties, to attend to. Even so, Itachi made time for me no matter how annoying I could be. It might be surprising, given how I've been, but I was an excitable kid.
Very eager. As for my father, he was strict and distant. I wanted his approval, but he always compared me to Itachi. My achievements couldn't measure up to my big brother. I was always behind where he was at my age… until things were set in motion.
My clan was going to rebel against the Leaf Village. There's a lot of history you don't need to know. Just understand that the Uchiha Clan felt as though they were being pushed further from their prominence in the village.
Itachi was caught between his loyalty to village and clan. In the end, it was inevitable. Something had to be done. Either an all-out war would break out or Itachi could slaughter everyone. The later, could and did save lives.
He chose to slaughter the clan, but he couldn't kill me. His plan was to let me live, have me kill him, and be a hero. He used the incident to insight me to grow stronger. He made me an avenger which unknowingly instilled the Curse of Hatred within me.
Itachi left the village and joined an organization of S ranked Missing-nin Shinobi. He did this to act as a double agent for the third, but I never learned about this until much later. From that day onward, I was cold to and distant from people.
I closed myself off, but someone still made a bond with me. He was my rival Naruto Uzumaki. I thought he was so annoying and such a dobe. He competed with me for everything, but I always won. Things went on like that until I graduated.
At this point, I had annoying fan girls that I wouldn't even give the time of day to. Unfortunately, at the time, Sakura, who was one of them, and Naruto would be put on my team. Our Sensei was Kakashi Hatake.
He was one of the strongest Jonin of the Hidden Leaf Village. I won't go into too much detail here. Our Sensei found us annoying, taught us something important, and we undertook missions together.
In a way, I was starting to open myself to them and the village's way of thinking until out Chunin Exams just months into our time as Genin. During the second test, we were met by a Sanin. That was a tittle given to three exceptional Shinobi during the second wat.
This one had become a missing nin, was an ex-member of the Akatsuki, and would attack his former home killing the Third Hokage. I fought him, but he was to strong. When he left, I received what's known as a Curse Mark. It granted power but amplified my hatred.
A little while after the Chunin Exam, and Orochimaru's failed attack, I met my brother again. He was after Naruto because he contained one of nine tailed beasts. Think of them as dark, powerful spirits. Once again, my brother reminded me of the hatred before putting me in a coma.
The only one who could help me was Lady Tsunade, another Sanin and renowned healer. Naruto and Jiraiya, the last of the Sanin, brought her back to the village. It wasn't long after that I began to take notice of Naruto's increase in strength.
We fought on the roof of the hospital but were stopped from going to far by our Sensei. It was after that I saw a sign of how strong Naruto really was. My hatred was at an all time high. Soon, Orochimaru's henchmen came for me with the promise of power.
I eventually left with them prompting the village to mount a rescue. The henchmen were held off my other Shinobi, and I came to face Naruto. I managed a win and escaped into Orochimaru's clutches. He trained me, but I never gave into his request to kill.
At the time, the only one I'd have killed in cold blood was Itachi. After three years, Naruto and Sakura found me with two other Shinobi by their side. I showed them my strength and prepared to finish them off before Orochimaru took me away.
Now, Orochimaru wanted my body. I'd cease to be, but I was fine with that if Itachi died. Weather I achieved that. or he did with my body, I was fine with it. Then, I realized I was stronger than Orochimaru.
I killed the snake before going around to recruit three other experiments from Orochimaru's compounds. I used them to help me find Itachi. Killed one Akatsuki member before I found him. The recruits held off his partner, and we fought.
As I said, Itachi never intended on winning, but even with a terrible sickness and almost going blind, he'd have still defeated me. Before he died, he freed me of the Curse Mark, but the Curse of Hatred was a different story.
I learned the truth about Itachi and of the elders who pushed him to do it. He loved the Leaf Village, but my hatred wanted to see it fall. I took my three new teammates and moved to attack the Leaf. We got pulled into the Akatsuki ourselves though.
We attacked and thought we captured someone with who held the eight tails, but it was a fake. We eventually ended up invading a summit meant to discuss the Akatsuki and I. I abandoned my team and killed one of the elders named Danzo.
I then attempted to kill Sakura, and Kakashi. Would have to if Naruto hadn't been able to stop me. I eventually got drawn into the Fourth Great War of my old world, but this time it was to be between the Akatsuki and the five major Shinobi Villages.
While on the battlefield, I saw the reanimated corpse of my dead brother. Trust me, it's possible in my world to bring a person back to life, but it's not something you want to do as they don't really come back in full.
I chased after him. I was there when he stopped the reanimation of not only him, but several other powerful Shinobi. Before he vanished, Itachi apologized for everything. I brought Orochimaru back through a Curse Mark on an old student of his.
Once he saw how strong I was, Orochimaru was willing to do what I asked him. So, I told him to reanimate the previous dour Hokage so that I may learn what it means meant to be a Shinobi. In addition, I'd learn about the Curse of Hatred as well.
It was through my interaction with them that I decided we all would head into the battle to prevent Itachi and the village from coming to mean nothing. I appeared on the battlefield and declared to my previous classmates that I would become Hokage.
A dream held by my rival always, but I would become a different Hokage. I'd use my strength to force everyone's hatred onto me and bear it. I would keep the other villages in line to hold onto a peace I saw as right.
It was a long and hard-fought battle that we ended up winning; however, it was not done. During the time I was the battlefield, everyone had been trapped. Naruto and I had the power to free them… or just one of us if we killed the other.
That was my intention. I knocked out Sakura and left her with Kakashi as I egged Naruto to follow me for our final fight. In the end, we tied but Naruto finally got through to me. He impressed the importance of our bond and shown light into the darkness I'd walked into.
He gave me the Will of Fire and eradicated the Curse of Hatred. I finally returned home, was imprisoned for some time, and only freed thanks to Naruto and Kakashi vouching for me. In our battle, Naruto and I lost out arms.
Replacements were available, but I choose to not get it. I would only have one arm as a reminder. Shortly after my release, I decided to leave the village and wander the world to see it. To understand how I now felt about it. This time, I said goodbye to my team.
Naruto gave me my old head band. The one I always wear in this new world. The one with the slash I received during our fight before I left, and the only reminder I have left of my previous world. The moment I took the headband, I was sucked into a white portal.
The last thing I saw of my world were the shocked faces of my teammates. I ended up in a white void where I was confronted by the Sage of Six Paths. He was the father of all Ninjutsu, and in a way the father of my world as we came to know it.
He told me someone, he didn't know who, had crossed the barrier into our world's after life before leaving with many, dead Shinobi from our world. Whoever or whatever it was, brought dangerous Shinobi into your world.
In doing this, the perpetrator had bond them to this world. To counteract this, I was to be bond to the world myself and become the defender against these Shinobi. That would be my purpose. I protested because I was not the right person for this job.
My protest didn't matter as I was suddenly standing before Raava. A powerful spirit from your world. I protested and argued with her, but there was nothing to be done. I was already bond to this world. After she calmed me down, Raava explained her purpose.
The Sage had given her all the knowledge and Blood Line Limits of my world. She was to be sealed within me which would grant me the ability to unlock Chakra in people of this world and grant them Blood Line Limits. Certain Blood Line Limits had been altered.
Raava also said she could appear when I asked, and there was much more she could grant me. The thing is, she can only grant me more once your world draws much closer to the Harmonic Convergence. An event that will be happen in your world very soon.
The next thing I know I'm in an icy landscape, my Chakra in thrown into whack with Raava inside me, and I'm three years old. I no longer had my previously acquired skills, speed or strength. The only thing for miles was the Southern Water Tribe in the distance.
I was dressed exactly as I was when I was a kid meaning I was freezing. In the end, I tried to make it to the village only to collapse near it. I would have died if not for you Tonraq. You brought me into your home. I was unsure about everything upon waking.
When Senna asked who I was, I had no choice but to lie. The truth wasn't an option at the time. I told you guys my name was just Sasuke, our ship had crashed, my parents had died, and acted as though I had a selective amnesia.
You believed me, and you even searched for them. After the search turned up nothing, and no other family was found, you brought me into yours. I wanted to leave then and there. I may not have understood my situation, but I've always been cool and collected.
I knew I'd be a danger to you, but I was a kid with no family, no identification, and not even of this world. I had no choice but to stay. Senna, you felt so sorry for me that you hugged, and still hug me, every chance you get. I didn't dislike your hugs.
They were so warm like my previous mother's. I felt genuine love even in those early days. I just didn't deserve it. Still don't. I didn't deserve to become a Southern Tribesmen, part of your family, or older brother to the Avatar.
I didn't deserve Korra acting like I did to Itachi. I remember how much it hurt her when I'd ignore her. It took you two talking to me about it before I started putting on an act as not to hurt Korra or cause undue worry to you two.
That's what it started as. Some big act until it wasn't. At some point, I fell into the life I had. Hunting with and learning from Tonraq, helping Senna cook, and being a big brother to Korra. It all became genuine. I felt happy.
Every year, the thought of why I was brought to this world was put behind me more and more. I still trained, in secret, to get my body back up. I'd say I'm about as strong now as I was when I left Leaf village. Probably due to this peace your world has.
Your world isn't like mine was. We had children killing Shinobi older than them or dying themselves. Here kids can be kids. I guess I became as much of a kid as I could with all the memories I had.
Given the fact that I didn't want you to know any of this, you can probably see why I began hunting alone. It also explains my large catches. I used my skills to increase the haul and did extra trips when the fishing wasn't that great.
I also became the Red Eyed Devil putting on a disguise to drive off bandits and protect the village I'm getting slightly off topic. This year hit me hard since Korra's now 17. The Sage said that sometime during the Avatar's 17th year, the Shinobi would start impacting the world.
I'm not certain if that means they'll be put on this world or that they've been here all this time to only now start causing trouble. Either way, I can't ignore this any longer. I'm sorry, but I can't stay in your family.
I know I don't belong… can't belong. I'm not a good person. That said, writing this out makes me realize I can't leave this here for you. I need to tell you three the truth like I did Katara. Maybe that was the wise woman's intention or maybe not. I don't know…"
Water Tribe Home
Sasuke looked much like he had after the war; however, he had both his arms, no Rinnegan or power from the Sage of Six Paths, and his spiky, black hair had been kept to its length from before he left to join Orochimaru.
To differentiate himself from his adopted family, Sasuke wore a dark blue, log sleeved shirt underneath a light blue Water Tribe outfit with brown boots. On the back he had both the Water Tribe Symbol and Uchiha Clan Symbol.
Until today, Senna, Tonraq, and Korra didn't know why he'd requested both symbols on his back. Now, he hopped they understood that both symbols were there to show his pride in both his home and Clan.
Tonraq was a muscular, tall man with long black hair and a beard while Senna was a bit shorter with her black hair in twin tails at her sides. Korra was athletically built with a height in between her two parents and her black hair in a tri-pony tail.
The family were stunned after hearing what Sasuke had to say. It was a lot to process, and Sasuke by no means included everything because he didn't feel that was important. Yeah, he was the reincarnation of Indra, but he couldn't talk to the guy or Madara.
As far as he was concerned, that was good. What wasn't good was the fact that his adopted family seemed to be processing things poorly. Korra was saddened, Tonraq seemed disapproving, and Senna was worried.
"I should have just left without saying anything." Sasuke thought.
Raava spoke to him from within. "Sasuke, you don't know that their emotions are directed negatively towards you."
Despite those words, Sasuke ran from the home without waiting for a response. "Really, well it all seems clear to me Raava." He shook his head as he continued running. "They don't need me to make them feel any worse."
Korra ran to the open doorway. "Sasuke, wait!" Sasuke just continued running freely showing the speed of a Shinobi before jumping over the wall. "This is really bad." She turned to her parents. "We have to go after him."
Tonraq sighed. "Are we sure that's the best course of action?"
"Dad!" Korra shouted.
Tonraq!" Senna said.
"Look, I'm just saying we should take the time to think over everything Sasuke told us." Tonraq stated. "Sasuke's still my son, but…"
Korra was already out the door and running to get Naga.
Senna looked at him. "Do you mean that?"
Tonraq nodded. "I do Senna, but all three of us were taken off guard by what he's told us. I thought this was a meeting to tell us he'd proposed to some secret girlfriend of his. Not that he was from some other world."
Senna sighed. "I will admit that it does sound insane, but it does explain a lot about him. Remember how distant he used to be? Not to mention how selective his amnesia seemed. Finally, his speed is far greater than the few times he's trained with you."
Tonraq nodded before taking a deep breath. "I'll take this time to process what our son has said while Korra has her talk with him. I honestly just don't want to say the wrong thing here Senna." He crossed his arms and sighed. "I suppose not saying anything was wrong, huh?"
"Well, we're all guilty of that." Senna stated. "I think what's important is that we both still love him, right? I absolutely do."
"I do to." Tonraq stated.
Senna grabbed his hand and smiled. "Then let's both work out what he's told us and what we're going to say so he understands that."
Tonraq gave his wife a small smile. "You are right dear." He then frowned. "Senna, so you think this is why the Red Lotus was after Sasuke as well as Korra? Our son is strong, but I never understood why they'd be after him."
Senna thought about it. She hadn't confronted the Red Lotus since she was no fighter, but her husband had told her all about the encounter after he returned.
"It's possible." Senna stated. "The way Sasuke describes a Shinobi… did any of the members you face seem odd?"
Tonraq crossed his arms. "No, they all performed like any Bender or Non-Bender we're used to. That said, the four Sokka, Zuko, Lin, Tenzin, and I faced were likely a small cell of the Red Lotus. Given what we've just found out, there could be Shinobi counted among their ranks."
Icy Cliff Overlooking the Ocean
Sasuke had ran to his usual cliff and had sat down to look out over the ocean. "Raava, why didn't you ever remind me of my mission? Why did you let me become attached to them?"
Raava replied. "Sasuke, I know you better than any one after the years we've spent together. I've had nothing but time to look through your memories. I saw your past and knew how happy they made you.
You were growing at a fine rate and deserved some peace after everything you've been through. What I want to know is why you ran without even getting an answer from your family?"
"You know full well why I ran."Sasuke thought.
"I do, but I want to hear you say it." Raava replied. "I want you to admit it to yourself."
Before he could say anything, he heard Naga behind him. The Shinobi stood to run off only for ice to ensnare his feet. He looked back and saw Korra lowering her arm. She was clearly angry and Sasuke didn't blame her.
"Why did you run away?" Korra asked.
Sasuke was shocked. "What?"
Korra approached him and only removed the ice from his feet once she was close. "You heard me big brother. Why did you run away before giving us the chance to speak our minds? Considering you just told the truth; I want nothing but the truth now."
Sasuke sighed. "You want the truth Korra? The truth is I was terrified of facing you three." He walked closer to the edge with his hands up. "If the dobe could see me now, he'd laugh. The great Sasuke Uchiha, after the night of the massacre, was afraid once again.
I wanted to leave because I was terrified, you'd all cast me out anyways. At least this way I could pretend to still a family. To me, after 15 years with you all, it would be better to pretend having you then to lose you in that way. I…"
He stopped as he felt arms wrap around him.
Korra said, "You big idiot, you haven't at lost me." Sasuke looked back at her in shock. "I'm still your little sister, and your still my big brother. Your past doesn't change that because I've had 15 years to get to know you. You are a good person."
Sasuke broke away from her. "I'm not a good person Korra. I'm terrible and do not deserve to be the brother of the Avatar. I don't deserve good parents or a great sister after everything I've done in my past life. The person who should be here is Naruto.
He's the one the Sage should have picked, the one who should live in this peaceful world, and the guy who would be a better brother than I ever could be. Sadly, this world is stuck with me because he's important to the previous world.
I'm not because the Sage said it himself. Itachi could do my job, and he will. My big brother was was never a truly bad person. Now, thanks to whatever is causing this whole situation, he gets the chance to live again. I now Naruto will ensure he gets to be free like I was."
Korra grit her teeth before slapping Sasuke shocking him. "You're not the one who gets to make that choice mister. You don't get to decide or say who my brother should be. Only I get to say such things, and guess what?
I say you're the brother I deserve, you're the guy for the mission of this Sage person, and you deserve to be here in this world. If you think for a second that I'm going to let you run away, then you got another thing coming.
I will track you to the ends of the earth, as many times as it takes, and slap you across the face each time until you get the point. Sasuke Uchiha, I once asked you if you'd always be there for me, and what did you say?"
Sasuke's eyes went wide before he looked away from her as he remembered that day. "I promised I'd always be there for you before pressing two fingers to your forehead. I honestly believe and believed that the Avatar needs a strong support system."
"If there's one thing dad taught you, it's that a man honors his word." Korra crossed her arms. "No matter what you may have done, you've changed. No matter what you say, I think you're a great person."
Sasuke looked at her. "But my past…"
"What about your past life?" Korra shook her head. "It doesn't matter to me. You matter to me Sasuke." She hugged him once more as her voice became wobbly and tears threatened to spill from her eyes. "So, please don't run away."
Sasuke chuckled weakly. "I also promised I'd never be the reason you cried." He hugged her back and let out a deep breath. "I'm sorry Korra."
"Just never even consider leaving me again Sasuke, and I'll forgive you." Korra stated.
Sasuke nodded. "Korra, I remake my promise to you now. As your brother, I will never leave you no matter what the future has in store for me. I can't say I won't think about it, but I'm not one to break a vow. That was a bad thing, but I think in this life it can be put to better use."
They pulled apart from each other and Sasuke noticed the water in his sister's eyes. He smiled and tapped her forehead like Itachi did for him and he did for Korra many times over their years together.
Korra rubbed her head a little frustrated. "You big jerk. First you make me go through a range of emotions, then you just end up tapping my forehead."
Sasuke smirked. "It stopped you from crying, didn't it Korra."
Korra smiled glad to see that Sasuke was starting to act like himself. "Come on. We need to return to mom and dad." She started walking over to Naga. "If they're against you, I got your back."
Sasuke was still uncertain about so much, but he was at least certain that he had the love of his adopted sister. To him, that was a victory after years of uncertainty. With her having his back, he felt confident returning home. He joined her only for Naga to lick him.
Sasuke rubbed his face as Korra laughed. "See, Naga would have missed you to if you'd left, and she also doesn't care about your past."
Sasuke was disgruntled before smiling and petting the big animal. He and Korra then got on the polar bear dog and moved back to the White Lotus Compound.
Korra and Sasuke dismounted from Naga and walked up to their home only for the doors to be thrown open as Senna ran over to them.
She hugged Sasuke while Tonraq watched from the doorway. "Sasuke, what were you thinking?" She pulled back. "Haven't I shown you that I love you? A mother's love is not conditional. No matter what you may have done, I love you. You are my son"
"Senna… mom. " Sasuke stated. "I'm sorry. I was terrified of what you'd all think of me, but Korra made see how stupid I was being."
"Here I thought you were the smart one." Tonraq stepped outside. "Sasuke, we don't hold anything against you for your past. Your reasons don't justify what you did, but I think we all understand why you did them. Clearly, you regret your actions."
"More than you know dad." Sasuke stated. "I think that's part of the reason I began acting better until it wasn't an act. I didn't want to be who I was, but without my world, I had to ensure I'd change. It's thanks to you three that I won't fall down the same path."
Tonraq nodded before bringing his son in for a hug. He then added his daughter and wife to the hug to make sure that Sasuke knew they loved him.
Inside: Living Room, Later…
With everything calming down, the family of four sat together. They still had some things to discuss.
"So, you were sent here to stop Shinobi from your world?" Tonraq asked.
Sasuke nodded. "As I said, something or someone in this world breached into mine's after life. The Sage only told me they'd really start making moves around the time the Avatar turned 17. I'm not certain what their mental states are or if they've even been in this world the entire time."
"So, you contain some powerful light spirt which is bound to you?" Korra asked. "This spirit pretty much makes you a carrier of Blood Line Limits, which are from your world, and grants you the ability to pass them and Chakra onto other people."
"Well, Raava has allowed me to call her a Spirit, but she doesn't identify herself as such. She's told me there's a lot to explain, but she wants to wait until we draw closer to the Harmonic Convergence." Sasuke replied.
Senna nodded. "So, you've been training to fight these Shinobi?"
"More or less." Sasuke sighed. "I'll be honest, I haven't been as into my training as I was in my previous world. I don't have hatred to fuel me, there was my obligations to the Southern Water Tribe, and the peace of this world.
I haven't grown as strong as I should have, but maybe giving me something to fight for is what Raava has been trying to achieve. Naruto once met a Shinobi who opposed us on a mission. That Shinobi taught him the importance of having people precious for you to protect."
"Well, the answer is obvious." Korra smiled. "You and I are going to start training together." She punched the palm of her hand. "You're not alone because it's my job to bring balance, right? If the dead walk a world that isn't theirs, then shouldn't it be my responsibility to stop them to?"
Sasuke was surprised. "You're taking the news of my strength better than I thought you would?"
"Hey, we don't know if you're stronger than me." Korra gave a small smile. "If you are… you'd be one of the people I'd be happy with being better than I. Oh, before you turn back to my offer for help, you can't reject it.
As I said, it should be my job, and I don't want to see anything bad happen to you. Since you are stronger than the average warrior you were pretending to be, I don't have to worry about you as much." She nodded. "If anyone's going to be mad or disappointed, it'll be Tenzin and Soren."
Sasuke nodded as the girl came to mind. "That's right."
Korra shook her head. "Well, never mind about that for now. We can give you some time as I finish up Fire Bending." She smirked. "I think I've almost got it mastered which means Tenzin should move here shortly after. You can tell him then."
Tonraq shook his head. "To think we'd end up two children who were given great destinies."
Senna smiled. "We're both so proud of you two."