"Harry! Post has arrived!" Harry ran down while putting on his green hoodie, grinning brightly as he nearly ran into the door. He picked up the post and skipped into the living room, flicking through the letters. His grin still on his face as he found the one he was looking for.

"It's here." Harry all but whispered. It was time. Aunt Petunia smiled. "Go on then, open it." She encouraged. Just as he was doing this, Dudley came down tiredly. After all it was only eight o'clock in the morning. He blinked once when he saw Harry holding a letter. "It actually came?" Dudley questioned in disbelief. His Mother shh'ed him as Harry read the letter out loud.

"Dear Mr H. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find a list of all the necessary books and equipment.

We await your owl no later than July 31st. Term starts September 1st.

Yours Sincerely,

Minevera McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress"

Harry's smile was bright as he looked at both Dudley and his Aunt. "Where can we get this stuff, Auntie? Should I reply now?" He questioned and his Aunt withheld a sigh. She knew where her Nephew needed to go. But, she didn't want to set foot in that alley. She also knew the boy shouldn't go alone.

"Yes dear, reply now." She spoke, frowning. Harry noticed her frown. "What's wrong?" Harry questioned once more and this time his Aunt did sigh.

"I can't set foot in Diagon Alley, Harry. You can't go to the Alley by yourself, I don't think. But do you want a teacher to go with you?" She asked. "Because if you do, I would request one with your letter." Harry thought for a minute before grinning, having an idea. Morgan. He thought.

"I know who to take with me, Auntie. Don't worry. Oh, can I go now?"

This was where Dudley butted in. "Hey! How come he gets to skip school?!" Dudley questioned ludicrously and Petunia sighed. "You both don't need to go to school. Harry, reply to that letter. I'll take the day off work. We can all go to London for the day, how's that?" Dudley grinned, nodding excitedly.

Harry ran up the stairs, heading to his room. As he opened the door, Harry had the scare of his life when he saw Morgan sitting on his desk chair, looking at a photo album. Harry closed the door. "Hello, Morgan. Good to see you again,"

Morgan looked up to see Harry had changed slightly from the last time he had seen him. Harry seemed a lot more happier and actually had clothes that fitted him. Harry had also grown, both physically and mentally, Morgan noticed. Which pleased him greatly. Harry had done as he asked.

"You too, Harry my boy. So, did you get your letter?" Morgan asked with a warm smile. Harry nodded once, smiling, handing the Hogwarts letter to Morgan. "I'm about to reply. My Aunt, Dudley and I are going to London today. How would you feel about coming with us?" Morgan blinked a few times at the request. How would he feel about returning to the magical world? Back to his second home?

"I... Harry there is something you need to know. But first, I will show you something." Harry nodded, his eyes showing confusion. "I will be recognised in your world, so..." Harry watched as Morgan held what looked to be an old potions bottle, and Harry took a step back as Morgan's eyes turned golden. Harry blinked at the change. Morgan now looked to be about thirty, with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He looked different than before... but... Harry felt like he had seen Morgan before. He searched the shelf for the Arthurian book. Flicking quickly through the pages, he held the book up to Morgana's face.

"Merlin?" Harry whispered. Merlin nodded once and Harry couldn't believe it. His oldest friend had been the greatest warlock ever to have lived? "But won't they recognise you like that?" Harry questioned after a moment of stunned silence. This is where Merlin smiled.

"No. I came to the wizarding world in my old man disguise. Never showing what I really looked like. Only the Goblin's and Elves will know who I really am." Merlin spoke and Harry grinned. "You might want to change your clothes, Sir. Old man clothes don't suit you very well like this." He said cheekily and Merlin raised his eyebrows. But he wouldn't mind showing Harry a bit of magic.

He pulled his wand out and closed his eyes, thinking of what he wanted to wear. With wordless magic, the clothes changed. Harry's mouth dropped to the floor, eyes wide. "Wow!" Merlin was now in modern wizard clothes and a robe. It was so cool for Harry to see.

"Now, I will meet you in the back of the pub your Aunt will tell you about. Be warned, though. You will be recognised. You look a lot like your parents," Merlin said softly and Harry's eyes started to water as Merlin disappeared once more.

"Harry! Are you ready?" His Aunt shouted from downstairs. Harry nodded. "Yeah!" He said, putting on his leather jacket and putting the letter in his pocket. He will write back to Hogwarts tonight.

It didn't take long to get to London by train. An hour at the most and even Dudley seemed to be excited. But Harry thought that was because he was skipping school more than going to see everything in London. His Aunt showed him the Pub Merlin spoke of and Harry was suddenly feeling very nervous. He really didn't want to be recognised. Maybe he could just go straight through without stopping?

"Well. Meet you back here around five, Harry? I'm sure that's plenty of time." His Aunt told him and Harry nodded, not being able to stop smiling, even though his nerves were builing up. "That is. Thank you, Auntie. For everything," He said sincerely and Petunia smiled, nodding at Harry. Dudley felt like he needed to say something to his cousin. They weren't best friends but they didn't hate each other like they used to.

"Good luck, cousin." Dudley said and Harry's smile, if possible, brightened even more. "Thank you, Dudley."

With a wave of goodbye, Harry opened the door to the pub, with a mission. He got half way through when he bumed into someone. He cringed when he heard a mug crash to the floor, making those in the pub turn and glance to him. What an entrance, Harry. He thought, as even the bartender was shocked.

"Why, it can't be. Harry Potter?" Damn. "I'm sorry about the mug, Sir." Harry spoke into the shocked silence.

"No, do not worry. Are you looking to get into the Alley? I'm Tom," Harry was surpised when one or two people started to get out of their seats, shaking his hand. Saying things like 'welcome back, Mr Potter', 'Thank you, Mr Potter'. Harry started to walk towards the back door after he said hello to most. Not giving anyone else a chance to greet him. He glanced at Tom.

"Sorry again. I know how to get in, thank you Sir." Tom nodded with a slight frown and without another word Harry closed the door, clearly not liking the attention at all. What Harry did not know what that the Defense teacher, Professor Quill, had a slight frown on his face. Interesting. Quill's master thought.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief when seeing Merlin, who looked at Harry with a smirk. "Quite the entrance, Harry." Harry rolled his eyes, grinning again.

"I try my best," Harry joked back which made Merlin chuckle. "Remember this sequence, Harry." Merlin spoke and Harry watched as Merlin used his wand to tap certain bricks which Harry memorised in his head.

"Welcome, Harry. To Diagon Alley."

Harry felt he would never forget this - the sight of a cobbled street, with magical shops left and right. He felt the magic in the air... it felt like home. His eyes followed the shops to a beautiful, wonky, golden building with the words 'Gringots' hanging on the place. Harry's mouth felt like it would drop to the ground.

"I had the same look on my face," Merlin spoke, smiling warmly at Harry, who had to blink a few times to get him out of his daze. "To Gringots?" Harry asked after a few more moments and Merlin nodded.

The walk didn't take too long. After all, Harry would be looking at the shops later. He didn't like how crowded it was. But at least no one was really paying attention to him. Harry read the sign as they reached the entrance to Gringots.

"Well, you'd be stupid to try and break into Gringots in the first place." Harry summarised and Merlin grinned. "That is a very good point." He said as they entered.

Merlin knew from the looks he was getting that the Goblin's saw right through him. Harry, if he was honest, was a little scared of the Goblins. He hadn't seen anything like them. Harry wasn't quite sure what to expect. As they reached the Head Goblin, Harry stood a little closer to Merlin.

"We would like to access Mr Potter's vault." The Goblin looked down to the pair and his eyes widened with recognition.

"Well, well, well. Griphook, would you take over for half an hour. I need to have a word with these two." The Goblin besides the Head Goblin nodded.

"Of Course Ironclaw."

Harry glanced at Merlin, who nodded at Harry which reassured him ever so slightly. "We aren't in trouble, are we?" He asked quietly to Merlin who shook his head.

"It's not us who's in trouble," He spoke gravely and Harry frowned in confusion. What was going on?Author's NoteSorry for the late update. I'll try and keep updates every week but I do get busy, and it might be a while before the next one. Hope you enjoyed said update. Review kindly or not at all.