Hello there, BeConFuzzled Writer here. My first fanfic ever and I have just reworked the entire first chapter. I hope you give it a chance. I own nothing, nor do I intend to profit from this. Tangled is own by Disney. How to Train Your Dragon is owned by Dreamworks. That said, enjoy!
It was a sunny day in Corona. People were happy and were setting up shop for the Grand Kingdom Meeting, an event that took place every one to two years. For tradition, the location would switch between the various countries. This year the hosting kingdom was none other than Corona. And everyone couldn't be more excited, except for a few people.
"I just can't wait for the Grand Kingdom Meeting!" Rapunzel exclaimed as she stopped her painting and searched for other colors, through the shelves of her room with her chameleon, Pascal, "It'll be wonderful to have a grand meeting with the other kingdoms. What do you think, Pascal?"
The chameleon shared a bit of enthusiasm but gave Rapunzel concerned eyes.
"Well, I mean, I met some of them at my coronation. And I know all the kingdoms don't get along, but still. It could be fun. Eugene, you agree with me, right?"
Trying to keep up with the princess, her husband Eugene, the former thief now prince, chased after her as she skipped around her room.
"Rapunzel, I'm as excited as you are. Well, maybe not AS excited as you, but I don't think The Grand Kingdom Meeting is all its cracked up to be. Man, I wish there was a better name."
Rapunzel stopped abruptly, not only because she found the color she was looking for in her creative mess, but to turn towards her husband, who walked over.
"Sorry, Eugene. It's just that I get to meet even more kingdoms. And the topic is magic. I'm just excited to meet others who have some... magical experience. Like my cousin Elsa."
"Yeah, that was some coronation. Who would've thought we could go ice skating in July."
"Or see a live talking snowman," Rapunzel giggled before a thought occurred, and she ran back to resume her painting, "You think Elsa and Anna will bring Olaf?"
Eugene was about to answer when one of the maids caught their attention. It was Cassandra, a personal handmaiden to the princess.
"Got those paints you needed," she said with a basket full of more containers of paint in hand. As she set them down beside Rapunzel, Cassandra looked to admire the painting. "You're putting everything into this one, huh Raps?"
"I've haven't stopped," the princess said with pride before a thought occurred. "It's going to look great at the Grand Kingdom Meeting.
You're excited too, right, Cass?"
Rapunzel gave an anxious face to Cassandra. "Raps, look. It's an important event and all. But every year, the King and Queen never seem excited."
"Plenty excited," snarked the handmaiden.
"Never seem excited, but the Grand-" Rapunzel stopped as she saw the smirks on Eugene and Cassandra. As she grinned sheepishly, she continued, " Sorry. Not only is this a big event for me, but according to mom and dad, this year's the kingdoms will be meeting to discuss magic. So this means other kingdoms had an encounter with other magical elements will be attending. Who knows what we'll see."
"Besides your cousin, you mean," replied Eugene, still staring at the painting.
"From what I heard," Rapunzel, still in a happy mood, despite the discussion, continued to speak, "An ambassador is coming whose bringing a man that has gone looking for rare and magical creatures. I wonder what he has seen."
"And in England, they made a kid king because he pulled a sword out of an anvil in a stone," Eugene remarked. Cassandra stared at the former thief, not believing a word. "I'm serious. They made a kid the King of England jut for pulling out a ."
"I know! Right! And he's coming too. And get this, there a kingdom that got rid of knights for a like ten years."
"I remember that place. Gabylonia. Stealing at that time was something. A lawmaker caught me and just asked if I had a permit to steal while an actual knight just sat across and glared at me."
"Not to mention that one of the visiting kingdoms is full of warriors. I heard they once had the queen turned into a bear," Cassandra said blandly, trying to see if Rapunzel had paid attention. Eugene looked at her, wondering if that event was real. Rapunzel stopped painting to look at her friends. Eugene gave his wife a face that said, 'that can't be good either way.' Walking over, the princess reassured her friend and husband with a hug, with Pascal with joined in too.
"You guys, things will work out fine. I mean, sure, a kingdom made up of strong warriors sounds terrifying, but look at the thugs Corona. They turned out to be more than that. How bad can they be?"
Eugene and Cassandra eyed each for a moment, not sharing Rapunzel's optimistic enthusiasm. As they pulled away from the hug, Rapunzel then got a look at their doubt. Also, the paint on their faces, which they also rubbed out. The princess reached to make another attempt before a guardsman opened the door.
"The king and queen wish to see you, your majesty." the guard said, closing the door as he left.
"We'll talk about this later," Rapunzel said as she walked to the door, "Don't worry. We've made it through probably worse."
"I think the worst was the evil stepmother that nearly killed me." Eugene tried to say to his wife. It was too late, though, as Rapunzel was out of earshot and ran to her parents. Cassandra stared at Eugene. "What? I don't like dying."
Horns blared in the royal throne room as they announced Rapunzel's entrance. Despite the loud horns, the princess thanked her announcers as they stood down. Ever since being reunited with her family, Rapunzel enjoyed every second she could. But she still needed to get used to some of the perks, like the horns.
"The announcer is really...into it today," Rapunzel said as she rubbed her ears.
King Fredric and Queen Arianna looked over to the entrance. They embraced Rapunzel with a hug, who returned the gesture. Separating, the Queen spoke.
"Well, everyone is excited about this event," Arianna said, "Some more than others, while some are nervous. With one stressed king."
Rapunzel looks at her father to see his concerned face and a nervous smile.
"Dad, is everything alright?"
Fredric sighed, placed his hand on head, as while he tried to find the right words. It isn't until he felt his wife and daughter had put their hands on his shoulders does he speak.
"Rapunzel, the Grand Kingdom Meeting is a way for every kingdom to come together in a show of peace."
"And there had been peace across the kingdoms, right?", Rapunzel questioned in partial confusion, "We're not at war. At least I don't recall hearing any declarations. There no war, right?"
The king could not honestly answer that question. Politics has always been a complicated game. All he could do was wave his arms around in his futile attempts. Seeing that she may not be getting an answer, Rapunzel turns to her mother.
"This is about the fact that magical kingdom with be joining us this time, right?" asked the princess, "That is what this is about? Mom?"
Now Queen Arianna looked concerned.
"Rapunzel, politics is complicated. No one ever truly gets along with another. The kingdoms created the meeting to bring peace, but that's never really happened. We're just worried that it may be a little intense for you. The only thing anyone has ever agreed on was that the Grand Kingdom Meeting isn't the best name."
"For centuries, we've managed to have a delicate balance with the kingdoms," the king spoke, having found the right words. "But with events like Elsa's coronation and the pulling of the sword in the stone, countries are at odds end. This year will be the first time magic will be brought up. "
Rapunzel listened along to her parent's advice. She understood what this meant, but for eighteen years, she had magical hair. For those years, she afraid of being hunted and had been told that people coveted power like hers. Because of that, Rapunzel had a different understanding of magic than her parents. The princess believed she could help make a difference.
"Mom. Dad. Just because magic exists doesn't mean we need to fear it," Rapunzel said with confidence, "It can be beautiful. I think I need to be at the meeting to help everyone understand that. Elsa has powers, and her kingdom loves her."
King Fredric didn't know what to say. He didn't share his daughter's perspective on magic. Ever since the kidnapping, the king had obtained a fear and dislike of the magical elements, due to the apparent desire that people had for them. Even after being reunited, he still feared what was in the world. It was only after months of bonding with his daughter, that distilled the fear.
When Rapunzel returned from Arendelle and heard of the events that transpired, the feelings of dread returned, now with the knowledge that magic may have a connection with the family. With the Grand Kingdom Meeting debate on magic, Elsa and Anna would surely join this year. King Fredric, not knowing how to deal with meeting his magical niece, especially since this is the first meeting, was not looking forward to the Grand Kingdom Meeting.
"Dad, I doubt the kingdoms will bring wizards and witches. And if you're worried about me-" Rapunzel said before she is interrupted.
"It's not just you. Some of the citizens are concerned too." King Fredric said with a stern voice. "And they should be. Most of the people don't know what happens in the discussions. And Highlanders are visiting for the first time. Now we could be at war with them if things go wrong. And this has put some of our concerned citizens at cause for alarm and-"
"Dad!" Rapunzel interrupted her father now, "Everyone will be fine. This kingdom is strong. We have helped turn around most of the criminals in Corona." Rapunzel sent the king a smile. "If anything happens, we'll be sure to handle it."
The queen looked to her daughter, eyes full of pride and joy. She was happy to see how Rapunzel was taking charge. But that did not clear the doubt in the king's mind, for the world was still full of dangers beyond the magical kind. King Fredric even feared what could come to this meeting.
"Rapunzel," said Arianna. "Take a look at Pascal."
She pointed to the chameleon, who had hidden in Rapunzel's hair when the conversation seemed to be getting tense. Of course, like a chameleon, he had changed colors and was distinguishable from his nervous and fearful shaking.
"See how frightened he is. Imagine that only ten times worse. That's is most likely how these meetings will go. I understand you want to take part in this important event. But you must know that not everyone will listen to you because you had magic."
Rapunzel understood her father. King Trevor of Equis could be a little much at times, plus he could be sneaky and devious when he wanted. So this meant the meeting was overbearing or like a battlefield at most. A little scared, this did not deter the princess. She could be stubborn that way, and she hadn't backed down from her decision.
Rapunzel took her color-changing friend and caressed him gently. She didn't mean to give Pascal a scare. Ever since being officially recognized as the Princess of Corona, Rapunzel looked forward to helping the people of Corona. Even though she still had a lot to learn about completing tasks her way. Her father asked her to wear shoes at times.
"Sorry," the princess spoke as she held Pascal in her hands. "I'm just excited. I want to make you two proud, and that's why I want to attend."
"We understand, and we are proud of you," Arianna said. She cupped Rapunzel in her hand as the two made eye contact. "But this is different."
"You remember King Trevor?" Fredric asked his daughter, who nodded back. "You know how he can generally be. At the meeting, he'll be far more, well, him. Do you understand?"
After a period of silence, the king and queen relented. As much as they wanted to protect her, Fredric even more, the two parents couldn't hold up long for their daughter. Arianna whispered that it might better if they support her, but she stayed close to them at all times.
With a sigh and, somewhat, heavy mind, Rapunzel was allowed to go to attend the debates and other events held during the Grand Kingdom Meeting. The princess jumped and hugged her parents tightly and thanked them. Before Rapunzel could leave, her mom halted her for a moment.
"By the way, I hear you have been working on a new painting. Right? Is it for the Grand Kingdom Meeting."
"You heard? Do you want to see it? It's going to be amazing," Rapunzel said with unbridled glee as she reached the door handle. "I have been working on this one for a while, and I think I got something this time. You have no idea how many time Cassandra went to get paint from the shop."
The king and queen chuckled since the paint shop sent a token of appreciation to the princess. She hasn't seen it, but the royal couple plan to surprise her with it later.
"I can't wait to see it," replied the king.
"I hope this is the one you'll show," remarked the queen.
The three walked out of the throne to see Rapunzel's project. They would talk later, hopefully with a better perspective. But they all agreed that this meeting would be different than others.
"I mean, what's beyond magic powers, glowing hair, and queen bears?" thought the princess.
Outside of Corona within the mountain range and forest, a young man in black scale armor looked over the horizon towards the kingdom.
"Toothless...bud...I don't think we're in the archipelago anymore," the man said.
And we stop here. Next chapter, we get to introduce Hiccup. Please leave a review. Thank you, and I hope to see you next time.