Author's Notes:

Ladies and Gentlemen! I am back with Ben 10 True Omniverse Season 3. Sorry for the long wait, Ben 10 fans. Been busy with my fanfiction projects (Transformers Prime and My Little Pony including The Lost Soul) and real-life works and chores especially helping family.

Either way, let's get the show on the road. This season will be based on both Malware and Albedo's Arcs. Plus, ranting Wyatt's way of handling the episode. This episode is inspired by Shadow-DJ's Ben 10 Guardians Season 2 Episode 1 Happy Reunions.

Episode 1: Bring Me the Head of Kevin Levin

"So, Julie..." Ben asked calmly and amusingly while looking at Julie, "Are you ready for this?"

Julie scoffed before flipping and stroking her long hair back, "I was born ready, Tennyson. I've fought thugs, villains and even giant monsters especially a giant lizard and a Hydra that almost eat me alive! This is nothing."

"Alright..." Ben said calmly, "It's Hero Time!"

Julie pressed and activated the music player's gentle song called 'Never Had a Dream Come True'. Both Julie and Ben were inside the living room.

Ben bowed humbly as any gentleman does while Julie lowered and bowed down like a lady does. They both approached to each other. They both held each other's left hand while Ben's right hand hold around Julie's waist and she placed her right hand on his shoulder. They both began dancing calmly and gracefully around the living room, though they often accidentally stepped on each other's toes and making wrong steps for few times.

They've been dancing for nearly an hour until they got tripped and fell on the ground. Both Ben and Julie looked and blushed in embarrassment and surprise before laughed happily and amusingly. They then both gave a long gentle passionate kiss.

Departing from kissing, he unzipped his girlfriend's pinkish jumpsuit before removing it aside. She quickly pulled his T-Shirt out. They both held on each other while he slowly has his right fingers sneaking to her back, where he unbutton the bra and removed it. They then nuzzled by having her breast against his chest gently and softly, making them feel fuzzy and warmly. They then slowly get up from the ground. They then began removed their socks and sneakers, followed by their pants and skits, and even their undies. They both then began kissing warmly and passionately while holding and hugging each other, and even pressing and nuzzling their chest against each other. Ben began rubbing her one of her breast while Julie was rubbing firmly on his bottom part, and at the same time, they were kissing by lips for the moment.

Ben then lifted and held Julie up by carrying her thighs while also have their bottoms interacted. They both sighed warmly and calmly. While having their chests interacted and nuzzled gently and firmly, he began firmly yet wildly shaking and moving her up and down while she held her hands around his shoulders to hold on. Both of them moaned and groaned happily and softly as they continued performing their sex for nearly two hours.

Aftermath, Ben and Julie sighed happily and relieved after giving out their best for their sex. They looked at each other for the moment. They smiled warmly and calmly. Ben took a seat while still holding Julie on his lap. They have their chests interacted and nuzzled gently and softly while looking at each other.

"That was the best..." Julie commented before rubbing her breast against his chest, "Hope you got some good rest from last two months. You've got very rough from battling with Khyber."

"No kidding," Ben agreed. He then kissed and sucked her breast gently and softly, making Julie sighed warmly. He then continued, "So, our dance is getting improved. Right."

"It sure is," Julie agreed before rubbing and messaging Ben's chest. She smiled, "Plus, I think you're getting better with this. You're gentle with me."

Ben smiled, "What can I say? I'm a gentleman."

"Uh-huh. Yeah, right. Says to guy, who keeps eating burgers and chili fries, and drinking some Mr. Smoothies like a pig. And funny thing is that you burp like one too."

"Hey! I resent that."

"Well, you are one especially you enjoy this too much."

"Says you too, you know. You also enjoy it too."

Julie giggled, "Fine. I do enjoy it. It helps me calm down my stress from studies and fighting bad guys especially tennis."

"Nail it," Ben remarked amusingly. He slowly stood up while still holding Julie close to him. He smirked, "Shall we, milady? I'm gonna give the best night ever."

Julie smiled as she had her hands hold around her boyfriend's shoulders. "I'd say 'Give it all the best'. Just try not to get me pregnant."

Ben scoffed, "You kidding me? I won't let that happen."

"Just start our fun," Julie remarked amusingly.

Ben began shaking and moving Julie up and down on bottom. She then gave him a long passionate kiss while having her breast nuzzling and messaging his chest happily and wildly. They both moaned happily and wildly for their pleasure moment.

Suddenly the beeping sounded from the Plumber's Badge. This put a stop to both Ben and Julie from their pleasure sex. Though they were annoyed and irritated that their fun is interrupted, they know that they have duties to do.

"Looks like it's 'Hero Time'," Julie joked.

Ben smirked, "It sure is. And trust me. We'll postpone it on the next night. The next night will be our long vacation."

Julie giggled, "Don't make promises that you can't make."

Ben scoffed, "I'll make it happen. Trust me."

After Ben and Julie got dressed in their usual clothes, they met up with both Tetrax and Rook. All of them have gotten into the Proto-TRUK Spaceship Mode. They then blasted off into the sky, begin searching for any sign of troubles. They then spotted smokes coming out from the eastern district of Bellwood City. They flew straight towards the area at once, where they found the large building was in blaze.

Firefighters were firing the water hose at the building while some barely and struggled to get few of survivors. There were more screaming and shouting for help, and also coughing sickly and pain from breathing the black smokes.

"Madison!" The civilian cried in concern and worried at the building, "Madison!"

Firefighter Chief held the civilian, "Sir, remain behind! It's too dangerous!"

The civilian shown his fear and concern looks, "But my daughter-!"

Everyone silenced at once. They looked up and found the Proto-TRUK slowly descended to the ground. Ben and his team emerged out from the ship. The civilians gasped in surprise before they cried and shouted at them to help their family and friends.

"Ben 10! Please help and save my daughter!" Civilian pleaded.

Ben smiled confidently, "Don't worry, sir. Leave it to us. We'll get her out of here." He and his team turned and faced at the building. He smirked, "It's Hero Time!"

Tetrax activated his bladed shards. Rook readied with his Proto-Tool. Ship merged and formed Julie into Armorstrike. Ben slammed his Omnitrix as he transformed into Rath. The alienated tiger yelped before roared angrily.

"I hate it!" Rath complained angrily before shouted at Omnitrix, "Let me tell you something, you stupid Omnitrix! When I want an alien to help people, I want something that doesn't try to get me killed like getting myself burn in hell! Do you really want me to kill or something, you piece of watch shit!"

"Ben! Save the complains! Hero Time!" Julie reminded Ben firmly.

Rath groaned, "Stop reminding me! Going in!"

Team Ben charged into the building at once. They ran, searched and looked around the building as they find and rescue the trapped civilians from their homerooms.

Though scared and bruised by fire attacks, Rath was determined to break down the doors and walls while rescuing the civilians from trapped room. Armorstrike and Rook did the same thing as well, while firing the blasters and punching at some debris. Tetrax broke some windows before forming the crystallized slides for the civilians to use and slide down to the ground. Firefighters approached and taken them to the ambulances for rest and recovery.

Team Ben are almost finished from evacuating the civilians. Rath and Armorstrike arrived at the top of building as they found the girl named Madison, was hiding close to her bed while holding and hugging her black-gray kitten with her. And just before they could do anything, the ceiling began falling on Madison. Rath gasped as he jumped and held Madison and her kitten down before the debris slammed and knocked on him for the moment.

"BEN!" Armorstrike shouted in concern.

ROAR! Rath emerged out while broke out from the debris. He then held both Madison and kitten on his arms. She was scared and worried after almost got hit by the ceiling debris. The alienated tiger growled a bit before patted on her gently.

"There. There. Everything's gonna be fine," Rath mumbled in annoyance.

Rath carried and moved Madison towards Armorstrike. And just before he could pass the girl and her pet to his girlfriend, the floor cracked. It began breaking apart, making Rath, Madison and kitten to fall while screaming in fear.

"BEN! No!" Armrostrike shouted in concern.

While continued falling straight down through the hole, Rath grabbed and held Madison and kitten close to him tightly for bracing the impact. Armorstrike dived down as she's trying to reach and save them both. Before they could hit it, all of them have been lifted by familiar magical bubble. They then dropped on the floor gently. They then looked up and found two familiar figures.

"Miss us?" Gwen asked playfully.

Kevin smirked, "Hey, Tennyson. S'up?"

"Gwen?! Kevin?!" Rath asked in surprise, "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Seriously?!" Armorstrike asked in annoyance.

Sensing the building's coming down, Gwen quickly summoned and activated the Magical Barrier around her and her friends, "Save the reunion later! Move it!"

As everyone nodded, they all then moved out at once, reaching straight to the wall. Kevin used his metallic ball to form his body in metal. He, Rath and Julie slammed their punches against the walls, opening the hole. They all quickly make their escape, and regroup with Tetrax and Rook, and also other civilians.

"Madison!" The civilian cried in relief.

Madison gasped, "Daddy!"

While still holding her kitten, Madison charged and hugged her father tearfully and happily. The people cheered wildly and happily to Team Ben for saving the day again. Rath transformed back into his normal self.

"Gwen! Kevin!" Ben, Julie and Tetrax shouted happily as they gave a warm hug to both Gwen and Kevin.

Ben laughed happily, "It's great to see you both here."

"Same here," Gwen said happily. She turned and looked at Julie, "Hope Ben didn't give you much trouble when handling the situation especially the fun time."

Ben blushed, "Aw, come on, Gwen! That's my privacy with her!"

Julie giggled, "Well, nothing I can't handle, Gwen. Kinda like playing tennis and handling Ship. I do have great time with him on mission and fun."

Tetrax chuckled, "True. He can be rough and troublesome, but he's still a good kid."

Looked at Rook, Kevin asked, "This is?"

"Rook Blonko! Newest member to the Team!" Rook greeted warmly while bowed humbly, "It's an honor to meet you, Kevin Levin and Gwen Tennyson."

"So... Who's up to some Mr. Smoothy Drinks?" Ben asked happily and amusingly.

Kevin smiled, "It's on me. Better than the one from Gwen's college. It stinks."

In the morning, Ben and his team have arrived at the Mr. Smoothy Restaurant. They have ordered some smoothie drinks for themselves. All of them enjoyed drinking their smoothies. They all sighed in relief from it.

"Now, that's the stuff," Kevin remarked in relief from drinking his smoothy.

"It sure is," Ben said happily. He turned and looked at Gwen, "So, how's the college?"

Gwen smiled, "It's exactly like saving the universe. Just replace Vilgax with a pompous art history professor. Yeesh. She scared the half death of me. But I can handle it. I'm on spring break now. Kevin took the week off from work so we could visit."

"Yeah. I remember that," Ben said calmly and firmly. He turned and looked at Kevin, "So, how's your new job there?"

Kevin shrugged amusingly, "It's cool. Got a garage, my own cot and everything."

"Car mechanic?" Ben asked in surprise and amusement, "That is so you."

"Definitely him, Ben. He's good at fixing and repairing the transports," Julie commented.

"So, how about you? Doing alright so far with your new team?" Gwen asked calmly.

Ben smirked, "Yeah, we did. Tetrax and Julie are cool while Rook is also cool but also a bookworm type of guy, who thinks we're the cops."

"Which is not wrong," Rook said firmly and calmly, "Plumbers are the Intergalactic Law Enforcement, whose objective and duty is to serve and protect the universe especially dealing and apprehending the most dangerous wanted villains and criminals like Vilgax, Animo, Fistrick, Rojo and so on. I have to admit it. They're quite dangerous and fierce opponent I ever face."

"See what I mean?" Ben asked amusingly.

Gwen sighed, "Give him a break. He's new to this world."

Julie giggled, "Well, that's what I said to him before. And believe me, Ben and Rook gotten into a heated argument and fight that almost got them killed."

"Well, I was angry that he didn't appreciate me," Rook admitted in embarrassment.

Ben sighed, "Yeah. Sorry about that one, Rook. Didn't mean to be rude and ass to you, but I need you and Julie to abandon me, so you guys can come later to rescue me, once I find that Khyber's ship."

"I understand that. I just wish you could have told us about it," Rook said in annoyance, "I would have tried not to get emotional and angry at you for it. And of course, we could have avoided the fight."

Julie nodded, "Rook's right. You did make us angry."

"Sorry about that," Ben said calmly.

Tetrax sighed, "Try to tell us about the plan, next time. Otherwise, things could have gotten out of control."

"Yeah, sure." Ben said calmly.

Kevin cleared his throat, getting Ben's attention to him. He shown his empty smoothie cup, "Hey, Tennyson. Want to get some refill?"

Ben nodded a bit, "Sure. Need another one."

Kevin and Ben departed and headed off to Mr. Smoothie's Restaurant for another drink. While walking away from his friends, he grabbed and held his best friend close to him. They both began their private conversation.

"Ben, you've gotta help me hide and protect Gwen." Kevin said in concern, surprise Ben. He continued, "We've been hunted!"

"Huh? From who? Aggregor? Vilgax? Charmcaster? Zombozo?" Ben asked in surprise and concern.

Kevin gulped, "Worse. It's my uncle."

"Your uncle?!" Ben asked in shock and concern. He scoffed a bit, "That's gotta be mistake and joke!"

Kevin hissed, "I wish it is. But seriously, man, you've gotta help me before-?!"

"Morning, Kev..."

Ben and Kevin yelped in concern. They turned to the front as they Spiderstrike stood before them. He worn a black suit with crimson armor and has golden mechanical spider legs. Realizing that Spiderstrike isn't alone, Ben and Kevin looked back and found Bearkill approached to the rest of their teams from behind. The mutated bear worn the golden yellowish brute armor. He rudely steal and drank most of their friends' drinks.

"Hey! That's my drink, jerk!" Julie exclaimed angrily.

"Oh no..." Gwen said in annoyance, "Bearkill..."

"Excuse me. I respect that you return our drinks to us at once!" Rook said firmly and seriously. Drinking and sucking up every ounce of Mr. Smoothy Drinks happily and enjoyably, Bearkill gave the loud yet disgusted burp on his face. He groaned in disgust, "That is rude and disgusting!"

"Bearkill, what are you doing here?" Tetrax demanded firmly.

Bearkill yawned before continued drinking, "Just getting Kevin and Gwen back home because Hector got business with them. Trust me. He's really angry now. I don't wanna get on his bad side. Kevin's real big trouble."

"What did he do?!" Gwen demanded.

Kevin hissed, "Oh shit!"

"So, Kev. Ready to come home?" Spiderstrike asked playfully and teasingly. He smirked beneath his mask, "Uncle wants you back."

Kevin hissed, "How about no, freak?"

"Bogus. Knew that you won't go down easy. But take this!" Spidestrike snapped firmly.

And just before Ben and Kevin could do anything, Spiderstrike fired his web at both of them. They got caught and trapped on the ground hard. Team Ben gasped in shock and concern. And just before they could do anything, Bearkill knocked them aside before grabbed and held Gwen in his giant paws.

Gwen grunted, "Bearkill, let me go now!"

"No can do. Big Boss's order. Bringing you and Kevin to him now," Bearkill protested, "And of course, I'm scared of him."

Spiderstrike jumped on Kevin, "Time to go home, Kevin. Coz Uncle Hector's waiting..."

Touching on the ground to absorb its material, Kevin transformed his body into solid ground form. He snarled, "Bite me, punk!"

And just before Spiderstrike could do anything, Kevin launched the uppercut punch at Spiderstrike's face. He then got himself free. He grabbed and swung the kid around him for few times. He then threw him at Bearkill's face, letting go of Gwen. She then fired her powerful Corona at them both. They both got flipped and fell on the ground. Tetrax slammed on the ground, summoning the crystals to trap them both down.

Both Spiderstrike and Bearkill cried and demanded to let them out while knocking and breaking the crystallized dome-like.

"What was that about?" Gwen demanded.

Kevin hissed as he pushed his friends off, "No time! We'd better get out of here now before something bad's happening!"

"Like that?" Ben asked in surprise while pointed at the sky.

Everyone looked up as they found a giant blackish motorcycle-like spaceship was flying on midair. While most were confused and worried, Kevin looked scared and nervous. The spaceship then fired its missile at Kevin's car.

"Aw come on! Not again!" Kevin cried angrily. He groaned, "Damn it, Uncle Hector!"

"Who is that?!" Julie asked.

"No time! Let's get out of here now!" Kevin snapped in concern.

"Get into my truck now!" Rook commanded as he quickly jumped and gotten inside his Proto-TRUK. He turned to his friends while cried out, "Hurry!"

Ben and his team ran off at once while dodging and evading from the mysterious spaceship's laser beams. They all gotten inside the truck's trailer. Tetrax sat on the front seat. Rook quickly activated and turned his Proto-TRUK truck mode into a spaceship mode. It then blasted off at once. The blackish spaceship gave chase after the Proto-TRUK.

Both spaceships were flying across the Bellwood City. The blackish spaceship was firing and blasting its laser beams at Proto-TRUK, which only did is dodge and evade the attacks, though it got hit and scratches on some parts.

"Damn it! We can't outrun it!" Kevin exclaimed in concern, "Can't anyone shoot it down or something?!"

"I got this!" Ben called as he activated and slammed on his Omnitrix. He transformed into Diamondhead, "Alright. Time to shoot those asshole down!"

"Right with you!" Tetrax agreed, "Lock and loaded!"

Tetrax hit the small button, that opened the Proto-TRUK's ceiling in two. Both he and Diamondhead emerged out from the truck's. They armed and fired the multiple shards at the blackish ship, which didn't dodge while firing its laser at the ship. They quickly used their large shards to block and deflect the blasts.

"It's not working!" Diamondhead exclaimed in concern.

"Got a better plan?" Tetrax asked, "I hope you can use Upgrade or Heatblast to hit them hard. And don't even try to use Humungousaur to fight back!"

"Wouldn't dream of it!" Diamondhead agreed. He looked down at Julie, "Julie, wanna give Proto-TRUK upgrade?"

Julie gave the thumbs up to Diamondhead. She looked at Ship, "Ship, upgrade time!"

Ship barked happily as he jumped off from her lap. He landed on the Proto-TRUK's ship. He spread himself on the ship as he is upgrading and turning Rook's ship into more strong and advanced blackish colored Proto-TRUK with large engines. With them firing up, the Proto-TRUK's Spaceship Mode flew off at once, escaping the mysterious black spaceship.

The mysterious black spaceship halted at once. The mysterious rider groaned in anger while slammed on the driver's controller. The screen was activated and revealed itself to be Hector Levin.

"Levin! Your nephew got away!" The mysterious figure snarled angrily, "You didn't tell me that he's got friends other than his girlfriend! I'm gonna have hard time to get him down!"

Hector smirked, "Tennyson. Should have known those whoopie heroes would be involved of this. Don't worry, kiddo, we'll track and hunt them down for ya. And you can bet that the deal is still on."

Mysterious figure smirked, "Perfect..."

Team Ben has managed to evade and escaped the mysterious spaceship and two of Kevin's old gang. They all arrived at Mr. Baumann's Shop. They all parked behind of his. All of them were taking a breathe from running and battling with the Ravagers.

"So, any idea of who was that?" Ben asked.

Julie shrugged, "Not that I know of. I don't have lots of enemies as you, Gwen and Kevin have."

"Hmm... I've seen that ship before. I just couldn't remember whom..." Tetrax commented while thinking and struggling to recall about the ship, "But I definitely know that it's not a good news."

Ben turned and looked at Gwen, "What about you, cous? Did Kevin tell you something about this?"

"Nope," Gwen admitted. She turned and glared at Kevin, who was busy looking and marveling at Rook's truck. She scoffed, "I sure wish he could tell me about it."

"True. He's always secretive when he's doing something for himself," Ben admitted in concern before

Kevin was busy looking and analyzing at Proto-TRUK. He couldn't believe of what he saw. His truck is filled with various yet advanced and futuristic alienated technology and machinery within the truck. Rook was standing besides him.

"Gavitorque boosters, detrovite nav system. I think there's even some Galvan tech on here. Quil-temp nano shift transformer. Ha! He even got a nano shift transformer." Kevin marveled in surprise and amazement at Rook's truck. He commented, "This is a sweet ride."

Rook smiled, "Yes. As you say, my vehicle is a treat not unlike candy."

"Who retrofitted this Chassis?" Kevin asked curiously. Rook then pointed at himself. It surprised him even more. He exclaimed, "You? Get out of town." He turned and approached to Ben, "That's the coolest person you've ever hung out with... That isn't me."

"Glad you're done with it. But wanna tell me what the heck is going on?" Ben asked in annoyance.

Gwen nodded in agreement, "Yeah. You've got some explaining to do, mister. And trust me, I'm not in a good mood of your secrets."

Kevin sighed, "I will. But we need to find a place to hide now! My uncle is still looking for me and you, Gwen."

Gwen groaned and remarked sarcastically, "That'd be interesting..."

Ben groaned, "Fine. And I know the place that can do that."

Ben and his team guided and led both Kevin and Gwen to the Undertown. Both of them were in shock and surprise about the alienated town's existence. Team Ben continued walking down the market streets as they were heading straight to Hot Spot, home of Ester and her Kraaho Tribe. Rook then contacted the Plumbers for the latest situation.

"I didn't know there's such town underneath the Bellwood Town," Gwen said in surprise.

"Yeah. I was too," Ben admitted in concern, "According to Tetrax, the town was built after the Purge..."

Kevin grunted in anger, "The Purge..."

"I guess this is the reason why they call it 'Undertown'," Gwen commented, "So, where are we going, Ben? Do you know someone who can help us?"

"Yeah, I do. Her name is Ester. She's a leader of Kraaho Tribe, and a Plumber too," Ben commented, "She helped us stop some rebels of hers from overflowing the lava on our home."

"She's our friend now," Julie added.

"Yikes. I bet my uncle was pissed off about that," Kevin commented.

"He was," Rook commented, "It involved of his motorcycle from being burnt and destroyed."

Kevin hissed, "Yup. Definitely how my uncle would react."

After miles of walking through the Undertown, Team Ben has arrived at the Hot Spot entrance. They then talked with the Kraaho Warrior, who nodded in agreement and headed off to inform his leader about it. Ester and Seebik have arrived at the scene to greet their friend.

"Ben Tennyson! Julie! Rook! Tetrax! It's so good to see you all!" Ester greeted happily while hugging Ben and his team.

Julie smiled, "Good to see you too, Ester."

"Me too. Just glad that you and your gang are cool. Ben turned and looked at Seebik, "Making sure he doesn't start the problem?"

Seebik grunted in annoyance. Ester giggled a bit, "Nope. He hasn't." She turned and looked at Gwen and Kevin. She asked, "They are?"

"My cousin Gwen and best friend Kevin," Ben introduced happily, "And we need your help."

Ester looked shock and concern. She turned to Seebik, who sighed and nodded firmly. She sighed in defeat while shaking her head, "Damn it, Ben. What were you thinking?!"

"Huh?" Ben asked in confusion, "Was that something I said?"

"I'm sorry, Ben. I hope you're not mad at me," Ester apologized.

"For what?" Tetrax asked suspiciously.

"For this," Ester said uneasily and regretfully, "Ravagers, we have them now!"

Team Ben was in shock and concern to Ester's responds. And just before they could do anything, the group of Krahho Warriors and some of Ravagers emerged out from their hidings. Torrac, Dragoon and Frozen were among them. Dragoon now worn the whitish ninja metallic armor and tiger-like helmet with crimson visor and a horn. Frozen worn dark turquoise colored shirt and skirt, with blackish fashionable winter jacket, blackish long sock and white ballet shoe-like, and she even worn a headband-like with pink flower and two long ribbons.

"AW MAN!" Team Ben exclaimed in unison.

"Kevin Levin..." Torrac said calmly and darkly, "Welcome home, traitor."

"Ben, is there something you forgot to tell us?" Gwen asked in annoyance.

Ben laughed uneasily and nervously, "I might forgot to mention that Ester is also part of Ravagers too?"

"Now you're telling me?!" Kevin asked angrily. He turned and glared at Torrac, "Torrac, why don't you go back and tell my uncle that my answer is 'no'!? I won't do it. I got Gwen! I won't leave her. She's my thing!"

"That is not the request, Kevin. That is an order," Torrac said firmly. He raised and armed Kamikaze Scythes, "I won't repeat this again!"

Kevin pulled his right eyelid down while sticking out his tongue, "F% You!"

"That is rude," Rook remarked bluntly.

Torrac snarled, "You will regret this. Ravagers! Take them down!"

Arming with his Sword of Rye Tengu, Dragoon chuckled, "With pleasure, Torrac-Seonsaeng! I've been waiting for quite sometimes..."

Frozen armed and readied with her freezing magical spell, "I agreed. I am still angry at you for your trickery and deception."

Kevin groaned, "Here we go again!"

"No kidding!" Ben agreed as he activated his Omnitrix. He transformed into Gravattack, who now worn black dark green pants and white gauntlets with black stripes. He scoffed, "Hope you're all ready for some serious gravity pull!"

Most of the Ravagers were annoyed and irritated by Ben's latest joke. Dragoon groaned, "That's stupid, you know?"

Torrac groaned, "Enough talk! Charge now! Take them down!"

The Ravagers and Kraaho Warriors gave the loud battle cry. They all charged and attacked Team Ben at once. They all fought back at once. Gravattack used his gravitational powers in levitating and knocking some of Ravagers at each other, as well as summoning his force-field defense in blocking and deflecting the attacks. Tetrax swung and struck his shards at the enemy troops, and at the same time, he also and blocked the attacks from them. Julie and Rook also fought and engaged them, with fists and blasters. Gwen used her Anodite and Magical Spells blasting and defeating the enemies. Using his metallic form, Kevin fought and battled against them.

After defeating some of Ravager and Kraaho Warriors, Team Ben turned and engaged the commanders of the units. Gravattack and Tetrax challenged Torrac. Julie battled with Ester. Kevin and Rook battled against Dragoon. Gwen fought Frozen.

Frozen fired Ice Beam at Gwen, who summoned and used Hespera Sophian in blocking and holding the attack. She then skated off at once while using Frozen Shards in attacking and injuring her. As Gwen dropped to her knees in pain, Frozen charged and attack head on, with her Ice Beam. And just before the former could finish her off, the latter quickly summoned Tempestus Impaetus in striking down on her to the ground.

Rook and Dragoon fiercely and determinedly fought each other by swinging and striking their Sword of Ryu Tengu and Proto-Tool's Sword Mode for few times. They even used their martial arts to fight off as well. After ten to twelve rounds of fighting, Rook tried to use Stone Cutter at Dragoon, who dodged down before trust his palm at the Revonnahgander Plumber's guts. The Plumber Cadet got injured, allowing the Mustafan Hybrid to jump and kick him off. He turned and found Kevin trying to punch and strike him down but only he dodged and evaded him for five times. On the sixth round, Dragoon grabbed him before thrust his multiple punches at Kevin's face and chest. The armored ninja then swung and unleashed his Sword of Ryu Tengu's powerful attack on Kevin, who got hit and rammed on the walls.

Dragoon approached and aimed his sword at Kevin's neck, "Game over, Kevin. Looks like I've won. I have finally beat you."

"Yeah. You're good at martial arts, but sucker for dirty tricks," Kevin smirked. Dragoon looked confuse yet vigilant. He slammed his headbutt at Dragoon's face, "like this!"

Dragoon grunted in pain as he tried to recover from the attack. Rook slammed his Stone Cutter on the ninja's back of his head, knocking him out.

Julie and Ester were fighting and battling each other by fist and kicks. Both of them have fought well and fierce, as well as evading and dodging the attacks. They both then slammed and struck their punches at each other's for the moment.

"Ester, how could you?!" Julie demanded firmly.

Ester hissed, "I'm really sorry, Julie. I didn't want this. I'd never wanted to-!"

"You know this is wrong, Ester! And besides, did Hector even tell you why he wanted from Kevin?"

"I don't know. But all I know is that your friend's in trouble, and didn't fulfill the agreement with another gangster. And believed me, Hector is not in very good mood when someone back off from it. Kevin did something stupid to him, no doubt."

"Of course, he did. But even so, Hector could have just come and talk with us and Kevin about it, instead of picking a fight and bounty hunt on him. It's stupid and ridiculous."

Ester stopped at once as she gave some thoughts. She sighed, "You're right about that one. Still, Kevin could have just talk with him too."

"I know," Julie agreed, "Guess runs in the family."

Ester groaned, "It sure is."

Gravattack and Tetrax struggled to face off Torrac, who is swift and quick in dodging and evading the attacks while fiercely punching and knocking them off especially damaging and crunching their skins. And each time they tried to use their power attacks, the Mustafan quickly used his Kamikaze Scythes in siphoning and draining their powers before punching and kicking them off. After giving some couple of blows, Mustafan then fired his Flying Shurikens, which were thrown and knocked them to the ground.

"Damn it. That hurts," Tetrax grunted in pain.

Gravattack groaned, "Yeah. I forgot about his stupid weapon. I always hate it a lot."

Torrac armed and readied with his Dragoon Shockwave Sword, "Well, you're gonna love to hate this even more..."

And just before Torrac could finish them off, Gravattack hit his Omnitrix as he transformed into Big Chill. He fired his mist at Torrac's face, making him to cough and got blind. As he recovered from the surprise attack, he then found Tetrax slapped a punch on Torrac's face. Big Chill flew and phased straight at Torrac's face, causing him to trap in freezing state. Big Chill emerged out from the Mustafan Warrior.

"Now that's a big chill," Big Chill joked. He then transformed back into Ben. He turned and glared at Ester, who was accompanied by Julie, "Ester..."

Ester sighed, "I know. I know. I'm sorry. But I was just doing my job for both my tribe and my team."

"Next time, tried to email me earlier before I came here?" Ben asked in annoyance.

"Of course," Ester nodded. She turned to Seebik, "Seebik, get our warriors ready for the next fight in the Hot Spot. I get the feeling that I'm in big trouble."

Seebik nodded and bowed humbly to Ester. He turned and gathered all of Kraaho Warriors as they headed and returned to Hot Spot for building the defense in it.

Kevin grunted as he pushed all of his friends while grumbled, "Forget it. We've gotta keep moving before-!"

BOOM! Team Ben yelped in concern and shock. They turned and looked back. They then found the same mysterious black spaceship has arrived at the scene. The ship opened its cockpit. The mysterious rider thrown Argit straight at Kevin's face. The alienated hedgehog now worn an orange sweater with left sleeveless and blue short jeans.

Argit gulped, "Hey, Kev?"

"ARGIT?!" Kevin asked angrily. He snarled at his old best friend while holding the grip of him, "You ratted me off?!"

Argit yelped, "It wasn't my fault! Honest! My own dad and Hector found and caught me from Plumber's Prison! They sent me to that bitch! She made me give you up! I'm sorry!"

"WHO?!" Team Ben demanded angrily.

"Me..." The mysterious rider snarled with female tough voice. She jumped out from her spaceship. She revealed herself to be a female strong Tetramand worn traditional black suit with golden ring, brownish shoulder pad and furry loincloth around her. She growled a bit while pointed at Kevin, "I am Princess Looma Red Wind! I have come here to reclaim what is rightfully mine! It is time for you to honor our clans' agreement, my beloved husband Kevin E. Levin!"

Team Ben gasped and yelped in shock of what they just heard but also couldn't believe in it. They turned and glared at nervous and worried Kevin.

"I told you! I told my uncle! I told your dad that the marriage is off from two years ago! You and I are over!" Kevin snapped in annoyance, "Seriously, didn't get the memo?!"

Looma scoffed, "Oh beloved... You should know better. We don't back off from our agreement, no matter how much plead you have made."

Kevin groaned, "I really hate my uncle."

"What the hell is going on, Kevin?!" Gwen demanded angrily and annoyingly.

"Talk later! Here she comes!" Kevin exclaimed in concern. Looma armed with the hammer. She jumped and slammed her hammer on him. He screamed like a girl, "Here she comes!"

Kevin quickly dodged and evaded the attacks at once. He then kicked at her face. Noticing the lamppost nearby, he quickly grabbed and touched the wire, which gave him some powerful energy. His action shocked Team Ben.

"Kevin, are you crazy?!" Ben asked in concern, "You're not strong like your uncle!"

Gwen patted Ben's shoulder, "Don't worry, Ben. He's got this. In fact, he and I were training during my college. He finally developed his endurance and control of the electrical powers."

Kevin smirked proudly, "Yeah, like this! Feel my Electrical Shock, bitch!"

Kevin screamed as he held his palms in front of him, unleashing and firing full power of Electrical Shock powers at her. Loom yelped and grunted in pain from feeling the electrical powers. She managed to endure the attack as she firmly marched and grabbed him by neck. She slammed him against the wall, where she began punching on his face. He even struggled to fire and shock her with his electrical powers.

"Don't think Kevin can hold that long!" Ben said in concern. He turned and activated his Omnitrix. He transformed into Terraspin. He grunted, "I want Echo-Echo, not this. But I guess I have to adapt it..."

Terraspin lifted up and unleashed the power of hurricane storm. It blew and thrown Looma away from Kevin. This gave Kevin and Gwen a chance to fire full power of Electrical Shock and Magnus Vox in pushing her against the wall. Looma was injured. Armorstrike squatted down as Rook placed his Proto-Tool's Gun Mode on her shoulder and position to fire. With Armorstrike's ability to upgrading and boosting Rook's Proto-Tool's Cannon Mode, they fired very powerful blast in knocking and ramming the Tetramand Warrior straight through the walls.

Tetrax quickly summoned and formed couple of crystallized walls to block and prevent Looma from returning here.

"Wanna talk now?" Gwen asked in annoyance.

"Sure, but not here," Kevin said in concern. He turned and looked at Ester, "Got the idea of where to hide?"

Ester nodded, "Follow my lead."

Following Ester's guidance and leading, Team Ben have entered and hidden inside the sewerage tunnel. All of them were taking a break from running and fighting against Ravagers and Looma.

"Start talking," Gwen said firmly.

Ben nodded, "I figured you owed somebody money, but engaged? What do you get out of it?"

"And something tells me that your uncle and Looma's clans are not happy with your decision," Ester remarked.

Julie nodded, "Just like how our date often get ruined when the worlds knows my boyfriend's secret from last year."

Ben yelped in annoyance, "HEY!"

Kevin sighed, "Fine. I'll talk." He then narrated of how he ended up with engaging to Looma for the agreement between Ravagers and Red Winds, "Happens when Argit and I were still in the old gang. My uncle took most of us to Khoros. He told me that they've got some piece of special tech. I met the head of the Red Winds, but he wouldn't give it to me. So, I cut the deal with him. I got the tech, in return, I became her fiance."

Rook hummed thoughtfully, "But you changed your mind when the Highbreed Invasion begins?"

"Yeah. Gwen took my heart. I decided that she's my girl," Kevin said calmly and relieved, "I tried to back off from the deal, and even said that we're done before the marriage begins. Guess Loom couldn't take 'no' for answer. Sometimes, I hate my uncle and his stupid agreement with some gang."

Argit grunted, "You should have just given the tech back, dude."

"Yeah, right. I'm not giving up my car to some spoiled and crazy four-armed princess." Kevin snapped angrily at Argit. He then noticed Team Ben, shocked yet annoyed, glaring at him. He realized his mistakes, "Oops."

"All this is about your car?" Ben asked angrily.

"I'm targeted because of your stupid car?!" Gwen asked in fury.

Julie groaned, "You're so unbelievable. What makes you think that tech is worth for? Why risk for that hunk of junk?!"

"Actually, Julie, despite not technological advanced as Galvans or even extinct Cybertronians, Tetramands do make indestructible engine blocks. The best in the galaxy." Rook explained calmly. Everyone looked shock and surprise to look at him. He sighed, "I know it because I used a similar tech as theirs."

Kevin nodded, "How else do you think that car and my stupid uncle's bike has survived all the beatings you've given it?"

Ben yelped in annoyance, "Yeah, but..."

"You got a better way to get a Khoros-5 engine, Tennyson? I'd like to hear it." Kevin demanded in annoyance, "Don't forget. I also rigged the same tech for your car, you know."

Ben groaned, "I hate it when you're right."

"That poor princess..." Gwen said in concern and pitiful, "How could you take advantage of her feelings when you're engaged to her?!"

"Poor?!" Argit asked in annoyance, "You kidding me?! Does her attitude look like vulnerable?!"

Gwen sighed, "Good point. She's ticked. But she's upset and jealous that Kevin got me as his girlfriend, and even ended her engagement. She's probably off somewhere right now crying her eyes out."

"Unlikely..." Tetrax disagreed, "Sevenseven ended up with some serious beatings from Tetramand girlfriend for using her as a bait for money. Eighteight told me about his embarrassing date. Good thing that I didn't date any Tetramand Girl."

"In other word, we'd better move on before she find us?" Ester asked in concern.

Tetrax nodded, "We better."

BOOM! Team Ben yelped in concern. They turned and looked behind. They found the large hole created from the giant walls. Looma and most of Ravagers including Torrac and Storm Ravagers emerged out from it. They all armed with their weapons. Looma armed with a large sledgehammer.

"Kevin. Come back to me! It is time for our engagement!" Looma said amusingly and charmingly. She growled in anger, "even if I must break every bone in your tiny human body!"

Spiderstrike and Bearkill chuckled, "Oh! Busted."

"Whether you like it or not, you're bound to honor the agreement!" Torrac said angrily and firmly, "That is the way of Ravagers! We never back away from it, no matter what!"

"Oh, just shut the hell up about 'honor'?! It's just stupid!" Kevin snapped in annoyance. He yelped, "Oops!"

"There he goes again," Frozen remarked in annoyance.

Dragoon sighed,"So predictable. Always insult us when he knew it's not a good idea to do that."

Torrac was annoyed and angered, "You dare insult your own clan's honor?! You will pay for it! Take them down!"

"No!" Looma said firmly while gesturing Ravagers to move back. She smirked amusingly, "I will take care of it. I loved challenges. Prepare yourself!"

Armed with her sledgehammer, Looma screamed wildly and angrily as she charged and engaged Team Ben. Activating the Omnitrix, Ben transformed into XLR8. He charged and rammed at her for few times. Tetrax, Rook and Ester engaged her head on by punching and kicking her. Julie and Kevin formed themselves into Armorstrike and Ground Mode as they're protecting Gwen from them. Argit hid behind the walls.

XLR8, Tetrax, Rook and Ester continued engaging and fighting with Loom for few times. The Tetramand Princess remained firm and strong to endure the attacks for the moment. She smirked amusingly. She tripped XLR8 before grabbed his leg. She slammed him at Tetrax, Rook and Ester for few times like using a club on the wild animals. After knocking them hard, she swung and threw XLR8 at Armorstrike hard. to the ground. Argit screamed as he hid inside the tunnel. She jumped and slammed her sledgehammer on the ground, unleashing powerful earthquake to bring down both Kevin and Gwen to the ground. She charged and slammed both of them on the ground hard.

After knocking them out, Looma gave her victory cries. She then swung and strike her sledgehammer through the sewer's ceiling to the surface. Holding tight of both Kevin and Gwen on her shoulders, she then jumped up to the surface. The Ravagers followed her at once.

XLR8 groaned in pain while looking at the hole, "Gwen... Kevin..."

The hole was created on the Bellwood's Construction Site. Looma emerged out from it, followed by the Ravagers. She dropped Kevin and Gwen down. She looked up and found Hector and the rest of veteran Ravagers on their motorcycles. They have surrounded the group.

"Nice going, pretty princess." Hector scoffed amusingly. Climbing down from his Skullcrusher Bike, he then approached to his nephew and girlfriend, "Kevin Levin... Gwen Bitch..."

Gwen groaned, "It's Tennyson."

"Whatever," Hector grumbled in annoyance. He turned to Kevin. He grabbed him by neck, "The nerve of you, Kevin! Not only you turn back on your own gang! You became something I have hated the most especially it was them that took your father away! And the worst I hate the most, you dated that son of a bitch!? I would never approve of this! And not to mention, you never finish our job, you useless wreckage!"

Kevin scoffed as he spitted on Hector's face, "That's the problem, ass. You don't always agree or even let me do what I want especially forcing me to marry her! I really hate it! That's why I left this stinking gang!"

Punched at Kevin's gut, Hector shouted angrily, "You don't get the right to call our gang stinking because of your whinny and complaining like a brat, you stinking useless punk-ass!"

"You don't get to decide of what I do!" Kevin snapped angrily and annoyingly, "In fact, I don't give the shit about doing what you want or need me for your stinking work! And believe me, it's stinks!"

"I don't give the damn about it. In fact, I'm not gonna let you be that stupid Plumber! It's embarrassing! Worse as your pops!"

"Don't you dare make fun of my dad, jackass! In fact, I'm proud to be Plumber. In fact, my mom and dad are proud of me!

"Well, I am not! You're just a useless stupid disappointment to everything I've work so hard! Whether you like it or not, you're still gonna do it!"

"Not a chance, jackass! I'm not doing it for you!"

"You will!"

"Will not!"

"You will!"

"Will not!"

Kevin and Hector argued angrily and annoyingly at each other. Ravagers were annoyed and embarrassed by the Levins' constant argument.

"Well, that was embarrassing..." Looma said in annoyance.

"Tell me about it," Gwen said firmly. She turned and looked at Looma, "Look, Princess Looma. I understand you're upset about this. But I'm sure Kevin didn't mean to do that to you. He felt that he and you aren't right."

"You dare insult me?!" Looma asked angrily. She slammed the sledgehammer at Gwen, who summoned the barrier to deflect the attack. She gasped before laughed amusingly, "You're an Anodite? Such weak and pathetic alien! Nothing more than glowing insect, who can't fight like a warrior. I bet you're much more vulnerable than I am when he exploited you!

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Gwen demanded angrily. She screamed in anger as her eyes and hands glowed in purple. She glared at Looma, "I am trying to be nice and finding a way to end this ridiculous and pointless fight. But you've just made me mad, missy! Mysticis Muutos!"

BOOM! Gwen exploded in pure purple colored beams, shocking and scaring everyone off. She began the transformation. Her casual uniform transformed into new clothes. She is now in her Anodite Form worn her Lucky Girl's Mask, a black suit with bright cyan colored vest, gauntlets, leg pads with diamond-like knee pads, black shoes with blue stripes and even has lighter blue colored twin cape-like. She was now levitating while arming with magic powers.

Emerging out from the sewerage tunnels, Team Ben has arrived and entered the construction site. They all gasped in shock and surprise of what they just saw. And just before Ravagers and Looma could do anything, Gwen then unleashed her powerful Unsquiera Despariot, which unleash and repel the enemies off.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Hector demanded.

Kevin smirked, "That's my girlfriend..."

"Wow! I didn't know your cousin could do that," Ester said in surprise.

"Me neither," Ben said in agreement. He asked, "Gwen, how did you-?!"

"Learn from my Grandma Verdona. Instead of going full Anodite powers, I entered the semi-form of Anodite while maintaining human form," Gwen explained calmly and excitedly, "You could say that I'm now the new improved Lucky Girl!"

"So awesome," Ben commented.

Julie nodded, "Definitely awesome!"

Gwen smiled. She turned and glared at Looma, "Are you ready to talk?!"

Looma snarled, "Never!"

Looma screamed in anger. She tried to slam and strike her sledgehammer at Gwen, who used 'Illusive' to summoned her spiritual clones for the Tetramand Princess to miss attacking the real one. And each time she knock the clones, more appeared while firing magical spells at her such as levitating and throwing heavy objects on her, unleashing Magnus Vox and Corona at her face and even punching and kicking her off.

The attacks annoyed and frustrated her a lot. Looma slammed her sledgehammer on the ground, unleashing a quake on Gwen and her spiritual clones to fall down. With them gone, Looma charged and engaged Gwen, who dodged and evaded the attacks while firing and striking her magical spells at her for few times. Looma screamed in anger as she slammed her punch at Gwen, who unleashed and fired Eradiko, which stroke and knocked her off. Looma slammed to the ground hard.

"Ready to surrender?!" Gwen demanded firmly.

"Enough!" The loud booming voice shouted angrily.

Everyone yelped in concern. They looked up and found a large yellow advanced mechanical warship arrived at the scene. It landed on the ground, lowering the ramp down. The mysterious figure revealed himself to be a giant muscular Tetramand worn a large golden armor, helmet with large horn, black suit and golden pads. He has missing parts - missing fourth eye and second right hand. He was accompanied by other Tetramand Elite Guards.

"Well, well, well..." Hector said amusingly, "Gar. Been a while."

"It is," Gar said amusingly. He cleared his throat, I am Gar Red Wind, Warlord of House of the Red Wind and Khoros! Turn Kevin Levin and Gwen Tennuson over to Looma, or face the destruction!"

"Daddy!" Looma called happily.

His daughter hugged Gar happily, he laughed happily, "Ah, there's my girl. You're getting stronger every day. I'm sure you make your enemies quake."

Looma giggled, "Oh. Stop it."

Ben grunted, "This is not good."

"It is," Kevin said in shock and fear.

Departing from hugging his daughter, Gar turned and glared at Team Ben, "Warriors of Earth, I am not a violent man... Per se. But understand, I would do anything to protect my daughter's interest. And therefore, hand over both Gwen and Kevin to me, so I can settle the score with them especially getting my daughter to marry him."

Kevin yelped in concern before touched and turned into metallic form. Team Ben formed perimeter around him. Ravagers and Tetramand Warriors armed themselves with their weapons to deal with them.

"I don't think so!" Max's voice called out. He emerged out from the crates. He wasn't alone. More of Plumbers emerged out from their hideouts such as transports and buildings. Their tanks and spaceships have arrived at the scene as well. He continued, "If you think you can just waltz in here, threatening my home and also take both my granddaughter and her boyfriend for your spoiled daughter's wedding; then you've got another thing coming to you, asshole!"

Team Ben gasped happily to see Max and the Plumbers have arrived at the scene. Ben and Gwen called, "Grandpa Max!"

"I cannot believe he used the cursed words," Rook remarked in shock.

"Tennyson! The nerve of you to show up and ruin my business again!" Hector snapped angrily and annoyingly, "So, why don't you just buzz, old hag?! And stop screwing my work!"

"Don't 'old hag' me, mister!" Max snapped angrily, "Your business done nothing but bringing trouble and destruction here especially when it involved my family! No one gets away with it! And not to mention, you forced your nephew into some stupid arrange marriage when he doesn't want it at all!"

Hector snarled, "So what?! It's none of your business! Ravagers don't back off the words! And he's gonna marry her as the agreement for him getting the tech from Red Winds!"

Gar nodded firmly, "It's true. So, shall we commence with the wedding?!"

"Don't I have anything to say?!" Kevin demanded angrily.

Ben stepped up, "How about this? I'll take your daughter on. If I win, then leave Kevin and Gwen alone!"

"If I win, I'd do anything what I want?" Gar demanded calmly. Ben nodded firmly. He smirked, "Alright, Looma. Are you ready for this challenge?"

Looma smirked as she crunched her knuckles, "To fight the legendary warrior, who saved the universe for three times? I most certainly enjoy this!"

"Are you sure about this?" Gwen asked in concern.

Julie nodded, "Looma looks strong. She could be dangerous."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Ben said firmly, with a wink.

"Be careful, Ben. I've face their kind before. It's not good," Max said seriously.

Hector scoffed, "This ought to be interesting and amusing. Spidey, you might get ready with your prank camera. It's your video production."

Spiderstrike chuckled as he brought the director hat and video camera, "Oh yeah! This is gonna be fun! Time for the video! Just like what I did with Kevin from three years ago!"

Plumbers, Ravagers and Tetramand Warriors formed aside as they formed the dueling ring for both Ben and Looma to fight. Team Ben, Max and Hector were among them to watch the event. Gwen returned to normal. Gar stood between them. He raised and lifted the flag up.

"BEGIN!" Gar exclaimed firmly.

Looma screamed wildly and angrily. She charged as she tried to slam a punch on Ben, who yelped and dodged the attacks at once for three times. He tripped and fell on the ground. She approached to finish him off. He activated his Omnitrix. He transformed into Crashhopper. He kicked her by face. As she recovered from the attack, he bounced around while ramming and knocking her very hard for few times. As he was about to hit her head from back, Looma turned back as she slapped her four hands on Crashhopper's face. She grabbed and slammed him on the ground. She began pounding on him by chest and face.

Gar hummed, "Is Ben a trained fighter?"

"Not really much," Tetrax commented.

Gwen shrugged, "Well, I did train him with martial arts. But not good enough. He has a way to beat the enemies."

Gar scoffed, "Either way, my daughter will be victorious."

"Don't bet on it. Ben will find a way to win this," Max said firmly. He then turned and noticed Hector's smirking. He asked suspiciously, "Wanna tell me why you're smiling?"

Hector smirked, "Nothing much. Just enjoy the embarrassing moments."

"Who? Looma? Or Ben?" Max asked in annoyance.

Hector smirked, "You'll see. It'll be the best one."

Looma continued punching and pounding Crashhopper, who struggled to block and recover to fight back. He grunted in pain as he hit his Omnitrix. He transformed into Clockwork/

"Clockwork?!" Clockwork asked in shock and frustration. He sighed, "Stupid Omnitrix! But better than nothing!"

Clockwork activated his powers from turning his key on head. He has paused the time for the moment. He barely and managed to escape her. He then punched on her by body, hands and even face. He even swung and stroke the hammer by her face. After done tinkering around Looma, he moved away from as he deactivated his powers. Looma yelped and screamed in pain from the attacks. She fell to the ground hard.

Clockwork approached to Looma. And just before he could ask, she grabbed him by leg. She swung and slammed him on the ground and construction transports for few times. He hit his Omnitrix as he transformed into Jetray, who fired his laser beams at Looma's leg. He flew around the area while firing and shooting laser beams at her, who withstand and endure the attacks for the moment. As Jetray get close to Looma, she jumped up high before slammed her sledgehammer on him to the ground. She continued swinging and striking her hammer at him for few times.

Hitting the Omnitrix again, Jetray transformed into Swampfire. Looma smelled the scent from him as she grunted in disgust. He charged and slammed some punches on her. She recovered from the attack. She strike back at him. Both of them have hit and knocked each other fiercely and wildly for few times. Swampfire gave the uppercut punch on Looma's face. She recovered from the attack. She then gave a powerful slap of her hands, which blown him away straight at the construction site, which brought down upon him.

Team Ben and the Plumbers especially Kevin were in shock and concern of what they just saw. Ravagers and Tetramand Warriors gave the loud cheers. Gar cried tearfully and happily over his daughter's victory.

"I've won! I've defeated Ben Tennyson!" Looma exclaimed proudly, She turned and looked at her father, "Did you see it?"

"I am, daughter. Just like your mother..." Gar said proudly and happily. He cleared his throat. He turned and glared at Kevin, "Shall we honor the deal?"

Kevin groaned, "Damn it!"

BOOM! Everyone yelped in surprise. They turned and looked at the construction site. Something just burst out from it. It landed on the ground. It revealed himself to be Four Arms in battle position. They're all in shock and surprise.

"What? You're still standing?!" Looma asked in shock.

Four Arms smirked, "You bet. This fight isn't over. I'm still standing!"

"Four Arms!" Kevin cheered happily. Both Four Arms and Looma charged as they began their serious punches at each other's faces and chests for few times. He whistled, "Finally, a fair fight!"

"Female Tetramands are slightly stronger than males," Rook said in concern. His team turned and glared at him. He yelped, "I mean Ben can handle this! No problem."

"Seriously?" Kevin asked in annoyance.

Julie sighed, "You'll get use to him."

Both Tetramands continued punching at each other fiercely for few times. They both then held each other's knuckles while pushing and ramming firmly and determinedly. They both growled and groaned angrily at each other. Four Arms roared as he broke off the stand before giving a powerful headbutt on Looma's head. He then unleashed powerful clasp of wind blowing her off. She groaned in anger as she charged and attacked Four Arms. Both of them punched and knocked each other for few times. They all then moved back. They both charged and gave their powerful and best punches at each other's faces.

For the moment, both Four Arms and Looma remained stand still while thrusting their punches on the faces. The female Tetramand grunted in pain before dropped her knees to the ground. She lost the fight. The Plumbers cheered out wildly and happily while Tetramand Warriors groaned and moaned in defeat to see her lose.

Four Arms returned to Ben at once. Julie jumped and gave him a warm hug while kissing him by lips. The rest of his friends have arrived and joined with him while cheering for him. However, they then noticed something amiss. They found Ravagers including Hector were laughing amusingly and playfully at them. What was that about.

Gar smiled proudly as he spoke, " At last, a champion fit to marry my daughter. And he's even a Tetramand. Eh, sometimes."

Team Ben and Plumbers yelped in shock and surprise, "WHAT?!"

"You kidding me?!" Ben asked in shock.

Gar scoffed, "No, it is true. Tetramand Women are pledged to the men who defeats them in battle. How else that idiot and his nephew get my Khoros-5 engine block?"

Team Ben turned and glared at Kevin, who was sweating nervously, "Slip my mind?"

Argit sighed, "No. He did not. He purposely keep quiet, so you can take that fall."

"And you knew it?" Max demanded. Hector winked amusingly at him. He groaned, "Then, how come you didn't get married?"

Hector scoffed while crossed his arms, "Simple. I f$#% her painfully and make her scream for mercy. She ran off. Such a bitch girlfriend I ever had. Worse than 200 girlfriends I've met and sex with. At least, Kinceleran is better."

Team Ben were sick and disgusted. Gwen groaned, "Aw man. That is so disgusting. Your uncle is the worse."

"Gee you think?" Kevin asked in annoyance, "Why else you think I left the gang?"

Looma got up as she held Ben by hands, "Oh, my new beloved, what would you like for an engagement gift? Daddy's loaded. And then, we get married!"

"Back off!" Julie pushed Looma back. She continued angrily and firmly, "Maybe you hadn't notice, but I am Ben's girlfriend! You can't just marry when he's got the girlfriend. And not to mention, you guys attacked the Earth."

Gar and Looma were in shock. She asked, "Is she serious?"

Ben nodded, "Trust me. We're still couples. You can't break that."

Looma groaned in disappointment and annoyance. She sighed in defeat, "Very well, Ben Tennyson. I shall honor your decision. It is an honor to duel with you." She turned and glared at Julie, "Mark my word, Armorstrike, I shall reclaimed what is rightfully mine. Rest assure, I shall train very hard to defeat her. You best be prepare, Julie Yamamoto!"

Julie groaned in shock, "Is she serious?"

"Nope. In our culture, when women are competing over men, they must fight to win and gain him to be husband," Gar explained humbly, "Best prepare for it. Good luck..."

Gar, his daughter and warriors returned to their own spaceship. Looma gave the wink at Ben, who looked nervous and uneasy. Julie was annoyed and irritated by her charismatic. The ship then lifted off before blasted off into the space.

"Best movie ever," Hector chuckled. He glared and smirked at Max, "It's been quite the fun especially Spidey recorded the best moments we ever seen. The world's gonna love it!"

Max groaned, "I hate you a lot."

Hector laughed, "I know you do. Well, good luck dealing with marriage problem. And of course, screw Kevin as much as you want. He's yours."

Hector and his Ravagers gotten up on their motorcycles. They rode off at once while making some wild and crazy victory cries. Team Ben and Max turned and glared at Kevin, who is both nervous and uneasy about it.

Kevin chuckled uneasily, "Sorry about the mess?"

POW! Julie gave a powerful punch at Kevin's face. He yelped in pain before falling down on the ground. He groaned and moaned painfully. Everyone sighed in annoyance about him.

"Honestly, Kevin..." Gwen remarked dryly.

"Like father, like son..." Max complimented, "Or worse, like uncle, like nephew..."

"So what are you gonna do with him?" Ester asked.

Gwen sighed, "I'm giving along lecture and punishment for his stupid lies..."

"This is so embarrassing..." Ben groaned.

"Well, if she does come back, we'll take her down together," Julie said calmly. Ben smiled in relief. She then grabbed and pulled Ben away from others. She smiled, "I know one thing that help you stress out..."

Ben looked at her curiously, though he has the idea...

Ben and Julie returned to Tennyson Resident. They were now inside his bedroom. Both of them have removed their clothes. They have their bodies interacting, nuzzling and massaging on each other gently and calmly on top of the bed. They then gave a long passionate kiss and tongue licking and interacting happily. They then departed while looking at each other.

"Oh yeah. This is the best," Ben commented.

Julie giggled, "Like I said. This help you stress out. Give me the best."

Ben smirked, "I intend to..."


Review and Suggest...

Main Casts:
Johnny Yong Bosh: Ben Tennyson
Kelly Hu: Julie Yamamoto/Armorstrike, Ship
Bumper Robinson: Rook Blonko, Terraspin
Dave Fennoy: Tetrax
Ashley Johnson: Gwen Tennyson/Lucky Girl
Greg Cipes: Kevin Levin
Kimberly Brooks: Princess Looma Red Winds

Minor Casts:
Vin Diesel: Hector Levin
Scott Porter: Torrac
Tara Platt: Ester, Madison
Dante Bosco: Dragoon
Bill Fagerbakke: Bearkill
Grey Griffon: Frozen,
Drake Bell: Spiderstrike
Alexander Polinsky: Argit
Paul Eiding: Max Tennyson
John DiMaggio: Madison's Father, Rath
Jim Wood: Diamondhead, XLR8
David Kaye: Gravattack, Gar Red Winds
Dee Bradley Baker: Big Chill, Crashhopper, Clockwork, Swampfire
Richard McGonagle: Four Arms